by Tara Quan
“I’ve made my decision. My problem isn’t one you can solve. I have a plan, but it’s going to take time.” She had already told him too much. Even now, she risked him figuring out where she was heading. “When I leave, you can’t follow me. You can’t look for me. Once I accomplish what I need to do, I’ll go to the city and find you.”
“Stop being so pigheaded,” he ground out. “I remember the shape you were in when we first met. You had bruises and cuts all over your body. People cause those kinds of injuries, not undead. Whomever you’re going back to, they’ve hurt you before, and they’ll hurt you again.”
She fought for resolve. It was near impossible to refuse his help when all she wanted was more time by his side. “I’m tough. I can handle my own problems.”
“I won’t let you.” His resolute expression chilled her to the bone. If he tracked her, there was a good chance he would find her.
She let go of his hand and took a step back. The severed connection was almost a physical pain. “Then this can’t happen. I can’t let you get any more attached to me than you have.”
He stared at her for a long moment before shaking his head. “It’s too late.”
Her teeth clattered from fear rather than the cold. “That can’t be true. We haven’t even…”
“Whether or not we have sex doesn’t change how I feel about you.” He let out a heavy breath and looked up at the gray sky. “It sucks, but that’s the God’s honest truth.”
She stood on tiptoe and grabbed the collar of his jacket. With a hard yank, she forced him to look at her. “Then change your mind.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Why don’t you change yours? If you let me come with you, I won’t stop you. I won’t stand in your way. As an added bonus, I’ll do everything in my power to get you out of this mess in one piece.”
She clenched her jaw. “I’m not a child you need to protect. I don’t plan on dying.”
“That’s not entirely true, is it? You’re taking a gamble. Based on what little I’ve seen so far, the odds aren’t in your favor.”
She narrowed her eyes. “And there’s nothing you can do about it.” Part of her needed him to understand. Part of her needed him to forgive her when the time came for her to flee. “I can’t live with myself if people I care about die because I couldn’t deliver. I’ve made promises.”
He closed his hands over her wrists. “Consider this your one and only warning.” The vehemence in his tone rooted her to the spot. “Bring me with you, and I’ll help you every step of the way. But if you run”—his grip tightened—“I’ll catch you. Then I’ll tie you up and haul your ass back to the city. I won’t give a shit about what it is you’re trying to do. If your tidy little plans are wrecked because of my interference, then so be it.”
She tried to infuse her voice with a confidence she didn’t feel. “If you haven’t noticed, I don’t react well to threats.”
The determination etched on his face made her falter. His voice was barely above a whisper, but it made her knees shake. “This isn’t a threat, Red. It’s a promise.” As she struggled to contain her fear, he released her arms and cupped her face. His expression grew tender. His gaze bore into hers. “If you were in my shoes, what would you do?”
His words doused her anger. He was right. If he were in danger, she would risk her life to keep him safe. What was between them couldn’t be undone. Over the past week, the bond that started with mutual respect had morphed into something more. And even though it complicated her life, she had no desire to turn back time.
She took half a step forward so they stood toe to toe. With a sigh, she turned her face and kissed his palm. “I hate how you manage to win all our arguments.”
He lowered his free arm to circle her waist. “It helps that I’m always the voice of reason.” He tilted her face up. “I’ve put all my cards on the table. Now you get to decide what happens between us.”
Though she wasn’t entirely certain what her decision was, her heart pounded. Her lips parted, but a rustling sound sent her body on high alert. His fingers clenched before he let her go. In unison, they turned to face the lone undead. The blizzard had only just relented. This particular brain-eater must have been buried under snow and ice for the past seven days. Its movements were slow and uncoordinated. It posed no real threat.
Marcus shielded her and pulled his ax free from the strap on his back. “Damn. I just finished washing off all the blood.”
With a snort, she grabbed one of the two knives strapped to her lower back and hurled it straight into the undead’s right eye. Though she was weaker than usual, her aim was true. The lumbering creature stopped in its tracks before turning stiff and falling backward. She walked around her protector’s large body to recover the blade from the monster’s face.
Crouching, she washed away the viscous black blood with a handful of snow. As she tucked the knife back into its sheath, she turned her head and grinned. Being protected was nice, but certain problems she would rather handle herself. “Admit it. I’m much better at killing them than you are.”
He was falling for Red. The sinking suspicion had been nagging Marcus for the past seven days, but in this moment, all his doubts were shredded. She was the one.
She unfolded from her position and bounced up. An instant later, her eyelids fluttered. She swayed on her feet and stumbled. With a curse, he rushed to her side and scooped her into his arms.
She groaned. “It was just a head rush. I’ve been spending too much time in bed. Don’t you dare get all overprotective on me. Put me down.”
He choked back a laugh. The woman had an independent streak a mile wide. It made her equal parts aggravating and endearing. “Can I put you down after we’re back inside?”
She pouted. “All my body parts are accounted for and in working condition. I can walk. Besides, don’t you need to look after Gold?”
He glanced at his horse, which had made its way back under the makeshift bramble shelter. “You do realize she’s wild. Gold had been living a perfectly healthy life long before I came along. She’ll be fine.”
Red folded her arms. “That description also applies to me. I’m tired of you carrying me all over the place. You’ve only just stopped hovering a few hours ago. Now it’ll start all over again.”
Unable to resist the temptation, he lowered his head and nibbled her lower lip. Like clockwork, her cheeks turned pink. “Maybe I just like picking you up? It makes me feel macho.” Catching her quizzical expression, he clarified. “Macho means manly and strong.”
“You shouldn’t have problems feeling that way without my help.”
When she snuggled into his chest, he felt a piece of his future shift and fall into place. Red was going to bring him a world of trouble, but he could no longer imagine his life without her.
Inside the bunker, he set her on her feet before bolting the door. He turned to find her draping her knife belt over her overstuffed backpack. She had placed all her possessions by the exit. While he wanted to believe she planned on accepting his help, her actions spoke otherwise. When the opportunity arose, she was going to run.
He shrugged off his jacket and hung it on one of the wall hooks as she walked over to the stove. He grabbed the bunker’s sole chair and brought it to her side. “If you don’t want to lie down, at least take a seat.”
She gave him an exasperated glare. “Didn’t we just have a conversation about your hovering?”
He brushed his knuckles over her cold cheek. “Humor me.”
With a dramatic eye roll, she sat. Unable to resist, he stood there and watched her for a long moment. The fire colored her translucent skin light orange. Her dark red hair glowed as light danced over the wavy tresses.
He needed to feel those small delicate fingers on his skin. He wanted to taste her full lips and urge a surrendering moan from her throat. They had danced around this attraction for far too long. The future and past—suspicions and doubts—none of it mattered. They des
erved to steal a moment of happiness before the storm’s end.
He went down on one knee and untied her shoelaces.
“I can do that myself.” Her voice was shaky. “I just wanted to warm my hands first.”
He pulled her left shoe off and reached for the other. “I enjoy taking care of you.”
Deciding to give her a second to digest his statement, he remained silent as he completed the task. “It’s something you should try to get used to.”
He got up and placed her sodden sneakers and socks by the wall. She followed him. “I don’t like being in someone’s debt. Why don’t you let me return this one favor at least?”
He let her push him onto the low chair. Made out of chrome, it was sturdy but far from comfortable. “Be my guest.”
She sat on her knees and pulled up the cuffs of his jeans. “There are no laces.” She tapped the hardened leather with the tip of her finger. “How do they come off?”
Since she looked adorable scrutinizing his boots, he took his time to answer. “Just grab and yank. You’ll probably need to stand up to get a good grip.”
She followed his direction, but the effort yielded no results. Her peeved expression made him smile. He had been doing a lot of that since he’d met her.
She squinted at his feet. “I’m sorry to say this, but they’re stuck.”
“Come here.” He placed her left palm on the back of his heel. “Put your other hand on my ankle. Lock your elbows. Then lean back. It’ll come right off.”
After a lot of huffing and puffing, she succeeded. But the momentum sent her bottom crashing to the ground. “Is there some reason you couldn’t find more malleable footwear?”
“I like cowboy boots. They’re better at keeping out moisture.” When he pulled off the other side with ease, her expression soured. “You’ll get the hang of it after a few more tries.”
She scrambled to her feet and placed her hands on her hips. “It’s not exactly a useful skill.”
He tossed his socks and shoe over to join her pile of footwear. “That depends on who you ask. Now put the boot away and stop stalling.”
After a moment’s pause, she complied. Though her tone was jocular, her eyes grew shadowed. “When I run, you won’t be able to catch me. It’ll take you too long to put those shoes on.”
He placed his hands on either side of her waist. “I guess we’ll see. You were about to say something before the brain-eater showed up. What was it?”
She played with a stray thread on the shoulder seam of his T-shirt. “I think you already know.”
Amused by her sudden shyness, he pulled her closer. “Tell me anyway.”
“Would you…” She took a deep breath. “Would you kiss me?”
He wanted nothing more than to possess her mouth, tear off her clothes, and take what he needed. But his instinct to protect her overruled desire. He wanted her to decide for herself how far she was willing to go. “It’ll be safer if you made all the moves.”
Creases formed between her brows. “But I don’t know what I’m doing.”
A chuckle caught in his throat. “God help me when you do. Why don’t you start by coming on top of me?”
Her frown deepened, but she placed her hands on his shoulders and lowered herself onto his lap. “My head is lower than yours again.” She sounded annoyed by the physical reality. “And my feet only touch the floor if I point my toes. Is this meant to be comfortable?”
“Does this help?” He held her in place and scooted forward. The movement positioned her closer to his body. While her feet gained more leverage and her head lifted by an inch, the junction between her legs now pressed up against his arousal. His half-erect shaft swelled. Doing nothing was going to be harder than he thought.
He fought back a groan when she wiggled in place. “I don’t understand the point of this exercise.” Though she appeared satisfied by the improved balance, her voice remained tinged with anxiety.
He took her hand and pressed it between their bodies. “Do you feel that?”
Her eyes grew wide as she ran her fingers over his straining zipper. “You must be uncomfortable.”
He had a feeling it was about to get worse. “If you’re on the right track, I’ll get even harder.” When she nudged the base of her palm against his groin, the appendage reacted to prove his point. A drop of sweat rolled down his back. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and focused on breathing.
To his relief, she pulled her hand off his erection. “Wouldn’t it make more sense if you took the lead?” She sounded curious. “You’ve been through…all the steps. I haven’t.”
For no reason he could think of, his arousal ratcheted up a few notches. He scrutinized her expression. “Do you at least know what’s about to happen?”
He felt her faint shiver against his palms. “I know how this ends, yes. I need your help with the intermediary steps.”
If he didn’t do something to take the edge off, he would lose his mind. He laced his fingers through her hair and fused his mouth with hers. She let out a soft moan as he slipped his tongue inside. Her response was hesitant but eager—her lips parted to accept his invasion; her neck curved to give him better access. She was warm and soft. Her tresses felt like silk. With each breath, he smelled hints of snow and a burning fire.
He imprisoned her head and alternated between sucking bites and bold assaults. Her fingers fisted over his T-shirt; her breasts flattened against his chest. He continued to taste her until she grew limp. Relinquishing her lips, he watched her gasp for air and tried to keep amusement off his face. “That’s what happens when I take charge. The only way this can be easy and slow is if you set the pace.”
“What if I want it to be hard and fast?” Shallow pants truncated her words.
He couldn’t suppress a laugh. He planned to redefine those two words for her very soon. “We’ll try that later. It’s my decision, and I’m much bigger than you.”
He saw a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “You’re being overprotective again. Let’s see if I can change your mind.” She circled her arms around his neck and leaned forward. Her mouth hovered an inch away from his. She blinked a few times—as if trying to recall a specific sequence of events. Then she caught his lower lip between her teeth and sucked.
She mirrored each and every move. Her tongue darted over his and lured him into a sensuous dance. His heart pounded; his pulse raced. This time, he was the one who forgot to breathe.
His good intentions crumbled by the end of the kiss. Instead of holding still, he trailed his mouth along the slope of her neck. When his progress was blocked, he yanked down her hoodie’s zipper and closed his hands over her breasts. Through the worn T-shirt, he could feel her nipples pebbling against his palms. She didn’t make a sound, but he could feel her vocal cords vibrate as he pressed his lips over the sensitive patch of skin just above the neckline. Needing to leave a mark, he nibbled her porcelain flesh.
“Don’t stop,” she protested when he lifted his head.
His breath ragged, he struggled to cobble together a sentence. “Your turn.” Her eyes widened. He captured her jaw and pressed his thumb over her lower lip. She nipped his fingertip.
“How about…” She leaned forward to nestle into his neck before drawing small circles behind his ear with her tongue. Her mouth was hot and wet. Her teeth scraped and nibbled, but not hard enough to cause pain. When she moved down, he caught the sides of her hoodie and peeled it off her arms. After it drifted to the floor, he felt her fingers reach under his T-shirt.
Her palms smoothed a path along his torso, nudging the hem up until it hovered just under his shoulders. He lifted his arms so she could pull it over his head. He heard her sharp intake of breath as she dropped the garment.
He pulled her closer. “I’ll have to return the favor.”
“Not yet.” She scanned his body. Her pupils were dilated. Her expression was hungry.
He resisted the urge to preen. “Like what you see?”
p; “Why is this the first time I’ve seen you this way?” She brushed her fingertips over his chest hair. His muscles tightened. He wondered how a simple caress could be too little and too much at the same time. “We slept next to each other. I touched you more times than I can count. But you never took your shirt off in front of me.”
He fought to keep his hands immobile. “Should I have?”
She traced the shape of his pectorals with her fingertips. “I think matters would have progressed much faster if you did.”
Her too serious expression made him laugh. He shook his head. “Here I thought being a perfect gentleman was the way to a woman’s heart.”
She lifted her eyebrows. “Why would it be? I didn’t know what the word meant until I met you.” Her gaze drifted back to his chest. “You have hair in the oddest places. Are there other locations I should know about?”
He felt as if his body were about to combust. “Why don’t you take off my jeans and find out?”
Her expression was torn. “I’d have to get off you.”
His throat felt parched. “I thought you didn’t like this position in the first place.”
She shifted so his erection was more firmly lodged between her legs. “I’ve discovered an unexpected upside.” Then she frowned. “But doesn’t this hurt, considering…”
There was probably a permanent zipper-shaped indentation on his penis. “Why don’t you help me out?” He managed a crooked grin. “I promise to make it worth your while.”
With exaggerated slowness, she slid off his lap and knelt between his legs. Dark red hair fanned down to conceal her face. Trembling hands contradicted her efficient movements. Not once making eye contact, she unbuckled his belt, undid the fastenings, and pulled down his zipper. She hooked her fingers under the waistband of his boxers and pulled both garments down in a single move.
He lifted his feet out of the pile of clothing and kicked it to the side. Then he waited. When she lifted her chin, her expression was both vulnerable and curious. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward until her shoulders were sandwiched between his legs. “Any questions?”