Cherry Blossoms

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Cherry Blossoms Page 57

by KT Morrison

  “Oh, ohh,” she moaned and cried and he never stopped. She took it. Took his anger, took his frustration, knew she deserved it. She was a cunt. She did this to him. This was what women did. And she was the queen. She was dark royalty and she deserved his punishment.

  She felt it deep, a swirling gem, something like a talisman, something she could hold and caress, something that gave her hope. Her eyes opened, nothing but dark, then bright azure rectangle, the window to the yard. The sky was wide and happy, there were green trees blossoming along the horizon, a man watched them fuck.

  He was short and swarthy, he had a baseball hat and dumb eyes. He stood there in that rectangle watching her being defiled. His sun-shaded silhouette, split the rectangle, low, near the bottom, with his head in the sky his body in the trees.

  She clutched that gem, held it tight against her heart and she smiled.

  “Awwaah,” she sang now. Her body felt his slippery discharge, knew her big lover was going to come inside her. She wanted it, wanted his excitement and lust to fill her up til she overflowed. “Yess,” she hissed, felt it building within her too, something huge and swelling, riding on her lover’s passion, feeling its movement and moving with it, getting bigger, bigger than could be contained. The man in the window was gone and she laughed, Rocco growled and panted, he coughed and cried as he got so close.

  “Yes, Rocco,” she yelled and he came inside her. His cock swelled, ridges flared, cables tensed, his glans turned hard as stone and split with his seed as it spewed inside her, splashing and hot and wet and so deep. She came with him, the heat of his seed pulling a trigger, letting her go, and she fell off that swell, plummeted deep into the dark, still clutching that stone to her heart with all the strength she could manage.

  He collapsed against her back. Her muscles squeezed and milked that thing inside her. She rode her pleasure as long as she could, gasping in air like a dying fish.

  Rocco’s breath sobbed against her back. His weight was enormous. He felt so good pressed against her. He was so big and so strong, so capable. She didn’t think he could be broken.

  “Oh, Nia, Nia,” he moaned. He raised off her, his hands smoothing her back. He gasped for breath, he was ragged too, chugging like a freight train as he inhaled.

  “You okay?” she said, looking out through the window, no one standing there now.

  “You okay?” he said and he held his hands still, spread across her back.

  “Yeah,” she said. “Oh, ah,” she gasped as he slid himself from her. She stayed bent on the heater, brought her arms up, bit her thumbnail as she still watched the sky. Rocco moved around behind her, she heard his fly being drawn up. He sat on the bench under the window on the other side of the door.

  She stood finally, facing away from him, adjusted her skirt, moved the hem down her thighs. When she bent, his semen bubbled from her, slipped down the inside of her legs. She was sore. Her pussy, her neck, her shoulders, her arms and her back. He’d filled her up like she wanted but she never felt so empty. She turned to Rocco, saw him sitting without his shirt, slumped under the window, he was cradling her missing shoe. Her brand new coral snake Gucci. It looked like a toy in his grip. The sock wrapped around his hand showed fresh blood through the knuckles.

  “Mmn,” she moaned in pain and she stumbled to him, her gait lopsided, one shoe on, one foot bare. She went between his legs and she rested her hands on his bare shoulders.

  “Rocco, I’m sorry I’m no good.”

  “Nia, I’m no good. I’m no good,” he said, looking away.

  She sat on his thigh and she put her arms around him. He cradled her, put his big arms around her, his uninjured hand still clutching her shoe.

  “Everything’s upside down,” he said.

  She kissed his cheek and she ran her nails lightly over his neck. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  He sighed, moved his hand down her leg, tapped her shin just above her ankle and held her shoe out for her. She raised her knee up and slipped her foot inside it while he held it in place.

  “Your feet are so beautiful,” he said.

  She laughed and squeezed her arms around him.

  “You're so fuckin perfect,” he said.

  She kissed his cheek again, said, “We can still make that appointment.”

  “Whoo,” he exhaled, seeming choked up. “That’s my girl.”


  Nia came in the house, languid, sapped, but she was smiling. “Well, Winslow almost got himself a kiss,” she said.

  It was late, time for Odie’s bed and she was just arriving home and she looked like she’d had quite the day. She’d texted, said she would be late but that was hours ago. Geoff and Odie were in the kitchen, cleaning up after a late dinner that they shared with Winslow. Geoff washed at the sink and Odie kneeled on a stool next to him pretending to dry.

  “What happened?” he laughed.

  “God,” she said, “in the dark like that, that kid looks just like you.” She slung her bags down on the cleared kitchen booth.

  “He stayed for dinner,” he said, scrubbing the pot he used to boil water.

  “Mmm,” she acknowledged, coming between the island and the counter with them. She kissed Odie’s head and ran her hand over her hair, leaned in and got a kiss from him.

  “He was by the door to the studio when I came up the walkway there...I thought it was you...if he didn’t say Hi, Nia I would have smooched him. What did you have for dinner?” she asked, looking over the counter.

  Odie said, “Toast, poached eggs, avocado...”

  Geoff said, “You hungry? Let me make you something...”

  “I had dinner with Rocco.”

  “Dinner? Where?”

  “At a restaurant. I don’t know. Italian place in Vaughan.”

  “Near your old neighbourhood? Where you guys grew up?”

  “We were passing through, Geoff, we didn’t go there on purpose.”

  Nia took a bottle of wine from the cupboard next to the stove, already opened, she plucked the cork from the mouth. He watched her pour herself a glass of wine in a tall clean goblet. Standing there in his kitchen looking so stunning with her slim shape and her sexy heels and her tangled hair. He thought of her, not home tonight, with her boss, sitting at a candlelit table for two in the town where they grew up. All the things they’d shared when they were younger, stories of their past, stories of her time with this man’s brother. The same one now knew he liked to watch his wife with other men. Same one who last weekend fucked his wife in every position imaginable on his very own bed. His stomach twisted and the knot in his chest returned.

  Odie had jumped down from her stool and was at her tablet now at the kitchen table. Geoff finished drying and he watched Nia sip at her wine. She flipped through her phone. He went to her, got close, whispered, “Did you fuck him today?”

  She frowned and looked over her shoulder to see where Odie was, said, “I’ll tell you later.”

  “You did.”

  Her eyes came up and held his sternly. “Geoff, I’ll tell you later.”

  He let it go. Would she tell Rocco next? Tell him her husband liked to watch. Would Rocco perform for him now? He was bothered by what could transpire behind his back. If Rocco knew and Dino knew, would they just take turns with her? Come here and make Geoff watch all the squeaky noises his wife might make. Some new surprises? Make her squirt all over herself again while she orgasmed, or something new, entirely worse and that he couldn’t even imagine yet. Three feet apart from her in the kitchen now and his vision narrowed, his focus spread—she seemed so distant.

  This was what it was like when they were in University. Well, Geoff, this is exactly what you wanted. This is the feeling. Remember it now? Not that much fun, really. It hurts. But he did feel alive. He did feel electric. And taking her beauty in, from Gucci toe to long black hair and hoop earrings, his heart swelled with a desire for her. There was something magic in this feeling.

  She took her phone and her wine, w
alked to the table, scrolling through contacts as she went, found the number she was looking for and dialled. Tucked her phone up in her mane and sat with Odie at the kitchen table.

  “Hey, Ang, what’s up?”

  Geoff quietly tidied, wiped the counter, secretly watching the two loves of his life at the table. Odie lost in some Minecraft world and Nia laughing and joking with Ang, swirling and sipping a steadily disappearing glass of wine.

  Donna’s wedding was ten days away. They were both excited and going on about the things they still needed to do for that day. It would be a nice time. He liked her friends. Not as wild as Nia and much tamer now, all these years later. They were good and it would be nice to see Donna tie the knot. Nia laughed and tossed her hair, her smile wide, lips peeled to show her gleaming teeth. Her face could make his heart sing. She was everything to him. What had she looked like today getting skewered by her lover? Had he made her orgasm? He hoped he had but at the same time would love to hear that he didn't. Not exactly win-win, but it was close. He chuckled.

  He hissed at Odie, “Psst, hey...get the book...” Her face beamed and she put her tablet down on the table and slid out of the booth, hopping across the kitchen and down the hall, headed to her room.

  She was such a good but funny kid. Helping out in the studio so much, hanging around when he suspected most little girls her age would want to be off with their friends. His wonderful daughter liked to spend time with him, putting in practically as many hours as he did. Odie had two naps today but she was helpful around the studio when she was awake. She spent time on her tablet, played Minecraft sometimes, but she was eager to help Winslow with routine tasks he needed. She participated in tidying, she refilled jars of ink, pouring from bottles as tall as her torso.

  He’d asked Odie if she wouldn’t want to go spend some time with her friends but she said she liked hanging out. A few times she would visit one of her friends from school, just for a few hours. Anna, or Katie, or Sara’s mom coming to pick her up and then dropping her off later. She really did like sitting and drawing and hanging out with dumb old dad.

  She came happily skipping back into the kitchen, the Big Book of Choo clutched to her chest. He stopped her with his hands on her shoulders, wanting to be the one to show Nia. “Hold up, little girl,” he said, “let your mommy get off the phone first, okay?”

  She laughed and he lifted her up to sit on a stool. “Dad, when can we do our book?” she asked him, looking down at the impressive Choo.

  “Won't be for a while, Odie,” he said.

  “Why not?”

  “You know all those other things I showed you? I have to finish those first, and that’s a lot...”

  “Aw, Dad, so, like, when?”

  “I guess...I don't know...a couple months?”

  “But I’ll be in school.” Her chin tucked in to her neck and she went sullen.

  Shoot, she would too. “We’ll figure it out O, I swear we will.”

  Nia said ciao, and she closed her call, put her phone down on the table and finished her glass of wine. Geoff decided to let his surly little girl do the honours and present the book to her.

  “Nia,” Geoff said, “baby, close your eyes.” He covered Odie behind him so she wouldn't figure it out too soon.

  “What?” she laughed.

  “Your eyes, Nia,” he said and he covered his own to show her what she was supposed to do.

  “Oh brother,” she said, and she put her long hands up on her face and over her eyes.

  “Go on, O,” he said, and he pushed his daughter forward with both hands. She was getting giggly now with anticipation, liking how this show was developing. She snuck quietly onto the bench opposite Nia, walked with her feet on the bench around the horseshoe, which she wasn't supposed to do, and got next to her mom. She lay the book in front of her, slipping it silently on to the table. She cupped her hands and whispered, loud enough for Geoff to hear, “No peeking.”

  Nia shook with a chuckle. “Tell me when,” she said.

  “You can look now,” Geoff whispered.

  Nia took her hands away, her eyes moving, her head adjusting to focus. She smiled big, her head jutting forward, her eyes wide in a show of excitement. “Oh my God, Geoff, look at that. It's beautiful...”

  She held it, smoothed her hand over the glossy cover, broke it open and leafed through the pages. “Wow, Geoff, it's really fantastic, they did an amazing job.”

  “I know. Didn't they?”

  “This came today?”

  “Yeah, Jenny came by this morning and dropped some off, saying how they were going to miss me but they would get me back.”

  “Right, they might not afford you when your contract is up.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that,” he laughed, taking a seat across from her, “we’ll see what happens, I might just beg them to take me back.”

  Nia flipped the pages, said, “I doubt it,” and Odie wrapped her arms around Nia’s neck, looking at daddy's book with her mom, both of them smiling. Nia stroked Odie’s arm.

  “Jenny kissed Daddy,” she giggled, wrapping her arms around Nia’s neck tighter and smiling coyly at her daddy. Some sort of joyful camaraderie over Winslow’s proximate kiss from her mommy.

  Geoff chuckled and shook his head at his silly girl. Nia kicked him hard under the table, catching him off guard and making him jump. Her shin whacking him hard right above his knee on the tendons that went up into his thigh.

  “Ow! Ow, shit, Nia, that really hurt...sorry, Odie,” he said, apologizing for his unexpected profanity.

  “That’s okay, Dad,” she said laughing, thinking the whole thing was funny.

  Nia wasn’t kidding, she wasn’t being cute. She was furious. She was hurt. Her pretty face was pinched and mean, her eyes wet, her brow low, her pouting lips pursed.

  “Nia, what the heck?” he said, reaching under the table and soothing where she’d kicked him.

  Odie thought that was funny too, clinging to her mom. Geoff didn't think it was funny.

  “Sorry, Geoff,” she said reluctantly, her face still held the same way when she kicked him.

  “Nia, it was nothing,” he said.

  “Time for bed, Odie,” she said, and she got up and slipped out of the booth and held her hand for her daughter.

  “Okay,” O said, sounding less confident now.

  She slipped out and took her mom’s hand. She said, “Will you brush my hair for me?” sucking up to her angry mom.

  “Sure, Odie,” she said, leading her out to the hall and up the stairs.

  Geoff spun Choo around to face him and he flipped through it again. Eventually he closed it, washed Nia’s wine glass and went up to bed.


  “I’m sorry, okay? I just had a crazy fuckin day...”

  “Did you fuck him?”

  “Geoff, did you hear me?” She leaned out of the bathroom, brushing her lustrous hair, Geoff sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Did you fuck him, Nia, yes or no?”

  “Yes, I fucked him,” she said from the bathroom.

  “You can tell me.”

  “I know. I will too, I’s not all about me fucking, okay?” She flicked the bathroom light off and walked around to her side of the bed.

  “Okay, okay,” he said, turning at the waist to face her.

  “Some heavy...crazy things happened today,” she said, climbing up onto the bed on all fours.

  “Sorry, Nia, come here. Tell me what happened.”

  “I’m still mad at you,” she said, but she ran her fingernails through his beard.

  “I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me. My cheek,” he said, patting his cheek. “It was nothing.” He didn’t like how mad she was but he couldn’t deny the charge it put in his heart to see his wife so unreasonably jealous over him.

  “I’m sorry, I mean it. I'm mad but what I did was crazy. Stupid. I did it before I even knew it. Today was brutal.”

  “What happened?”

��It was bad, Geoff,” she said, she sat on her knees in front of him, looking into his eyes.

  “How bad?”

  “Maria was there at the office when I went in this morning. She was fighting with Rocco.”


  “Worse, Geoff—she confronted me about Rocco...”

  “Nia...” he said, and he held her hands.

  “She doesn't know, but know, she wants to know.”

  “Wait, you fucked him after that?”

  “Yeah, I did. But it was all him.”

  “You didn't want to?”

  “Yeah, I guess I did. I didn't think we would, given the fight. Oh shit, and get this, he gets a phone call while we're driving, he pulls over and talks to Maria, has a bad fight again with her, whips his phone into the woods, whoosh,” she said, mimicking throwing, “gone.”

  “Is he okay? What's going to happen?”

  “Wait though...he gets back in the truck and he punches his whole stereo in, like, right through so it was gone, like, under the dashboard.”

  “Oh, Nia, you're okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, but God, it was so fuckin crazy,” she said, sitting upright and running her hands through her hair, her breasts pressing through her T-shirt. Her nipples were full. Her new job was far more exciting than sitting and watching him draw.

  “Wow, Nia,” he said, sitting back on a hip, “that doesn't sound good. Not good at all.”

  “I don't know,” she said. “No, it doesn't.”

  “Is he splitting up?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, “he didn't say anything about what happened.”

  “You went to dinner and he didn't talk about it? What did you talk about?”

  “Him and I. Work, the old days. Dino, a little...”


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