Lycan Redemption

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Lycan Redemption Page 4

by Yule, S. K.

  Chapter Four

  Myka thought Galen was going to kiss her when he’d abruptly stood and grabbed a rake. Disappointment seared her insides even though she knew it was for the better. She didn’t need to get tangled up with him, but she couldn’t deny that she longed to know the feel of his mouth on her own. He had the most perfect full lips, lips that she had no doubt would be possessive, warm . . . hot, seductive. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and willed the image from her mind.

  “Did I do something wrong, Galen? You suddenly seem upset.”

  “No. I should be working instead of prying into your business.”

  She stood and went to him. When he continued raking stray hay from the floor, she laid her hand on his forearm. His muscles bunched beneath her fingers before he stilled and slowly turned to face her.

  “I understand that you are probably only passing through, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends while you are here. We are human beings, after all. Kindness and communication is normal behavior.”

  He snorted. “Sorry. I have a very different outlook on human behavior. And while I can’t deny I have witnessed acts of love and kindness in my life, it is no longer the norm. Most people are out to get whatever they can for themselves without care for others.”

  “Do you really believe that?” She frowned.

  Good God. What had happened to him to make him have such a negative outlook? Had he been hurt by someone? If so, why? He seemed like a good man. Yeah. But you don’t really know him, do you?

  “Yes. Although I have to admit that I have witnessed more kindness, caring, and selflessness in the short time I’ve spent here at your place than I’ve seen in a long time.”

  A shiver slid down her spine as his hazel eyes shimmered down at her.

  “I’m sorry that’s the case, but I’m happy you are seeing it now. At least you know there are people in the world who still care.”

  She gave his forearm a gentle squeeze. She had the urge to comfort him, but he was no child. He was a grown man. Yet wasn’t that the kindness she’d spoken to him about only seconds ago? One human being reaching out to another just because? Without stopping to think it through, she stepped closer and hugged him.

  His shirt was still damp from the rain, but he was surprisingly warm. She felt chilled to the bone, and she’d been in the inclement weather barely any time at all. He’d been in the rain for over two hours and was warm as an electric blanket. She snuggled against him, seeking the warmth of his body, and sighed when that warmth began seeping through their clothes and into her skin.

  He stiffened underneath her, and a different warmth flooded her. Embarrassment. She quickly took a step away from him.

  “I’m sorry. I was only trying to comfort you, but when I felt how warm you were, I couldn’t help myself.” She barely got the words past the lump in her throat.

  Damn but he was sexy. And those eyes. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear they were glowing again. Must be the color of them mixed with the reflection of the light. She cleared her throat.

  “You should get out of those wet clothes before you get chilled. I’d feel horrible if you got sick because of me. Speaking of which, I forgot to thank you. I don’t know how you unloaded all of that hay so fast, but I’m glad you were here.” She took another step back.

  Before she could turn to leave, he reached for her, and she found herself plastered against the delicious warmth of his broad chest once again.

  “I won’t get sick, and I was happy to help. Besides, that is what you are paying me to do.” He bent down and placed his lips close to her ear. “Anytime you want me out of my clothes, all you have to do is say the word.”

  She gasped, but when she turned her head toward him to protest, his lips captured hers. She was right. His full lips were made for kissing. The kiss was little more than a fleeting brush of mouths, but that simple touch made her want to rub against him and purr.

  “Forgive me,” he said.

  “I think I can manage to forgive you for a simple kiss.”

  A simple kiss? There had been nothing simple about his kiss. She had to fight the temptation to arch up and capture those delicious lips with hers again. She wanted to taste him on her tongue, breathe him into her lungs, where she could keep him and take him out on lonely winter nights.

  “I’m not asking for forgiveness for that.” His hot breath fanned over her cheek.

  “I don’t understand.” What did he need to be forgiven for?

  He dipped his head closer, their lips a scant inch apart. She couldn’t help but lean into his touch when he cupped her cheek, then slid his hand around to palm her nape.

  “Forgive me for this.”

  His lips took hers once again, but this was no gentle brushing of mouths. She opened to him when his tongue slid along her bottom lip, and he devoured her. The chill in her body was replaced by shivers of red-hot desire, shivers that intensified with each stroke of his tongue. Galen touching her, kissing her, felt right, felt familiar. But she shouldn’t be kissing him. She couldn’t get mixed up with a man who would be gone from life before she blinked. She also had to think if Patrick.

  She pushed at his chest, and he lifted his head. They were both breathing hard, and the look on his face excited her a hell of a lot and maybe intimidated her a tiny bit. There was something in his eyes that hinted at danger. He was quiet, intense, and moved too quietly, too light-footed for a man of his size. Something was different about him. Something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

  “I can’t do this, Galen.”

  “You can’t blame me for trying.”

  “I’m not the type of woman who sleeps around, and there’s Patrick to consider. Whatever this is between us can’t happen. We both know nothing long term can come of it.”

  “For the record, I’m not the kind of man who sleeps around either.”

  She smiled.


  “I’m not judging you, but a man who looks like you is usually used to getting what he wants when he wants it.”

  “I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.” He frowned.

  “You have to know that you are gorgeous. I simply meant that I’m sure you don’t find it difficult to attract women wherever you go.”

  “Attracting them and sleeping with them are two different things. You are beautiful. I’m certain you have no trouble attracting men, yet you told me you don’t sleep around. Why should it be any different for me?”

  Damn it. She’d stuck her big foot in her mouth. “I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just that it seems different for men where sex is concerned.”

  “Do tell?” he snorted.

  “Forget I said anything. Okay?” She put her hands up in surrender.

  “I didn’t take offense to your words, but I’m intrigued. Please tell me what you meant by sex is different where men are concerned.”

  She sighed. “There are double standards for men and women where sex is involved. In general, it seems to be acceptable, maybe even commendable, when a man sleeps around. On the other hand, if a woman sleeps with different men, she’s usually considered a slut, whore, easy, a tramp, or maybe a skank. I honestly didn’t mean to accuse you of sleeping with a lot of women. I got caught up in the general consensus and prejudged. You are the kind of man most women would be interested in. I let that persuade me into making assumptions that I have no facts about.”

  “You are correct. I think that does seem to be the general consensus. But it is not what I believe. If I did, as beautiful as you are, I’d have to assume that you were the biggest whore on the planet, and believe me when I say that that thought had never, has never, and will never cross my mind.”

  “I feel like such a horse’s ass right now,” she murmured.

  “I didn’t mean to cause you any distress. I really only wanted to hear your thoughts.”

  “I don’t normally judge others by their looks or possessions or money. I don
’t know why I did so with you.”

  “To be fair, I don’t think you judged me, Myka. I think you are tired and cold and maybe still a bit off kilter over our kiss.”

  “That’s definitely a possibility.” She laughed.

  “Why don’t you go get warmed up?” He took a step closer. “Or I can warm you up some more.”

  “As tempting as that is, I can’t.”

  “The offer will always be there. That and the getting-me-out-of-my-clothes deal.”

  She knew he was teasing her, yet she was also certain that he meant exactly what he said. She had to get out of the barn and away from him for a while before she threw all caution to the wind and did something she’d regret. What? Like sleep with a totally hot man who just said he doesn’t sleep around? Yeah. That would be horrible, wouldn’t it?

  He stepped even closer, crowding her personal space, and her body temperature shot up several degrees. He bent toward her, and she thought he might kiss her again, but his lips stopped a scant inch before touching her mouth.

  “Are you among most women?”

  She frowned for a moment, not understanding what he was asking. Then it hit her. She’d told him he was a man most women would be interested in.

  “Um, I—um . . .”

  He chuckled, caressed her cheek lightly with his thumb, then retreated.

  “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he said before getting back to cleaning the scattered hay from the floor.

  “I’ll leave some sandwiches in the fridge for you. Whenever you get hungry, feel free to come to the house and get them. I’ll have a hot dinner ready tonight. I think we could all use it. I’m probably going to hang out with Patrick the rest of the afternoon since it doesn’t appear the rain is going to let up anytime soon. If you need anything, let me know.”

  “Thank you.”

  * * * *

  He couldn’t get the taste of her off his tongue. Nor did he wish to. No matter how many seconds, hours, years that passed from this day on, he’d remember her scent, her unique flavor. He’d never desired anyone, anything as fervently in his years of existence. That was saying a lot since he was older than fucking dirt. When she’d been pressed up against him, and her tongue had been dancing with his, he’d nearly lost his mind.

  Even now his wolf howled for release, whined, and plead for its mate. He took a deep breath and turned his focus to the work needing done in the barn for the rest of the day. He hoped it was enough of a distraction to keep his mind off of Myka and what he wanted to do to her. It worked for the most part. The physical labor sidelined his lust, but he found himself thinking about all of the other things that made Myka a desirable woman.

  The way she blushed. Her dedication to Patrick. Her sheer will and determination to be a good mother and provider. The way she laughed—a rich, genuine sound that warmed his soul. Her honesty and frankness. The way her blue-violet eyes seared his soul each time they rested upon him.

  A low growl emanated from his chest. This was not going to happen. The situation was impossible. Every part of him wanted to stay, wanted to fight for what was his, even though it would be selfish of him to do so. His presence here invited danger to her doorstep. How would he cope if something happened to her or Patrick because of him? The answer was simple. He would go insane with guilt. But he didn’t want to leave. Not only for his own selfish reasons, but because she needed his help. Because Patrick needed him. Because whether she realized it or not, she needed him.

  “It’s better that she is lacking help than hurt or dead.” He chastised himself as he hammered a nail into the last replacement board on the stall.

  He stood and patted the gelding who’d been sniffing at him on the head.

  “Sorry for all the noise, Buddy.” He smiled when the horse snorted, and reached out to rub him on the neck. “I bet you and Patrick get along wonderfully.”

  He moved on to Chloe, Myka’s mare, next. She was bigger, but lean and muscular. He scratched her shoulder, and Chloe’s eyes half closed as if in bliss from the attention.

  “A beautiful girl for a beautiful girl,” he murmured.

  Although Myka was far from a girl. She was all warm woman and curves. He gave Sally, Pete, Dusty, and Lady quick rubs as well before putting the tools up and heading for his room in the back of the barn. The rain still fell in a steady sheet as it had been since morning. The soothing quality of rain had always called to him.

  He stripped off his clothes and started the shower. After stepping under the warm spray, he rested his head against the cool tiles covering the walls. Why did he have to find the most wonderful woman in the world now? Why had fate put him on a dangerous path that could ultimately affect his mate? He’d lived hundreds of years without so much as a glimpse of a mate, and now that his life was fucked up, there she was.

  Because life is great at knowing the exact moment when to fuck you, the exact moment it will have the most impact on you.

  He had to leave. Tonight. If he didn’t leave tonight, he doubted his ability to do so later. He squeezed his eyes shut and thought of Myka. Those gorgeous eyes tinged with a hint of violet. The inky black hair that he longed to bury his face in, yearned to feel slide over his naked flesh as he took her. His cock swelled, and he groaned. Images of her tiny body packed with surprisingly curvy hips tauntingly flitted through his brain. And her tempting, perky breasts. He groaned. He was sure they would fit perfectly in his hands.

  He thought of how he’d dip his head and swirl his tongue around her nipples, laving and gently nipping them into stiffened, rosy peaks. How she’d moan, arch her back, give him access to what he sought. She would be a generous lover, a lover who would give as much as she took. He wanted to eat her alive, nibble, lick, and suck every naked inch of her golden skin.

  He reached down and encircled his engorged cock, amazed that there was any blood left in his brain, and stroked it from base to tip as he imagined sliding between Myka’s thighs and into the creamy heat that awaited him. She would be tight, and he’d stretch her to the point of pain, but in the end, they’d come together in unblemished unison.

  He widened his feet and stroked his shaft faster. He laid his other palm flat against the wall and leaned against it. She’d be silky soft, and hot. Her muscles would clench around his cock in pulses. She’d tighten around him until he was nearly strangled. She’d cry out his name as she thrashed under him, and as he filled her again and again, he’d come inside her as she screamed out his name, clawed at his back, and came with him.

  He grunted as he stroked up on his cock, and his release shot from the head in spurts of warm liquid that drenched his fist. He leaned his forehead against the cool tile as he panted. Walking away from her was going to be the hardest thing he’d ever have to do.

  Chapter Five

  “Aren’t you hungry, Patrick?” Myka watched him push his food around on the plate.

  “Not really. I’m tired.”

  “It has been a long, dreary day. Although after our lazy afternoon together, I figured you’d be raring to go this evening.”

  She smiled at Galen, who sat across from her at the table. He, unlike Patrick, had been enthusiastic about eating, and was currently working his way through a second helping. She didn’t know how he could eat so much and look as good as he did. Although to be fair, he had skipped lunch this afternoon. When she’d gone to see if he’d be joining them for dinner, he was standing at the doors of the barn, peering into the still-spattering rain. He was dressed in dark jeans that hugged him in all the right places, showing off every hard edge of his fabulous rear and long, straight legs. The dark blue T-shirt was no less flattering. It splayed over his wide chest and shoulders, and formed around his six-pack like a second skin.

  His hair had been damp, and at that very moment, she’d wished that she was one of those types of girls who had one-night flings. She had no doubt he’d be pure heat between the sheets. But she wasn’t, and never would be, that type. She could never have sex wit
h someone she barely knew, then walk away as easily as if walking away from a good movie she would remember fondly at times, but carry no emotional ties to.

  “It wasn’t completely a lazy afternoon. You made me let you cut my hair,” Patrick said.

  “It needed cut, Patrick. It was getting long.”

  “Galen’s hair is long,” he scoffed.

  Myka frowned.

  “You’re right,” Galen said. “I’ve been traveling and haven’t had time to get it cut, but I’d be happy to let Myka cut it for me.” He looked at her. “If you’re up for it?”

  “I could do that, if you’re sure. I’m not a professional,” she replied.

  “If you mess it up, it’ll grow back.” Galen shrugged.

  “Can I be excused?” Patrick asked, apparently bored with all the haircut talk.

  “I don’t know. Can you?” She shrugged.

  “May I be excused?” Patrick rolled his eyes.

  “Yes. You may.” She smiled. “Why don’t you go and read? I don’t think you’ve had a chance to read your superhero series for a while, have you?”

  Myka knew he’d look at the pictures more than anything since he couldn’t make out words that were more than four letters long. She’d worked with him on his reading to give him a head start for when he started school--and because she thought reading was important--but she wasn’t a teacher. He was a quick learner, but he was still only five.

  “That sounds like a good idea.” Patrick stood and turned to leave the room. “See ya, Galen.”

  “Later,” Galen answered.

  “I hope he’s not getting a cold,” Myka muttered as she ate a forkful of green beans.

  “I’m sure he’ll be good as new in the morning.” He stood and took his now-empty plate to the sink.

  “You’re probably right.”

  “I’ll do the dishes. Thank you for dinner. It was delicious as usual.”

  “Thank you, but you don’t have to do the dishes.”

  She stood and scraped what was left on her and Patrick’s plates into the trash, and went to dry the dishes Galen had already started to wash.


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