The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress (The Law Castle Bad Boys)

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The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress (The Law Castle Bad Boys) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Drew moved her to the centre of the bed as Noah grabbed a condom from the night stand. Ripping the foil packet, he slipped the latex over his cock and joined them on the bed. Cheryl looked a little dazed from her climax.

  “Do you want this?” he asked.

  “Yes. I want you. Fuck me, Noah,” she said. The words from her lips should have been a sin. The immense pleasure he got from hearing her demands should be shameful. Settling between her thighs, he aligned the tip of his cock with her entrance. Noah stared up into her grey eyes and plunged forward.


  Cheryl had never felt anything so amazing in contrast to what she was feeling now. Seconds ago she’d been on cloud nine escaping into the pearly gates of heaven, whereas now she felt like the pain would threaten to burn her alive. The burning as he pushed that thing inside her was too much. Biting her lips, tears filling her eyes, she wrapped her arms around his neck, praying that the pain would subside.

  “You’ve never had anyone this big before?” Drew asked. She turned to look at the man at her side with his easy smile and charming wit. She shook her head, not wanting to tell them the truth.

  “I’ve got you, Cheryl. I’ll make it good for you. I promise,” Noah said. The intensity of his gaze startled her more than the penetration of his cock.

  She knew all about sex. She wasn’t stupid or immature. When her curiosity got the better of her, she watched movies and read books, but nothing could prepare her for the actual experience. She hoped it got better, as otherwise she would forgo sex for the rest of her life.

  Noah kissed her lips as Drew stroked her hair. She loved both of their touches. With the time passing she began to relax, and the throbbing between her legs started to ease.

  All too soon, she was begging Noah to move, circling her hips to try to create something wonderful.

  He pulled out and away from her body.

  “Why have you stopped?” she asked. The pleasure she got from him pulling out made her aware that she was growing accustomed to his size.

  “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll be fucking you again soon. You don’t want Drew to go without, do you?”

  She shook her head. Should she be feeling bad for wanting two men? She’d seen several women in town interacting with two men. Drew and Noah both made her feel things she didn’t understand.

  Noah placed a pillow under her hips which bowed her body slightly. She realised that, from the angle at which she was lying, he could fuck her pussy while she sucked on Drew. The heat between her thighs began to build once more as the vision on television hadn’t really prepared her for the real thing.

  He slipped back inside her while Drew moved closer to her lips.

  “You don’t have to suck on me if you don’t want. Being with two men can be quite scary during your first time.”

  “What?” she asked, scared in case he knew this was her first experience, ever.

  “You haven’t slept with two men at the same time before?”

  “No.” She took a deep breath. He hadn’t meant what she thought he had.

  “Take him into your mouth, Cheryl,” Noah said.

  Drew came closer, rubbing the tip of his cock over her lips. She liked the scent coming off his body. Very masculine and sensual. Pushing her tongue out, she flicked the tip, tasting him for the second time. She hadn’t been able to concentrate on his taste or the feel of him while Noah had been licking her out.

  She felt the other man’s eyes on her. The satisfaction she got from holding both of the older men’s attention made her purr inside. Opening her lips, Drew slipped inside her mouth pressing his hard length along her tongue. He was smooth, hard, and tasted wonderful. The saltiness from his seed coated her as he went in. She licked along the tip. Wrapping her fingers round the base, she pulled his foreskin back and licked the head where more of his cum was.

  Noah’s thrusts became relentless as Drew went deeper inside her mouth until he was hitting the back of her throat. She had no choice to give herself over to the two men. The burning between her legs intensified, the swell of her climax building once again. She didn’t know how they managed to make her lose control of her body. Every little thing they did to her drove her closer to the edge of bliss.

  Cheryl moaned around Drew’s cock as the pleasure rolled through her body.

  “Fuck, she’s so fucking tight. I’m not going to last, Drew.” She heard Noah cursing, his thrusts becoming erratic.

  “She’s got a gorgeous mouth. You haven’t sucked a lot of cock though, have you, baby?” The question seemed rhetorical, so Cheryl didn’t answer. She screamed as all of a sudden her release washed over her sending her over the edge as Drew and Noah used her body to find their own completion. Drew pulled out of her mouth and wanked his cock in his fist spraying her breasts with copious amounts of his seed.

  Noah collapsed across her body, their pants the only sound to be heard throughout the room. Seconds later she felt Noah pull out, causing her to wince from the small pain.

  She’d done it. Cheryl was no longer a virgin. She watched as he threw Drew a towel, which he used to wipe his cum from off her breasts.

  He came back out of the bathroom, his now flaccid cock lying down making her eyes open wider. Noah had taken her virginity with that! He was huge, but then so was Drew. She let the rush of emotion consume her. What she had just allowed to happen fell on her like a ton of bricks.

  Not one man but two. She knew having two men wasn’t unusual for women who lived in their quaint little town, but for her, as she lay and thought about it, it was a big step. She’d been with her virginity for twenty-four years, and she had given it to two men who were well known for giving pleasure.

  Noah made his way back to the bed, and she budged over to give him more room. Drew wrapped an arm around her stomach, bringing her closer to him.

  “That was amazing,” Drew said. The hand on her stomach moved up to caress her lips. She couldn’t believe how quickly her body was responding to their touch.

  “It really was.” She gasped when Noah placed his hand between her thighs. His fingers slid between her pussy lips, teasing her clit to full arousal.

  “You’re so responsive, and I love the taste of your cum,” Noah said. “You taste like a beautiful, ripe piece of fruit ready for the picking.” He leaned down, brushing his lips against hers. “Taste yourself on my lips.”

  She licked along his lips and moaned as she tasted her musky scent all over his mouth. The combination of herself and him was a heady experience.

  “Are you ready to have Drew, Cheryl?”

  Glancing from one man to the other, she felt her pussy begin to swell with need to feel the other man fucking her. Nodding her head, the two men got her in position for Drew to take her.

  “Nothing fancy, Drew.” Noah went behind her, resting her back against him. Drew reached over to the dresser where the condoms were. She watched him sheathe his large erection. Drew didn’t look as big as Noah, but he was still impressive. Neither man could complain about his size.

  Drew settled between her legs, opening her wide.

  “Watch what he’s doing to you,” Noah whispered in her ear. Drew ran his cock up and down her slit before sinking inside her all the way to the hilt. She cried out as her muscles convulsed around him. The newness of all the sensations coming to her was threatening to destroy her.

  Arching up to meet his thrusts, Cheryl finally gave herself over to the two men who were determined to kill her with the pleasure of their bodies. Throughout the night, Noah and Drew gave her an experience she would never forget.

  In the early hours of the morning, after multiple orgasms, she collapsed into a deep sleep with one man on either side of her, her body exhausted from the long hours of fucking. She refused to consider it as anything other than fucking.

  Noah and Drew would never be the type of men to settle down. She was happy with that. She didn’t want to settle down with two men who’d fucked most of the women in Law Castle.
r />   Chapter Four

  Cheryl winced as she awoke. Her body protested the amount of movement she required to get up first thing in the morning. She was confused. Why did her body hurt so much?

  Then the events of the previous night came rushing back. Her hand went to her mouth to hold in her gasp of shock. On one side lay Drew with his gorgeous blonde hair facing her. Turning to her other side, Noah, with his dark brown hair, lay facing her. Both men had their arms around her, Noah with a hand on her stomach, while Drew held a breast.

  She couldn’t believe in the cold light of day that she’d gone through with her plan to lose her virginity. A wince escaped her as she recalled the pain of Noah’s first penetration. She was thankful everything had gotten better since the first time. The men had taken it in turns to screw her during the night hours and into the early morning.

  Never before had she gone through the morning-after routine. Cheryl began to move out from under them. Their hands stayed firmly in place. After a wriggle she would start to pull herself out of their touch. After several minutes, she worked her way free to stand at the foot of the bed looking at the contrasting two men, one with light colouring, the other darker. They looked sexy where they lay, their faces blank of any seduction. Her heart hammered inside her chest from the feelings they were evoking.

  No. These men would be impossible to love. They’ll break your heart before you even realise it.

  They’re players, not keepers.

  The white fabric of her panties caught her eye. She moved over to where Noah had thrown them last night.

  Pulling them on, she made her way out of the door and down the stairs to where her clothes were by the front door. She dressed quickly, wishing she hadn’t worn such revealing clothes. It was still early, so her walk of shame didn’t have to be witnessed by many of the town’s residents.

  The moment she was dressed she found their kitchen and left a note of thanks. Staring at their percolator, she couldn’t help but start their coffee going. Then she left the house, wrapping her arms around her stomach to protect herself from the morning chill.

  A couple of residents were out setting up shop, most of them in their own world preparing for the day ahead. She pushed her hair behind her ear, stared down at the floor and walked the distance to her home. In the heels she wore, her feet were aching by the time she made it to her front door. Her hands shaking, she unlocked the door and slammed it shut to close away the outside world.

  Since her mother died, her home had become a soundless, uninviting place for her to live in. She hated the daily ritual she spent of keeping a house which held so many mixed memories for her.

  She’d thought about selling the three bedroom detached house with the lovely garden in front and back, but she couldn’t bear to bring some stranger into her home. Listening to a person place a monetary value on the many things she’d treasured over the years would slowly kill her inside.

  Going straight upstairs she made her way to the bathroom and began to run herself a hot bath. She poured in some salts to help with her aches and then stripped off her clothes. Cheryl went to her bedroom to pull out some clothes for when she was finished and stopped when she caught sight of herself in the mirror in the corner. Her mother had bought her the full length mirror for her sixteenth birthday, saying that every girl had a right to look at their body and how they were dressed.

  Tears filled her eyes as she thought about the woman who had had such an impact on her life. Not a day went by when she didn’t miss her mother. Standing naked in front of the mirror she saw the redness of her skin from Noah and Drew’s touches. The blush she tried to contain flushed over her skin, making her look like a strawberry.

  The things they’d done to her, she would never forget. Her body had felt so alive under their skilful touch.

  Shaking her head to rid the images of the night from her mind, she walked back to her bathroom and lowered herself into the bath, wincing as the hot water touched tender areas not used to such exposure.

  Leaning back, she relaxed her muscles thinking how wonderful the night had been but how she would never experience such delight in their arms again.

  You want to be with them, Cheryl.

  Yes. She wanted to be with Noah and Drew, but she refused to go through the same heartache as her mother.


  “Cheryl, baby, are you down here?” Noah asked as he moved down the stairs. There was no sign of her. Their clothes had been picked up, folded neatly and placed on a spare chair. Frowning, he went into the kitchen to find the coffee percolator filled with the dark brown, heavenly scented coffee.

  Running fingers through his hair, he poured himself a coffee, taking a seat at the table afterwards. He found the note from her lying on the table. Noah stared at the note without touching it. He didn’t want to open it because he knew what he’d find.

  Several minutes passed before he grabbed the note and opened it up. The words “Thank you” were written in the centre. Nothing else. No reason for why she had left or where she’d gone. He knew. Pouring a second cup of coffee, he moved upstairs to where Drew was snoring his head off. Placing the cup on the cupboard, he gave his friend a shove on the shoulder.

  A few more shoves later and Drew sat up in bed wiping the sleep from his eyes. “What’s the problem?”

  Passing him the coffee he’d poured for him, Noah handed him the letter.

  “She’s gone.”


  Losing his patience he took the letter from Drew, opened it up and shook it at him. “She’s gone. Cheryl wasn’t here when I woke up.”

  Drew threw the blanket off him, stood up, stretching out his muscles. He was used to seeing his friend butt naked, but this morning held no amusement.

  Shaking his head at how calm Drew seemed to be, Noah gazed down at the bed and froze, realizing what he had done. There was nothing physical on the sheet, but he had seen the pain across Cheryl’s face the night before. He remembered the moment he’d penetrated her nice, tight cunt. She’d screamed out, which he’d put down to his size rather than pain of a woman’s first time. Later on when he’d been washing, he’d noticed the flecks of blood. At the time he’d refused to acknowledge that he’d taken her virginity, but in the light of day there was no denying what he’d taken.All at once the memories were plaguing him, making him take notice of what he’d denied to himself the night before.

  Cheryl Fisher had come to their bed a virgin, and instead of stopping at the time to talk about it, he’d taken her continuously throughout the night.

  “Holy shit.” Noah backed away feeling sick all over. He’d deflowered a fucking virgin. Not Drew, he was the one responsible for tearing through her membrane and making her his. He scrambled through his thoughts of the night before. She’d screamed on his first initial thrust, but he’d put that down to a lack of partners in a long time.

  Fucking hell.

  “What the fuck did we do, Noah?” Drew asked. Both men were suddenly wide awake and alert.

  He heard his friend, not registering the words. In his mind he was playing over and over the scene of taking Cheryl.

  “Why did she come to us?” Drew asked.

  “Maybe because we didn’t give her much of a choice,” Noah said.

  Stupid asshole.

  “I’ve got to get out of here,” he said, moving out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out the front door. He wore his leather pants and nothing else. The cool morning breeze helped him to control his raging hard-on. He made his way through the town, aware of the stares but making no move to talk to the folk.

  Once he left the centre of town, he continued walking along the streets. He knew Law Castle like the back of his hand. There was not a place he hadn’t explored. Along the dirt road he knew about ten miles south of town there was an exclusive sex club for people to go and play. He’d stumbled onto that place by mistake, but it sure had opened his eyes. Some of the couples in town participated in swinging where one couple would jo
in another, and for one night they would switch partners. The crap he knew should be worth so much money. He chuckled, thinking about what people thought about small towns. In the town he lived in, anything went. Ménages, sharing, swapping, spanking, he’d seen it all and done most of it. Cheryl, though, she was different and always had been, ever since she was younger. Noah guessed it had something to do with looking after her mother from a young age.

  He had done everything in his younger years. He had sown his wild oats to the point he was getting ready to settle down. One of the Law Castle bad boys ready to settle down. It sounded ridiculous even to him. He recalled laughing when one of the women he’d fucked had said she wanted to marry him. God, he’d been a bastard in his early years. The women kept on coming to him for more. The more he shared them with his best friend Drew the more they wanted him.

  Throughout his time of fucking women and forgetting them he had never once deflowered a virgin.

  He felt sick to his stomach at the rough way he had handled Cheryl. She deserved so much more care from him and Drew. Instead, she’d gotten a quick, rough tumble as opposed to time being seduced.

  Once he could think straight he took a long look in front of him at the road and then turned back and headed back to town.

  Whatever happened, Cheryl wasn’t getting away that easily.


  Drew opened the mechanic shop up, letting in their workers for them to start working on the cars that needed fixing. He kept checking out the street for any signs of Noah. After an hour went by he stopped looking and started going through the books on what he needed to order for the following week. Saturday was a slow day for business. Most of the town folk weren’t too interested in getting their car fixed for the weekend ahead.

  Jake was talking a load of crap in the front of the shop while he worked. Slamming shut the door, Drew went back to filling in order forms for car parts.

  Eventually he heard Noah curse at Jake, telling him to keep his sex stories to himself. In the next instant Noah was stood in the doorway. He wore leather like always, his dark hair slick from the shower Drew guessed he’d taken.


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