Worth Fighting For (Alpine Woods Shifters)

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Worth Fighting For (Alpine Woods Shifters) Page 9

by Bennett, Sondrae

  Lining himself up, he slid slowly forward. She leaned into the pressure until his head slid past her entrance. Once inside, he eased out only to thrust back hard again and again until he was fully seated.

  Misty’s hands clenched the bed covers, a strangled moan breaking free at each jerk. He leaned forward, his body covering hers, and his hand reached around her to play with her nipples. She screamed his name and heard him growl in response. The primitive sound sent a wave of please spiraling downward, and she clenched around him.

  “Jesus, do that again.”

  The naked need in his voice caused the woman inside her to cheer in triumph, but she was too distracted by her own desire to savor the feeling. She tightened her inner muscles again, relishing the power she had, even bent over as she was.

  He bit down on her shoulder, not hard enough to break the skin–although she wouldn’t have complained if he had, an act that would mate them together forever. She didn’t have time to be disappointed though, as his hand pinched her nipple, adding a new sensation to her pleasure. The slight pain drove her pleasure higher as he altered the rhythm of his hips between slow and furious.

  She was close, her body tensing in anticipation of a powerful orgasm, when he pulled them both up until they were kneeling on the bed. Still inside her, the new position tightened her sheath, causing him to feel larger than before. She cried out in surprised pleasure as he continued thrusting, the friction driving her wild.

  Any minute now, she would shatter. It built inside her. Reaching up and behind, she stroked Cody’s neck, weaving her hands through his hair. His breath fell hot against her neck as he sucked on the sensitive skin. Misty exploded, her cries filling the room as she rhythmically clenched around him. He stroked her clit, prolonging her pleasure as he drove into her, shouting his own release to the rafters.

  Afterward, he collapsed on top of her, but didn’t stay there long. He sat up, leaving a trail of kisses down her spine until he reached the small of her back. With a little nibble, he started back up, rolling her to the side once he’d reached the top of her neck, and cuddling her against him.

  “That was incredible,” he murmured, nuzzling her ear with his nose.

  Misty couldn’t agree more. His arm surrounded her, clasping her tight against him. One of his legs lay between hers and she didn’t resist rubbing against it. A growl rumbled against the back of her neck where he’d been kissing and she giggled.

  A smell tickled her nose, wafting over the scent of delicious sweaty male behind her.

  “Is something burning?” she asked, raising onto her elbow to sniff the air.

  “Son of a bitch.” Cody scrambled out of bed and ran butt naked out of the room. The man really did have a fantastic ass. And it was all hers.

  * * * *

  Cody waved a dish towel, trying to dispel the black smoke pouring from the oven. So much for following a simple recipe. Then again, he had been a bit distracted. At least their chicken dinner had burned for a good cause.

  Grabbing pot holders, he pulled the dish out of the oven, dropping it onto the stove. Black smoke still drifted up, but it wasn’t the massive outpouring it had been. The meal was toast. Literally, if he couldn’t find anything else to serve.

  “Oops,” Misty said, her arms going around him from behind and her head resting on his shoulder as she looked at the burnt offering. “And you went through so much trouble. I’m sorry. I guess I was kind of single minded.”

  Cody turned around, his arms pulling her against him. “I’m not sorry. Although I wish I had taken the dish out before answering the door.” He grinned down at her. She’d put her dress back on and his hands itched to sneak under the fabric. To learn whether or not the thong still lay on his floor where he’d thrown it. “Or at least prepared a second option.”

  “There’s always pizza,” she suggested.

  “There is that.” Unable to resist the temptation, he stroked up her thigh, raising the hem until he reached her hips. No thong. He didn’t know what was more erotic, the fact Misty wore no underwear or that her underwear currently sat on his bedroom floor.

  She let her head fall back and clutched his shoulders.

  He leaned in, sucking a trail down her throat. “Why don’t you go find a movie and I’ll order pizza. We can continue this after it gets here,” he whispered against her skin.

  “I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t we continue this now, and order the pizza after?”

  Cheeky thing. “No deal. I invited you over for dinner, which means I have to feed you.” He turned her around and gave her a playful slap on the butt.

  She turned and glared, but the fire in her eyes had little to do with anger.

  Walking to the wall phone, Cody quickly found and dialed the number for the pizza place. In the past, Misty and he had always argued over pizza toppings. Sure, they could have gotten half and half, but then they wouldn’t have had anything to argue about. This time, he didn’t need to argue. Misty would have what she wanted.

  He placed the order and started to move away, but turned back and pressed Redial. They were going to need lots of energy for the night ahead. He’d make sure of it. Might as well order a second pizza for him. That way his green peppers couldn’t sneak onto her half–the other reason they didn’t split the toppings down the middle.

  As he walked out of the kitchen toward the living room, he heard moans. Pleasure moans. The sound caused him to freeze. Was Misty pleasuring herself in there? Pride warred with desire inside him. He knew he’d satisfied her, so why… But the image of Misty with her hand between her legs appealed to him.

  “Yeah, baby.” A man grunted in pleasure.

  What the hell?

  Cody strode forward and saw Misty sitting on the couch, her gaze riveted on the television. She looked up with wide eyes as he entered the room.

  “You were watching porn before I came over?” she asked.

  “What? Of course not.” He came into the room, turning toward the TV as a blonde woman took some guy’s penis into her mouth. He’d never seen this before in his life. Grabbing the remote, he tried to figure out how it had gotten on his screen.

  “I had no idea you were into this stuff. Well, okay, you’re a guy, so of course you like porn, but I didn’t know you actually watched it. Like just for fun. Movie night is going to be so much more interesting next month.”

  * * * *

  “I am not into this stuff. I was watching a movie on Cinemax. This must have come on after…” His words stumbled to a halt as his gaze flew to hers. “Wait. What was that about movie night?”

  Misty hid her smile behind her hand. When she’d first pressed Power, she’d been shocked, but she’d quickly realized what had happened after she saw the channel the movie played on. Still, she couldn’t resist a little teasing.

  The more she thought about it, the more appealing her movie night suggestion became. Who knew what kind of fun they’d have now that their relationship had changed.

  “Well, it was an idea. But if you aren’t really into watching these movies…” She let the end of the sentence trail off, waiting to see if he would take the bait. Even from this distance, she saw his jaw clench.

  “Fine. I watched it.”

  Misty straightened. “You know it isn’t healthy to watch porn by yourself in the middle of the day,” she chastened.

  It took him a moment before he knew what to say. Finally, he threw his hands in the air and sighed.

  “I can’t win here, can I?”

  Misty slid off the couch onto the floor. On her knees, she took two steps until she kneeled in front of Cody. Before her eyes, his cock rose.

  “Believe me. You’re about to win big,” she said right before she took him into her mouth. From experience, she knew pizza would take twenty minutes to get there. She planned to use every second.

  * * * *

  Raising his head from between Misty’s legs, Cody swore as the doorbell peeled again. The pizza. He’d completely forgotten. B
eneath him, Misty moaned in frustration. He looked across her creamy skin to her face, taking in her still-closed eyes. Lost in passion, she hadn’t even heard the bell.

  On the television, a woman screamed in ecstasy. Knocking came from the other side of the door. Shit.

  Untangling Misty’s hands from his hair, Cody grabbed a throw blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around his waist. Unfortunately, it did little to hide his raging erection.

  Poor Timmy, the delivery boy. Cody didn’t want to imagine what went through the teenager’s head as he thrust a couple bills at the boy and grabbed the pizza. The moans and grunts coming from behind him increased in intensity.

  “Keep the change,” he managed before shutting the door.

  “But you gave me double–”

  Right now, he didn’t care if he gave the boy a hundred dollar tip. He had more important things to think about.

  When he walked back to the living room, Misty stood in front of the couch, her head tilted to the right as she studied the figures on the screen. Although she didn’t turn, the creaking floorboards must have alerted her to his presence.

  “Are we really doing everything they’re doing? Because I gotta tell you, I’m not sure I bend that way.”

  Cody glanced up at the television as he placed the pizza on the coffee table. His already stiff cock hardened to the point of pain. Oh yeah, they were definitely attempting that.

  “As a yoga teacher, you’re claiming a porn star is more flexible?”

  “Good point.” She grunted. “Still, that can’t be comfortable.”

  Grabbing her around the waist, Cody helped her leg stretch onto his shoulder. “Let’s find out,” he murmured, seating himself inside her in one solid thrust. He closed his eyes, grunting at the wet embrace. The position allowed him a deeper penetration.

  Once he’d filled her completely, he gripped her hips to support her, leaving the decision up to her. Either she’d be adventurous or she wouldn’t. Either way promised to be an unforgettable experience.

  With a wicked smile, she bent backward. Giving him not only her trust, but control. He leaned down to suck on her jutting nipples. Her throaty moan filled the room as he began to move.

  He’d chosen his bed partner well, he thought as sensations swamped him. If he’d really chosen at all. He was man enough to admit, she’d pretty much dragged him. And he’d never been more grateful.

  Chapter 9

  For the second day in a row, sunlight pierced her closed eyelids, waking her from a sound sleep. Burying her head in the pillow, Misty groaned, attempting to shut out reality and recapture her dream. It had been a wonderful dream.

  A warm chuckle tickled her ear from behind as an arm wrapped around her stomach. Misty’s eyes flew open as memories of last night assaulted her.

  “Cody?” She turned onto her back.

  “Were you expecting someone else?”

  “Of course not.” She smiled at him, feeling downright giddy. Between her legs, her sex was deliciously sore from their adventures the previous night.

  They’d watched the entire movie, trying everything the couple on the screen had. Well, almost everything. When a second man had joined the play, Cody had turned to her with complete sincerity, and a touch of possessiveness, and told her to not even think about it. She’d loved it. And in traditional style, teased him a little in return. But it hadn’t gone as she’d anticipated. After she’d told him he shouldn’t expect any other woman if she couldn’t have any other men, he had looked at her and said, “Why would I want another woman when I have you?” The memory still caused pleasure to bubble up inside her.

  “Are you hungry, or do you want to cuddle some more?” he asked, sweeping her hair behind her ear.

  Normally, she wouldn’t be up for another few hours. Cuddling sounded like heaven, but their sexual gymnastics last night had burned off a lot of calories. As much as she wanted to sink into his embrace, food proved too strong a temptation.

  “I require nourishment!”

  Her stomach clenched as his rich laugh filled the room. God, she loved the man. Just looking at him made her lightheaded with happiness. And now it seemed like all her dreams were coming true.

  “Eggs or pancakes?” he asked as he pulled on a pair of jeans from the floor.

  “Eggs, please.”

  “Okay.” He leaned over her and placed a firm kiss against her lips. Then he left. After a moment, the sounds of pots banging together drifted from the kitchen.

  Misty lay in bed, listening to the sounds for a moment before burying her face in the pillow again and letting out a giddy squeal.

  After plumping the pillow, she got out of bed and reached for her dress. As she leaned down, Cody’s shirt lying on the floor caught her eye. Without stopping to think, Misty dropped the dress and threw on the shirt. His scent surrounded her and she breathed it in deeply, filling her lungs.

  She glanced at her underwear, started to reach for it, and changed her mind. Maybe she’d have to surprise Cody by dropping a few things and bending over to retrieve them.

  Using her finger, she brushed her teeth. It would have to do until she got home. No way would she use his tooth brush. Even though she’d kissed every inch of him, that seemed a bit too familiar. With a last look in the mirror, she left the room to join her man in the kitchen. Her man.

  She paused in the entrance to the room. The table was still set from the night before, the uncorked bottle of wine left on a counter with unlit candles and red rose petals scattered over the surface. Last night, she’d been so absorbed by him, she’d barely noticed any of it. But now, the effort at romance made her throat tighten.

  He still hadn’t noticed her, his back turned to the stove. In a way, the scene reminded her of the one she’d seen so many months ago between him and Samantha. But this time, he wasn’t with some lost girl he’d found on his property. She was his lover, whom he’d spent the previous night screwing every which way but down. Actually, a couple positions could be considered screwing down.

  Creeping behind him, Misty wound her arms around his waist and put her head against his back. Her fingers traced the ridges in his stomach, enjoying the way they clenched under her exploration.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For breakfast?” he asked, turning to face her.

  “No.” She gestured around them. “For all of this. Guess I spoiled the romance. You had flower petals and candles in mind, and I turned on the porn.”

  He laughed and pulled her into his arms, tucking her head underneath his shoulder. “So not only did I get credit for the romance, but I also got to act out a porn movie with you. You were right last night, I did win big.”

  Nuzzling his throat, she smiled against his skin, then peeked her tongue out to taste. Hot, male, and musky. As his strangled moan rent the air, she felt powerful.

  “Food first, then more of that.” But he swore, seeming unhappy with his decision.

  With a final nip, she backed out of his arms.

  “What can I do?”

  “Nothing. It’s ready. All you need to do is sit down and enjoy.”

  “My favorite kind of breakfast. One where I don’t have to work.”

  He laughed as he set the plates on the table and held her chair out for her. “Not hunting?” he asked.

  She didn’t even dignify that with an answer. Just stared at him until he laughed again and grabbed her hand.

  “Forget I asked.”

  “Already have,” she chirped, shoveling eggs into her mouth. She was famished. Incredible, considering she’d eaten an entire pizza by herself last night.

  “So what’s on your agenda today?” he asked.

  “I’ve got classes from noon ’til five today. You?”

  “Prep for tonight’s town meeting.”

  “Oh, shit. That’s right, I completely forgot.”

  “What would you do without me?” He smirked at her from across the table, but whereas normally that look would
piss her off, today it flooded her with warmth.

  “Without you? Wear out my vibrator trying to get half the pleasure you gave me last night.”

  The fork missed his mouth, but he didn’t seem to notice as he stared at her. Then in a rush, he jumped forward and pulled her up with him.

  “Breakfast is over. Time for a shower.”

  She laughed as he led her out of the room and down the hallway to his bedroom. The man had amazing stamina. And she didn’t even care that she hadn’t finished her eggs. Breakfast could wait.

  * * * *

  Despite arriving fifteen minutes early, Misty found a crowd waiting outside town hall. She waved to a few people as she scanned the group for Cody, but gave up after the second sweep. He was probably busy with the skulk’s elders or the fire chief. Rumors were running wild after word had gotten out about the fire. No doubt tonight would put those to rest.

  She caught sight of Jen and Jarrod standing with a group of people. But as she moved toward them, a feminine hand curled around her arm.

  “Misty, dear. We haven’t seen you in ages.”

  Warning bells clanged loudly in her head, but it was too late. There was nothing she could do now but face the woman. With a deep breath, she turned to face Cody’s mother.

  “Hi, Mrs. Mattherson. How are you tonight?”

  “Mom, dear. I told you to call me Mom.” Their conversations always started this way. For years, she’d been asking Misty to call her Mom. But now, it was especially awkward considering all that had happened between Cody and her.

  “Yes, of course,” she mumbled. “If you’ll excuse me, I see someone I need to talk to.”

  But Mrs. Matherson tightened her hold, leaned in, and sniffed her neck. After her yoga classes, she’d gone home and taken another shower. Surely she didn’t still smell like the man? After showering at his place before her classes, she’d caught some speculative looks from some of her students, but no one had dared to comment.

  “Well, I wish I had caught you before you washed my boy’s scent off, but I can’t tell you how happy I am you two have finally gotten together. Took you long enough.”


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