Manhunter Revelations

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Manhunter Revelations Page 12

by H. F. Daniels

  I took this time to stop, think and reflect on all that has happened to this point. My life prior to this had been pretty much normal. Tracking down bad guys, correction, human bad guys and bringing them in for justice. Legends of monsters had been just that. Legends. In fact I have not even thought of such things since I was a young boy in school, and watched those type of vids on the vid comm. Plus the vids were just a ploy I used to get closer to the girls I took to see them. So the revelation that such creatures really existed was a little too much to believe. Yet I couldn't discount the creature I had come up against today. Next was the realization that another race of people, correction again, two different races of people other than humans existed. There was no mistaking the alien beauty of the Muraii women. I or anyone else would have to be completely dense to not see there was something truly different about them. Taking into account the freaky powers they have shown, I still wasn't completely convinced they were not human. Maybe they were some type of advance human offshoot. I don't know but I intended to look into that matter some more after the immediate problem was dealt with. I hate to admit this, but with all of the already mentioned weirdness, the one that bothered me the most was the fact that my father was The King of the monsters of legends. My mother. She was some type of Super Good Spiritual Being. How in hell was a man supposed to deal with that. The fact that my mother and uncle, both kept this info from me hurt. I mean really hurt. I had, with no reservations trusted both of them implicitly. To find out that they had both kept this info from me just plainly hurt. It was a matter I fully intended to discuss with my mother as soon as I could. All in all this was just a lot of weirdness to absorb at one time, but absorb it I must if I intended to stop this creature and survive during the process. My hunter's instincts for no reason I could see was screaming at me that something wasn't quite right. That usually means I am missing something important, that I should be seeing. I guess the events of late has thrown my instincts out of wack. I wasn't going to get any more insight into things thinking. I needed to see and experience the village to try and get a feel for what I was missing. I put on my gear, including both my .40C and .44C pistols. The creature has shown it can take a lot of damage and still remain functional. In our next meeting I fully intended to change that.

  It was around nine thirty pm when I left the hut, and the streets were pretty much deserted. Only a few men were seen to be moving about, and it was obvious they had a destination in mind. There were a lot of Major Hennings men visible on patrol around the village. They all had been fully briefed on my arrival, so I wasn't stopped by any of the patrols. Although there were no one on the streets except the occasional team of soldiers, with the fairy tale streetlights lit, the village had a ghostly dreamlike look to it. As I walked around I was simply amazed that such a beautiful village could be conceived and built by anyone. There is no way to fully described how beautiful every house, street, tree, garden was. Everything blended together in such a way to take your breath away. This creature was guilty of more than just rape and murder. It was also guilty of destroying what had to be one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. It took me a few hours to explore most of the village, but nothing revealed itself to me outside of the forlorn empty feeling of a place of extreme beauty. It was almost one am but I decided to check in at the pavilion hall before I turned in for the night. When I got close, I saw the extent of the protection around the hall. Major Hennings men was geared with the latest in lethal firepower and detection equipment and had double stacked the perimeter defenses around the hall. As I approached down the main street, I was stopped by a three-man patrol about a couple of hundred yards from the hall. I requested to see the officer in charge at the hall. After calling my request in, I was passed through. I passed four more patrols before I got to the front door of the hall, where I was met by an officer.

  "Mr. Conrad, I'm Lt. Forne. I was briefed on your arrival here. How can I help you"

  "I was just walking the village trying to get a feel for the place, and decided to check in here before turning in. Everything appears to be okay here"

  "Yes it is. Since we put this plan in place there have been no more attacks"

  "I noticed the intensive patrols around the village. What type of setup do you have inside?"

  "Inside each of the buildings, small foyers have been setup for individual family members to afford them some privacy. There are multiple patrols inside the hallways around the main halls of each building, with dual stationary and roving patrols around the perimeter of all the buildings themselves"

  "Wasn't the net your men had around the village as intensive?"

  "Yes it was, both inside the village and around the perimeter. We still cannot understand how the creature got passed our patrols. Major Hennings has explained your job duties to us, yet do you really believe you will have more luck tracking this creature than we have had?"

  "I have a few tricks up my sleeve. We will see if they are enough"

  With that I shook the Lt.'s hand and left. As I walked back to my hut, I mulled over the info the Lt.had given me. Both patrol styles were the same, yet the creature had gotten passed them when the woman were still sleeping in their own homes. It hasn't yet been able to get inside the convention hall or other buildings where the women were now sleeping. Why? Did it even try?

  As I approached my hut, I suddenly felt I wasn't alone. I stopped about dozen feet from the door, looked around me, but I saw no one. Still feeling someone else's presence I stood still for another few minutes and tried to find where the presence I felt was. Finally the presence started to feel familiar, and then I figured out where it was. I slowly approached my door. One of the unique features of the village housing is the lack of a need to put locks on one's door. Apparently home break ins and burglaries was an unknown occurrence here, yet they had a sheriff with deputies. Curious. Opening my door slowly, I quickly stepped in and to the side. I had left the lights off when I left, but the ones to either side of my bed was on, at the lowest setting. Since the windows had darken to where no one could see in I didn't see the lights on from the outside. I knew I would see clearly in the dark when I entered, and thus would see whoever was in my hut, when they probably thought I would be night blind.

  "I did not expect to be shot for wanting to give you a night of pleasure"

  When I had stepped into my room I immediately spotted the woman reposed on my bed. Imagine a fantasy dream where there is a totally beautiful alien woman on your bed under the most imaginable romantic lighting, then you have some idea on what I saw.

  "So are you going to shoot me or not?"

  "Sessa, what are you doing here?

  "Right now I'm lying here wondering if you want to shoot me instead of making love to me"

  As a precaution, I had drawn my .40C before I had entered my room. Now I felt very

  stupid standing there with my weapon out and a totally beautiful alien woman lying

  on my bed stating she wants to make love to me. Combine that with the already enhanced sexual attraction these women had on human men, even after drinking the elixir, you can well see the internal turmoil I was going through. Make love to her? Hell yes I wanted to make love to her. All during the afternoon while working with her on the info I requested, I was in a state of immense sexual attraction for her, and that is a vast understatement on how I felt. It appeared the longer I was with her the stronger the attraction became. It got so bad, I had to formulate an excuse to get away from her. Later while being briefed by Major Hennings, he noticed I appeared to be under some type of stress. When he asked me what was wrong, I asked him about the effectiveness of the elixir.

  "I thought the elixir I drunk was supposed to reduce the attraction of the Muraii women. All during this afternoon, I felt the attraction getting stronger by the minute. I did notice however that you and your men appear to be unaffected. Any idea why it isn't working on me?

  Major Henning looked at me in a funny way for a few seconds before burstin
g out laughing.

  "I'm sorry for laughing, but I keep forgetting this is your first time being exposed to the Muraii women. There is nothing wrong with the elixir. The reason your libido is working in overdrive is that Sessa wants you, and is sending that want to you via her Eurola powers for want of a better term. Watch out. What these women want, they always get" and with that he burst out laughing again. The rest of the afternoon was spent reviewing the data, and dealing with Hennings comic remarks on the future of my health once Sessa got through with me. When I left him for the evening he was still laughing. So you can see I knew something was up with her, I was just not expecting such forwardness from her.

  "You have been exerting you powers on me all day, haven't you?

  "Yes and I must say I was stunned that you were able to resist me. No human has ever been able to resist a Muraiin woman once she has exerted her influence on him, yet you did. I was more determined then ever to have you hence my presence here now. I must admit I was somewhat disappointed when I arrived and found you gone. I have been in a state of extreme emotional distress waiting for you to return”

  Man if she just knew how much she had messed me up. I wasn't telling though. I needed to retain some dignity here.

  "Don't your people have some type of code about fraternizing with the hired help. It can conceivably effect the outcome of the investigation"

  "I think not."

  It was at this point that I decided that enough talking had been done. I holstered my pistol, and started removing my gear, all the time still gazing at this beauty on my bed. I could feel all my restraints and reservations dissolving like ice in boiling water. I was totally unaware I was removing my clothing as I slowly approached the bed. I was also startled by her reaction when I had removed all of my clothing. She abruptly sat up in the bed and her eyes got very large. She appeared to be so startled, I stopped and asked her what was wrong.

  "Look at you. You have an absolutely gorgeous physique. I have never seen anyone in such a powerful state"

  Her statement caught me off guard. I glanced down at myself, but to me I had always been in excellent shape, so I saw nothing out of the ordinary, but then the realization hit me that maybe I was in better shape than most men, simply because I had been working out since I was six years old due to my uncle insistence. All these years had given me a body that was unique compared to other men, but was normal to me. What Sessa saw was a body whose muscles were like coiled steel cables. There appeared to be absolutely no fat any where on the body. The chest was deep, but not huge, with strong powerfully built shoulders and arms where the muscles looked like cables wound tight to bursting. The abs had a six-pack that looked as if it could take a hit from anything and not be dented. The legs were bundles of coiled powerful muscles, yet the overall appearance was of a man that was slim, yet immensely powerful. Sessa's voice when she now spoke was much deeper and husky.

  "Come to me please. I intend to fully enjoy you"

  The words were spoken like an invocation to me because the next thing I knew I was over her and in her arms. When we kissed, the passion was almost more than I could bear as a hot fire erupted within me and the need to have her was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, and it appeared I wasn't the only one. Sessa let out such a moan of pleasure I had never expected to hear from any woman. She gripped me so hard I was momentarily stunned as to her strength. I don't know what happened to the gown she had on when I entered, but as I pushed her down on the bed, revealed to me was one of the most beautifully sensuous womanly body I could ever imagine, alien or human. Her legs were beautifully toned with muscles, but slim like a gymnast. Her stomach was very toned with it's own six-pack. Her arms and shoulders were also nicely toned with muscle, and her breasts were medium sized but very firm. There was no doubt after seeing her naked that she was a warrior out to kill monsters. She was built for combat. As I slipped into her, we both cried out in animal ecstasy and the rest of the night was a state of unimaginable animal pleasure.

  Chapter Six: Exploratory Hunt

  I awoke early the next morning. I had the previous night arranged with Major Hennings to use a MATV to explore the area around the village. At first he was very reluctant to let me go out alone as too many of his men and the sheriff's deputies had been killed in the woods while tracking this creature. I explained to him though that my methods of tracking precluded anyone else accompanying me and since he had previous knowledge of my tracking methods, he relented although I could see he was not very happy about it. I showered and got dressed but before leaving the cottage, I again looked at Sessa still sleeping on the bed and was again struck with how unbelievably beautiful she and the other woman of her race were. It was, to be blunt, very unnerving, especially knowing how easily they could influence human males and going from Yolanda's reaction to Sessa during the office meeting, females was also at risk with Muraiin males. Resisting the powerful urge to go back to bed and make love to her again, I donned my weapons and gear and forced myself to leave. Across the court from the cottage, Hennings stood leaning against a lamppost waiting for me. As I approached him I could see he was under the immense strain of trying not to laugh.

  "Go on and get it out of your system before your head explodes"

  Laughing, Hennings remarked,

  "I am surprised. I figured that I would eventually have to send in a squad to forcibly remove you from Sessa's arms. To be honest I intended to lead the team myself”

  With that he broke out laughing again. I gave him a few seconds to get himself together.

  "All done? I would like to get on the road, if you can bring yourself to show me where the MATV is”

  Trying to get control of himself, he motioned me to walk with him and we headed down the street towards the other side of the pavilion hall extensive plaza.

  "Are you sure you want to explore the countryside alone. That creature has an uncanny way of sneaking up on people and out there and alone you will have no one to cover your back. Frankly, I am dead set against it. But Serona has asked that we allow you full latitude as to what you do”


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