Paladin (Book Two of the Elemental Paladins series)

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Paladin (Book Two of the Elemental Paladins series) Page 10

by Montana Ash

“I’m glad. I think you will all make a good match.” The soft voice drifted from behind them and was lightly accented. Fawn was the Beast Warden representative on the local council and Diana actually liked her. Beyden did too if she wasn’t mistaken.

  All four paladins jumped to their feet to greet the Warden but Fawn merely waved a hand, telling them to sit. “I’m sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to say hello and apologise for our first meeting. I’m sure it was overwhelming for you and it could have gone smoother.”

  Max grinned. “Thank you. But I’m the one who should probably be apologising. I don’t have much of a brain to mouth filter and I was rude. I’m sorry.”

  Fawn smiled. She really was very pretty, Diana thought. All blonde and feminine looking. “Well, I’m glad you seem to be settling in. You couldn’t have found yourself a better group of paladins if you tried.”

  Diana saw Cali raise her eyebrows at that. Sure, Fawn was nice and always treated them with respect but she had never been overly vocal about their precarious positions in society.

  “I feel great. They have all been absolutely wonderful! I’ve even been able to get some real work done for my graphic novels and I’ve been able to access all my bank accounts too.” Max turned to her then, enquiring, “Do you guys pay a mortgage? Can you tell me the details so I can add my share?”

  Uh oh. She was able to share one worried look with Cali before Leo began to laugh. “There’s no mortgage on that place. Besides, your share? Max, your share is one hundred percent. That house belongs to you now.”

  Shit! Diana thought and silently cursed Ryker. He should have been the one to explain this type of thing to Max. Unlike ninety-nine-point-nine percent of all wardens, Diana had a feeling that Max was not going to be happy to find herself an instant millionaire. Sure enough, Diana felt the bond shut down instantly – something Max did whenever she felt she couldn’t adequately shield herself.

  “What does he mean?”

  Double shit! Max’s voice had gone ice-princess. “Well, technically …” She began, “… paladins can’t really own their own property. Ryker was an exceptional circumstance because his liege left him the land in his will. It was beyond contestation because Flint had no other living family. But now if Ryker is to be bound to another liege, all his holdings will revert to that liege.”

  “Revert to that liege …” Max’s voice was low.

  Fawn glanced at her four paladins – two women and two men. That was uncommon as well. Women were still not largely embraced as active knights. “Historically, knights were once gifted a benefices, such as land, property or gold. It was granted to them as boons in repayment for their exemplary service. That is what Flint did for Ryker. Unfortunately, such traditions have been considered outdated for a few hundred years now.” She explained, appearing to study Max for her reactions.

  Max didn’t disappoint. “So now wardens just take whatever they want and give nothing in return?” Her tone held obvious disapproval. She turned to Cali, “Do you even get paid?”

  “Um, sort of. A paladin is provided everything by their liege, including a salary if they so deem. It’s a little different for us though. We are employed by the IDC to run the training centre here so we are actually provided with an income of sorts for equipment, the vehicles and whatnot.” Cali explained.

  “Wardens get paid though. In fact, you’ll find that you are now the new beneficiary of a substantial trust fund.” Caspian pointed out. “You will be compensated for the burden you bear in order to maintain your domain.”

  “Compensated how? And how do they know I’m maintaining anything?” Max’s voice was still icy but she was also listening and Diana allowed herself to relax minutely.

  “It’s almost like a posting in the military. The IDC station wardens all over the world wherever their domains need tending most. Some of the postings are temporary and some are more long term. I was contracted to come here almost five years ago to ensure the local river system and local stretch of beach is maintained. It’s a permanent posting.” The Water Warden clarified.

  “So I’m essentially going to be drafted and sent who knows where?” Max asked in annoyance. She turned to Diana. “And you didn’t think this was important for me to know?”

  “We’re getting there, Max. Little by little we’re teaching you about our society. It’s no easy task. You can’t learn a whole race’s history in a matter of weeks.”

  “Besides, I don’t think you need to be too concerned about the International Domain Council sending you anywhere. You are a female Life Warden. Your discovery is a true miracle and you will be embraced as such.” Fawn assured her, nodding her head in deference. “Although I am sure, as a Life Warden, you feel the need to help when and where you can. I got the impression you wished to be active in your domain at our last meeting.”

  That caused Max to close her mouth. Not only did she not want to lie outright by saying she was a Life Warden when she wasn’t, Diana knew, but she had also been very vocal about not being passive. “You’re right, Fawn. I want to help. I just don’t like the idea that our paladins give up everything for us and don’t receive any formal acknowledgement for their sacrifice or service.”

  “I agree.” Fawn’s brown eyes were direct and Diana knew they had another ally.

  “Having a party?”

  Diana silently cursed up a storm. That annoying nasally voice belonged to Ignatius. They had gotten distracted by the conversation and she hadn’t been keeping an eye on the time. Diana saw Max’s eyes brighten in anticipation. Looks like Max thought she now had the perfect outlet for her frustrations over the newest revelations.

  “Ignatius. How wonderful to see you again.” She said as she stood up. “Your boys delivered my message to you I trust?” She asked sweetly.

  Diana saw the red flush begin to make its way up the Fire Warden’s neck as he registered the snickers in the room. Several occupants had been at Lonnies two weeks ago. “Threatening an Order is a punishable offense. And threatening a Warden could mean a death sentence.”

  “Is that right? Well then, I’ll be sure to mention your little goon squad assaulting Lark to the IDC when I meet with them next week.”

  “Lark,” Ignatius spat as if the name were synonymous with the word shit, “is an unbound paladin, with no liege. He instigated the fight and my Order were forced to defend themselves. You have no cause and no right to seek any form of retribution against them.”

  “Well now, that’s just not true. You see, Lark is my paladin and I am his liege. So I have every right to defend my paladin and every cause to seek retribution because no-one here believes for one minute that Lark started anything!”

  Several gasps followed Max’s announcement that Lark was now a sworn paladin. Diana did her best not to palm her face; this was not the low profile Ryker and Darius were set on maintaining. And they had been doing so well …

  “You can’t do that!” Ignatius actually pointed a finger in Max’s face. “Paladins must be vetted by the local council before being formally approved by the international council. The bonding must be acknowledged and witnessed in front of the IDC and the warden community.”

  Max merely shrugged. “It’s already done.”

  “I’m reporting you to the IDC.” Ignatius’s voice was excited, almost as if he were a child narking on a sibling. It wasn’t a good look on a Warden and Diana could see the uncomfortable stirring in the room and side-glances suggesting that she wasn’t alone in that opinion. Not the least being Fawn who was scrutinising Ignatius like a bug under a microscope. Perhaps eyes were truly beginning to open.

  “Go ahead. I’ll be sure to file my own report about your deplorable behaviour. Who knows, I may even get a petition going.” Max looked around them room and appeared to judge the mettle of the occupants. “I bet there are a number of individuals who have righteous complaints where you are concerned.”

  The Fire Warden crossed his arms over his chest, his five paladins mirroring him. His eyes also s
urveyed the room, but where Max’s were only curious, his held a warning of dire consequence. “Is that so? Well, I’m always open to discussion. Does anyone have anything they would like to address?” His dark eyes focused on Caspian when the Water Warden made a restless movement. “Caspian? Do you have anything you would like to say?”

  Caspian actually looked him in the eyes for a full three seconds before he lowered his head and murmured; “No. Nothing to say.”

  Ignatius smirked, “I didn’t think so … disgusting!” He added under his breath but loud enough for the very quiet room to hear.

  Diana could see Max was itching to slap the smirk right off his face and although Diana agreed with her whole heartedly, it just wasn’t an option. Darius was correct – the wisest course of action was to not create waves and ensure Max’s transition into their society was as smooth as possible. The best way to achieve that was to await the arrival of the IDC. If they accepted Max – and they most certainly would, quirks and all – then everyone else would too. The majority of the wardens and paladins were good little sheep. They followed the lead and the proclamations of the seven most powerful wardens alive.

  Not wanting the situation to escalate further, Diana tested the link she had with her Captain. Ryker was a potentate and therefore the only one capable of maintaining the link between everyone in the Order – other than Max, that was. They hadn’t actively used the link much because they had been more focused on getting Max to understand and control her end of the bond. But now was a good time to get her Captain’s attention. Concentrating her thoughts on Ryker, she gave the link a decent pluck, not bothering to waste her time being tentative. Ryker and the rest of the men appeared in the doorway not five seconds later. Seems the link was alive and kicking. Diana tilted her head in the direction of Max and she saw her Captain’s eyes narrow as he took in the scene. Five long strides were all it took for him to reach her. He was careful not to touch her and he also remained a respectful distance away from Ignatius and his Order. Darius took his place next to Ryker and Axel, Lark, and Beyden closed in ranks from behind. The sight of them all lined up like a unit almost took her breath away. They looked like a real Order. And judging by the whispered murmurs and widening eyes in the room, they looked like a damn formidable one!

  “Ignatius. Your paladins are late.” Ryker’s voice was brisk and bordering on rude but he was always that way, so no-one could say he was treating the man differently just because of Max.

  Ignatius smiled thinly. “My paladins were on their way to you for their monthly fitness test when we were waylaid by your guest here.”

  Ryker crossed his arms over his impressive chest – not as impressive as Darius’s now that she had personally sampled the air paladin’s pecks – but Ry never failed to be an inspiration. “You had better all get changed. You’re late.” He repeated, not rising to the bait.

  Ignatius continued to stare at Ryker for a few seconds before nodding to his Order. “Max. Always a pleasure.” He bowed regally before he and his paladins moved off.

  Diana figured Max would have a few choice words for Ryker or even herself, for spoiling her fun, but she surprised her by turning to Caspian instead;

  “Why do you let him treat you that way?” She asked.

  Caspian looked startled for a moment before a red flush bathed his cheeks. “It’s just easier …”

  Max’s gaze was steady as she continued to watch Caspian. “And since when does easy, equal right?”

  Lawson placed a comforting hand on his liege’s shoulder. Leo and Lawson were always a steady presence for Caspian. Diana knew they wanted to defend Cas overtly with fists and words but they abided by their liege’s wishes. Caspian did not want to cause any more issues than his mere presence already wrought. Diana thought him incredibly brave to be an active member of society and to interact socially with their fellow knights rather than becoming a hermit and hiding himself away. Many other homosexual wardens and paladins had been forced to do just that, or felt forced to lie about their sexual orientation. But Caspian didn’t do that. Sure, he may not walk around with a rainbow flag or make out with Lawson in public, but he never denied his lover and he worked every day to uphold his domain and maintain the respect of his peers.

  Apparently Max intended the question to be rhetorical, for she continued; “You are one of the most powerful wardens in the room. More powerful than Ignatius here, despite only having two paladins in your Order. I can feel it. I can see it. It drips off you. Why do you ignore it? Because this fucked up, antiquated society tells you that you’re less because of whom you love?”

  Several gasps met Max’s speech, not the least of them from Caspian himself. “You’re mistaken. I’m not powerful.”

  “You are.” Max’s voice rang with authority and a truth no-one would dare deny. Judging by the mutters and scuffling feet in the room, Diana knew that they all must have felt the veracity of those two words as well. “And you! You would just sign over your home to me, your refuge and your place of peace, because some fucked up, antiquated society tells you you’re less because you were born a paladin?”

  “Uh …” Ryker was wide-eyed and looking bewildered at the sharp turn in Max’s censures. Diana understood how she believed the two issues were linked; they were all about respect.

  “Do you really believe that you have no right to earn your pride through your possessions?” She asked, sadness and indignation in her voice. “Let me tell you all something. Respect is earned, it’s true. It can’t be forced and it can’t be taken. But … people treat you the way you demand to be treated. If you continue to roll over and show your bellies, you’re going to keep getting kicked. You’re all worth more than this …” Max’s strange turquoise eyes seemed to glow with an inner light as she focused them on several individuals in the room, including Caspian and Fawn, “… you need to start demanding.”

  Diana felt tears prick her eyes when Max stormed from the room in righteous temper. Realising she was a Custodian with the potential for true greatness was one thing. Witnessing that greatness was another entirely. Her society was in desperate need of a shake-up. They were a noble race and their role in the world was immense. But they were drowning, sinking slowly back into the habits of the old days and introducing new rules that were even worse in some ways. Diana feared what their declining numbers would mean to the natural wonders of the world. Max truly was going to be their saviour, she just knew it.

  “Dammit, this is not going to help. Low-key. She agreed to low-key. That little speech of hers is going to incite gossip among the higher ups and by the time the IDC get here, who knows what they will be believing?” Darius growled from next to her. The majority of the room had dispersed and she was surprised to find herself essentially alone with the man of her dreams.

  He had hardly spoken to her in days since the incident as Max liked to call it. At least she wasn’t referring to it as the intercourse like she did after her and Ryker’s initial sexcapades. Like Max, Diana was a firm believer in not making issues where they weren’t needed. So she had listened like a good little soldier when Darius had expressed his sincerest apologies over the incident and had left it at that. Well, sort of. She wasn’t as adept as Max was at acting casual and normal. Where Max had chatted on as if nothing had ever happened between Ryker and herself – driving Ryker crazy in the process – Diana had frozen Darius out somewhat. She was still professional and courteous with him but she no longer shared her casual affection and friendship with him. She found it a little hard to keep holding the man in high esteem after he had practically said that he had made the biggest mistake of his life.

  He had knocked on her door the next day, after first apologising to Max and essentially begging for forgiveness. That had chapped her arse too! He had spoken to Max before her. She shouldn’t have been surprised – duty before all else was his creed. He had looked like his usual put-together self in his cargos and dark shirt with the exception of the dark circles. Apparently he’d had a
restless night. Well, so had she. But hers had been filled with steamy images of what the man had done to her against the wall of the gym. She had woken up aching and wanting and knowing full well that no other man would be able to compare to the rapture she had felt in his arms.

  At first, she could hardly believe the wicked intent she had seen in his eyes; surely under all that smooth sophistication there couldn’t truly be a dominant, powerful lover? A lover who sought his own pleasure as forcefully as he did that of his partners? A lover who was unashamed of his desires and who trusted his partner to accept every aspect of him? She was unabashedly assertive in the bedroom and was just as comfortable with a little rough, spontaneous play as she was with slow and premeditated lovemaking. She was unafraid to ask for what she wanted and was more than happy to respond to her lover’s desires as well. Darius had been absolutely perfect. But such perfection was not meant to last for he had stood stiffly at attention in her doorway, stating;

  “I wanted to express my deepest apologies for the way I treated you yesterday. I know there is likely nothing I can do to atone for my behaviour, but please know I consider it one of the worst mistakes of my life.”

  Her stomach had dropped so radically that she literally felt sick. After Max’s positive reaction and blessing, she had briefly entertained the notion that they could perhaps form some sort of … arrangement. She knew an intimate, emotional relationship was out, but she thought perhaps they could enjoy each other’s bodies for a time. They were explosively compatible after all.

  “How exactly did you treat me yesterday?” She had asked.

  “Well … I took out my frustrations on you. I didn’t treat you like a lady. It’s entirely unforgivable.”

  “And you suppose I want to be treated like a lady?” She inquired. “News flash Darius; I like to be treated like a woman. And you certainly did that.”

  Her assurances did little to change his mindset however for he continued to ruin everything about that special encounter for her by saying;


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