Cherry Blossoms

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Cherry Blossoms Page 51

by KT Morrison


  She hugged his head, wrapped her long thin arms around him, her face hovering over his. She smiled so he could see her teeth. “Stacy fuck you like that?”

  “Don’t,” he said and he looked away.


  “You are one crazy bitch, Nia.”

  She climbed off his hips, felt his slippery cock slide painfully out of her and slap against him. She sat back on the bedspread, facing him, and drew her knees up. “Huh. You’re the one came here to fuck. I was minding my own business.”

  “You don’t think you drew me here?”

  “Why am I in my sweats then?”

  He laughed. “I do miss you.”

  She shrugged her shoulders, looked around the room, listened to the kids playing outside, hoped now that she wasn’t overheard but knew she must have been. She let her legs fall open and she pulled her heels up, sat cross-legged. The smell of hamburgers came in on a gentle breeze, someone barbecuing. She didn’t answer him.

  His arms went behind his head and he lay back in her bed and looked at her sitting naked in front of him. His seed seeped from her and she put her hand over herself, slipped it through her folds to stop her leaking. Dino’s eyes went over her body and it hardened her nipples. His huge brown cock glistened from her. Semen leaked from the end of it, out of his foreskin and over his hip onto the sheets. Dino knew how good he looked. Knew how hot his body was and how large his cock was. He wanted to be looked at as much as she did.

  Her legs closed up again, her knees coming together, her hand pinched against her sex. She turned her side to him, then drew her knees up and lay her back on the bed.

  She said, “I miss the way you fuck.”

  “What are you doing?” he asked her, watching the way she lay on her back with her rump turned up, her knees drawn right to her chest.


  “Why are you laying like that?” he said. He sat forward, alarm tinging his voice. She looked like a woman trying to get pregnant.

  “It’s fine,” she said with a smile.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Nia? You said you were on the pill...”

  “What if I’m not?”

  He sat up, drew his boots under him and grabbed her ankle to get her attention. “Nia, are you on the pill?”

  “I thought you wanted a baby with me...”

  He took both her wrists roughly and shook her. “You fucking...are you on the pill?”

  “I’ve got my knees up for Geoff. He’ll be home in the morning.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I want Geoff to go down on me when he gets home.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “Yeah, he’ll go down on me, make me whole...make me his again...”

  He stared at her, his brow drawn low so his eyes were narrow black slits. His plump lips worked to say something. “Wh—why would you do that to him?”

  “I love him.”

  “What the fuck are you saying?”

  “What? He’s okay if I fuck around.”

  “No, he’s not.”

  “Yeah, he is, Dino. I’ll tell him you fucked me and then we’ll make love and I want him to go down on me.”

  His grip released and he closed his eyes and gasped in disgust and shock. He was dismayed. “You fucking crazy bitch, Nia.”


  “What is wrong with you?”

  “You never could handle me. Geoff can. He gets me. He’s worse than me.”

  “He knows? He—”

  “Yeah, he knows.”

  “He knows?”

  “Yeah, he lets me have fun. He loves me.”

  “He knows about Odele?”

  “Dino, he knows I fucked you back then. Odele is his. There’s nothing to know. You need to get that fantasy out of your head. Odele is his baby. You should see her draw.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s a beautiful artist, Dino. She’s Geoff’s baby.”

  “Oh, Nia,” he said and he collapsed back on the heels of his boots.

  “Don’t be mad, Dino.”

  “Mad? I’m not mad, Nia.”

  “You look mad.”

  “I feel bad for you.”

  She laughed, sat up now, her hand still clamped between her legs, feeling his wet seed slipping from her. “Feel bad for me? You feel bad for—”

  “You deserve better, Nia.” He took up both her arms in his strong grip, held her tight, his hands pinching her just above her elbows and moving her so he could look in her eyes.

  She said, “I love what I have.”

  His face showed true disgust. But he was sad and lost. He struggled to comprehend what his old girlfriend was saying. How could she be in a relationship like this? “Geoff knows you fuck around?”




  “That’s so wrong, baby.”

  “You don’t get to call me baby, Dino.”

  “Nia, you need a man...a man that wouldn’t share you...”

  “If you knew what I needed maybe you’d be with me. You’re giving my husband advice on what I want? On what’s good for me?”

  “What kind of man lets another man do what I just did to you?”

  “Geoff’s been with me longer than I was with you. He knows me better than you. If you knew what’s best for me you’d still be with me. And what about Stacy? You’re doing the same to her you say I’m doing to Geoff...”

  He shook her roughly. “Shut the fuck up. Don’t talk down to me. Nia—my fucking cock was inside you a minute ago...I am with’re fucked up.”

  “We both are, aren’t we?”

  He held her still, his eyes locked on hers. “You’re so fucking beautiful, you know?”


  He ran his hands through her hair and his eyes quivered as he stared into her. His breath trembled.

  “What happened to you?”

  “Only the best things. I've never been happier. What do you want me to say?” She shrugged, eased her arms out of his grip and pulled her hair back, tucked it behind her ears. “You come here for more than a fuck?”

  “I don’t know, Nia. You’re not just a fuck. Nia...I know know me...”

  “Yeah, I know you real good,” she said meanly, her face tight, her head nodding. Reminding him what he did to her.

  “I’m sorry...”

  “This is what it is, Dino. I’m with Geoff.” She kissed his neck, her nails scratched at his stomach, felt the tremble that it put in him. “But you are incredible in the sack. The best fuck I’ve ever had. We can—”


  “Geoff will watch...” her hand found his cock. Stroked it’s squirmy length with his cold semen. She sucked on his nipple.

  “Oh, ah, fuck, Nia,” he said, and he grabbed her by her neck and shook her again. “You deserve better. Fuck, what did I do?”

  “It’s okay, Dino. Geoff wants to watch.” Her hand continued to go up and down his thick shaft. “And you get to fuck me without all the hassle I used to be.”

  He stopped her stroking with a hand on her wrist. He stared at her, incredulous. Walked himself now back off the bed on his knees. He stood and tucked himself back into his jeans and zipped up. His shirt lay crumpled on the bed next to her. She grabbed it and clutched it to her chest.

  “Give me my shirt.”

  “No,” she said.

  “Nia, don’t.”

  “Come and get it.”

  He crawled across the bed and his face had changed from forlorn to frustrated. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it. She forgot how strong he was. He wrenched it from her and it pulled her close to him. She put her arms around him. “Don’t go,” she said.

  His hand grabbed a handful of her hair at her nape and wrenched her head back, making her squawk.

  His lips pressed to hers and her nails dug into his forearm, seeking release from his iron grip. He pulled away, licke
d his lips, bit his lower lip, then let her go.

  She watched him pull his shirt over his muscle and he backed to the door. He left. She sat on the bed and waited. The kids played and yelled and laughed. Then a kick of a starter and his bike roared to life. Rumble turned to roar and he circled on the road and headed back down the street from the direction he’d arrived.


  Goddess Stone

  Sunday, August 13th


  “Aw, c’mon. Are you this a joke?”

  There was an Acura parked so close to the Volvo, on the driver’s side, he wouldn’t be able to squeeze in the gap of the open door. On the passenger side, it was the same thing. With a Chevrolet.

  He was in the parking lot at Pearson International Airport, having spent an hour and fifteen minutes trying to get out of the terminal, having Customs wave him over and make him open the wrapped gifts he’d got for Odie at the American Museum of Natural History. They did not find a bomb or drugs or unreported alcohol. They found what he said was in there: a special edition oceanography box set and a plush tiger shark. He wore the ring he’d bought Nia there on a necklace because it put him over the amount he was allowed to bring back. They didn’t notice.

  “Fuck,” he whispered, and got down to look if those cars had bumped his with their doors when they were opened. He threw his bag into the open hatch, slid the parcel for Odie in ahead of him and had to crawl up to the driver’s seat on his hands and knees.

  He headed into the city. The flight was easy but his nerves were frazzled from the airport. The distances you had to walk, the insubstantial staff Delta put on to handle three hundred people. It was fucking ridiculous.

  He was so happy to be home. Couldn’t wait to see his Nia, then drive up to Agincourt and grab his Odie. They could go see a movie or something. It was such a nice day though. Maybe his sister would have them over for dinner. He and Nia could bring their swimsuits and sit by the pool. Of course Nia would want to drink and he’d be stuck driving. If they took the BMW that would give him another chance behind the wheel of that convertible. He liked it. And he liked seeing Nia in it.

  The ring he’d got her was solid silver with a mottled metallic stone in the centre. Green and blue with veins of sparkling copper. Chrysocolla. It looked like a tropical island seen from space. In Greek it meant gold-glue and the Ancients used it as a gold soldering agent. It reminded him of his Nia. Not just because of the Greek heritage.

  The box set he’d bought Odie was a reproduction of a vintage monograph on ancient oceanography with a collection of forty of the craziest illustrations he’d ever seen. Done in an almost animation style in bright colours and dark lines but they were from almost two hundred years ago. They were on separate, frame-worthy sheets and he had ideas of re-doing her room if she was interested. She was still a princess at heart but she was getting older and her interests were changing. He saw it every day, his little girl growing up.

  Tonight he’d sit with her and they could go through all the amazing oceanographic drawings from the past and talk about something serious. Work. Doing a book was work. Not a goof-off. Not fun. Not necessarily at least. He had faith in her. She was a smart one.

  Roncesvalles Village was quiet and sleepy on a Sunday morning. People out and about but there was no bustle. The sun was bright but low, sunglasses worthy, and he had to flip his visor down. He steered down the alley, smiled at the sight of that black BMW convertible parked in front of his studio. Just the sight of it now was equated with his sexy wife. He pulled next to it, tires crunching gravel, happy to finally be home.

  This coming week should be interesting. Winslow would be offered full-time for the next six months. The hours he kept would increase. Fourteen hour days, seven days a week were a possibility. He’d officially look at cottages now. He trotted up the concrete steps to the kitchen, luggage over his shoulder and his package for Odie in his hand in a paper bag from the Museum.

  When he went into the dark kitchen Nia was there.


  She stood next to the island, by the booth that looked over the lawn. She wore a black silk robe that came to mid thigh. It wasn’t tied. It hung open loosely. She was otherwise naked, her feet bare on the linoleum floor. He saw the two scoops of her breasts, the line of her tight belly, the divot of her belly button. The shocking daytime bareness of her shaved sex, her soft cleft set in her gentle mound.

  “There’s my man.” She smiled. “I've been so fucking bad, Geoff. I need you to make me better...”


  He set Odie’s gift bag down and slung his bag off his shoulder. His hands had gone cold and his mouth dry. “What...what happened?”

  She came to him, her damp bare feet making soft sounds against the linoleum. “Another man fucked me last night and you weren’t here to see it.”

  “What do you mean?” he said, dubious. Another game?

  “Feel,” she said and she took his wrist in both her hands and led it between the open ends of her robe, between her legs. His hand went over her sex. Damp and excited, her lips engorged.

  “God, Nia.”

  “Feel that? Feel how another man fucked that? Tell me I’m bad...”

  “You are bad, Nia.”

  “Come upstairs with me.”

  “Are you being serious?”

  “Geoff, I’m serious, okay, come with me.” She stopped, held him and looked in his eyes. “I missed you. I need you. I was with another man last night.”

  “Another...not Rocco?”

  “Come with me,” she said and she led him by his hand down the hall and to the bottom of the stairs.

  “Nia, for real. Another man? Not a stranger?”

  “Not a stranger,” she said as she led him up their stairs.

  She had his heart beating. A strong steady pounding that he could feel shake his ribs as his legs pumped him up the stairs behind the world’s sexiest woman. This was shades of provident spring when she led him up here to tell him a tall tale. Only this time he knew it was true. Her days of tall tales were long gone.

  Nia led him into the bedroom. Their bed was messed from her sleeping but maybe it was messed from more than that. He felt himself harden.

  “Come here, Geoff” she said. His hand still in hers she walked him to the side of the bed. “Baby, wow...” she laughed, sucked her lips into her mouth. She shook her head then and put her palms on his chest, rubbed them up and down his button-down shirt. “I might have fucked up my whole life yesterday but I did it for you...”

  “What did you do?”

  “I fucked Dino.”

  It was a punch in his stomach. His knees buckled and he held her shoulders for support. “Oh, wow, Nia,” he said. His vision shook and he was out of his body, floating around his bedroom. He gripped her shoulders tight, tried to hold on.

  “Geoff,” she said, lowering her head, looking up to him and catching his gaze. “You hear me? I fucked him. I fucked him right here in our bed, Geoff.”

  He laughed. Unequivocally the strangest reaction he could have anticipated. He laughed and then she laughed too. He was on top of the world right now. He’d achieved a success in New York he never would have tried for. The success coming to him was too much to try for. Hubris, really, to have sat in his studio and aimed for it. No one got it. But he did. And like that unexpected victory, here was his deepest carnal desire being given. Too much to try for. But he put in his hours, did his due diligence and he was being rewarded. He might be the luckiest man in the world. Nice guy Geoff was being given gifts from the Universe. The Universe didn’t have to get them past Customs. It saw that he was good and true and it put everything in line for him finally and said, This is for you, buddy. You deserve it.

  “What?” she giggled. Her breasts swung and her belly heaved while she laughed and he loved her completely.

  “Come here,” he said and he gripped her neck like a man would and he drew her to him and he bit her. She gasped feeling his teeth pinc
h her skin. He sucked her flesh. Put his mark on her. She lifted her chin and he could feel her happiness under his fingers. His hand stroked along her belly and slipped up her open robe and cupped her beautiful breast. Her nipple was wonderfully hard.

  “My fucking whore wife.”

  “You going to care for me? Your bad girl?” Her hands ran up his sides.

  He kissed her, sucked her tongue into his mouth and he felt an explosion of love and relief in him like he'd been away a year rather than a few days. He inhaled her deeply and she slumped against him.

  “Geoff?” She said, pulling away from him with a loud wet suction. “Geoff, he came inside me.”

  “Fuck, Nia, you’re so fucking hot.”

  “He came in me and I haven't showered since. I want you to go down on me.”

  “You do?”

  “I do. Is that okay? I want you to eat me out so bad right now.”

  He groaned and doubled over like he was in pain but it was dreadful ecstasy. He kissed her between her breasts, felt the satin tickle of her robe against his ears. He smelled her skin. She smelled like sweat. Un-showered Nia, Nia after yoga. His cock ached for his bad girl. He kissed down lower, down over her sternum, felt her ribs swell against the skin as his kisses made his wife excited.

  She sighed his name and her nails went through his hair, lovingly and tenderly. He stood and took her in. She smiled for him as his fingers went under the collar of her robe and he eased it off her shoulders and it fell silently on the floor. She walked back a step and sat down on the bed, let her legs part, watched his face. She climbed herself backwards up the bed, til her feet were on it, her heels dug in and her toes curled.

  He fell between her legs, pressed his lips against her inner thigh and felt her softness.

  “Kiss it, Geoff,” she urged. There was a tremble in her legs.

  Her pussy was a wriggled twist of beautiful pink-grey flesh. It was the most beautiful pussy in the world. He sucked her into his mouth and Nia cried out and her head fell back. She lay on their bed on her elbows, her knees up, her sex exposed to her dirty husband. He sucked and twisted, breathed her wet smell in. She was all tang and sweet sex taste. Her ex had fucked this little hole with his big cock and spewed his seed inside her. She smelled used. She smelled like a man. She smelled faintly of his cologne.


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