La Sposa

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La Sposa Page 2

by Sienna Mynx

  And there was plenty good. Christmas was so wonderful. The day after, she and Giovanni spent time alone with Eve as a mother and father. Her daughter thrived under Giovanni’s undivided attention until she collapsed with exhaustion from fits of laughter and a day of grins after playing with more toys than one child could imagine. They announced to the family a new baby, hopefully a son, would be born and there was much celebrating. And then came Mira’s time. Giovanni swept her away with wine for him and passion for her. She was trapped beneath him discovering the depths of his love for her in their bed. He made love to her relentlessly before he received a call and informed her he had to head to Bologna. And then he was gone? She closed her eyes and sighed. She could go downstairs to the kitchen and bring up another prosciutto sandwich to give her comfort. Or she could stand in her room and question herself until bitterness overwhelmed common sense.

  Choosing to do neither, she entered her daughter’s room.

  Eve rested on her side with her yellow and pink blanket tangled around her legs. Had she grown? She had definitely adjusted to the changes in her life the past few weeks. To see her so happy and content in her new world released some of Mira’s anxieties.

  Since her return from Switzerland, it felt as if someone had pressed the fast-forward button on their lives. Suddenly she had a wedding to plan, and she didn’t even know where the event would take place.

  “Sleep well, sweetie,” Mira smiled. She pulled the blanket up over her daughter’s shoulder. She located the baby monitor placing it in the crib, then took the other one and walked out of the room. Leo was in the hall resting his shoulder against the door across from them. Nico usually took the day hours to keep track of her and Eve’s every movement. Even behind the walls of this fortress her soon- to- be- husband had to be sure they were protected; and she was almost certain her activities were constantly updated to him. At first the security felt welcoming, now she battled to push against the claustrophobic feel of isolation.

  She smiled at Leo. He wasn’t a tall man, but what he didn’t have in height he had in muscle and attitude. He averted his gaze refusing to look her in the eye as most of the men did whether Giovanni was around or not. “Why don’t you go to bed, Leo? We’re fine.”

  “No, Signora. I’m okay, grazie,” he said, with a curt nod.

  She opened her mouth to insist but he looked away. Mira noticed her cleavage was where his gaze flickered to and then away. In her haste, she had tied her robe low on the waist. The folds revealed more than she intended. She adjusted herself immediately, embarrassed, and moved on. Instead of going downstairs for another sandwich, she climbed the ones that led to the third level of their home, where her sewing room was along a hall with mysteriously locked doors. Catalina and Zia changed the subject when she inquired about those rooms and she had decided not to pry.

  Lucky for her, she and Catalina found enough of her sewing kits in a storage cellar to be used. Still, she would need to order better equipment if she was to resume her passion.

  Mira paused on the steps. It dawned on her. Her agitation had spiked in the past few days. Not only did she miss her lover, but she missed something else. Her work. Having to delay her passion to tend to the needs of the family had left her scattered and unsure of her priorities. Now she would have to learn to balance both. Just as Fabiana would always tell her, she realized if she focused, she could do whatever she set her heart to. And her heart wanted to design again. Mira would also have to think of a creative way to convince Giovanni she could manage the task. Smiling, she hurried up the final steps to the sewing room.


  Giovanni yawned and then released a sharp exhalation of breath. Fuck this. He was beyond tired. He was dead on his feet. It was just after midnight. He missed dinner and another evening with Mira and Eve. The desperate need to see and hold them both forced him to leave a day ahead of schedule. “Did you call Domi?” he asked.

  Lorenzo nodded.


  “Domi has secured a chapel for you and Mira in Conca dei Marini near Amalfi. Father Anthony has agreed to oversee the wedding even though Mira isn’t catholic. He will perform the traditional ceremony. Everything is arranged. Security will be extended. Access will be limited to those approved by me personally. No press.”

  “And after?”

  “Capri?” Lorenzo glanced over with a raised brow. Giovanni nodded that he approved. Lorenzo returned his gaze to the road. “Done. I will make sure your yacht is ready.”

  “If the sea permits it I’d like to take her to the Blue Grotto.”

  “Lucky lady. She gets a Don with a soft side for amore. Will you serenade her too with that dusty guitar of yours?” Lorenzo mocked.

  Giovanni scoffed. “Just fucking see to it.”

  “I can’t very well control the weather, Gio.” Lorenzo pointed to the storm clouds moving in from the east.

  “I suggest you try,” Giovanni grumbled. His eyes closed. The last time he had a solid night’s sleep was in her arms. What was it? Two or three days since he last touched her, held her, been with her? Giovanni’s lids felt as if weights were attached to his lashes. “Go on. What has she been up to?”

  “She’s been busy since you left, Gio. She’s making her dress. Had them bring up her sewing equipment from one of the cellars, and special fabric delivered out of Napoli. She works for hours in that sewing room.”

  His eyes opened. “Dress? Working? She’s pregnant.”

  Lorenzo kept driving.

  Giovanni sighed. “Madonna Santa! What is she thinking? I shouldn’t have left. Three days is too long.”

  “It couldn’t be helped. If you hadn’t met with Ndrangheta the truce with Bonaduce would not have held. This had to be handled personally.”

  “She’s delicate now. My Bella needs constant reassurance. I can feel it. The press at our gates, the messy matter with the China man, and the whole Domi and Catalina bullshit makes me look weak to her,” he said through clenched teeth. “And now I’ve forgotten the dress. Ring Maurizio Gucci and have him send over the best of dresses for my Bella. Tell him it is my wish that he personally sees to it.”

  “Speaking of your wishes.” Lorenzo’s gaze slipped over to him. “Are you aware Catalina has left Melanzana to stay with Domi in Napoli?” Giovanni’s gaze switched from the road to Lorenzo and his cousin looked as repulsed by the news as he was to hear it. “They have Mira’s approval to fuck each other off the premises. Che pecatto,” Lorenzo said with a dark sneer.

  Giovanni wiped his hand down his face and grimaced. He hadn’t dealt with everything because of the Bonaduce fall out, but he intended to. Dominic and Catalina would be together. It was his Bella’s wish. However, he had wishes of his own, stipulations they’d adhere to or he’d crush their new love before it blossomed. “Call them both and tell them tomorrow morning, they are to meet me at Villa Rosso.”

  Lorenzo increased the car’s speed up the winding road along a rocky cliff in the dark. His cousin drove purely on instinct more than anything else. Giovanni was used to his cousin’s reckless nature. He wished he’d grow the fuck up.

  As if hearing him, Lorenzo decreased speed and glanced his way. “Why is it I feel like your puttana instead of consigliere? All I do is keep tabs and report back. And I hear Santo has been meeting with you on business matters. I’m excluded!”

  “Because you aren’t my consigliere. I don’t need a fucking consigliere.”

  “Bullshit. You need…”

  “Taci! Every man who has held the title consigliere has failed me. First Flavio and then Dominic, it’s the last straw. I won’t repeat my mistakes. A consigliere has too much power, too much influence. I can run this family without counsel from any of you.”

  “Non capisco. You’re taking counsel from your woman.”

  Giovanni narrowed his gaze on Lorenzo who shrugged and continued to drive. “She convinced you to spare Domi’s life. Since when are you that compassionate? I’ve seen you kill men in the borg
ata for less.”

  “Let’s not discuss it.”

  Lorenzo continued. “No one knows of his betrayal, but now he keeps time with Catalina in the open. They soon will figure out Franco’s fate. Domi’s actions could be perceived as a weakness, Gio. A woman leads with her heart, we are men of our fathers, we know better. There are codes we live by. Dominic broke a fatal one. A sacred one.”

  “Mira is to be my donna and she owns my heart. She will have what my mother, both our mother’s never had. Respect and influence is her right for the sacrifice she makes in marrying a man like me. If she wants him to live then he fucking lives. Capisce?”

  “Understood.” Lorenzo answered. “Can you admit that you too want him to live? Dominic is still your brother.”

  “I’m working on it,” Giovanni mumbled.

  The car came to a stop. He threw open the door and inhaled the heavy smell of pending rain in the air. Against the black starless sky he could see the swell of storm clouds rolling in from the Amalfi. His home was nestled in the cliffs among trees and dense forest. To his right, the bay of Naples glistened with amber and gold lights nestled in the street lamps and the windows of the sleeping city. Sorrento was a city in cliffs, so his home from any angle had spectacular views of the Campania. It felt good to return.

  Giovanni glanced to the sky once more. Silently he prayed the rain would have come and gone before the wedding. He wanted his bride to experience the beauty of the day. Under the cover of night, he marched up the steps through open doors into a very quiet and dark Melanzana. Each man chosen to guard his family was hand-picked by Carlo, the best enforcer on his staff. Taught well, they didn’t speak or address him, but remained shadows and watchful from every hall and corner of his home.

  No one greeted Giovanni this evening. Maybe he should have phoned earlier and informed his Bella of his arrival. A small smile lifted the corner of his mouth and he dismissed the regret. He would rather ease into bed and wake her his way. Yes. That would suit him just fine.

  For the last three days he’d been with his men, leaving Lorenzo and Santo to run things in Sorrento. They made a good team—except they didn’t know it. Eventually, he’d have to get his men to see the discipline needed to build his empire.

  After a quick glance over his shoulder as he climbed the steps, he saw Lorenzo standing by the door watching. Their eyes met. His cousin still thirsted for power. Not even the offer of the triangle had quenched that thirst. In time he would give him more, because he did love him.

  Lorenzo nodded and walked back out and Giovanni continued on to his room. In the hall, he met up with Leo, who remained silent as he passed. He threw open the door and smiled, looking to the bed to find her familiar curves under the blanket. He didn’t see her. Frowning, he went into Eve’s room. His daughter slept with a baby monitor resting on her pillow. Giovanni grimaced. When he returned to the hall he confronted Leo.

  “Where is she?”

  “She went upstairs, Boss. Possibly to the sewing room.”

  “Dio mio!” he seethed. “Do you know what time it is? She is to be resting! What the fuck do I pay you for?” he barked at the young man. Realizing his anger was wasted on Leo, he continued on in search of her.

  Mira paused over the discovery of an unopened box left to the back of the room. It must have been delivered after she went to prepare dinner. She picked up a large pair of shears and sliced through the seal. Inside, under a felt covering, lie the most beautiful antique pearl-white lace she’s caressed between her fingers in years. She checked the labeling and saw Catalina ordered it. How on earth did she understand the need for such detailing, and get it delivered so fast?

  Several days were spent with Catalina at her side while Mira mused over her preferences in material and things needed to complete her dress. It appeared that her pupil had paid attention. It was like having the support of Fabiana again.

  The door opened.

  Mira turned and her breath caught at the sight of him. From nowhere he appeared. No call. No warning. He was standing there as if he hadn’t left her three days ago. And sweet merciful God, one look at him and all her vows to let him have the bitter end of the resentment she felt over his abandonment evaporated. He wore all black. His slacks and fitted crew-neck sweater under a dark blazer didn’t have a spec of lint. Only his face gave her a clue to his exhaustion. He had unshaven fuzz along his lower jaw connecting to his sideburns, and glassy red eyes, puffy from lack of sleep. But the brilliance in his blue irises made them almost violet and clear in the dimly lit room.

  “You’re home?” she said softly.

  Giovanni stepped closer. His gaze swept her work and the equipment she had brought to the room, and then returned to her.

  “Why are you up here in the middle of the night, Bella?”

  She frowned. “Is that how you greet me? After three days of no word from you? Three days!” She tossed the fabric back to the open box. He paused, studying her. She couldn’t read his blank expression but she was sure he could read hers. Hurt, frustration, and disappointment were all etched into her heart, and her face was so tight she could feel the frown lines creasing her skin. They were getting married in two days, and hell she didn’t even know where. The press had made her a prisoner in her own home, so trying to find a location had been impossible.

  They stood in answering silence. Mira crossed her arms and waited him out. Eventually he approached, and the closer he drew, the faster her heart raced. She did miss him terribly. Giovanni took her face into his hands. “Ciao, Mirabella. I have missed you, amore mia. I’ve been worried about you. Now I hear you’re working again, in your condition.”


  “You’re pregnant. No? You need to take care of yourself.”

  Mira sighed. “Why didn’t you call?”

  “I spoke to you, twice.”

  “Not enough. Twice in three days is not enough!” She tried to turn away and he prevented her escape. His arm slipped around her waist and he drew her up against his chest. She was forced to return his embrace. “Is this what I have to look forward to? Nights with you gone, so I can lie in bed alone and worry about you?” She asked.

  “You were worried?” His head lowered and he brushed his lips over her brow. Mira gripped his sleeves as the pressure of his hold on her crushed her against his chest.

  “I don’t want a day to pass that we don’t tell each other goodnight. Promise me. Not a day to pass between us where you don’t say goodnight to me and Eve. So we can know you’re safe.”

  The corner of his mouth tilted in a smile. “It’s an easy promise to make. Forgive me.”

  “I do.”

  “Good girl.”

  His mouth covered hers and she welcomed the warm feeling of love she found in his kiss. He tasted bitter, like whiskey and cigars, but it was all male and all him. She lifted her arms and circled them around his neck holding on. He groaned and released her from his kiss. His forehead dropped on hers. Giovanni then released her and eased her a step back to look down at her. He placed a hand to her lover tummy and rubbed. “How big is my bambino today?”

  Mira chuckled. She pinched two fingers together only parted by a fraction of an inch. “About this big. A tadpole.”

  He roared with laughter. “Our prince, future king is no tadpole. We will have a son; with your charm and my strength to protect and lead this family.”

  “Lead us where, Giovanni?” she pressed. There would come a day when she’d talk to him about the future of their kids, a future without the violent legacy of his life.

  “To prosperity, Bella. That’s where. Our children will have different lives than mine, and I will be a good father.”

  “I know, sweetheart. You already are.” She stroked his cheek. He turned his face and kissed her palm. Oh how she missed him. She rose on her toes and gave him another kiss. While his hands lowered and rubbed up and down the curve of her hips to circle and cup both halves of her bottom. He squeezed.

me to bed with me,” he groaned.

  “Can’t. I’ve got work to do,” she smiled.

  He didn’t.

  He stared down at her for a moment before he spoke. “There is no need for this, Bella.”


  “To make a dress. I’ve arranged it. Gucci will send over several to choose from in the morning.”

  She blinked out of her bliss into his stern gaze. “You’ve arranged it?”

  Giovanni gave her a single nod.

  Mira gently pushed back from him. “No.”


  “I’m making my dress. It’s almost done.”

  Giovanni released a displeased snort. “You will not be on your knees sewing a dress! I won’t have it.”

  “You won’t have it?” she stepped back.

  He glared and continued in a tone she didn’t appreciate. “I’ve heard of how you’ve spent your days. There is no need for you to do this. We have money.”

  “It’s my wedding, Giovanni! I’m a fashion designer. Or have you forgotten?” She paced away. “And while we are on the subject, I want to discuss my company.”

  “We weren’t on that subject.”

  She dismissed his comment. “The media is still outside of these gates. My company assets have been frozen while the government builds its case against Kei. I made some calls to Teddy.”


  “My attorney. He’s a good friend of mine and Fabiana’s. He managed my affairs before my fake death. He gave me an update. Kei put investors on a board to oversee my business and they have hired a head designer.” She stopped after noticing the high- pitched whine in her voice. She collected herself. “I want my company back.”


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