Till Forever

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Till Forever Page 31

by Elena Matthews

  “What’s yours is mine, baby.”

  “Good,” she says before brushing her lips to mine. “Because I’m yours. Till forever do us part.”

  And, with that, I lose myself to the every essence that is my wife, and knowing she’s mine forever is the greatest win I could ever have.

  I fought for the woman of my dreams with every inch of fight that I had, and now that I have her back in my arms, back where she belongs, I am never letting her go.

  Not in this lifetime or the one after that.

  Seven Months Later


  The feel of warm, masculine arms envelop me as I stare out to the Atlantic Ocean while on the patio. It’s only nine a.m., but the temperature is already soaring in the eighties, and the heat of the bright sunshine feels incredible against my skin. Tyler presses a kiss just below my ear, making me shiver.

  “Morning, baby,” he croaks, his voice still rough with sleep.

  I wrap my arms around his and lean back into him. “Morning,” I greet with a dreamy smile.

  Silence covers us as we take in the magnificent blue water of Carolina Beach and how the water ripples with the wind current while surfers ride the curling waves.

  “Can you believe it’s been a week since this has been our lives? I keep wanting to pinch myself to make sure this is real,” I muse with a smile to my voice, my eyes taking everything in with utter awe.

  “This is definitely real,” Tyler confirms, hugging me closer to his naked chest.

  Seven months ago, we made the decision to relocate to the coast, and it’s been the best decision we’ve ever made. It was New Year’s Day, and we were discussing what to do with Samuel’s offer for us to move into Tyler’s childhood home, the same home where we got married. Tyler brought up the idea of us moving to the coast again, and when alcohol was no longer a factor—like it was in the Dominican Republic, sitting in the midst of paradise—it was easier to take him seriously. The more we spoke about it, the more I wanted to start fresh with the man I loved in a brand-new town, in a brand-new city along the coast where the beach was literally feet away.

  While we looked for the perfect place to move to, Tyler became the owner of his childhood home. He, much like his father, didn’t want to let go of the place that held so many memories for him, but instead of making that our home, he decided the best fit for us was to rent it out.

  It’s currently being used as a home for a newly wedded couple with a two-year-old and another on the way. I love that house, but it’s a family home to bring children up in, and it deserves to be filled with children.

  And, when I look into my future, I don’t see children anymore. Before I lost Erika, I thought I was destined to be a mother, but now, I’m not so sure. I’m not ruling children out. Considering where my head was a year ago, this in itself shows just how much I’ve grown, but for now, I’m happy with my life. We both are.

  Who knows? Another year from now, things might change, and a baby or a family might be in our future. But, as of right now, I don’t need anything other than my man, Harley, our new dog, Jesse, and the incredible view of waves rolling in and out along the shore.

  Life’s been hectic for pretty much my entire adult life. I’ve never taken time to truly appreciate the world around me. I wanted the calm. I wanted the sense of freedom that I’d only ever felt at the sea with the breeze whipping at my hair, the aroma of salt water in the air, and the sensation of the sand between my toes. And I finally have it—the tranquility I desperately tried to reach for but could never fully grasp on to.

  When we were looking for a place to move to, it was between Clearwater, Florida, and Wilmington, North Carolina, and after a weekend in each city, we came away with a real connection with North Carolina. What was once a pipe dream became a reality a week ago when we officially moved into our beachfront home in Wilmington.

  It’s been a whirlwind of a time, what with selling our house in Dallas, Samuel signing over the deed to his house to Tyler, and everything else that revolved around realtors. We also had the task of finding new jobs. We were both lucky in that aspect since my company has a location not too far from Wilmington, and they were in desperate need of a new interior designer. Tyler has been kept on with his company but as a freelance senior editor, his office now located at Carolina Beach, in our new home.

  The beach house is everything I always pictured when I dreamed of living on the coast. It’s a two-story condo that overlooks the beach, and every room in the house has a direct view of the ocean. It’s truly breathtaking. Attached to the back porch is a private beach walkway that leads straight to the beach. I mean, who needs a backyard when you can have the ocean instead?

  Tyler pulls away from me and holds his hand out for me. “Let’s take a walk.”

  I chuckle as I accept his hand and step closer to him. I glance down at my Hello Kitty pajamas that consist of tiny shorts and a barely there tank top. “I’m hardly dressed for the occasion.”

  “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve seen women dressed in less, running along the beach in the middle of the day.”

  I shift my head back to look at him with a raised brow. “You’ve been looking at other women?”

  “Half-naked women,” he points out. “And, in my defense, it’s hard not to see half-naked women. Would it help my case if I said the only half-naked woman that interests me is you?” he says with a cheeky grin.

  “I want a divorce,” I jokingly demand with a crooked smile, laughing lightly.

  “Well, no can do because you and me, baby, we’re in it till the end.”

  I get on my tiptoes and brush my lips to his. He goes to deepen the kiss when we’re both jostled and almost knocked over as Harley jumps up at us.

  “Hey, boy,” Tyler greets at Harley’s panting face. He scratches behind his ears before telling him to get down.

  Harley obeys and sits, his tail wagging as he looks up at us. Then, Jesse comes barreling out, obviously wondering what fun he’s missing. He copies Harley’s stance and sits down, giving us the same puppy-dog eyes Harley is.

  Jesse, our new dog, is a golden Labrador we literally stumbled across five months ago back in Dallas. While taking Harley for a walk, we spotted Jesse wandering around on his own, quite frankly scared to death and extremely malnourished, with only an ID tag attached to his collar with the name Jesse on it. Although he was scared, he instantly bonded with Harley, and we brought him home. To cut a long story short, Jesse’s owner, an elderly lady who we learned lived up the street from us, had passed away. She had no other family, so we did the only thing that felt right, and we adopted him as our own, so Harley gained a big brother.

  “It looks like I’m not the only one who thinks a walk is a good idea,” Tyler says.

  At the mention of a walk, Harley and Jesse begin running circles around each other, hips swaying with the tails rapidly wagging from side to side, excited.

  “Fine, let’s go,” I say, unable to resist making my furbabies happy.

  Barefoot and still in my Hello Kitty PJs, I walk hand in hand with Tyler along the wooden path that leads directly onto the sandy beach, both dogs taking the lead. As soon as their paws land on the sand, they race toward the shore where the tide rolls in and out. We follow them at a leisurely pace until we reach the waterline where the cool water glides over our bare feet. I give out a loud, high-pitched laugh as Harley and Jesse begin play-fighting in the water, splashing water up at us as they run by. Harley has always liked the water, especially when he was in the Texas heat, so it’s no surprise he loves rolling around in the cool seawater.

  My laughter is abruptly muted as the world shifts when I’m suddenly being lifted over Tyler’s shoulder.

  “Oh my God, put me down,” I shriek.

  He only answers with his palm connecting with my ass, no doubt giving the whole beach a good view of my butt since my shorts are riding up my ass.


  My pleas go unanswered, and instead, he
charges forward into the sea. When he’s waist-deep in water, he hurls me in, and I give out a laugh before I break the surface and go under. The cool water hits me like a brick wall, a stark contrast to my heated body from the humid weather, making the water seem colder than it really is.

  I reappear from the water, coughing, thanks to the gulp of sea I just swallowed. I wipe the water from my eyes before splashing him. “You’re such an ass!” I yell, still coughing.

  He chuckles as he holds his arms out in front to shield himself from the spray of water. “Why should they be the only ones having all the fun?” he says, his eyes flickering over to the dogs still chasing one another in the shallow water.

  “You didn’t have to throw me in,” I complain, a small smile appearing on my lips.

  He swims over to me until he’s in front of me. His eyes glance down at my chest. “I did, and I’m glad because, now, I can see your nipples through your T-shirt.” He grins.

  I shove at his chest, laughing. He pulls me into his arms, and I instinctively lock my legs around his waist while my arms go around his neck.

  “What is it with you and water, huh?” I ask lightheartedly.

  He chuckles. “What can I say? I like you nice and wet.”

  “Well, I’m definitely wet,” I say, barking out a laugh.

  I go to speak, but he presses his lips to mine, swallowing the words with his tongue. His kiss lasts only a few seconds, but it’s still enough time to take my breath away. He pulls back an inch, looking me in the eyes.

  “Are you missing Texas yet?”

  I shake my head, smiling. “No, not even a little bit. I feel good about this place. It already feels like home, you know? The beach, the house, you—it feels right. I can just see us growing old and gray together here.” My heart swells in my chest as I look at our surroundings, the beauty of the ocean going on for miles around us.

  “I can see that, too.” He smiles fondly. “But, just so you know, we could live in a cardboard box, and it’d still feel like home to me. You are my home, my best friend, my forever.”

  I struggle not to choke up at the words he just spoke.

  He gives out a big grin before speaking again, “The instant you came into my life, I knew you were the one. You were the girl who I pictured my future with, even when we weren’t together. You were always who I imagined beside me, and that will never change. Till forever do us part, baby.”

  Tears begin to prick at the backs of my eyes, and I clutch hold of him, as if my life depends on it.

  In response to his heartfelt speech, I whisper the two words that have become our new version of I love you, “Till forever.”

  Then, I kiss him with everything I have, and when our kiss turns heated and our hands begin to roam, we return to the house where I show him exactly how much I love him without removing my lips from his.

  Now, I’m finally living the calm after the storm, and it feels amazing, especially when I get to enjoy it with the man of my dreams. It can’t get much better than this.

  The End

  Firstly, I would like to thank my dipshit, Sammy Lomax, for being the big push I needed while writing this book. In some ways, it almost feels like we wrote this book together. She helped me through the entire process of writing Till Forever—from helping come up with the name while falling in love with James Arthur and our song “Say You Won’t Let Go” to basically reassuring the hell out of me when the doubt would cause my anxiety to cripple. She inspired me in ways I’m sure her husband wouldn’t appreciate, but, hell, she gave me the best idea for the hottest yet funniest sex scene I’ve ever written! Thanks, Mike! Ha-ha! I’m honored that I’m on her five-star list for 2017 books. She’s a tough reviewer, and she gives out, like, maybe, three five stars a year. Although she was probably biased when she rated Till Forever since she was a very big part of my writing process, I’m still happy that I was able to get through the tough exterior and break her. Sammy and I are definitely on the same wavelength when it comes to angst, and I can’t wait until we can finally write a book together because I know, with her twisted mind and my love for heart-wrenching torment, the book will be epic. One day, dipshit, one day.

  Secondly, thank you to my family and friends. As usual, you’re always patient with me, especially when it comes to deadlines. Thank you for supporting me and for allowing me to chase my dreams, even when it means I get less time with you. I love you all more than life itself.

  Thank you to my beta readers—Vikki Ryan, Susan Scott, Michelle McKenzie, and again, Sammy Lomax. They know the love and care that goes into each of my books, and I know I can trust them wholeheartedly with my babies.

  Thank you to Sarah at Okay Creations for creating the magic that is the book cover. Thanks to Sara Eirew Photography, who knows how to take one hell of a picture. Thank you to the team at Love Between the Sheets, Claire and Wendy at Bare Naked Words, and Rock Stars of Romance for handling the promotional side of the release.

  A huge thank-you to my editor, Jovana Shirley at Unforeseen Editing, who is hands down the queen of editing. Without her, I don’t even want to know the quality my manuscript would be in. Let’s just say, it wouldn’t be great.

  Thank you to all the bloggers for promoting and reviewing the book. Your support means the world to me.

  Finally, a big thank-you to my readers. You guys are seriously amazing. This book was the most challenging one I’ve written to date. Real life always seemed to get in the way, and I felt like it took an age to write it, but you guys never once lost faith in me and my ability to write. I’m sorry it took over a year to release Till Forever, but I hope it was worth the wait.

  Until next time…

  Love and xoxo,


  Receptionist by day, author by night, Elena Matthews is from Manchester, United Kingdom, the home of Manchester United, MediaCity, and of course, Coronation Street. When Elena isn’t writing, she can be found with her nose in a book or watching guilty pleasures, such as Grey’s Anatomy. And, when she isn’t doing those things, you can often find her on Facebook or obsessing over Kellan Kyle, book-boyfriend extraordinaire.

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