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Untouchable Page 18

by Sienna Grant

  “Be my guest.” Smiling wide I leaned forward and kissed him again before turning in his arms and resting back against him.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  After all I said to Paisley last night about everything going to be fine, now I was a little nervous. We’d met with the hospital administrator and currently were standing behind the door of the children’s ward. Him and a nurse had already informed us that these kids were thirteen or over and were cancer patients. Paisley wrapped her finger around one of mine in a show of support. The nurse opened the doors and led us onto the ward. We started at the one end and what I saw had me biting back my emotions. I took each and every one of them in. Pulling myself together, I approached the first child.

  “Hey. I’m Roman.” I pushed my hand out in front of me as I perched on the end of the bed. “What’s your name?”

  “Kirsty.” The young girl said her name and smiled.

  “And how old are you, Kirsty?”


  “I bet you have no idea who I am, do you?” I narrowed my eyes, smirking.

  “Yes, I do. My sister is eighteen and she fancies you, big time. She’s never gonna believe that you came here today.”

  Her smile was wide and contagious, “And I bet you’re going to tell her… am I right?”

  “Too right, I am. She always meets people and does things I can’t.”

  “Okay, so what do you like to do while you’re in here?”

  “I colour when I’m really bored, I like to read. And because we’re still kids, we still have to go to school.”

  “What, they let you out?”

  “Noooo, here in the hospital. We have lessons, just two hours a day.”

  “Well how about that? I never knew that.” I looked at Paisley and nod for her to come over. Lesley followed her and I dipped into the bag of gifts we’d brought with us and pull out two things. “I’ve got some gifts. You say you like to read? Do you have a kindle?”

  “No,” her eyes lit up…

  “Well, I think this is for you then, Princess. And I’ll throw this in for your sister. I have to look after my fans.” Passing me a photo from the Hugo Boss photo shoot I took a sharpie from Paisley and signed my name at the bottom. “Do you think she’ll like that?”

  Kirsty’s eyes widened as I passed it over. “Yeah! She’ll love it. Thank you!”

  “You’re more than welcome, Princess. I hope you get to go home soon.” Leaning over with my hand on the bed, I kissed her cheek, I shifted my position next to her and posed for Lesley to take a picture. She took the pictures she needed, and I stood. It’s then I noticed the blush in the girl’s cheeks, it’s adorable. Saying bye to Kirsty, I headed to the next bed.

  The doctor had informed Paisley of the kid’s favourite things and hobbies, so I sent Nikki out on a shopping trip to get everything I needed. I’d made sure with their doctor that it was okay to give the gifts out first though. He was quite happy and said that it may perk them up a little bit.

  By the time I’d made it around the ward, taken pictures and given out gifts, I was shattered and emotionally drained. We gave out two kindles, two football shirts and board games, plus donated toys to the younger kids' wards. I’d also given them all signed photos. The kids were sweet and so amazing. It killed me to think they had this awful disease. The looks on their faces were amazing. It’s something that I'd always have with me.

  Once back outside the ward we used the hand sanitiser on the wall and the doctor turned to me. “Mr Dean…”

  “Roman, please.” I insisted.

  “Roman. Thank you so much for everything, today. The kids are really made up.”

  “It was my pleasure. You should thank Paisley for setting it up. She’s the brains. Can I give you this too?”

  I handed the doctor a cheque for ten thousand pounds.

  “I can’t accept this too.”

  “Please, take it. Get them books to learn and essentials for the classroom. Just because they’re sick, they shouldn’t miss out on an education.”

  “Well, I have no idea what to say but…” he blew out a surprised sigh. “I… we, can’t thank you enough.”

  “My pleasure. If they have to go to school while being treated, I’d rather they have the best.” Giving him one of my winning smiles I shook his hand and got Lesley to take some more pictures. We wouldn’t be able to publish the photos of the kids without the parents' written consent, but we could publish the ones with the doctors. “We better get going.” Paisley said in my ear. With a nod at her, I wrapped up my conversation with the doctor and moved to leave. “Thank you for having us.”

  We walked out of the hospital doors with the biggest smile I think I've ever had plastered to my face and we made our way to the press conference.

  “I think they really enjoyed that, I’m so proud of you.” Paisley gushed in the back of the car, resting her head on my shoulder.

  “Well, I’m proud of you…” I placed my lips on her head.

  “Why? You did the work?”

  “But you did the legwork. I would never have thought to do something like that.”

  “Well, you’re welcome. But I was just doing my job.” Reaching up and palming her cheek I tugged her toward me, to kiss her briefly.

  We were soon pulling back up at the hotel, entering through the car park and pressing the button for the lift. The doors opened right away and took us up to the suite so we could freshen up after being at the hospital. Paisley wanted to grab her notebook, pen and laptop. Once a journalist, always a journalist I suppose.

  I heard the tap turn off in the bathroom and blew out a sigh, shaking my head, “Are you nearly done?”


  Leaving her to it, I headed out into the suite and collapsed on the couch. I could do without this conference after the hospital visit today, I felt shattered, and I’d got a flight to catch tonight. Oh well, at least I could get some sleep on the plane.

  “Pais? Come on, it’s just a press conference, babe…” Laying my head back, I sighed again.

  “Yeah, and I won’t give them anything to focus on after last week.” Hearing the sound of her voice, I realised she’s a lot closer than the bathroom. I glance around to see her hanging onto the door frame of the bedroom. “I want this to go well, okay?”

  “Okay. But if you don’t get a move on, the press conference will be over…” I stood and walked towards, her taking her hands in mine, “And the star of the show won’t even have showed up.” Pressing my lips to hers, I kissed her. It’s way too brief for my liking.

  “Fine. I’ll be five more minutes.” Paisley huffed.

  She spun around, flicking her hair in my face before walking back into the bedroom. Little vixen.

  There was a knock to the suite door. With a frown set between my eyes I headed over and tugged on the door. I really didn’t expect to see him on the other side of the door.

  “What do you want?” I made no effort to hide the anger I felt towards him.

  “You wouldn’t answer my messages.”

  “There’s a reason for that. Look, you need to leave. Paisley will be out of the bathroom in no time, somehow I don’t think she’ll want to see you.”

  “I’m sorry.” As much as I wanted to believe him, I didn't think I could. Years of friendship had gone down the pan, just because he was fucking jealous.

  “So am I.” With my hand on the door, I pushed it forcefully until it slammed shut.

  “What’s wrong?” Paisley asked, worry written all over her face. “Why did you slam the door?”

  “No reason. Now, are you ready?” She looked amazing. She’d re-done her makeup and put her hair up to make her look a little more professional. I couldn’t tell her it was Gav at the door, it’d just set off her insecurities and she didn’t need that; not today.

  “Yes, I’m ready.” She grinned, her hands falling to her hips, giving me attitude. I narrowed my eyes and grabbed her laptop bag in one hand, then I took her
hand in my other and led her over to the door. “Wait. Do you think we should go down together or separately?”

  “Fuck that, babe. I’ve lied to the world for long enough, I refuse to hide you anymore.” Dropping her hand, I palmed the back of her head and kissed her forehead. Joining our fingers again I pulled her along with me, out of the door and down the corridor to the lift.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  On the way down, I fidgeted nervously. My leg bounced and the fingers of my free hand rubbed together. I tried to pull my other hand out of Roman’s firm grip, but he wouldn’t let me. Instead, he held me tight and looked at me with a raised eyebrow, waiting for me to challenge him. I thought better of it.

  Rhys was already outside the door when we reached the conference room. With his hand on the door handle, he hesitated. “Reporters are already inside.”

  “Thanks, big man.”

  I tried to smile up at Rhys, but my stomach was rolled, and I felt sick. Roman turned to me and gently took my face in his hands. “It’s going to be fine, baby. Let's do this.”

  I felt my lips lift in a small grin as Roman brushed the tip of his nose with mine. “Trust me.” He reassured me.

  I nodded before I took a deep breath and leaned in for a kiss. He obliged immediately. Then lifting our joined hands, he kissed my fingers and smiled, “Let’s get this over with.”

  As the door opened, the first thing I noticed was the room was full. Every seat taken. Curious eyes followed us as we made our way across the room to the seats that were set out behind a long table at the front of the room. Kevin stood at the back of the room. Nikki sat at the one end of the table, Roman took the middle chair and I took the one at the other side. My palms were sweating. I rubbed them together and took a sip of the water that was on the table in front of me.

  Roman quietly said something to Nikki, but I couldn’t hear, then he turned back to me. “You okay?” he looked genuinely concerned for me.

  With a smile painted on my face, I nodded before I lifted my head for the first time since walking into the room. I took in a steadying breath before shakily blowing it back out.

  “Good afternoon all. So, I guess you want to know why I’ve invited you all here today? Although, there was stuff printed in the newspapers last week about my private life, that isn’t the reason we’re having this conference. As it is, I have news and I wanted to announce it to you guys. Last week, I flew to Los Angeles to meet with Hugo Boss. I’m very proud to say that I’ll be the new face of Boss. The future is looking very promising right now and my team and myself are looking forward to working with you guys more.”

  “How does your new girlfriend feel about that?” A voice from the back called out.

  “Feel about what? That I’m going to be all over the television and the papers?”

  “Yeah, I mean surely you won’t be around that much.”

  “She’s just fine with that. It is true that I’ll be commuting between L.A and here, but we’ve got it.”

  Roman slid his hand onto my thigh and left it there. Feeling the warmth of his hand gave me a sense of comfort.

  As I looked around the room, I could pick out the reporters and who they worked for.

  “I’ve actually done a hospital visit today.” He gave them the name of the hospital, but that was an exclusive deal I’d already planned, so the rest of the details had to remain on the down low for now. “Does anyone have any questions about my upcoming work with Hugo Boss?”

  “Will you relocate to Los Angeles if asked.”

  “I have no idea, but I can assure you I have no plans as yet, but you will be one of the first to know.”

  He slid a sly grin over to me.

  I was so proud of him. He was handling all this like the professional I knew he was.

  “When are we going to hear from Ms Kennedy?”

  My hand tightened around his and I swallowed hard. I knew this would happen.

  “Like I said earlier, this press conference is about keeping you in the loop about my upcoming project, it’s not about Ms Kennedy or my private life.”

  “If you could keep your questions focused, please?” Nikki cut in, making herself known.

  “All I’m saying is you need to be careful she doesn’t bring you down in the process…”

  Roman’s jaw tightened as he ground his back teeth and looked through the crowd. “And you are?” he almost demanded.

  “Oh me, I’m nobody. I’m a little fish in a big pond, Mr Dean.”

  “Your name? I’d hate to miss your little corner piece, article tomorrow.”

  “Please, don’t rile them Roman, you're doing so well.” I begged. It wouldn’t do any good, it’d just add fuel the mounting fire.

  He snapped his head to the side to meet my stare and I pleaded with him, but it was too late, he’s too wound up. I couldn’t watch this, “I’m sorry, I have to get out of here.”

  “Paisley,” Pushing out my chair, I got up so abruptly that I almost knocked the chair over. He grabbed my hand, halting my dramatic exit. “Don’t give them what they want.” Biting back the tears that threatened to fall, I pulled my hand out of his and made my way along the back of the chairs. I felt every eye on me. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Fuck!

  As I reached the door, I found Rhys following me out. I walked down the corridor, away from the conference room and Rhys joined me.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  “I’ve ruined everything, Rhys. I should’ve kept my feelings to myself. I never should have started this. It’s not fair to Roman.” Sliding down the wall, I crumpled as I hid my face in my knees.

  “Paisley.” Rhys crouched in front of me. I lifted my head a little and rested my chin on my knee to look at him. “I’ve worked for Roman for a few years now and believe me when I say that, if he didn’t want this, it wouldn’t be happening.”

  “I know. But…”

  “But nothing. You’ve known him longer than I have. You know he’s a stubborn arsehole. But I will let you in on a little secret.”


  “I’ve never seen him smitten and I know that’s what he is with you. All this shit will work itself out.”

  I let out a sigh. I knew he was right but right now there didn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

  “Are you coming back in?”

  “I don’t think so. It’ll be best if I don’t. Just tell him I’ve gone back to the suite and I’ll see him up there.” Rhys nodded and started to walk away. “Rhys, tell him I’m sorry.”

  “He’ll understand.”

  Pushing back to my feet, I looked down the corridor and began to walk towards the bank of lifts, but I found a sign for one just around the corner. Following that sign, I saw the lift and virtually ran over to it, stabbing the button before I folded my arms across my chest.

  “Ms Kennedy, I wonder if you can comment on the questions in there?”

  “No comment.” It’s the only response they’d get from me. I tapped my foot on the floor as I began to get impatient. “Where’s Rhys when you need him.” I mumbled to myself.

  “Ms Kennedy?”

  Keeping my eyes front, the LED square lit up zero and the doors slid open. I stepped inside and pressed the button as I waited for the door to shut, “No comment.” I mumbled out incoherently. The lift soon landed on the top floor and I headed into Roman’s suite. Deciding I didn’t want to see anyone when they all got back here; I headed for his bedroom and threw myself on the bed.

  It’s not long before the waterworks start, and tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt so guilty. This was about getting Roman seen. Not about me and my shitty background.

  I turned my face into his pillow, I could smell him, his aftershave. God, it smelled so good.


  I heard Roman shouting me out in the suite, but I didn’t answer. “Baby, where are ya?”

  The door opened, letting in the light and I squinted. “Thank fuck for that. Rhys said you’d come u
p here, but I thought you’d changed your mind and gone home.” He perched on the edge of the bed and stroked my hair from my face. “Please don’t cry.”

  “I’m so sorry. That wasn’t how it was supposed to go.”

  “I don’t care, I’ve had worse. Come here…”

  Taking my hand, he pulled me to sit up and palmed my face, wiping away my tears with his thumbs. “And if that little moron gives me any more shit, I’ll slap a harassment charge on his arse. Fuck them. I only care about you.”

  With our gaze fixed on each other, I leant forward and pressed my lips to his. The tender caress of his hands and his soft lips on me, had me wishing he didn’t have to rush off. I really wasn’t looking forward to the next few days. “I love you, baby.” He whispered, pulling back an inch and brushing his nose with mine. “And not one of those twat’s downstairs is ever going to change my mind. If they keep up their shit, I will relocate and that’ll fuck them over.”

  I smile a little at his rant.

  “I can see the headline; Another British rising star relocating because of the media.” He shook his head; I knew he was not happy.

  “I’m sorry I left. I’ve always been on the other side of the table but I’ve never ever, even when I was a journalist, have I ever hounded anyone.”

  “Forget about it. It’s not surprising you left.”

  “Did they say much after I disappeared?”

  “Nah, nothing of any importance.” I’m his publicist. I should be able to handle journalists and their vicious questions, for God’s sake. I’d worked around it my whole adult life.

  “I feel like I’ve let you down…”

  “No, you haven’t.”

  “But I’m your publicist and I couldn’t handle a few questions aimed at me.”

  “Paisley, they weren't there to ask questions about us and I made that quite clear. Now stop, I won’t have you feeling guilty. Without you, I wouldn’t be doing any of this now.”

  He stopped my ramblings with his lips and pushed us down to the bed before holding me for a while. Well, at least until he had to leave for the airport with Rhys. “I want you to stay here while I’m away. At least you’ll have Kevin here to keep the monsters away. They can’t get up here. At your flat, they’ll be banging on your door at all times of the day and night.”


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