Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage

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Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage Page 7

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  I kept him home from the pre-school, today. It appeared to be a nice chance to be together. Bryant loves to play. Sometimes its dinosaur fights. Other times it's Super Heroes against terrible villains. In more memorable moments, the Super Heroes will battle the prehistoric beasts. Like most five-year-olds, Bryant has a great imagination.

  But, today is different. He went to the closet in our entertainment room and rummaged through everything; finally dragging out a board game. When I checked, it was the ancient "Asps or Stairways." We played it most of the day; even while we ate lunch. We enjoyed a lot of laughs together. Then, he seemed to get tired. So, I read to him for an hour; until he received a new injection of the incredible childhood energy. After that, he was off riding his tricycle and then creating battle scenes between all of his dinos. It was a most relaxing and fascinating day.


  It's Friday, March 22, 2267, and, I've been back at my desk since yesterday. I've started to have an unusual problem. It began with pain in my upper abdomen at the navel. Then it worked its way down into the lower bowel causing all sorts of disruptions. After a couple of days, it worked its way up. I had stomach discomfort for a day that turned into burning and was followed by heartburn. Medical did scans and bloodwork yesterday morning. Early today, I received this memo.


  From: Commander Lucy Gravelle M.D.

  To:F. Admiral Kurt Brubacher Zeta Commander

  C.C.Personal and Confidential - No other distribution

  Re:Your recent gastric disturbances

  Date:March 21, 2267

  Admiral Brubacher,

  I have reviewed the testing we conducted to determine the cause of the problems you are experiencing.

  First, you will be pleased to know you are not suffering from any severe illness needing significant medical intervention or resulting in death.

  Next, I must inform you that you are very sensitive to the protein Gluten found in considerable quantity in our regular diet. This is not a major issue. It will require a special diet and special food handling practices.

  Rather than concern yourself with those details, it would be wise to send your personal chef to us for instruction. Once you are consuming the appropriate diet and have taken the necessary household precautions, it will take about five days for symptoms to ease. This is usually a life-long issue, after discovery. However, there are recent advances in Genetic Therapy that may benefit you, should you wish to pursue those avenues of treatment. Regardless, you will need to convert your diet and household to "Gluten Free," in the meantime.

  Should you wish to visit my office to discuss the therapeutic options, please feel free to contact me.


  Commander Lucy Gravelle M.D.

  There was relief after receiving the letter. But, there was also some disappointment. I love bread and pastries!

  I returned to my quarters to meet with my personal chef Edgidio. I handed him the letter and let him read it.

  "I will pursue the therapy; but we need to take care, until then Ed." I offered.

  "I am aware of this problem and how to work with it. But, I would still like to visit with Dr. Gravelle; if, it's okay with you?"

  "Yes of course. I will advise her, immediately. Wait an hour and give her a call."

  "Certainly, Admiral... And don't worry. We can do some pretty appetizing foods without wheat, barley, or rye. You won't even notice."

  "Thanks, Ed." I repaid his smile as I turned and returned to my office.

  On April 4, I received the following.




  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root I.D. #ZETA-1-04676P?737$&

  From:Adm. A Urquhart Zeta-1 Commander, Adm. Savign Zeta -SF -SOCC Commander

  To:F. Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Zeta Headquarters

  C.C.No other distribution.

  Re:Potential Incursion

  Date: March 21, 2267


  We deployed six fleets in an arrow formation to meet the large body of intruding vessels. We transmitted standard hails on all regular frequencies and in every language known to the Federation. We continued these greetings for seventy-six minutes. As our patience waned, we considered and discussed sending the warning without an answer to our hails, during that period.

  Suddenly, and before we could advance to that stage, the enemy just disappeared. I do not mean they "jumped" out of the region. They just vanished. We spent several hours exploring their staging area. They were definitely gone. And we were detecting a significant residual level of quickly dissipating exotic particles throughout the area they had inhabited.

  It became apparent that this species possesses some form of motive power well beyond our capabilities. This view was reinforced when the SOCC fleet deployed to HD189733 detected a large group matching the same description within their region just fifty-eight minutes later. That is a distance of nearly thirty-three light-years in one hour.

  We await your further orders.

  Adm. A. Urquhart

  Adm. Savign

  I considered the information, carefully. Could the detachment at HD 189733 have spotted a different group of the same exact configuration? It was unlikely. Through all the various sightings, no two flotillas had the same composition. The odds were it was the same one. This meant they were extremely more advanced than the Federation in motive technology. It also made it likely they were superior in most other areas. I sent the following.



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root I.D. #ZETA-41779Q$130*&

  From:F. Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Zeta Headquarters

  To:All Tier 1 C&C, CIC, SOD

  C.C.No other distribution.

  Re:Potential Incursion

  Date: March 22, 2267


  I am attaching a report from Admiral A Urquhart and a prior one from Admiral Savign. These reports were in response to my orders to conduct surveillance of the region specified. (Those orders also accompany the memo.)

  All information leads me to believe we will be attacked by this intruder in the very near future. They did appear to be studying the area in question, at first. However, they now appear to be in the early phases of staging for an attack.

  We have not yet been able to gauge all their technological capabilities, but their ability to travel several times faster than us leads me to believe they are superior in both motive power and structural integrity. It is most probable they exceed our capabilities in other areas, too.

  At this time, I have ordered no offensive actions; but, will continue attempting to capture one regular warship so we may analyze its systems.


  F. Admiral K. Brubacher

  I had the message beamed to all mobile and fixed Command Stations, immediately. It would take several days for a response. I knew our focus had to remain on getting a single ship. But our approach to achieving that goal had to be extremely conservative. The interlopers had superior technology, so a cavalier attitude could lead to devastation. I issued new directives to Urquhart and Savign.



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root I.D. ZETA-1481D+441>>

  From:F. Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Zeta Headquarters

  To:Adm. A. Urquhart Zeta-1 Commander, Adm. Savign Zeta -SF -SOCC Commander

  C.C.All Tier 1 Headquarters

  Re:Potential Incursion

  Date: March 22, 2267


  You are ordered and required to execute the following.

  Admiral Savign

  You will direct your unique forces to surveil
the region in question until you locate a small body or an individual craft belonging to the intruding force.

  You will notify Admiral Urquhart of Zeta - 1 Command of the precise position of the vessel(s) and advise him of the best possible approach course and method.

  This is a reconnaissance mission only for SOCC.

  Admiral Urquhart

  Upon receipt of Admiral Savign's communication, as specified in item two, above, you will make best possible speed to that location on an approach suggested by the SOCC Commander or by a route and method determined by you employing your best judgment. However, such supporting information should bear Admiral Savign's suggestion in mind. You are to use a large number of vessels in the task dependent on the enemy strength at the destination.

  Upon reentering Normal Space from FTL flight, you will immediately attempt to capture one ship by use of unceasing overpowering force that does not permit the antagonist the time to respond.

  You are to return any seized vessel(s) and crew to this location, by any means possible.

  F. Adm. Kurt Brubacher.


  When Urquhart received the document, he interpreted it based on his understanding of the command and the battlefield. He spoke with Savign; asking she give him six decimal point coordinates and distance for the recommended target and include ship or group attitude in space and a good description and sensor report on the surrounding territory. Without knowing his deeper thoughts, she agreed.

  Three days later, he received the following note from her.


  From:Admiral Savign Commander Zeta - SF SOCC

  To:Admiral Urquhart Commander Zeta-1

  C.C.F. Adm. K Brubacher Zeta Command, Admiral G. Astinov Commander Zeta-1

  Re:Recon Report for proposed action

  Date:March 23, 2267


  My forces have been divided into a total of thirty-two squads of five Subs to maximize the search area. Reports from them on enemy troop movements are too numerous to list here. But there is one particular location that appears ripe for a confrontation.

  There is a detachment of two of the suspect crafts outside the Gliese 777 system at RA 300.052621º by Dec. + 59.0016095º @ 52.013546 Ly (vector is relative to Sol). Sensor readings and images of the surrounding region are attached to this e-mail. I recommend you reenter Normal Space at a position six to seven thousand kilometers above and to their eastward end and launch ten Raptors per Carrier within a short distance of your exit aperture. An ideal jump exit point appears to be Vector RA 300.052612º by Dec. +59.0016100º at 52.0135472 Ly from Sol. The location is somewhat obstructed from the trespassers' perspective. I also suggest exiting the wormhole, with all weapons firing, at thirty percent on a deceleration ramp to ten percent velocity over thirty minutes. This will allow your approach at the fastest possible rate. Depending on your force, it will be possible for you to have dozens of weapons platforms firing down at the opponent, immediately.

  Admiral Savign

  Urquhart then sent the following.



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root I.D. ZETA-1-3586E+333>X

  From:Admiral A. Urquhart Zeta-1 Commander

  To:Admiral Anna Arce Zeta T-1-1 Commander, Admiral Thomas Hurst Zeta-1-2 Commander

  C.C.F. Admiral K. Brubacher Zeta Commander, Admiral Savign Zeta SF Commander

  Re:Potential Incursion

  Date: March 23, 2267


  You are ordered and required to execute the following.


  You will move to a location within one hour "jump time" of the enemy position indicated in the attached memo from Admiral Savign.

  You will hold there until requested by the Zeta-1-1 Commander if needed.


  You will bring four of your eight Fleets to bear on the enemy at the position in the attached memo from Admiral Savign.

  Your forces will exit their conduits at twenty percent on a rapid decel-curve from that to five one-hundredths, in twenty minutes.

  You will approach these vessels on a vector from below and exit firing all weapons.

  You will launch thirty percent of all Raptors available at the attack site on exit from the wormhole.

  You will "drag" the remaining four Fleets behind you - stopping them short as a reserve.

  You will bring all weapons to bear from the moment of emergence into the region.

  Admiral A. Urquhart.

  The entire operation turned into an unmitigated disaster. Zeta T1-1-1 lost three frigates and six Raptors within thirty seconds of showing their faces. Then the intruders disappeared. Their weapons penetrated our shielding with no trouble at all. Anna's people did fire thousands of shots at the two enemy ships and discovered we could not penetrate their defensive screens. The only saving grace was that the opponent left before destroying the entire flotilla. But, we did gain one thing. Good sensor logs on their shield and engine performance.

  I did not put a formal reprimand in Urquhart's file. But, I did have him in, and I reamed the living shit out of him. He was too proud to take Savign's advice and wanted to show he knew better. What had really influenced him the most was the fact he was challenging only two ships. He had failed to understand that if their engine and structural technology was so exceptional, everything else probably was, too.

  "Andy, I only have one question about this mess."

  "What's that, sir?"

  "What the hell did you think you were doing?"

  "I was following orders, sir. I brought four Fleets to bear on two ships."

  "Did you read Savign's suggestions?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Why didn't you use even one fucking idea?"

  "It was only two ships, sir. And Savign's only a level ten. I'm a level eleven."

  "That's not the point. Do you think Fleet Admiral Bryant is a good tactician?"

  "Not just good, sir. He's the best."

  "And, do you think he got that way after his promotion to Fleet Admiral?"

  "No, sir. He was always a great battle Commander - even as a Captain and Commodore."

  "Do you know Savign very well, Admiral?"

  "No, sir.

  "And, didn't I say to use her suggestions if you could?"

  "Yes, sir, you did. But you also offered me a choice."

  "Yes, I did. But that's not the point. Why do you think I would suggest a Level 11 Admiral use a Level 10 Admiral's idea?"

  "Because she's a good tactician?"

  "Yes, she is. She may be better than me and nearly as good as George Bryant. She has an intuition - a natural aptitude. Did you think I was just blowing hot air?"

  "No, sir. I've never thought that."

  "No, I don't suppose you have. But, you did let your ego get in the way. And, you got stuck on the number two."

  "How's that, sir? I don't know what you mean."

  "You focused on the fact there were only two ships. You didn't think of just how powerful we believe they are. We lost nearly three thousand people because of your ego and your inability to broaden your view."

  "I'm sorry, sir. I know I was wrong. I'll tender my resignation." Andy stood up.

  "Sit down!" I bellowed. Then, I continued. "You don't get off that easy. You are a good Commander and a good tactician. But that does not mean others are not superior. No - you will have to endure your mistake. You will still run Zeta T1. But, you will have to live with those three thousand on your conscience. And those three ships may yet cost us a war. I will not enter a reprimand into your file, this time. I just hope this teaches you there is no room for ego when human lives are involved.

  But, if there's another incident like this - your finished. I'm not talking about a legitimate loss. I'm speaking of repeating this idiocy. Smarten up and fly
right. Now get out of here and deal with your command." I finished.

  "Yes, sir. And, - thank you, sir." He stood, saluted, turned and left the room.

  I filed the necessary reports. I did not mention Andy. I stressed the indestructibility of the enemy vessels. Over the next few days, I was included in discussions between all the Tier 1 Commanders. We decided Alpha and Delta Commands should handle the enemy who was entering in their Quadrants. Epsilon would be used as a supplement if needed. Zeta was now out of the picture, completely. George protested. He said we appeared to be outmatched. I concurred with him. Thank goodness, we were outvoted.


  The twenty-fourth was Bryant's birthday, and I spent it with him as our Group rejoined Elasima and we all moved on to other tasks. There was a party. Thirty kids attended. Everyone feasted on pizza and birthday cake - except me. My new problem forced Edgidio to come up with a gluten-free pizza and cake; so, I could participate. I bought my son several gifts including many of the models and toys he loves. But, I also bought him books and clothes. Even at five, he seems to appreciate nice duds. Many kids were accompanied by one or both parents. I think that's what motivated the question.


  "Yes, Bryant."

  "Why do all the other kids have a mom? How come I don't."

  I had to think for a bit. I had rehearsed this many times. But, I wanted to be sure I did not screw it up.

  "You do have a mother, Bryant." I took the framed picture from the end table.

  "I know that! But, why didn't she stay?"

  "She did not want to go. Do you know what it means to die?"

  "I'm not sure daddy."

  "Every person is born from their parents. They live a certain length of time. Then, they die. When we die our bodies quit working. And, the energy that powered that body escapes to travel through the universe. But to the rest of the people left behind, we are gone, for good."

  "I think I understand. But why was mommy's time not as long as other mothers?"

  "Well Bryant, our bodies are like machines... kind of like this ship. Sometimes things go wrong, and we go to doctors to fix them. But, sometimes those problems can't be fixed. So, our bodies break down and quit. That's what happened to your mom. She got sick and died."


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