Exposed_Fury Riders MC

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Exposed_Fury Riders MC Page 24

by Sophia Gray

  “What do you mean?”

  She smiled. “That’s a good start. I meant, what next? Go home? We never see you again?”

  I gaped at her, unsure how to answer. Was I supposed to say yes? Was this her way of getting me out of the picture? I knew how much she cared for Vince—I would have to be blind to miss it. I didn’t want to step on any toes. I didn’t even know if the club wanted me around.

  “I hadn’t thought about it,” I finally replied. I hoped it sounded noncommittal enough.

  She was still smiling. “You dope. I’m not telling you to leave. I’m asking because we all want you to stay.”

  It felt like a weight leaving my shoulders. “You mean it? You’re not just saying that?”

  “Why would I just say that?” She shook her head, auburn curls bouncing. “I swear, you and Vince are perfect for each other. You can both be so obtuse sometimes.”

  I giggled and blushed. I loved hearing us linked together. “How do you know everybody else wants me here though?”

  “Last night, after we found out you were with the Wolves, Vince spent a long time alone in the office. Axel came out and told everybody what happened. For such a big, scary-looking dude, he’s the world’s biggest teddy bear. Anyway, he told us you were in trouble and Vince wanted to go after you.”

  She shook her head again, leaning her elbows on the bar. “There was no way they would let him go alone. I mean, I’m not a member of the club and even I knew it was a stupid idea. So they took a vote. It was unanimous that they’d all go along with him. They didn’t have to, but everybody agreed you were worth going after. They wanted to be sure he was safe, yeah, but they knew if things got bad, he’d send you out. They wanted to protect you.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say—I didn’t know if words could do justice to what I was feeling. It was gratifying knowing they wanted me. I wasn’t only a problem for them. One of my biggest fears as I sat there, tied to the chair, was that nobody would think I was worth saving. Once they’d gone to the trouble, I was sure they’d feel that way. Was I worth blowing up a building over?

  There were footsteps on the stairs. I turned in my seat, smiling into the eyes of a man who clearly felt I was worth it.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Having my club together was one thing. Having Erica put it over the top. It was like she made everything just a little better. I had always liked sitting down to dinner with the club, like one big family meal. With her there, it felt like Thanksgiving. Everything was more special.

  That was why it was so hard to ask what her plans were now that the Vicious Wolves weren’t a threat anymore. All through the night I had wanted to ask but didn’t have the nerve. I didn’t want the answer. I wanted us to be together a little while longer before she told me she was leaving.

  It would be for the best if she did. No matter what Brett said, Erica was better than us. She had a future, and it didn’t include a motorcycle club.

  That night, getting ready for bed, I had to ask. The curiosity was killing me. That, and I knew Brett would rip me a new one if I didn’t have an answer by the following morning. Every time she caught my eye that night, she’d given me a look that said, “Ask her.”

  So, I did, as soon as we were alone again. My hands were shaking a little, and my back was to her. I didn’t want her to see my face.

  “My first plan is to buy a new camera,” she said. “I can’t believe it’s been days since I took a picture. I feel naked without it. Oh, and a new phone. That might come in handy, too.” She laughed a little. I planned to buy those things for her already, but she didn’t know it. It was the least I could do.

  “What else?”

  She bit her lip. We had just gone upstairs to bed, and I was sitting on my side. Funny how we decided which sides were ours without having to talk about it. We were in sync on so many things. I hoped she remembered that.

  “I don’t know,” she said. She sat beside me. Blonde hair covered the side of her face so I couldn’t see her.

  Why was it so hard for me to sack up and tell her what I wanted? I wanted her to stay. To be my old lady. I had only known her for a few days, but it didn’t matter. She had everything. She was perfect.

  “Do you like it here?” I asked, feeling like the clumsiest jerkoff ever.

  “Sure. You’ve made me feel so welcome over the past few days. I couldn’t have asked for more…well, maybe no kidnapping.” She snorted. Only Erica would have joked about it, and so soon. Just another thing I loved about her.

  “I want you to stay.” There. It was done. I felt better for saying it. I only wished I could see her face through the curtain of hair in front of it.

  She was quiet for a long time. I knew it, I thought. She’ll be calling a cab in a minute. And she would be smart if she did. We were no good. It was nice having her while it lasted.

  When she turned her face to mine, the tears in her eyes made me think she was turning me down. I braced myself for the blow.

  “I want that, too.” A brilliant smile broke over her face.

  The whole world opened up to me. “You do? Really?”

  “Yes!” she whispered fiercely. “I didn’t think you wanted me to! I thought you wanted me to leave, but I was afraid to ask!”

  I took her face in my hands. It felt like my whole world was there, in her eyes. I would never need anyone else. I remembered the way it felt when I thought I might lose her. How natural it seemed that I would go into the Wolves’ clubhouse to rescue her, when I knew York planned to kill me when I did. I hadn’t cared at the time, and I would do it again if I had to. She was worth it.

  “I love you.” It was incredible the way the words rolled off my tongue. Since I had met her, I’d said it to Onyx and Brett. Me, who hadn’t said those three words since the day my brothers and sisters left. It felt easier to say it now, like she had opened my heart.

  Tears sparkled in her eyes. “I love you, too.” Our mouths met so tenderly. She leaned back, stretching out onto the bed, and I followed her down.

  I had to be with her. I had to touch her and taste her. I needed to be inside her and show her how much I meant what I said. Our bodies were already so good together. I could say that way what I didn’t have words to express.

  It took no time for the kiss to heat up. It was like we immediately touched off something in each other every time our mouths met. Instantly we were desperate, frantic to get our clothes off. I had to touch her, see her, taste her. Every part of her. She was so sensitive, writhing underneath me.

  My cock throbbed with the need to be inside her. I pressed against her hip as my mouth worked over her throat and moved lower along her soft skin. Her hand found me the moment I was free, and I groaned when she began stroking my rigid length. I thrusted my tongue into her mouth, crushing her to me.

  She surprised me then, rolling me onto my back. She crawled between my legs, still stroking. I gasped at her touch. She lowered her head, watching me the entire time. Building my anticipation, playing with me. Her tongue darted out to lick the tip. I hissed, the sensation almost too much. Then she licked around the head. I groaned, my hands making fists in the sheets. It was so good I could have exploded right then.

  I watched through narrowed eyes as she licked from bottom to top slowly, sensually. She blew me away. I’d never seen a woman get so into working me with her mouth. She really loved it, eyes half-closed, moaning softly. Telling me how good I tasted on her tongue.

  Then she took me inside, sliding down my shaft. I closed my eyes, breathing deep.

  Her head bobbed up and down on me, the little moans she let out driving me wild, vibrating to my core. Her lips tightened, her tongue increasing its pressure. I was skating on the edge, so ready to come. I was dangerously close.

  “Enough,” I grunted, reluctantly pulling her from me. “That’s almost too good.” She grinned, satisfied with herself. I pushed her down on her back, wanting to give her what she gave to me.

slid her panties down, noting the way she’d soaked them with her excitement. Knowing how much she loved giving me pleasure made me want her more, and I throbbed in response. Not yet, though. She was ready, but I wouldn’t give her what she wanted until she screamed for me.

  I knelt on the floor, pulling her to me by her hips. Starting at her knees, I kissed a slow, wet trail up her thighs. She shivered, moaning and whimpering, whispering my name. I looked up across her body. Her eyes were closed, her head rolling from side to side and she sank deeper into pleasure.

  I went on and on, kissing the insides of her thighs, going from one to the other. Getting closer and closer to the bullseye. She smelled so sweet. I wanted to taste, but drawing it out for her was my goal. I wanted her to explode like she never had before when I finally gave her what she needed.

  “Please…” she whimpered, lifting her hips toward my mouth. “Please…” The first touch of my tongue to her wet cleft made her shudder.

  I licked her, spreading her open with one hand to get better access to her pink folds. She went wild when I slid two fingers inside her, massaging her G-spot as my tongue worked her clit. Her hips bucked, her hands gripped my shoulders, my head. A stream of incoherent cries left her mouth as her muscles clamped down hard around my fingers. ‘

  I licked faster, faster, sending her screaming over the edge. Her body shuddered, thighs squeezing my head until I couldn’t hear anything over the blood rushing in my ears. She was the only thing in the world—her smell, her taste, the sound of her muffled screams of joy and pleasure.

  Finally, she released me, and I got up from the floor to turn her over onto her hands and knees. She was still lost, whimpering, easy to position the way I wanted her. She trusted me. I slid against her, outside her opening, teasing myself with anticipation of what I knew was inside. She was still quivering when I slid home.

  I groaned, staying still, waiting until the urge to come passed. She was too tight, so ready to milk me dry. It almost felt too good inside her.

  “Take me,” she whimpered. “Please.”

  With another groan, I slid out, then slowly back in. Teasing her. Taking my time, wanting to build it up. The incredible tightness, the heat, every inch of her touching every inch of me. I wanted to make it last as long as I could.

  “Mmm…” she moaned, rolling her hips in circles, grinding against me. I grunted, closing my eyes, wanting to hold on, though she was trying to get me to fuck her hard and fast. If I did, I wouldn’t be able to stop until I came. I wanted to give her all the pleasure I could first.

  I ran my hands down her back, over her ass and thighs. I reached around her to fondle her tits, and she moaned her approval when I rolled her nipples between my fingers. I pinched slightly, making her jump and whimper.

  It was too much. I needed more. The animal part of me, the part she touched, wanted to be unleashed. I want to lose myself in her. Her head swung from side to side as I picked up my pace. Her groans told me how much she loved it, just like the way she moved her hips back to meet me. She was always so eager and ready to take what I had to give her.

  “That’s right,” I muttered, riding her. “Take it. You love it, don’t you?”

  “Yes…yes!” she answered, arching her back, swinging her hair up over her head until it fanned out behind her. I took a handful of it, pulling her head back. She gasped, then groaned. “Oh, yeah,” she moaned.

  I left everything else behind as I pounded into her. I let go of all the worry and hurt inside. I was ready to move on with her, and I felt it every time our bodies fit together. I roared, feeling like I could conquer the world.

  We moved together, against each other. She was greedy, wanting more and more...harder…faster. I gave her what she wanted, what I wanted to give, slamming into her. Our bodies crashed roughly.

  I felt the end coming, and I wanted it to come with her. I reached down to cup her, sliding my fingers inside her folds until I found her clit. She jumped like she’d been shocked, then whimpered in approval when my fingers flicked the sensitive bud. I leaned over her, one hand on the bed, one hand between her legs, and rode with long, hard downward strokes that left us both grunting like animals as we raced to the end together.

  “Yes! Yes! Vince, oh God!” She screamed, her face in the blankets. She tightened around me like a vice, milking me. I roared, slamming home one more time before stiffening all over. We shuddered together, as one, both going over the edge at the same time.

  Through the haze of my mind in that moment, I knew this was it. I would never need anyone else. We would do that together for the rest of our lives. I already couldn’t wait.

  I collapsed on top of her, and for a while we lay there in a sweaty mess of sheets and slippery skin and heavy breathing. I was drained, empty. All the pain and doubt I ever felt, especially after being betrayed, was gone. She had healed me.

  “I love you,” I said, my eyes closed.

  She snuggled up to me. I felt the weight of her head on my shoulder, the soft contours of her body against mine. She was mine, forever. Nothing would ever change that.


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  Ignite: Satan’s Blazes MC

  By Sophia Gray


  I never had a choice.

  He says this is for my own good.

  That I’d be dead without him.

  At first, I believed him.

  But then I learned who he really was…

  And I can’t get out.

  I’m trapped in this killer’s house.

  And he’s just turned his sights on me.

  Chapter One


  It was happening again. Smoke curled like a mushroom cloud upward into the sky. The sirens howled in Jagger’s ear as he pressed his foot down harder on the accelerator, weaving in and out of traffic with ease. “Fuckers,” he muttered under his breath, soft enough that his partner next to him didn’t hear it. He knew he needed to keep a clear head and focus on the matter at hand. For all he knew, it was just another house fire: a random, unfortunate event. After all, he didn’t even recognize the address this time, which meant that the victim wasn’t a member of his MC like the last ten fires had been. Maybe it’s not the arsonist, he thought to himself as he sharply took the last corner and came to a stop in front of the burning building.

  “All right, boys, you know what to do,” he announced to his fellow firefighters as he hastily reached behind his seat for his protective equipment. He slipped on the rest of his gear before running out of the truck and heading toward the home being engulfed by flame.

  He was halfway to the front door when a figure stumbled out clutching her stomach as she coughed and wheezed. The woman straightened up a second later, running toward Jagger to grab him by the shoulders. “He’s stuck in there! I can’t get him out!” she shouted. Her face was wet with tears and streaked with soot. Jagger immediately grabbed her arms, trying to steady her and soothe her hysterics.

  “Calm down, ma’am. It’s going to be okay. Who’s stuck? Where is he?” he asked, slowly and clearly so the frantic woman would understand.

  “My— My patient. Robert. His name is Robert,” the woman said in between long panting breaths. “He— He uses a wheelchair, he can’t get out, I can’t lift him, I tried, I tried, but I couldn’t do it, please, please—”

  Jagger just nodded at her before breaking into a run and heading toward the entrance of the building. “Robert?” he called out as he quickly inspected room after room. There was nothing in the living room. The kitchen and the bathroom were also empty. Where was the patient?

  A second later he heard the faint sound of distant sobbing, choked off and weak, fr
om somewhere within the house. The old guy had to be upstairs. Jagger quickly scaled the steps, but one had already collapsed and fallen through to the building’s foundation from the pressure of the smoke and flames. He leapt upstairs, carefully walking to the first room he saw. It was a bedroom, and in the far corner was an old man in a wheelchair, holding his head in his hands and breathing raggedly. “Robert!” Jagger called out. When the man looked up, Jagger realized that he knew him from somewhere. Jagger couldn’t quite place it, but he didn’t have time then to figure it out. There was a wall of fire raging between him and the old man, getting larger and larger with each passing second.

  “Robert,” Jagger shouted, hoping his voice would carry over the sounds of the crackling fire. “Robert, stay calm. I’m going to get you, okay? You’re going to be fine.”


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