The Evolved (The New Era Saga Book 1)

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The Evolved (The New Era Saga Book 1) Page 20

by KT Webb

  Jumping up, Thatcher put all his focus on Absalom. He narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly as he saw Absalom grab onto his chest. Right about then, Absalom was feeling his airways constrict as the oxygen in his lungs turned to smoke. Thatcher pushed more emotion into his ability and felt a sense of satisfaction as Absalom fell to his knees. Absalom looked into Thatcher’s eyes with anger and confusion. He didn’t understand how Thatcher was winning.

  “You see, Absalom,” Thatcher said as he crouched down in front of him, “you made the mistake of killing people I care very deeply for. First, my parents. Now, Malcolm. Not to mention all the people you killed who meant something to the people I now consider my family.”

  Absalom coughed, trying to speak, but Thatcher had heard enough of his brand of bull.

  “I think now is the time for you to listen, Absalom.” Thatcher leaned in a little closer. “Do you know why you won’t win this? I’ll tell you. Because you’re fighting for the wrong reasons.”

  Absalom fell to his hands and knees. His face was red with the effort he was putting in to each breath. He groaned as Thatcher turned the heat up inside his body.

  “I am fighting for the future. You are fighting to regain the past. I am fighting for those I love. You are fighting because you hate everyone but yourself,” Thatcher told him, leaning close to Absalom’s face.

  Thatcher watched Absalom struggle for a few more moments. He had had enough of this shell of a man. He released his lungs, allowing him to gulp in much needed oxygen. Then, with a flick of his wrist, Thatcher raised Absalom’s body temperature. His scream echoed through Thatcher’s very core. It was angry, it was pained, and it was full of disbelief. Thatcher watched as Absalom convulsed a few times before falling to the ground.

  An eerie sound filled the air as black tendrils of smoke rose from the body in front of Thatcher. They spiraled up to form a black ball above Absalom. The sound was deafening, like every soul destroyed by Absalom had been released. Thatcher took a step back as the ball began to vibrate and glow. As the glow intensified, the color faded from the dark black of Absalom’s soul to a blinding white. Shielding his eyes, Thatcher peered out around him. For just a moment, he saw the faded silhouettes of every soul Absalom had taken, and he felt the relief and gratitude emanating from each of them. Then all at once, they were gone. The glowing ball was now levitating in front of Thatcher, and it crackled with energy before it merged with his body.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine:


  Nora had transported them all back to the house, leaving Hadley and Thatcher to face Absalom alone. Dorian and Romulus were both pacing the library. They knew Thatcher was destined for this, but they didn’t know what condition he would be in when he returned. Tahlia had left them in the library to tell Eric about Whitley alone.

  “Hadley is calling to me,” Nora said as she jumped to her feet and disappeared.

  She reappeared near the warehouse. Hadley was standing off to the side, nervously watching Thatcher. She took Nora’s hand and nodded to her. Nora transported them back into the library.

  Dorian stopped pacing and looked relieved when he saw both of them. He smiled sadly at Hadley. Nora knew he wanted to say something to her, but he couldn’t find the right words. He stepped forward and gingerly wrapped his arms around Hadley. He released her and kissed her forehead.

  Kerr stepped forward to heal her wounds. She had been burned on her shoulder and had a few other scrapes and bruises from the fight. As soon as she was healed, she sat down and began to cry.

  “I can’t believe she’s gone.” Hadley sobbed, finally letting the loss of her sister wash over her.

  Nora held her as they cried together. Dorian tore his eyes away from them to look at Romulus. His brother was talking to Kerr quietly in the corner. Dorian knew the two of them were experiencing and seeing all the loss Hadley felt. Even though they didn’t experience it firsthand, they were feeling her pain and doubt and confusion.

  “I left Thatcher alone with Absalom. Absalom has been weakened, but he will still put up one hell of a fight. Please let me know when Thatcher returns,” Hadley told them before she excused herself and went in search of her parents.

  Nora sat down next to Kerr and took his hand in hers. She gave him a sad smile and waited. She didn’t have to wait long before she felt that pull in her stomach again. Thatcher was calling to her. She closed her eyes and went to him.

  When she arrived, he was sitting on the ground next to Malcolm. Nora walked over and sat down next to him. He was crying and holding onto Malcolm’s hand. Nora looked at the body of the boy who had sacrificed himself for the Evolved. If she just looked at his face, she could see the boy she met in the skate park. But as her eyes travelled down his body she saw the gaping hole in his chest. Malcolm did not deserve this. He did not deserve to die, especially at the hands of his own father. Nora put her arm around Thatcher and sat with him for a few moments.

  “We should bring his body back,” she told him.

  “Do you think Dorian would let us bury him? He deserves a proper funeral,” Thatcher said.

  Nora nodded her head and took hold of both Malcolm and Thatcher. She took them to the back patio where they left Malcolm’s still form. They made their way in the back door, through the breakfast nook, and down the hall to the library.

  Kerr came forward and healed the burns on Thatcher’s body. Thatcher thanked him and went on to explain what had happened in the battle. Nora was in awe of his strength and determination. She was so proud of him. If it wasn’t for Thatcher, Hadley, and Whitley, they wouldn’t have been victorious.

  “It’s over. I realized what the difference between us was and I used it to my advantage,” Thatcher told them all.

  The library door opened as Tahlia and Eric walked in. Hadley pushed past them and rushed at Thatcher. He pulled her to him and gave her a gentle kiss, resting his forehead against hers. She blinked back the tears and nodded at him before hugging him tightly. Kerr and Nora came forward. The four of them hugged each other in relief. Nora knew the coming days would not be easy, but they had each other. They had made it.

  Chapter Forty:


  After the millennia they had been waiting for this battle, Dorian couldn’t help but wonder what would be coming next. He knew this battle was only part of ushering in the New Era. Absalom and Silas had been standing in their way, but they weren’t the only obstacle the Evolved were going to have to overcome. Everything Absalom represented was about to be eradicated from the world. The evil he held, the havoc he wreaked, and the corruption he caused would be gone with him.

  As wonderful as a world without the cause of evil sounded, Dorian knew it would not be an easy transition. So many people had been living their lives clouded by the malevolent presence of Absalom, and they may not know what to do in a world devoid of that malevolence. The longer someone draws that wickedness into their being, the more it becomes an integral part of them. New threats would rise, and the Evolved would have to continue to fight until the final pieces of the prophecy fell into place. He glanced over at Nora and Kerr. Their child would play a key part in the New Era. It had been up to Hadley, Whitley, and Thatcher to end this battle, but it was up to Nora and Kerr to bring new hope to the world.

  They were preparing for the burial of Malcolm. Thatcher had insisted on digging the grave. He had to heat the ground in order to thaw it out enough to dig. Kerr and Romulus had constructed a casket for him. They were to bury him in the backyard. Nora had chosen the spot. In the large garden there was a gathering of lilac bushes, and in the middle of these bushes there was a small clearing. It wasn’t much to look at during November in South Dakota, but it was breathtaking in the summer.

  Dorian led the way as Kerr and Thatcher carried the casket. Hadley, Nora, Tahlia, and Eric followed behind them. When they arrived in the clearing, they set the casket on a bench. Each of them approached the casket and said their final goodbyes. Thatcher was the last to come forwar
d. Dorian saw the tears in his eyes as he looked down at the young boy who had sacrificed himself so that Thatcher may live. Thatcher was clutching something to his chest as the tears ran down his cheeks. Dorian knew what it was before he watched Thatcher place it in the casket next to Malcolm.

  Steggie. Thatcher closed his eyes as the tears spilled down his cheeks. He reached out and touched Malcolm’s head, and whispered something meant only for the two of them. Then Dorian stepped forward to say a few words.

  “The Creator sent this boy to us. Absalom may have been his father, and he may have spared his life for dark purposes, but the bottom line is, the Creator knew we needed to be touched by Malcolm. He showed us that even though we think we know what to expect, we can always be surprised. He showed us that even though we’ve been raised to believe one thing, we have the power to believe something else. But most of all, Malcolm showed us the true meaning of sacrifice. He died to save the people he had been taught were the enemy. He died to ensure that we would be able to usher in the New Era. Malcolm will not be forgotten. He will be a part of us for the rest of our lives.”

  Dorian stepped back and watched as Kerr and Romulus closed the casket. They lowered him into the ground slowly and carefully. They all stayed in the clearing until Thatcher had finished refilling the grave. The Old Immortals and Eric walked back to the house, leaving the Evolved to pay their respects.

  Despite their losses, they were supporting each other, and showing the depths of their love for one another. He felt pride in how far they had come, and a sense of completion as the first part of the struggle was behind them. From the back patio, he saw Nora whisper something to Hadley as she hugged her tight. Kerr smiled at Thatcher and pulled him into a strong hug. Lying a hand on Thatcher’s shoulder, Dorian saw the look that passed between them and knew they would handle anything that came their way.


  “You need to hurry up!” Thatcher said as he hung up the phone.

  He turned back to Hadley, who was nervously biting her nails. Eric sat in the corner with Tahlia sleeping on his shoulder. Dorian and Romulus were pacing the hospital waiting room.

  “Is he on his way?” Hadley asked Thatcher.

  “Yes. He said he was almost here. I can’t believe he’s not here already,” Thatcher told her as he took her hand in his.

  This wasn’t the first time Kerr had been late for an important occasion. Thatcher practically had to send out a search party for him on his wedding day. He found Kerr nervously repeating his vows in the bathroom, but he made it to the front of the church with only a second to spare.

  Thatcher shook his head and chuckled at the memory as Kerr came crashing through the elevator door.

  “What room is she in?” he asked them breathlessly.

  Kerr smiled at his family in the waiting room before he took off down the hallway. Hadley laughed as he ran.

  “I can’t believe this day is finally here,” Hadley said as she squeezed Thatcher’s hand.

  Hadley had been through so much in the last year. Losing Whitley cut her to the core. She knew it was how things were supposed to be, and she knew her sister would always be with her. But it didn’t make the loss any easier. Her parents had leaned on each other to deal with the loss. She looked over at her father as he absentmindedly played with Tahlia’s hair. Hadley smiled at him when he caught her watching him.

  She had made it through with the help of the other Evolved. Thatcher was amazing, even as he dealt with losing Malcolm, and Kerr had proven to be an emotional confidant for them both. Nora had become her best friend in the absence of Whitley. She knew with absolute certainty that everything had turned out exactly how it was supposed to.

  Kerr took a deep breath and walked in the door. He gave Nora an apologetic shrug as he came to her side. He took her hand and kissed it.

  “You can do this, Nora. It’s time to meet our little girl,” he whispered in her ear.

  Nora nodded at him. Her water had broken that morning as she stepped out of the shower. She hadn’t been expecting the baby to come for another week, so she felt a slight panic as she dressed and grabbed her hospital bag. She transported herself down to the kitchen where she found everyone eating breakfast. At the sight of her holding her duffle bag and beaming from ear to ear, the whole family went into a frantic rush to get her to the hospital. Kerr had been at the Benton Book Nook when they called him.

  Another contraction hit her and she started to push. The pressure was almost unbearable, but she knew it meant she would meet her little girl soon. Taking a deep breath, she gave another strong push and felt the small head leave her body. Her legs shook as the nurses told her to push one more time.

  A small cry filled the room. The doctor handed her the small life that she’d been waiting to meet. Looking up at Kerr, she was overwhelmed with love as she saw the awe etched in his face through the tears swimming in her eyes. She looked into those impossibly large green eyes and knew the world would never be the same.

  Also available in paperback and Kindle;

  The New Era Saga:

  Growing Hope


  Dorian took a deep breath and rubbed his hands together. The Creator had given him a job. He had called for the Council of Immortals to come to the Great Hall in order to ask for their help. The creation of man had been successful and it seemed to be bringing the results the Creator had hoped. The first men he had placed in each area of the world had been flourishing in their environments. Now was the time to create women.

  He waited patiently for the others of his kind to arrive so they could begin their task. He heard them coming up the stairs of the great hall, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls around him. They entered the great hall and took their places around the large marble table.

  “Thank you for arriving so quickly.” Dorian said, nodding at each of them in turn.

  “You called for us. We took an oath to come when you called.” Lucien told him.

  “The Creator has asked us to give of ourselves. He has asked us to help him create life.” Dorian told them.

  A sharp intake of breath came from the few closest to him. This was the first time the Creator had asked them to help with one of his creations. Perhaps he felt they would be able to offer insight into the female version of mankind.

  “What can we do?” Asked Lida as she leaned forward eagerly.

  Dorian explained the plan. The Creator had asked that they imbue woman with a piece of each of them. When man came into existence, he was created for survival. Man was strong, brave, and resilient. But man needed a companion to bring balance to the world. The Creator had made the Council of Immortals before he decided to create man. The Council of Immortals had become his confidants. Dorian knew that they had only been the first of many great creations.

  In the beginning, they only existed as beings within the mind of the Creator. As the universe began to take shape, the Creator decided to give physical substance to the Council of Immortals. He had been pleased and surprised to find them all so different. Their physical appearances varied greatly, and there were a few among their number who were of a softer form. These were first females of any race, the first time the Creator decided there needed to be two forms in order to multiply.

  “She should be kind.” Charis said softly.

  “She should be curious.” Lida said with excitement.

  “She must be loving.” Caprice shared, smiling at Silas.

  And so the discussion continued as the Council of Immortals discussed the characteristics best suited for a woman of the human race. Dorian smiled at the others of his race as they sat in their high backed chairs. The air changed, he closed his eyes waiting for the smell to hit him. He had learned that the experience was different for each of them, but for him, it was always filled with the crisp salty scent of the ocean. Taking a deep breath through his nose, he smiled to himself as he heard his brothers and sisters doing the same. He opened his eyes and found himself staring at
the Creator.

  He was a non-descript man. He had the kind of face and build that would lead anyone to believe they had seen him somewhere before. They had given up trying to describe how he appeared to each other because each of them saw him differently. The Creator smiled at them in greeting.

  “Are you ready to see the woman come into being?” He asked serenely.

  “We are.” They said together.

  The Creator waved his right hand and a man appeared before them. It was Epimetheus. Dorian strode towards the man and pulled him into a firm hug. Dorian had been present when the Creator had breathed life into Epimetheus, it was only fitting that he should receive the first female companion.

  “How are you Dorian?” Epimetheus asked in his native tongue.

  “I am well. Welcome to the Great Hall.” Dorian said gesturing to the temple around them.

  Epimetheus looked around him in awe. “It is beautiful.”

  The Creator led them back to the table and motioned for everyone to take their seats.

  “Epimetheus, please come forward.” The Creator instructed.

  Dorian watched the man walk toward his Creator with confidence and trust. Once Epimetheus stood in front of him, the Creator placed his hands on his shoulders and smiled broadly at him. Dorian saw the Creator whisper to his creation, then place his forehead against the man’s. Epimetheus turned and lowered himself to the ground, where he lay on his back with his eyes closed.

  The Council of Immortals watched curiously as the Creator placed his hand on the man’s head.

  “Sleep now my son.” He said gently with a small smile on his face.


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