Carter (Remington Ranch Book 3)

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Carter (Remington Ranch Book 3) Page 21

by SJ McCoy

  “Carter?” She came running out of the living room and threw herself at him. As she wrapped her arms up around his neck, he closed his own around her waist and lifted her off her feet. He lowered his head to kiss her.

  She pecked his lips, but then pulled back to look at him. “Tell me what you’re thinking? I was so worried. I thought you were taking off again and that you wouldn’t come back.”

  He put a finger to her lips. Her voice sounded really bad, and she didn’t need to use it up asking questions. He was about to answer them all anyway.

  “I’m thinking, I love you. I’m sorry I took off without talking to you. I was just going to run, but I didn’t.”

  “But what did you do?”

  “I went and interfered.”

  She tipped her head back so she could look him in the eye. She looked worried. “You did? How?”

  He grinned. “I went to see Clay.”

  She turned pale.

  “Don’t worry. It all worked out.”

  “But what about Ashley? What about Autumn?”

  “Maybe you should talk to Autumn about that?”

  “I would, but she’s not answering her phone!”

  Carter grinned. “Hang on a minute, then.” He went back to open the front door and waved. Summer’s hand flew up to cover her mouth when she saw first Autumn, then Clay climb out of the truck. She looked up at Carter with big round eyes. “What the…”

  He grinned. “Like I said, I went to see Clay, we went to see Autumn, and then we all came back here. It’s all going to be okay, darlin’.”

  She wrapped both arms around his waist and hugged him tight. He held her to him and grinned at Autumn and Clay over her head as they reached the front door. “Come on in,” he said. “I think we’ve all got some explaining to do.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Summer was having a hard time processing it all. She’d been sitting there wondering how to convince Carter that he’d better not leave her so her sister would be okay. She’d been trying to figure out how to make sure her sister would be okay, no matter what Summer herself did, and she’d been wondering whether she shouldn’t just risk going to Clay about it all. Now the three of them were all here, telling her that everything was okay!

  Once they were all seated in the living room she looked around at them. “So what happened? What’s going on?”

  Clay smiled at her. “What happened is that your man here did what you should have done in the first place and came to me.”

  Summer nodded. She should have known Clay would take care of her—and Autumn. “I’m sorry.”

  “No need to be, little girl. It all worked out for the best.” He grinned at Autumn. “Do you want to tell her?”

  Autumn smiled. “When Carter told Clay what Ashley was doing, they both came back to Nashville. I’d set up a meeting with Ashley this morning. Like I told you yesterday, I was about to tell her I was through. In fact, I did tell her I was through.”

  “What did she say?”

  “That she was going to make sure no one else in town would work with me.”

  Clay nodded. “That was the point where we walked in. I feel like a fool having given Ashley so much say over the business. I hired her believing she was the best. I was wrong—she just talks the best story. It’s her that won’t find work in Nashville again.”

  Wow! Summer knew what a big deal it was for Clay to fire her. Ashley had been the lynchpin of the label. It was only since she’d been around that Clay had been able to go back out on tour himself. She looked at him, hoping this wouldn’t mean that he’d be tied to the office again and have his own music take a back seat. “But what will you do now?”

  He grinned at Autumn. “I already knew who really was the best in the industry. Unfortunately, she was tied into an exclusive gig with one particular artist. She’s free now though, and I just hired her to fill the position that became available this morning.”

  “Oh my God!” She looked at Autumn. “You mean you’re the new Director?”

  Autumn nodded. “I’d like to be. If you don’t need me?”

  Summer laughed. “I’ll always need you—as my sister—but not as my business manager anymore.” Her smile faded as she turned to Clay. “I don’t want to wait until my three months are up to make the decision, Clay. I’m done.” She took hold of Carter’s hand. “I don’t want to sing anymore. I want to stay here.” She smiled up at him. “And be with the man I love.”

  His big brown eyes were full of love as he smiled back down at her.

  “I already knew you weren’t coming back, little girl. Remember what I told you before you left? When the day came you were ready to walk away, it’d be okay. It is okay.” His expression changed. “Do you mind if I ask what you are going to do with yourself, though?”

  Summer sighed. That was one thing that had bothered her all along. What could she do here? She shrugged. “I’ll figure something out.”

  Clay raised an eyebrow. “How would you feel about writing?”


  He laughed. “Songs, not books! You’ve always written your own, how would you feel about writing for other artists?”

  Summer thought about it. It could be fun. She nodded slowly.

  “You don’t have to decide right now, but think it over.”

  “I will. Thanks, Clay.” He nodded, then checked his watch. “I need to get on my way. I’m in Seattle tomorrow night.”

  Summer looked at Autumn. “What about you?”

  Autumn grinned. “I’m going with my new boss. I want to take the opportunity to bend his ear about changes I have in mind for the label. How we can do things better. And I want to…”

  Clay grinned at Carter. “If I live to regret this, I’m going to be blaming you, son.”

  Carter grinned back at him. “You won’t regret it. You wanted the best person for the job. You’ve got her. Now all you have to do is keep up.”

  Autumn got up and went to hug him. “And it’s all thanks to you, Carter.”

  Summer loved the way he smiled. He looked proud of himself and bashful at the same time.

  Clay came to shake his hand. “Thanks again, son. I’m not going to say good-bye, just see you soon, because I’m pretty sure I will.”

  Carter laughed. “There’s not much point saying anything yet. We need to get you back to the airport. It’s not as though you can just call a cab, so you’ve got us for another hour at least.”

  “Ah, good point,” said Clay. “I guess I’m just used to walking outside and being able to get a cab.”

  “That’s too much city living for you,” said Carter. “You need to spend some time out here. Remember where you came from.”

  Summer smiled as she watched the two men together. She hoped they might become friends; they certainly seemed to have gotten off on a good foot.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  It was dark by the time they got home. They’d taken Autumn and Clay to the airport, then stopped in town for dinner on the way back. Hero greeted them at the door when Summer opened it.

  “She’s made herself right at home here, hasn’t she?” Carter said.

  Summer’s smile faded. “Well, she’d better not get used to it.”

  “Why?” Carter was shocked. He’d thought Summer loved having her and the kittens here.

  “Oh, I don’t mind her at all, but it looks as though we’ll have to move.”

  “And why’s that?”

  “I’m so upset with Beau! With everything that’s happened today I didn’t get a chance to tell you about it, but apparently he’s had an offer he can’t refuse on the house.”


  She looked at him. “I’ve always stood up for him and said he’s not as bad as people make out, but I’m really disappointed in him right now.”

  Carter felt bad. “Don’t be too hard on him. You don’t know the full story yet.”

  “I suppose, but I do know he said I could have first refusal, and now he’s changed his

  Carter nodded. He didn’t want to get into it just yet. He came to stand behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “How about we get a glass of wine and go sit in the hot tub? That should help you relax.”

  She twisted around in his arms to smile up at him. “That sounds perfect. And while we drink our wine and watch the stars, we can figure out where we go from here. Not just about a house, but…” she searched his face. “You know, everything.”

  He did know. He wanted the two of them to decide where they went from here. Well, he knew where he wanted to go. He just had to ask her. He was hoping with all his being that she was going to say yes.

  He handed her a glass of wine then stepped into the hot tub and sat down beside her. She looked so beautiful out here under the stars. They’d left the jets off so they could listen to the sounds of the river and the night. The moonlight reflected off the water and danced in her eyes as she smiled at him. “I love you, Carter,” she said.

  He smiled. “And I love you, Summer. More than you know.”

  She put her hand on his leg and squeezed his thigh, sending ripples of desire coursing through him. “Want to show me how much?” she asked with a wicked smile.

  He did, but not just yet. “I’ll show you, all night long,” he said. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and drew her closer. “There are a couple of things I want to ask you first.”

  She looked so earnest as she looked up at him. “What?”

  He drew in a deep breath. For a second he lost his nerve, so he went with the easier question first. “Do you really love this house?”

  She shrugged. “I do, but I don’t see that it matters, since Beau is selling it out from under me.”

  “But he’s not. What exactly did he say?”

  She thought about it. “He said that he’d had an offer he couldn’t refuse.”

  “He couldn’t refuse it, because I’m his brother and I asked him not to.”

  She looked confused. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because it was me that made the offer. I want to buy it.”

  “Oh!” She might not have the words, but her eyes and her smile expressed just how happy she was. “But you don’t need to. I was going to.”

  “I know, but it’s important to me. I want to be the one to buy our home.” It was important. He knew that she had much more money than he did, but it mattered to him. Although he’d said he’d love to live here with her, he didn’t love the idea of living off her. He knew it wasn’t like that really, but he couldn’t help it. It was how he saw himself as a man, and he wanted to able to provide a home for her.

  She leaned her head on his arm and smiled up at him. “Do you think maybe we could do what normal couples do and buy it between us?”

  He thought about that, and smiled. He liked it. That would mean they were in it together, equals, partners. He nodded slowly. It was time to ask his other question. “So you want to be my partner?”

  She looked puzzled. He was messing this up. “You mean in the house?”

  “I mean in life.”

  She cocked her head to one side.

  He had to just come out and say it. He slid off the seat and knelt in the bottom of the hot tub. It wasn’t exactly down on one knee, but it was as close as he was going to get with warm water swirling around his chest. “I mean in life, Summer. I’m making a big old mess of this, but what I’m trying to say is…” he placed his hands on either side of her legs and looked up into her eyes, knowing that his whole future was riding on the next few words. “Summer, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much. Will you marry me?”

  Tears filled her eyes as she grasped his shoulders and nodded. “Yes! Oh, Carter, yes! I’d love to marry you!” She sank her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer to kiss him.

  He closed his arms around her and pulled her down into the water to join him. This was the happiest night of his life. He loved this woman with all his heart and soul, and she’d just agreed to marry him! He kissed her deeply and tenderly, wanting to make the moment last, knowing this was a memory that would etch itself into his mind and his heart forever.

  When they finally came up for air she smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, Carter Remington.”

  “And I love you, Summer Breese.” He chuckled. “You don’t need to change your name if you don’t want to.”

  “And why’s that?”

  “I like your name. It sums you up. You’re all warm and sunny and a breath of fresh air.”

  “You’re quite the romantic when you want to be.”

  He shrugged. He wasn’t trying to be romantic; he wouldn’t know how. He was just telling her what he thought. That was all. Then it hit him. He really was a dumbass, not a romantic at all. He’d asked her to marry him and completely forgotten about the important bit. The bit women liked and thought was romantic. He stood up sending a wave washing over the side of the hot tub.

  Summer stood, too, with a grin. “Now you’re going to show me how much you love me?” she asked as she ran her eyes over him appreciatively.

  He chuckled and shook his head. He loved that she couldn’t get enough of him and that she wasn’t afraid to say so. “Not just yet. There’s something I need to take care of first.” He climbed out of the hot tub and helped her out too. Wrapping towels around them, he led her back into the house and into the bedroom. He opened up the holdall he’d taken with him when he left yesterday. He hadn’t had much time in Nashville this morning, but while Autumn had gone home to pack a bag, he’d asked Clay to take him to a jeweler’s shop. He’d also asked Clay to help him pick. He had no clue what Summer might like. But Clay had told him to go with his gut and he had.

  He sat down on the bed and held the little box up to Summer. “Go on, open it.”

  She smiled down at him then carefully opened the box. “Oh, Carter it’s beautiful!” She really meant it. He could tell by the way her eyes shone.

  He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her finger. “I can change it if you don’t like it.”

  She shook her head rapidly. “Don’t you dare! I love it. It’s beautiful.” She held her hand up to admire it then put both hands on his shoulders and pushed him back onto the bed. He lay back and smiled up at her as she climbed on and sat astride him.

  “Is a wife allowed to ride her husband?”

  He nodded eagerly. “She’s not just allowed to; it’s highly recommended.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” She smiled and let her towel fall away.

  Carter’s hands reached up with a will of their own and closed around her breasts making her sigh and writhe on top of him. Her hands closed around him, drawing a sigh of his own as she guided him to her. He was lost and he knew it. This little lady didn’t just hold his cock in her hands; she held his future, his happiness, his whole life. He closed his eyes as she slowly impaled herself on him. He thrust his hips and dropped his hands to her waist as he began to move beneath her. She was his. She rode him hard and he gladly went with her, his hips bucking, claiming her with every thrust. Her breath grew shallow and he knew she was close. He let himself go taking her with him as she cried his name. He saw stars as he gave her all that he was, and she took it while she gave herself to him. When she finally slumped down onto his chest he wrapped an arm around her and stroked her hair.

  He was the luckiest man alive. She was his woman, she was going to be his wife, and he loved her with all his heart.

  “I’m going to marry you,” she mumbled.

  He chuckled. “You better had now, you took the ring.”

  She pushed herself up on her elbows and smiled down at him. “I knew you were special on the day we met, but who would have thought we’d end up here?”

  His heart swelled with happiness. “I think I fell in love with you that day.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I mean, sure, you were the country singer,
the dream girl I’d fantasized about, but I would never have expected that to translate into reality. But then I met you and you were so much more than I thought you were. I spent a long time trying to tell myself it wasn’t love, but deep inside I knew.”

  “How did you know?”

  He shrugged. “The heart wants what it wants, and when it finds it, it knows.”

  She dropped a kiss onto his lips. “You really are a romantic at heart, aren’t you?”

  He closed his arms around her. “If you say so, darlin’.” He rolled her onto her side. “I guess it’s not too romantic that I need to get in the shower after that hot tub though is it?”

  She grinned. “It could be. If you take me with you.”

  “I think the word is insatiable—not romantic—and that’d be you. Not me.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Summer held Carter’s hand as they walked up to the big house. He’d called around and asked everyone to meet them at the ranch. She smiled up at him. “What do you think your parents will say?”


  That made her nervous. She was pretty sure his brothers would be happy for them. She hoped his parents would, too, but considering what he’d been through in the past, she’d understand if they were wary.

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Don’t look so scared. What I honestly think they’ll say is, told you so!”

  She laughed in relief. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Remember that night you came to dinner with everyone?”


  “I told them you wouldn’t be here for long and I asked them to help me pick up the pieces when you left.”

  Summer’s heart melted for him. He was such a big strong guy, but he wasn’t afraid to admit his vulnerability.

  “My mom told me then that I was wrong. I wanted to believe her, but I didn’t dare.”

  Summer smiled. “I’m so glad she was right.”

  He nodded. “Not as glad as I am.”

  When they walked into the kitchen the others were already there. Summer met Monique’s gaze and smiled. The older woman smiled back then quickly shot a look at Summer’s left hand. She looked back up with the biggest smile on her face. Summer let go of Carter’s hand and went to her. The two women hugged each other tight. “I won’t ever hurt him,” whispered Summer. She wanted Monique to understand.


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