The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress (The Law Castle Bad Boys)

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The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress (The Law Castle Bad Boys) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Turning back to the dance floor she saw Noah dancing to the music. The women around him looked to be having a good time. They were doing everything to try and grab Noah and Drew’s attention, and that was the final straw. She had to get out of there.

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea....” Before she had time to finish, Jake grabbed her hand and brought her flush to his body.

  “We don’t want anything from you, but we all want to see Noah and Drew swoon. Dance with us, and they’ll forget about that blonde. I swear we don’t want you that way.”

  Frowning, she stared up into Jake’s eyes. Would dancing with different men drive Drew and Noah crazy? “Why would you help me like this?”

  “I have my reasons for doing what I do. Let me help you, and then you’ll owe me when I call in a favour.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a great deal.” She made to pull away, but Jake held her firm.

  “It’s nothing bad, I promise. Look at them.” Cheryl gazed at the two men who’d denied her all week, feeling sick to her stomach. This is why she wanted nothing to do with them. She would spend every waking moment wondering if they’d found someone to replace her. How could she survive a lifetime with them? “They expect you to go to them. Noah and Drew need to realise what they’ve got in front of them. They want you, Cheryl. You’ve just got to show them you’ve got the grit to stand by them.”

  “And for a short time, you’ll get revenge on them without even trying?” She wasn’t blind to the way Noah and Drew ribbed the three men in front of her. Spending time at the mechanic shop for the last week she’d seen it firsthand.


  She saw one of the woman’s hands disappearing down Noah’s chest. The other woman’s destination was clear, and Cheryl’s mind was made up. “Let’s go.”

  Jake kept hold of her hand and helped her onto the dance floor. Brent and Connor followed up behind her. The moment they hit the dance floor the tune changed to something low and sensual. Jake wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her flush against him.

  “Dance between me, Brent, and Connor, and trust us. We won’t do anything crude, but we’ll make it look like we are. Don’t stare at them, and keep your focus on us.”

  She nodded her head, loving the song that was playing. Closing her eyes, she forgot about the man in her arms and allowed herself to fall under the magic of his spell. Hands were everywhere on her body, her thighs, legs, waist, and hips. Jake spun her around to face outwards. Still keeping her eyes closed, she swayed her body, not thinking about whose arms were around her. When one hand went under her skirt to cup her ass, she opened her eyes and stared at Brent as he ground his pelvis against her. What surprised her was he had no erection at all.

  “We don’t want you, angel,” he said. “You’re safe with us.”

  “Who do you want?” she asked in a whisper against his ear. She wrapped her arms around Brent feeling more comfortable as none of the three men were sporting hard-ons by being close to her. Instead of being insulted by their lack of interest, she felt safe in their company. She knew they’d never try anything.

  “The bar woman. She transferred to Law Castle six months ago and won’t give us the time of day. We’re here every night trying to get her attention. She’s not having any of us and holding herself back.”

  “Push your ass back against me. They’re watching you, and the blonde is getting agitated,” Jake said to her.

  Cheryl pushed her ass against him, moving her hips with every beat. Brent pulled her away and circled her to slam against Connor who inserted a leg between her thighs and began to dance her on him.

  He managed to keep his leg away from her pussy, which she was grateful for. Dancing with them to gain Noah and Drew’s attention was one thing and would be different if something sexual actually happened.


  Noah felt ready to slaughter Jake, Brent, and fucking Connor. He saw the guy’s leg slip between her creamy thighs, and sweat beaded on his forehead in the effort it took him to not kill all three of the fucking bastards. The woman between Drew and him was forgotten. She slapped him on the chest, and he stared at her, growling. Both men stood on the dance floor and stared at their woman being mauled by three men.

  When they’d dropped her off earlier they hadn’t told her to go to The Dugout. The only reason they’d gone was to put in an appearance and to blow off some steam. It was easier to leave Cheryl alone to make her choice if they fell into bed exhausted.

  He fisted his hands at his sides as Connor pushed her to Jake once again. The other man ran his fingers through her gorgeous red hair, his hand disappearing down her front. Cheryl was smiling and looked happier than he’d seen her in a long time. The challenge he’d thrown out at her on Sunday had been made with the intention of her coming to them of her own free will. The whole week he and Drew had spent treating her with care was to show her they were not like their reputations. They hadn’t asked the blonde to dance. The woman had come to the two men as they danced. Instead, he was seeing Cheryl with three other men, and he didn’t like it.

  Drew and Noah walked off the dance floor to the bar and ordered them a beer. The new bartender stood looking out at the dance floor with her face flushed. Impatient, Noah clicked his fingers in front of her face to gain her attention.

  “What?” she said with so much attitude it bought him up short.

  “Two beers.”

  The bar woman grabbed two beers and handed them to him. She kept staring at the dance floor. “Who’s the redhead?” she asked.

  “Our woman,” Noah said, angry at what Cheryl was doing.

  “She came in on her own and looked like she was going to leave until she saw you guys on the dance floor. Makes sense why she went pale. I didn’t expect Jake and the other two to dance with her.”

  Not understanding everything the woman said, Noah glanced back onto the dance floor. He watched all four of them dance and saw it with fresh eyes. Glaring at all of them, he slammed his beer onto the bar and charged to where Cheryl was being spun among the men. He’d witnessed Jake in action, and this wasn’t his usual style. Something was up.

  Pushing through the dancers, he pulled their redhead out of Jake’s arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Hey,” she said. She wriggled away making his cock instantly hard. The blonde with all of her tits and ass had had no effect on him. Touching Cheryl with her lush curves and flashing grey eyes and he was hard as rock.

  “You’re not going anywhere. Thank you for keeping her warm for me, boys,” he said. Smiling down at the fire in her eyes, he glanced up and nodded at the three men. Jake, Brent, and Connor smiled and left the dance floor.

  Drew came up behind her leaving him to do all the extracting work. The music changed to an upbeat song, and Noah changed the pace to match. At first, she refused to help and remained still in their arms. Drew and Noah didn’t give up. They never accepted no for an answer, and they weren’t about to do it now.

  “I don’t want to dance with you,” she said. Fire was shooting out of her eyes and threatening to melt him on the spot. He loved her fighting spirit.

  “No? I’m dancing with you, and I know who you really want.”

  “Oh, yeah? I don’t see anyone I want in this place.”

  “Then why did you come, baby?” Drew asked her.

  She bit her lip and began to dance with them. Noah felt the compliance in her body as he moved with her. Drew helped complete the dance guiding her hips over his crotch.

  “Why didn’t you come straight to us?” he asked.

  “Interrupt you both practically fucking the blonde on stage? No, thank you. Jake asked me to dance, and I did.”

  He heard the jealousy in her voice, and he liked it. Glancing over her shoulder, Noah saw his friend felt the same way.

  “Are we a little jealous of another woman?”

  She scoffed, but the tell-tale heat in her face confirmed it.

  “You didn’t
think to come and get what’s yours?” Noah asked.

  “I didn’t know you were all mine.”

  He took hold of her hand from around his neck and placed it over his heart. “I’m all yours.”

  Drew turned her around to face him and did the same and said the same words. In those moments with her standing between their bodies with her hand over their hearts Noah felt deeply connected to her, and he knew Drew felt the same.

  She was part of them whether she liked it or not. Her hand fisted in his shirt, and Noah knew he never wanted to let her go.

  “Are you our woman?” Noah asked.

  He watched as she stared between them. Waiting for her response was one of the hardest things he’d done in his life. Eventually, Cheryl nodded her head.

  When the song ended, Noah pulled her off the dance floor, paid the bill for the beers and left. People tried to stop them, but he shot them a look telling them in no uncertain terms to back the fuck off.

  “Let go of me, Noah. You don’t need to drag me.”

  He noticed she didn’t fight him. Only her voice held annoyance.

  “You’re our woman, Cheryl. You’re not going anywhere else.” Noah let her go the moment they stood by his truck.

  “If I’m your woman then why have you made me wait? Why haven’t you taken me all week? You’ve had the chance, so why didn’t you take it?” She sounded upset, and Noah didn’t like to hear her upset.

  “We’ve wanted to, baby. Being your first we had to give you time,” Noah said.

  “Didn’t you like being with us without the sex?” Drew asked.

  He watched as she ran her fingers through her hair and pace from one end of the truck to the other.

  “Yes. I liked spending time with you. I always have.”

  Noah watched her knowing he wanted her for far more than she even realised. Seeing her with Jake and the other two had really opened his eyes. Any doubts in his mind evaporated.

  When he saw her, he wanted to put his hands on her. The need to see her smile and happy meant a lot to him.

  Fucking hell.

  I’m in love. The knowledge was pleasing.


  Drew saw the change in his friend and wondered what had gone on inside that head of his. Cheryl turned back to them, coming to stand in front of the truck.

  “Yes. I like spending time with you, but I do want more. I can’t explain how I feel as I don’t know what I feel. For so long I’ve been more concerned with my mum than anything else. I’ve not thought about what I really want,” she said. “Give me time, and I’ll let you know. Just, please, don’t dance with any more women.”

  Drew pulled her in giving her another fleeting kiss. Cheryl held him tight making him deepen the tender kiss. His hands were all over her body, and he pressed her against the truck, thrusting his stiff cock near her tummy.

  “We better stop before we’re put in a cell for the night,” she said, pulling away.

  “What do you want, Cheryl?” Noah asked.

  The sound of Noah’s voice alerted Drew to the deeper change inside his friend. The other man looked like he was holding on by a thread.

  “Take me home, and then fuck me. Make love to me for the rest of the night.” Drew helped her into the truck, and it was his turn to drive. Noah went to the passenger side, and Drew grabbed his arm.

  “Are you all right?”

  Noah looked at him blankly.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing. I’m fine. Let’s get to her house.”

  The drive was a tense affair. After spending the week leaving her alone, they’d finally get to have her in their arms once again.

  Taking a quick glance out of the corner of his eye at the red-headed beauty, Drew was caught again by his feelings for her. He wondered if Noah was aware of what he felt for her. Cheryl was the first virgin Noah had ever deflowered. She was the first woman Noah had allowed into his bed for the whole night. Drew had noted all the changes with Noah when it came to Cheryl. He wondered if Noah had any idea of what the changes meant. Drew knew his feelings went deeper than sex. He wasn’t sure if he loved her, but he knew he wanted to be there for her and make her happy. No other woman had ever made him feel like that.

  Pulling up outside her house, he switched the engine off and got out of the truck. Noah and Cheryl were already walking up the path of the front garden. His cock stirred. Tonight was going to be fun.

  Chapter Eleven

  The moment her door closed they were on her. The skirt lasted seconds, the shirt a little longer. In no time at all she was naked. Noah and Drew were sucking on her nipples and playing with her pussy.

  She tore at their clothes. The week of being near them but not having them was driving her crazy with pent-up lust. She needed them naked, and she needed them now. Both men got the message as they took their shirts off. Skimming her nails down their chest, she moaned when Noah bit her nipple. Drew thrust three fingers inside her soaking cunt. Opening her legs, she grabbed the button on Drew’s jeans and the zipper on the leather pants Noah wore. Using one hand was a chore, and soon the men took charge, removing all clothes.

  They were all naked. She threw herself at them knowing they would catch her. Their kisses were fierce, and she raked the skin on their backs and chest seeing the lines of her nails on their skin.

  Cheryl got a lot of satisfaction at seeing her markings on them. Inside a deep part of her, she felt as if she’d claimed them as her own. She wanted to wipe the memory of that blonde out of their mind.

  Their hands slapped her ass holding her firm against them. She gripped their cocks in her fists pumping them. Both had pre-cum leaking out of the tip. Smiling wickedly at them, she went to her knees before them and took Noah first between her lips. She sucked the cum off his cock savouring the tangy salty taste of him.

  He growled, thrusting his cock deeper inside her mouth. Cheryl licked him enough to rid him of his cum before moving to Drew. He tasted a little sweeter, and she wallowed in their attention. Hands pulled at her hair moving her up and down on Drew’s shaft.

  “Enough. Where’s a bed? Now.” Drew pulled her off his cock, helping her to her feet.

  “Upstairs to the left,” she said. A giggle escaped her as Noah pulled her over his shoulder and walked up the stairs.

  They kicked her door open, throwing her onto the bed. Drew pulled her to the edge of the bed, wrapped her legs around her waist, pressed his cock to her entrance and slammed inside her. She screamed from the absolute pleasure of his width stretching her to accommodate him.

  “So fucking tight.” He growled out each word. She moaned thrashing her hands on the bed to try to hold onto something. Noah grabbed her hands, holding them down onto the bed.

  The weight of him had her pinned. Drew fucked her hard. She couldn’t move. The way they were making her feel, she didn’t mind being trapped under their bodies. He held her hips in his hand, pulling out of her only to thrust back inside.

  Each push sent him deeper inside her pussy. He felt huge, and she loved every inch pulsing in her cunt.

  “When he’s done with you, I’m going to fuck you,” Noah said.

  She cried out, her pussy spasming around Drew’s cock. Noah knew exactly what to say to get her worked up.

  Thrusting her hips up to meet Drew’s strokes, she saw him watching where he was fucking her. Lifting her head up she tried to see what they looked like together.

  “Do you want to see him fucking you?”

  She nodded her head. His weight left her hands, and he was pushing pillows under her head. “Look.”

  Staring down, she saw Drew’s hard length covered in her juice sliding inside her pussy. The display was more erotic than anything she’d ever witnessed. She couldn’t turn away. Noah leaned down, his fingers tweaking her nipples. She kept her eyes down her body watching and feeling every single sensation that both men were creating inside her.

  Her climax was building, but she couldn’t reach the peak withou
t touching herself. She tried to wriggle, but Noah ran his fingers down her body to her clit. Crying out, she stared at his hard weeping cock inches from her face. Lifting up from the mound of pillows, she licked the tip. He pulled away, stared down at her for a few seconds and then moved himself above her head.

  Opening her mouth he pushed inside. Fingering her clit while Drew fucked her and she sucked Noah was the hottest thing she’d ever done in her whole life. Tasting his cum on her tongue was exquisite.

  She moaned as the pleasure began to rise, starting in her tummy and spiralling down all her nerves. Noah fingered her clit, and she felt Drew slam inside her. On the third time his cock jerked, and the heat of his sperm washed her womb.

  Moments later, he pulled out of her, and Noah lifted off, his cock leaving her with a wet, sucking sound. He replaced Drew, thrusting inside her cum-soaked passage.

  Drew collapsed by her head, and he took her chin in his hand and kissed her deeply. He looked so handsome with the just-fucked look.

  Not to be forgotten, Noah swivelled his hips and pumped inside her. He worked her faster and harder than Drew, pushing her past the point of pleasure and pain. Cheryl lost focus from the combined mix and overload of sensation.

  She lost sense of what was happening, the pleasure so intense. Drew kissed her deeply, and Noah plunged inside her hitting her cervix.

  Unable to hold on, she cried out and lost all sense of herself as the room went dark.


  Noah grunted as his release washed over him. The snug fit of her pussy milked his cum. He came back down and saw Cheryl passed out.

  “Is she all right?” he asked. Concern filled him, and he checked her head and pulse to make sure she was fine.

  “Yes. I think she passed out from pleasure.” Drew was stroking her hair.

  “Hold her. I’m going to get something to clean her up.”

  He found her bathroom quickly, dampened a towel and walked back into the room. She was just coming round as he walked in.

  “What happened?” she asked, groggily.

  “You passed out, baby,” Drew said.


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