Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage

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Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage Page 29

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  The Bait

  One Headquarters Polyhedron with a contingent of eight hundred vessels occupies and patrols the system immediately surrounding Rigil. This is similar to the strength we found at 44 Boötis.

  The Trap

  We found a force of one Base Station and twelve hundred Cruisers and Carriers, positioned in the rocky/icy belt surrounding Proxima.

  As you know, Rigil orbits the A member of an AB binary pair. The B unit is uninhabited and mostly ignored by us. This star is currently traveling in the closest portion of its elliptical orbit of its partner. A third detachment of a Base and twelve hundred warships is positioned in this system, in a synchronous orbit on the side opposite the A component.

  On a vector RA 210.65975º x Dec -60.337167º @ 4.125 Ly we found another formation. This location is just out of standard long-range sensor deployment at three-quarters light-years from Star A where Rigil is positioned. Another Orb with eight hundred warships is located here. This place is in open space making the entire group hard to observe or even find.

  Knowing this gives us an advantage. We have an opportunity to develop a plan that could counter the intended surprise. We are most fortunate we did not stumble blindly into this web.

  Admiral Savign

  The Commission was called into special session on Monday, January 10, 2270, with the King and all six members of the Assembly's Defense Sub-Committee including three members who were on Earth when it was freed.

  "It is evident to me that we need to voice our thanks to Fleet Admiral Bryant for his passionate plea for caution. Many Senior Officers were in favor of just barrelling into Kentaurus. We'd been buoyed by our recent successes which now appear to have been part of an enemy plan. This report,' Grace held up Savign's letter with all the visual information she included, 'is solid proof of an attempt by our antagonists to lure us into a well-designed trap. It proves they are not as inept as we may have thought. It demonstrates they consider the end game and are willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals. Does anyone present have any comments, observations or suggestions related to our approach to the future?" She finished.

  "May I speak, Admiral Tonaka?" Addison Blythe one of the new Fleet Admirals asked.

  "Certainly, you are a full member of this Commission now, and your thoughts and opinions are valued. We do follow a certain decorum. But, it is not etched in stone. We try not to interrupt each other or engage in insults or disparaging comments. Otherwise, you're free to speak your mind."

  "I believe that even if we did not have Fleet Admiral Savign's report, we should follow the advice Admiral Bryant professed in the meeting a month ago. This is a colossal undertaking with incredible obstacles and potential pitfalls. Even without the additional knowledge we've just received, it is a major confrontation. No military operation of this size should ever be executed without proper restraint, concern, and caution. We should never just stumble forward based on the motivation of past successes. We should always advance slowly and with full consideration and preparation. And, we should always bear in mind those senior officers who have repeatedly been at the forefront of well researched and conceived tactical planning. These are people with an innate sense of tactics and strategy and the ability to project an enemy's motivation and intentions. I believe it needs to be said out loud that we should alway stop and listen to these Officers and consider deeply any opinion they have in these matters." She sat down.

  "Thank you, Admiral. I think we've all had a real wake-up slap in the back of the head over the past month. I believe most, or all of us have come to those conclusions; but I agree, it needed to be said out loud. Anyone else?"

  "Yes Grace, I think I'd like to add something. I feel we need to consolidate our gains and sit back and wait while we build strength. I don't believe we will have the force to attack at Rigil for a couple of yea... " Bill was cut off by George.

  "Just a minute, please. Because, I felt we should not rush forward does not mean we should not find a way to overcome these obstacles, now. A defeat of the force at Rigil would be psychologically devastating to our opponent. And, it would also be a boost to the morale of all the OFSA and Federation citizens.

  And, I'm sure we do not have two years to wait. If I planned the trap at Rigil, I would wait some time for the fish to take the bait. But, I would finally place a net in the water to catch it when it became likely it would never go for the lure. I feel we have no more than a year from when we took back Sol to make a move. They will come after us if we don't. So, instead of hunkering down, we have to plan our way around the deception at Rigil."

  "So, what's your plan?" Bill sounded a bit snarky - maybe even belligerent. He didn't like being slapped down by George though Admiral Bryant hadn't interrupted to embarrass him.

  "Bill, I apologize for interrupting you, earlier. I don't have a plan, yet. I have a few ideas of what needs to be included. But there is no grand scheme, today. Addison, Savign, Steven, Kurt and I will have to execute whatever is decided. So, I think we need to sit down alone and put together a plan that has a chance of success within the boundaries of the OFSA and intelligent, practical tactical norms. Then, we should present it to the entire Commission for consideration and discussion. If and when a plan is approved. We should move on it. Time is the essence. The enemy will not wait forever. The OFSA and our allies are all that stands in the way of their complete domination of our territory and people."

  "So, where do you think we should go from here?" Grace asked.

  "The C&C involved in active Field deployed offensive operations should sit as a sub-committee of the Commission to develop a plan. Then, we should present it to the full Commission, the CIC, and the available members of the Defense Committee. In fact, it might be wise to include the entire OFSA Planning Committee instead of just our Commission. The more tactical people that analyze any blueprint - the more criticism we are likely to face and the more likely it is that any deficiencies will surface and be examined. And, I think Admirals Blythe and her subordinate Commanders, with Admiral Savign, have to sit and plan a solid defense of the corridor we hold. It would not be that hard for our antagonists to attack that pathway as we try to take Rigil. They could choose to use our own attack as a diversion to theirs. We need to ensure the entire passage is secure. But the fifteen light-years directly to our rear is critical.

  If they tried such a ploy and we held that area, it would minimize our losses and give us a front to use for a breakout. We would be able to take back the rest in relatively short order."

  "Okay, let's make that an official line of approach. A motion has been presented to the floor to form an offensive Tactical Subcommittee comprised of Fleet Admirals Bryant, Brubacher, Nichols, and Savign, and a defensive one headed by Fleet Admiral Blythe. Those groups will take thirty days to develop a plan of attack to emancipate Rigil while defending the region we have already reacquired. After that, they will appear before a joint session including this Commission, the balance of the OFSA Planning Committee, King David and the available Defense Committee to present it for examination, discussion, and a decision. All in favor, please raise your hands.' All C&C, Assembly Representatives, attending Level Eleven Admirals, and King David raised their hands. 'The motion carries. The Chiefs of Staff of the C&C Commission will generate orders reflecting this accepted course.' Grace drove the gavel into its base sending a loud crack through the room. 'We're adjourned!" She shouted and thwacked the mallet again. Every time she does that, we all chuckle at the thought of rail in Lowry's.


  "Bill are you, okay?" Grace asked her peer when they were finally alone.

  "Why do you ask? He queried.

  "Because in all our years of service together, I've never seen you react as you did to George's interruption, today."

  "I'm just tired. I know he was right. And, I know he was just nipping a potentially negative path in the bud. But,
since the heart problem, I tire quickly. And, I get short tempered when I'm tired." He began to change color as he gasped out the end of the response. He grabbed his upper left arm.

  "Bill, what's going on?" Grace yelled as the man crumpled to the floor.


  Though the Tactical Sub-Committee were under enormous pressure, they took a three-day adjournment to attend all the memorials, ceremonies, and celebrations that took place in honor of Fleet Admiral William O. Stephenson, after his death on January 10, 2270. He had been a great military leader and an outstanding manager of the single biggest enterprise in the Federation. The Commission decided they would act without a second Chief of Staff member, for the time being. The Rigil Campus would be represented by only one. Grace could appoint a Deputy; but, she would not have a partner.


  Our sub-committees finally got down to business on January 16, and I had one question for George that had waited nearly a week.

  "George, I have one question before we get deeply into this. What were the ideas you spoke of."

  "Pardon. I'm not sure I know what you're speaking of."

  "When you were answering Bill at the last Commission meeting you said you didn't have a plan for dealing with Rigil; but, you did have a few ideas."

  "Oh, that. Well, I was thinking of two things. The first is that we accidentally leak the information we have from Savign. The second is using Savign's subs to destroy the Polyhedrons from the inside out."

  "Why would we leak that intelligence?' Admiral Nichols interjected.

  "To help create the element of surprise. If the Isesinis understand we know of their plans, they will assume we will decide not to attack. That tack creates a problem, though."

  "What's that?" Stephen queries.

  "If they don't think we'll attack, they'll come after us sooner - probably four to five months. So, if we do distribute that surveillance report, we better have our own plan ready. We will need to strike before them."

  "What's your inside out idea?" Savign asks.

  "I was watching the video surveillance you sent, and I realized the Isesinis are very lax about security in one area.

  When they are taking a large vessel into the Polyhedron for maintenance, repair, or resupply the big hatch is opened well before the ship enters and a good while afterward. The same is true when one is departing. I watched it over and over; timing the event with the stop-watch function of my pad. There are ninety seconds before ingress and sixty seconds after egress for a waiting cloaked vessel to slip into the Orb unseen. So, I have been wondering if we could not plant destructive devices inside these behemoths in preparation for a confrontation. A sub would have to slip in, and SF personnel would have to EVA within the cloak to plant internal mines. Now that we have the antimatter Limpets, we should be able to destroy them with one or two detonations in the right places." Everyone stiffens. The enormity of this point is not lost on any of us. There is an extended silence.

  "So, you are asking if SOCC could mine the interior of the Polys before a battle. From what you have told us, I would say, yes. But, I'd need to study the videos again to see if transit is permitted based on clearances between an approaching ship and the hatchway. But, my immediate response is yes." Savign responds.

  "We'd have to sit down and study those prints we have of the Polyhedrons. The mines don't carry as large a charge as our torpedoes; so, we'd have to identify particularly sensitive interior locations." George added.

  So we began hashing out a plan of attack that included the deception and the new tactic.


  Outside the boardroom after that session, I stopped George.

  "Do you ever think of taking a ground assignment?" I asked.

  "Wadda ya mean?" He queried.

  "Do you ever wonder if you should spend some time on a planet with your family?"

  "Yes, all the time. Why?"

  "Because the other day, I was recollecting an incident from my youth with a young lady named Mary Jo Beninger. It was back in Detroit Lakes Minnesota. And, it was one of those crazy teenage moments, when we nearly got caught with our pants down - literally. The details aren't important, but it was the kind of experience you could only get on the surface. We were in a barn. And, there's a lot of other memories like all the wetlands and the ducks and geese.

  Our kids will have memories - just not that type. And, every once in a while I'll think of Mary Jo and her curvaceous, beautiful milky white body. But, that will lead to all the other memories; which will make me wonder, what my son will miss out on. I often wonder if even a year on a planet would enrich his life." I finished.

  "Of course, I've thought about it. And, I wonder about the same benefits Atina might gain from the experience. But, two things stop me. The first is that I love field assignments. I don't like being stuck behind a desk. The second is that I owe it to the Federation. They have asked us to defend them. That is bigger than our personal needs. So, I do my duty. And Atina will get childhood, teenage and adult experiences here. It's not like she's alone. There's thousands of people on our home ship and millions in my Command. There are four thousand children within a couple of years of her age throughout Epsilon. And, there may not be any barns; but there are plenty of secretive little corners to build memories in aboard a Supercarrier.

  You have to decide for yourself. But, you should finish this first. You know this war. People like you and I become necessities after time has passed during a war." He finished.

  "Oh no. I wasn't thinking of a change now. I'm not even sure of when, if ever. I just thought it might be a good idea in the future." I responded.

  "Maybe. And, I might, too. Who knows?"


  Over the next few days, Vice Admiral Svjosloki organized a team of engineers to study the big Orbs. I participated in the operation because of my own particular area of expertise. We identified both fission and fusion reactor cooling lines that ran through the cavernous repair bays. Interrupting those without discontinuing the reactions would cause serious overheating issues leading to catastrophic annihilations. We also identified specific locations that would intensify a blast of any type. In the end, we decided that three mines per Headquarters ship was the answer. It meant a much longer stay inside and three separate Special Forces operations because the positions were not close to each other.

  We turned our findings over to Savign who worked with her people for a couple of days to come up with a method. As we developed our plans, we kept our OFSA COS informed. Grace contacted me on January 18. She had an idea for the mining that might speed up the process. She wanted to meet with me, Savign and Svjosloki, immediately.

  "So, what's the brainstorm?" I asked her.

  "I was thinking of how long each operation will take with the Marines doing three separate EVAs. Why can't the agent ride on the sub from site to site?"

  "There's no way to secure someone riding outside. We could lose our operator." Savign injected.

  "I realize that. And, I thought about it.' She pulled a small metal object from her pocket. It was a fold-down stainless steel handle. It was the type you find on portable storage containers. "Why can't we install two of these on each Sub. Fold them down; so, they don't create any disturbances. You'll be moving between positions at a crawl because you're inside a vessel. So, you send out your person at the first location. He plants the device; then, raises the handles and holds on while you move to the second one. You bring in the operative after the last explosive is placed."

  The three of us were dumbfounded. It was so simple it was ridiculous. I
raised both hands palms up to Gojen.

  "It shouldn't take more than a few hours per craft. Two techs per CV. It shouldn't take more than a dozen people to do them all within a few hours of a single day."

  "Thanks, Grace!" Savign yelped.

  "Anything to cut down the risk for you."

  Vice Admiral Svjosloki had the job completed the next day. SOCC only carries three engineers per Covert Vessel for interior repairs. Grace approached me so Savign would be able to use my assets to complete the task.

  SOCC teams began practicing before we even sat with the war council.


  On Thursday, February 10, 2270, we again sat in-session with the entire body outlined in the meeting of January 10. But, we had already mailed our rough plan to all attendees in advance, via George's Command; so they would have time to study it before the gathering.




  From:Rigil Tactical Planning Sub-committee

  To:All C&C, All Level 11 Admirals, All Assembly Defense Committee Members, CIC

  C.CNo other distribution

  Re:Kentaurus System

  Date:February 8, 2270


  Our tactical planning group has come up with the following plan in our preparatory sessions for the meeting of February 10, 2270.

  The OFSA will "accidentally leak" reconnaissance information presented in Fleet Admiral Savign's report of January 30, 2270. The intent of this action is to create complacency towards an attack at Rigil, by us and to allow our forces to achieve an element of surprise in the following operations.

  SOCC -HQ will dispatch covert units to the four enemy locations at and around Rigil to surreptitiously mine the interiors of the Polyhedrons and to booby trap as many warships as possible within the timeframe we arrive at. Each enemy Headquarters vessel will require one covert entry and exit and three internal EVA missions. We have determined it will take three properly placed mines to achieve the desired results.


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