Carter (Remington Ranch Book 3)

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Carter (Remington Ranch Book 3) Page 14

by SJ McCoy

  She handed it over with a smile. “Thanks.” She turned to Summer “Is there a restroom around here? I can’t bring myself to go on the plane.”

  Summer nodded and pointed toward the ladies room.

  “How about I take the bag and bring the truck around?” asked Carter.

  Summer smiled. She wasn’t sure if he wanted to give her a minute with her sister or get a minute to himself.

  “That’d be great, thanks. We’ll see you out front.” As he started to turn away, she caught his arm and pulled him back. He looked puzzled until she reached her arms up around his neck and planted a peck on his lips. “We won’t be long.” She felt bad that his neck turned red again, but not as bad as she would have if she’d just let him walk away to take care of the bags and get the car like some kind of chauffeur.

  Autumn raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow at her as he walked away. “Was that for my benefit or his?”

  Summer chuckled. Her sister didn’t miss a trick. “Honestly? I don’t know if it was more for your sake, his sake, or mine! I just wanted it, need it to be very clear, to both of you, that he is really important to me.”

  Autumn’s angular features softened as she smiled. “I could see that anyway; you didn’t need to embarrass the poor guy.”

  Summer rolled her eyes. “I keep messing this up.”

  “Then, I’m guessing it’s very important to you indeed.”

  Summer nodded.

  Autumn pushed her way into the bathroom. “Sounds as though we need to talk,” she called when she’d closed the door behind her. “What do you think he’ll make of Nashville?”

  Summer covered her face with both her hands. How to answer that one without getting into the whole can of worms right here? “I don’t know yet. And for the moment, I’m more concerned with what you’re going to think of Montana. Hurry up in there, will you? I want to get going so you can see the valley.”

  Autumn emerged from the bathroom and eyed Summer while she washed her hands. “I sense tension, sister. What are you not telling me?”

  Summer’s heart stopped beating for a moment. “What do you mean?”

  Autumn gave her a skeptical look. “You know exactly what I mean. Stop stalling for time and tell me what you’re so worried about. The big show you made out there, the way you just dodged my question about what he’s going to make of Nashville. What are you so uptight about?”

  Summer stared at her. “I’m so uptight because I want you to like him. I want you to like him because I love him!”

  Autumn laughed. “I already knew that!”

  Summer had to take a moment to catch up with herself. “You always were the smart one! I didn’t even know it until I just told you.”

  “Oh, wow! You mean you haven’t told him?”

  “How could I? I seriously did not know it until right now.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t worry about it. He loves you, too. It took me all of two seconds to realize that when I walked through the doors and laid eyes on the pair of you.” She smiled through pursed lips. “Looks like you’ve got some catching up to do.”

  Summer nodded, she did, they did. But then, so did Autumn. She needed to catch up on the fact that it didn’t really matter what Carter might think of Nashville, because no way on earth would he ever move there. Even if he said he would, Summer wouldn’t let him. She couldn’t ask that of him.

  “Why do I get the feeling there’s more to this than you’re telling me?”

  Autumn really didn’t miss a trick.

  Summer sighed. “It’s complicated. For now, can we get out of here? I’ll tell you all about it when we get to the house. Carter’s going to drop us off there and then pick us up tonight to go to Cassidy’s party.”

  “Okay, but don’t think you’re going to be able to hide it from me. I want to know what’s going on with you. I want to see you happy. That’s what matters most to me.”

  Summer hoped that she really meant that, but how could she if Summer making herself happy would cost Autumn her job? She let them out of the restroom and pointed to the doors. “Come on, Carter’s waiting.”

  Autumn linked arms with her as they went. “And by the way? He’s gorgeous! Are there any more like him? Cassidy got engaged to his brother, right?”

  Summer nodded. “She did, but Shane’s a different character altogether.”

  Autumn laughed, “Let me guess there isn’t another one like Carter anywhere in the world, let alone amongst his brothers. He’s unique—and you got him!”

  “That about sums it up.” It was true. The part that bothered Summer was whether or not she might get to keep him.

  When they reached the house, Autumn had the same reaction as Summer had the first time she’d seen it. She loved it. “It’s gorgeous,” she said when she’d got out of the truck. She turned around in a circle admiring the views of the mountains in every direction. I can see why you were in a hurry to get back here.”

  Summer smiled, relieved that her sister could see and understand why she loved the place so much—even without taking Carter into account, this place had captured her heart.

  Carter brought Autumn’s bag around. “Do you want me to take this in, before I get going?”

  “Aren’t you going to stay a while?” asked Autumn.

  He shook his head. “I need to get going, and besides, I thought the two of you would want some time to catch up with each other. I’ll come pick you up tonight for the party.”

  Summer smiled. “I wish you’d stay, but I know we’re not going to be able to persuade you, are we?”

  “No. I’ll see you later.”

  She took the bag from his hand and reached up to kiss him. “Okay. Say hi to Hero for me.”

  He smiled and hugged her to him. When he let go he tipped his hat at Autumn. “You two have yourselves a great afternoon. I’ll see you later.”


  They stood in the driveway in front of the house and watched his truck disappear.

  “Wow!” said Autumn.


  “He’s perfect! I mean we need to use him in your next video.”

  Summer sighed. Carter would never even entertain the idea. She knew it. “Slow down. We don’t even know if I’m going to be making any more videos, do we? Remember why I’m here?”

  “I do. And I’m starting to wonder. Your voice sounds fine. You’re talking just like normal. There must be something in the air—or in your bed—that suits you out here. You sound better already.”

  Summer chuckled. “There is something in my bed that suits me.”

  Autumn laughed with her. “You have to tell me, though.”

  “Tell you what?”

  “Well, the size of him, makes me wonder about steroids. And you know what they say about steroids. Did he shrink?”

  Summer laughed and shook her head. “He’d never touch steroids, and no, there’s nothing small about him!”

  “Good to know. On both counts!”

  “Come on. Let’s get you inside. I want to show you around.”

  “Okay. Show me around. Give me a glass of wine and tell me everything.”

  As Summer led her up the steps to the front door, she wondered how much of everything she wanted to tell Autumn yet.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Carter sat at the bar with Shane. He smiled to himself as he watched Summer chatting with Cassidy and Autumn. The three of them hadn’t stopped talking in what seemed like hours. The party was going great, and after the buffet the three girls had found themselves a table and were catching up. He enjoyed seeing Summer so happy and animated. Her voice seemed to be holding up really well.

  Shane slapped him on the back. “You look like a happy man, Big C. I knew you wouldn’t have anything to worry about with the sister. She gets it, doesn’t she?”

  Carter’s smile faded a little as he turned to Shane. “I think so. I don’t know though. At the end of the day, I’m not really sure that it matters whether she gets it or not.�

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because in a couple of months’ time, Summer is going to be back in Nashville. None of this will matter anymore, will it?”

  Shane frowned. “Why does she have to live in Nashville? There must be plenty of country music singers who don’t live there full time.”

  Carter thought about it. Now he felt really dumb; it had never occurred to him that she didn’t have to live there, even if she continued to work there. He shrugged. “It’s where her life is.”

  “It looks to me as though she likes the life she has here better.”

  Carter sighed. “That’s for her to decide, Shane. Not me.”

  Shane held a hand up. “Sorry, bro.”

  “That’s okay. How about we change the subject, huh?”

  A hand came down on his shoulder, making him turn around in a hurry.

  “I hope you’re not changing the subject because I’m here?” asked Beau. He was joking, but there was a touch of concern in his eyes.

  “Course we’re not. I’m just tired of talking about the impossible with me and Summer.”

  “I hope it’s not impossible. You two are great together.”

  Carter rolled his eyes. “Like I was just saying. I’m sick of talking about it.”

  “Fair enough. Can I ask you one more thing before I drop it?”

  “Fire away.”

  “How likely do you think it is that she might want to buy the house?”

  Carter frowned. He had no idea!

  Beau punched his arm. “I’m not asking about your future. I’m asking about my investment. Carly and James, the couple you met the other day? They’re looking to buy a place. Summer’s rental would be perfect for them, but I told her she could have first refusal on it. I don’t want to push her—either way. I was just hoping you could give me some idea of what her plans might be.”

  Carter shook his head. “I wish I could help you, Beau, but I just don’t know.”

  Beau nodded. “Sorry, bro.” He shot a look at Shane. “I guess I really am an asshole sometimes, huh?”

  Shane grinned at him. “Nah, you’re just misunderstood!”

  Beau laughed. “Yeah, I am that. I’m not the hard-hearted bastard people make me out to be. Just misunderstood. That’s all.”

  Carter wanted to lighten the mood. “From what I saw the other day, you were a real sweetie pie with that little kid.”

  Beau rolled his eyes. “Ruby? The kid’s a monster!”

  Carter laughed. “She’s adorable!”

  “Yeah, an adorable little monster. She’s a two foot tyrant! She scares me shitless!”

  Shane laughed. “She’s Carly and James’s niece, right? She’s quite the little character.”

  “That’s a nice way of putting it,” said Beau.

  “Yeah, I’m not surprised her mom needed a break from her. I don’t think Carly and James knew what they were letting themselves in for, bringing her out here on vacation,” said Shane.

  “From what they told me, her mom has had a lot going lately. Had a rough ride by the sounds of it. If they do buy a place here she might come stay in it for a while.”

  “Well, back to your original question,” said Carter. “I honestly don’t know if Summer is interested in buying the place. I hope she is.”

  Shane grinned at him. “It’d be quite a commute to work for her, but I get the feeling she’d think it was worth it.”

  Carter nodded. He didn’t want to keep thinking about it. It made his head hurt to keep wondering over what might happen. He wanted to get back to just enjoying what they had while they had it.

  “Is that her sister with her and Cassidy?” asked Beau.

  “Yeah, that’s Autumn. She’s cool.”

  Shane nodded. “I like her. I didn’t know what to expect, but she is pretty cool.”

  Carter watched Beau cast an appraising eye over Summer’s sister. “You want me to introduce you?”

  Beau shook his head. “No, thanks. I wouldn’t want to venture into the middle of three women talking up a storm like they are!”

  Carter laughed. “Wise man.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Summer looked over her shoulder to where Carter was sitting at the bar with his brothers.

  “Don’t worry,” said Autumn. “He isn’t going anywhere.”

  Summer gave her a sheepish grin. “I didn’t think he was, I just like to look.”

  Autumn laughed. “Well, I can understand that. He’s a good-looking guy. They both are!” She watched for a minute. “Who’s that with them? It’s got to be another brother.”

  “That’s Beau, the black sheep,” said Cassidy.

  Autumn raised an eyebrow, looking interested. “Tell me more. You know I like the bad boys.”

  “He’s not a bad boy,” said Summer quickly. “He’s a sweetheart really. He’s just more reserved than the others.”

  Cassidy laughed. “Yeah, he’s not your kind of bad boy, Autumn. Not your type at all.”

  “Ah well. He’s definitely good to look at. They all are. I just feel better about looking at one that doesn’t already belong to one of you!”

  Cassidy caught Summer’s eye. She shrugged. She knew Cassidy wanted to know if she’d made any decisions, and if she was ready to talk to Autumn about them. She didn’t have any answers though.

  Autumn looked at her. There wasn’t going to be any getting off the hook it seemed.

  “So what are you thinking, are you planning on buying the house?”

  “Yes!” She hadn’t known it until her sister had asked her, but now she seized upon it as one decision that she could make easily. And one that shouldn’t have any negative repercussions for anyone.

  She looked at them both. “It’s a great house, isn’t it? I do love it.”

  “But not nearly as much as you love Carter?” asked Autumn.

  Cassidy’s eyebrows shot up.

  “Don’t be offended that she hasn’t told you,” said Autumn. “She hasn’t told him yet, either.”

  Cassidy held Summer’s gaze.

  She shrugged. “I didn’t realize it myself until madam here arrived.”

  “And where does it leave you?” asked Cassidy.

  Summer shrugged again. “I have no idea.”

  “I do,” said Autumn with a grin. “It’ll open up some awesome promo opportunities for you. I’m going to have so much fun with this. I can see it now. Sweet little Summer is back. She’s won her battle to recover her voice, and now she has the perfect all American cowboy on her arm as she returns triumphant to Nashville! I was serious you know, Summer. We need to use him in your next video.”

  Cassidy looked as horrified as Summer felt.

  “No! Autumn, that’s not going to work. Carter would never go for any of that, and I wouldn’t ask him to!”

  Autumn smiled. “I bet you he would! He’d do anything for you.”

  Summer shook her head adamantly. “I wouldn’t ask him to. He’d hate it. He’d hate Nashville.”

  Autumn frowned. “Well, if you two are going to have anything together he’s going to have to get used to Nashville, isn’t he?”

  Summer sighed.

  “What are you saying?” Autumn looked worried now.

  “I’m not saying anything yet. We don’t even know if I’ll be able to sing again anyway.”

  “You’re not talking about throwing in the towel are you?”

  “No.” She wasn’t, but only because she didn’t want to do that to her sister. She felt like crap. No matter what she did she was going to hurt one of the two people who meant the most in the world to her.

  She smiled at Autumn. “I don’t know what I’m saying. I don’t know what I want. I do know I don’t want to hurt Carter and I don’t want to mess things up for you. Give me some time? Let me figure out what I want?”

  Autumn nodded. “Of course. You know I only want what’s best for you.”

  Summer just wished that what was best for her wouldn’t turn out to be what wa
s worst for her sister.

  Cassidy looked from Summer to Autumn and back again. “This is all very touching, and I’m sure you’ll figure it out, but for now, can we remember that this is supposed to be my engagement party? Let’s go find those guys and dance with them, can we?”

  Summer smiled. She knew Cassidy wasn’t nearly as heartless as she was trying to appear. She just wanted them to move on from a matter that they weren’t going to resolve right here and now anyway.

  Autumn grinned at her. “It’s good to know our Cass hasn’t changed. She can’t have the spotlight taken away from her for more than a couple of minutes at a time.”

  “She always was self-centered.” Summer stuck her tongue out at her friend.

  Cassidy shrugged. “What can I say, I’m special!”

  As they made their way over to the bar to join the guys, Summer was grateful to Cassidy. She did have a lot of thinking to do, but what she wanted most right now was to be with Carter. To feel his arms around her as they danced. To forget all the problems the future might hold and just enjoy this evening.

  ~ ~ ~

  Carter smiled when he saw them approaching. Summer came straight to him and he slid down from his stool and put an arm around her shoulders. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m great. We came to see if you want to dance?”

  Shane laughed. “Carter doesn’t dance.”

  She looked up at him.

  “Ignore my little brother. I don’t usually dance, but that doesn’t mean I can’t—or that I don’t want to.”

  He led her out onto the dance floor and closed his arms around her. She rested one hand against his chest and looped the other up around his neck. Hell, if dancing meant he got to hold her like this, he’d dance forever!

  “How are you holding up?” he asked as they swayed to the music.

  She nodded. “My throat’s feeling a bit raspy, but other than that I’m okay.”

  He smiled. “I’m surprised you’ve got any voice left at all.”

  She laughed. “Cassidy and Autumn did most of the talking—honest!”

  “Yeah, right. If you say so.”

  “They did! I just had to answer questions now and again.”

  He frowned. “What did they want to know?”


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