Note from the Author
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Update: Book two of the Tree of Ages Series, “The Melted Sea,” is scheduled for release in July 2016.
Àed (ay-add)- a conjurer of some renown, also known as “The Mountebank”
Anders (ahn-durs)- a young, archive scholar.
Arthryn (are-thrin)- alleged Alderman of Sormyr. Seen by few.
Bannock- unleavened loaf of bread, often sweetened with honey.
Bladdered- drunk
Boobrie- large, colorful, bird-like Faie that lures travelers away from the path.
Branwen (bran-win)- a young, archive scholar.
Cavari- prominent clan of the Dair Leanbh.
Ceàrdaman (see-air-duh-maun)- The Craftspeople, often referred to as Travelers. Believed to be Faie in origin.
À Choille Fala (ah choi-le-uh fall-ah)- The Blood Forest. Either a refuge or prison for the Faie.
Ceilidh (kay-lee)- A festival, often involving dancing and a great deal of whiskey.
Dair Leanbh (dare lan-ub)- Oak Child. Proper term for a race of beings with affinity for the earth. Origins unknown.
Dram- a small unit of liquid measure, often referring to whiskey.
Dullahan (doo-la-han)- Headless riders of the Faie. Harbingers of death.
Finnur (fin-uh)- member of Clan Cavari.
Garenoch (gare-en-och)- small, southern burgh. A well-used travel stop.
Geancanach (gan-can-och)- small, mischievous Faie with craggy skin and bat-like wings. Travel in Packs.
Glen- narrow, secluded valley.
Gray City- See Sormyr
Grogoch (grow-gok)- smelly Faie covered in red hair, roughly the size of a child. Impervious to heat and cold.
Gwrtheryn (gweir-thare-in)- Alderman of Garenoch. Deathly afraid of Faie.
Haudin (hah-din)- roughly built homes, often seen in areas of lesser wealth.
Iseult (ee-sult)- allegedly the last living member of Uí Neíd.
Kai- escort of the Gray Lady.
Keiren (kigh-rin)- daughter of the Mountebank. Whereabouts unknown.
Liaden (lee-ay-din)- the Gray Lady.
Meirleach (myar-lukh)- word in the old tongue meaning thief.
Merrows- water dwelling Faie capable of taking the shape of sea creatures. Delight in luring humans to watery deaths.
Midden- garbage.
Migris- one of the Great Cities, and also a large trade port.
Muntjac- small deer.
Neeps- turnips.
Óengus (on-gus)- a notorious bounty hunter.
Pooks- also known as Bucca, small Faie with both goat and human features. Nocturnal.
Port Ainfean (ine-feen)- a medium-sized fishing port along the River Cair, a rumored haven for smugglers.
Reiver (ree-vur)- borderland raiders.
Sand Road- travel road beginning in Felgram and spanning all the way to Migris.
Scunner- an insult referring to someone strongly disliked.
Sgal (skal)- a strong wind.
Sgain Dubh (skee-an-doo)- a small killing knife, carried by roguish characters.
Slàinte (slawn-cha)- a toast to good health.
Sormyr (sore-meer)- one of the Great Cities, also known as the Gray City.
Travelers- see Ceàrdaman.
Trow- large Faie resembling trees. Rumored to steal children.
Uí Néid (ooh ned)- previously one of the great cities, now nothing more than a ruin.
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