Sex in Numbers (S.I.N. Rock Star #1)

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Sex in Numbers (S.I.N. Rock Star #1) Page 2

by S. R. Watson

  “Hi. Nice to meet you,” I manage to say without getting tongue-tied. Geesh, I feel like an idiot. He is just a good looking guy. Get it together. “Where is my room?” I ask, turning toward Xander. I’m going to have to stay far away from this Diesel guy. The others seem nice enough, but my gut is telling me that he is trouble with a capital T.

  “The guys and I discussed it. You can take the master bedroom on the third floor,” Xander says. A look passes between him and Diesel before he grabs for my luggage to take them upstairs. Diesel follows us up the stairs.“They discussed it,” he comments. “That was my room. I got booted to the room next door, so don’t think you’re going to get that bathroom all to yourself,” he informs. I don’t want to come in taking over their space, so I just nod and look away as we pass the only other bedroom on this floor.

  “There are two more bathrooms in the house, Diesel,” Xander chastises.

  “Yeah, but I want to use that one. That is the only master bathroom and the only one with a rain shower. Don’t worry; I won’t bother your princess. She is not my speed anyway.” Diesel smirks. Xander’s face hardens, and I know he is getting ready to put his foot down. Last thing I want is to cause problems my first day here. I can’t believe he told them he calls me princess, but like Diesel just confirmed, I’m not his type anyway. I grab Xander’s arm to shush him.

  “It’s fine. Really. I’m sure he and I can set up some sort of schedule. We’re the only two rooms up here so it’s no problem, ” I assure.

  “Whatever. You don’t have to agree to that. You’re the only female in the house and should have your privacy—”

  “Don’t make this awkward,” I plead—cutting off his rant. I look over at Diesel and his smugness is revolting. He didn’t win. I just don’t want any special privileges or to upset the balance of the house.

  “Fine. One complaint and he’s out,” Xander promises.

  “I’ve yet to have a woman complain about anything that concerns me,” Diesel winks. He leaves the room chuckling.

  “Fuck,” Xander groans, as he leaves the room with him.

  I take a look around the room, now that I’m alone. This bedroom is huge. It has a sitting area, as well as, doors that lead to a balcony overlooking the lake. More floor to ceiling windows complement the space. The four-poster bed looks inviting, until I imagine all the kinky sex that has taken place in it. I shudder at the thought as I walk into the ensuite bathroom. Somehow I knew it would be a dream. I can see why Diesel didn’t want to give it up. The rustic travertine tiled shower, encased in glass, is big enough to fit like ten people. I see the rain shower that he spoke about next to a regular showerhead. It even has a bench in there. Interesting. The Jacuzzi tub sitting off to the side of the shower is the icing on the cake. I know where I’ll be spending a lot of my time. I love to soak and read. Well, more like escape into different realm of reality and pretend that I’m the heroine who gets the happily ever after—not the dysfunctional life I have.

  First, I guess I unpack. The walk-in closet within the master bath is massive. I flip the light on and am shocked to already see men’s clothing hung up and sneakers lining the wall. So it appears he hasn’t cleared the space yet, or does he want to share the closet, too? It’s definitely big enough. It’s almost big enough to be a sixth bedroom. Whatever. I’ll just grab my favorite romance novel and read, for now. I push the suitcases against the opposite wall as his shoes and grab my book out of my bag. I walk back into the bedroom and curl up into the oversize chair next to the window. I’m not getting in that bed until I change the sheets—just in case.

  The guys are discussing what songs we’re going to cover tonight from I Prevail. Honestly, I’m tired of singing other people’s shit, but our music is not ready yet. We only have one original song that we perform, titled Something to Believe In. I write all of our music and that song has special meaning, since it is the first one I started working on. It has significance to my past, but the guys just think it is a badass song. We don’t play it every set, but when we do, we play it to close the night. It brings down the fucking house every time. The topic changes to what after-hours club they plan on hitting up tonight after our show, and I smile, as I think about Xander’s “princess” upstairs.

  I’ve overheard him call her that nickname. It was odd as shit, to say the least, to hear the word come out of a grown man’s mouth. Imagine my surprise, when this princess arrives dressed from head to toe in black, looking as dark as my soul. I see the Goth imagine, but something is amiss. I just can’t put my finger on it yet. I saw the instant attraction she had for me, yet she chose to pretend otherwise. The shift of her eyes toward the ground when I speak to her gives her away. I’d kill to know what thoughts ran through her mind. What she must think of me? I’m very aware of how most women see me — they want any opportunity to fuck me. Some even want to “tame the bad boy.” Fucking hysterical. Not her though. I can tell little Miss Lourdes is planning on staying the hell away from me. Too bad, a challenge I’m willing to accept.

  I got a peek at what she really desires and I plan on opening her up. I bet she has a hot body under all those baggy clothes. Those piercing gray eyes of hers got my attention. It’s going to be fun exploring the rest of her. Xander has warned us all off of her, so she will have to come to me and she will. She will submit. In the end, they all do. Yup, my summer just got a little more interesting.

  I watch as she comes downstairs. So apparently, she is coming to tonight’s gig. This should be fun. I hope she will be in the front row. She is in for a treat. I have a special performance just for her. This will be the real test. She looks around nervously and I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

  “Ready for tonight, princess?” I say cheekily, as we load the Escalade with our equipment.

  “Don’t call me that,” Lourdes whisper hisses. Hmmm, so she has some bite. I don’t mind. Even better.

  “Why not? Xander calls you that. You don’t like it?”

  “It’s condescending when you say it,” she points out.

  “It isn’t meant to be.” I smirk. “It’s just so fitting,” I continue, while gesturing toward her all black appearance. She huffs and walks around to the other side of the SUV.

  So the goal is not to get under skin. No, I want to get under something else completely. The more she resists me, the harder my dick gets. This feeling is foreign to me. Women usually make shit too easy. I won’t lie and say it isn’t great to have my pick of pussy, but a challenge may be just what I need for a change of pace. I have to be careful not too get to involved, though. Last thing I need is to have her fall in love with me. Xander really would kick my ass if I break his sister’s heart. No. Get in and get out. That’s the challenge. My dick accepts.

  I sip on my mojito, which I have been babying for the last thirty minutes, as I sit here at the bar. Some Layla chick has been refilling my drink every time it gets low. I’m guessing the only reason I haven’t got carded is because she knows I’m with the band. Xander introduced me at the start of the night. Well, I’ll be twenty-one in a year anyway, so who cares? Two beers and two mojitos later, the guys are finally preparing to take the small stage in the back of the room. The mob of women rushing in that direction, tips me off that it is show time. I slam back the remaining contents in my glass and head toward the side of the stage where I can see, but be away from the drunken women ready to throw their panties. Their drunken squeals are somewhat comical. The lights dim as the strobe lights begin to dance. Smoke seeps from the edge of the stage, and I have to say I’m impressed with the effects. The drummer, Gable, starts with a sexy rhythmic tempo, followed by a familiar melody strummed by Xander. By the time, Keyser’s chords are added to the mix, I’m sure that I know this song, but I can’t put my finger on it. That is until, the first lyric is sung from Diesel’s lips. Holy. Fucking. Shit. The arrangement is different, but it is Jeremih’s Fuck You All the Time song.

  Diesel walks to the end of the stage and scans the crowd un
til he finds me. His jeans hug his ass in the most sinful way, while his plain white t-shirt shows off every etched muscle perfectly. The stage lights shine down on him, and he is standing there looking quite fuckable. The women, center stage, compete for a second of his attention—just for a quick glance. They’re shaking their tits and hollering the most obscene things, but he doesn’t seem the least bit fazed. His eyes finally lock with mine, and I’m paralyzed in the moment. I want to look away, but I simply can’t. “Facetime when I'm gone…She give me dome from a distance…and she love to climb on top…cause she love to walk off limpin,” he sings. The rock undertones give this song an edge and it is sexy as fuck. One of Diesel’s eyebrows arches in question, as I flush crimson from the visual. My brain is telling me he is a narcissistic douche, but the ache he is causing between my legs with each lyric that falls from those fucking gorgeous lips, is saying otherwise. My pussy will lose this battle, though. I won’t be like the women he is used to and just part my legs for him. I’m sure the alcohol coursing through my blood, right now, is a contributing factor to this moment of lust.

  His hands caress his abs. He makes sure that his shirt raises, just enough, to give us a peek at his V-cut muscles, which disappear into his jeans, now riding low on his hips.

  Even from this distance, my eyes keen in on a vein that lies along that muscle. I don’t know why I find it uber sexy. As a matter of fact, I don’t know why I’m turned on at all. I’ve been holding on to my revirginal status slash celibacy for the last two years. It’s my superpower. I use it, in addition to my fuck off appearance, to repel men and their one-track mind.

  “I could fuck you all the time” Diesel reaches the chorus and the screams from the women reach another octave.

  “You can fuck me, Diesel,” a thirsty redhead yells over the crowd. I watch in disbelief as she flashes her perfectly round, sizable tits—purchased I’m sure. He winks at her and a devious smile forms on his lips. He grabs his dick as an acknowledgement and continues the suggestive lyrics. Witnessing all of this is like cold water being doused on my libido. Ugh, what a manwhore. I make my way back to the bar to get another drink. I’m happy to plant my ass in this chair until the guys are done. I don’t need a front row seat to the sex crazed freak show. I can follow their journey without being in the midst of it all. I can observe from a distance. It is more than apparent that these guys are beyond talented. It is equally apparent all of the pussy they must have thrown at them. Their band name is starting to make sense.

  The band plays a number of songs, I have lost count. I watched as they each flirts with the crowd in a game of seduction, but Diesel was definitely the worst by far. He has a sex appeal that is incomparable, and he knows it. Xander seems to be the tamest of them all, but that may be just for my benefit. The guys wrap up the last of their set and head toward the back, which I’m guessing doubles as a dressing room. I take my time finishing my mojito before I get up to go join them. I have already been introduced to the bar’s security, so they know that I’m Xander’s stepsister as well.

  The security guy on for tonight is named Albert. He gives me a puzzled look, as if he is wondering if he just let me through, but then he moves aside and lets me pass. The hallway is narrow and there are only a few rooms back here. I can hear music behind one of the doors, so I’m guessing that is where the guys are. I knock a few times, but there is no answer. I hear laughter from one of the guys, so I know they’re in there. The music blaring is keeping them from hearing me. I turn the knob, the door is unlocked, so I push the door open. It takes them a moment to see that I just walked in. The sight before me is shocking to put it lightly.

  My eyes zero in on Diesel first. He has a blonde on her knees, sucking him off. He gives me a small smirk while the hand he has tangled in her hair push her mouth further down on his cock, to take him deeper. The girl doesn’t seem fazed by the intrusion. Gable and Keyser both have their own groupie whores on their laps, with clothes on that are so skimpy that they’re laughable. Judging by their positioning, they’re well on their way to their own sex act and I’m interrupting. The guys look at me and then at each other before Keyser finally speaks up.

  “Xander is out back with a few friends, putting our gear in the truck, if you want to join him,” he suggests. I’m not stupid. It is his nice way of saying, we’re trying to get our fuck on and you’re in the way. The two women’s glacial stares clue me in that they ready for me to hurry the hell up, because I’m taking the attention away from them.

  “Oh, okay,” I say playing along. I refuse to look over at Diesel again. The groans coming from him are sickening. This is definitely not my scene. I wouldn’t be surprised if they plan on swapping. All of this, while Xander puts all of their shit away. I turn to get the hell out of this room before I lose it. Xander needs to put his foot down.

  I find Xander out back, putting the last of their equipment in the Escalade as Keyser said.

  He’s deep in conversation with a guy he introduces as Nick. Nick is a lanky looking kid, with hair that he keeps wiping from his eyes. His need for a hair cut is evident. Apparently he is the owner, Steve’s, son. He helps the guys set up and take down when they come to play.

  “Xander, why do you let them make you do all the work?” I question when Nick disappears back into the bar.

  “They don’t make me do anything. I make myself scarce. I have someone I’m seeing in Phoenix, so I’m trying to stay away from the extracurricular that goes on after the shows,” he admits. “I could wait until they finish with the groupies to pack up, but this helps to pass the time and I have Steve to help, so I just get it over with.” I get what he’s saying and it makes sense, but it still seems like they get to play while he works.

  “Well, if I’m going to be going to these gigs with you guys, I can help you pack up. Those women are deplorable and lack even the slightest hint of morals,” I offer.

  “Why? What did you see?” Xander pauses and looks at me intently. I have stuck my foot in my mouth. I don’t want to be labeled as the tattletell.

  “I saw how those women behaved while you guys were playing. That one woman flashed her tits, ugh.” Xander breathes a sigh of relief and chuckles.

  Somehow his reaction makes me believe what I witnessed, just now, is only the tip of the iceberg of shenanigans that they get into.

  “You don’t have to, but I won’t turn down the company,” he says, as he opens the truck door for me.

  “Good. Now tell me about this woman you’re seeing.” Xander’s whole face lights up. It must be pretty serious.

  “Her name is Lily and she is an amazing woman,” he begins. He tells me how they met at after another one of his gigs, and she was sitting in a hotel lobby, waiting for her whorish friends to finish fucking the other band members. Xander waited with her, so she wouldn’t have to be part of that scene and they hit off. That was three months ago and they’ve kept in contact ever since. She is supposed to fly out for a visit in a couple of weeks, so I’ll get a chance to meet her.

  “I’m glad you’re not like the others,” I confess to Xander.

  “Don’t give me too much credit. Before Lily, I’d participated in my share of sexcapades. It just gets old, you know?” He shakes his head as he is recalling the memories. “Those guys are still young and single. As long as the women are willing and don’t have any expectations of more than one night of sex, I don’t have any problems with it. The guys aren’t into drugs—we have a strict policy against that. Everything else is small potatoes.”

  Xander proceeds to tell me a little about each of the band members and how they all met. I was shocked to learn he met Diesel through Keyser. Diesel and Keyser used to work together as bartenders. Xander and Keyser had been working on music and the plan to start a band, for a couple years; before Keyser discovered that Diesel could sing, late one night at the bar. He told him about their band idea and asked if he would be interested in joining as their lead singer. Diesel was hesitant at first but was quickly sw
ayed once he heard the guys play a few cover songs. Diesel knew a guy from school that could play bass guitar, and from there the band was formed. Like I previously thought, the name derived from all the pussy they knew would be thrown at them. It started as a joke, but then the name stuck since it was synonymous with SIN.

  We laughed and talked about the future of the band. Diesel is their front man and writes all their songs. They’re still a work in progress; so only one song has been shared during their gigs. Right now, they are just playing cover songs and looking for management to take them to that next level. Currently, it is all on Diesel’s shoulders. He can play guitar too—multitalented and kinky, it seems. He is an enigma to me. I’ve seen first hand, the attention women give and how he reciprocates, but something still makes him alluring to me. My skin prickles at the mention of his name. I would never act on it, but my traitorous body definitely defies my insistence on not being attracted to him.

  I change the subject and we talk about my mother and marriage number three. I can’t stand him. Thomas is a real fucking tool. I don’t want to get into my hatred for him. I steer the conversation back to the good memories, when his dad was still married to my mom and having him with me—a time before the Goth as he calls it. Time passes quickly and it is not long before we’re being interrupted by the guys, who have now come out of the bar to head home. They’ve ditched their one-night stands. Diesel slides in the back behind Xander, who is in the driver’s seat. I’m in the passenger seat, but I can feel Diesel’s stare.

  “I’m starving,” Gable says, sliding in next to Diesel. “What are we getting to eat?” Xander looks over at me.


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