Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five)

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Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five) Page 6

by Brenda Trim

  “I can’t take this from you,” she murmured absently as she stared at his chest.

  He smiled, this was definitely one time he appreciated being a cambion. He wanted this woman to find him attractive and was tempted use his cambion abilities to manipulate her into moving closer to him. The urge stopped him short. He hadn’t considered using his powers for a hundred years and had no doubt it was more of his test for this circle of Hell. It did make him question if she was part of that test like Kellen mentioned.

  Dismissing the idea, he reminded himself that she was the Illianna that the three, red-winged angels had been looking for. No, he believed he had been set on this course to help rescue Illianna. No, the test for this circle had to be how he desired her and his resolve and control over that demand.

  “I don’t know much about angels, but I can tell you aren’t immune to the cold. I don’t have pants or shoes to give you, take it.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured, shrugging into the coat and pulling it closed. It was huge and seemed to engulf her as she huddled into it. “You mentioned being here on a mission for the Goddess Morrigan. What mission does she have three cambions doing for her?” He heard the doubt and condescension in her voice. Perhaps she wasn’t as attracted to him as he’d hoped.

  “Are you familiar with the Tehrex Realm?”

  “A little. I’ve had several assignments there. I know about some of the creatures that comprise your world, but most of my work was done with humans.”

  Unable to resist the way her face lit up when she talked about her work, he ran a finger over her cheek. “What do you do?”

  “I’m an angel of happiness and joy. My job was to bring happiness to those who needed it most, whether through a flower, or rainbow, or friendly conversation.”

  “You liked what you did,” he observed, enchanted by the way her smile transformed her face and her silver eyes sparkled in the gloom. He had originally thought her average, but he was wrong. She was extraordinary. It didn’t matter if her breasts were small and she didn’t have curves, she had so much more when he caught a glimpse of the real angel. She shone brighter than the sun.

  “I loved what I did. The last person I touched was a young woman who had lost all hope. She was going to take her own life because she felt inadequate and unloved. After several days of visits she had changed her mind and after a couple weeks she was fully engaged with her family and had a new boyfriend. People think of me as bringing them happiness, but what I get from them is so much more.” He could see the way just talking about it affected her, and believed every word she said. His life was the complete opposite, rife with fighting and war. What he wouldn’t give to have her adding balance to his life.

  A sudden thought occurred to him. “Do your brothers do what you do? Because, no offense, but they aren’t exactly fluffy-fucking-bunnies encouraging smiles. I’m male enough to admit they had me sweating.”

  She laughed at that and hit him lightly in the chest. He felt like he’d won the lottery hearing her amusement. What was it about making a female laugh that made a male feel so fucking good? He liked to believe his humor was part of his charm, but it was never so important to make a female laugh and smile as it was with Illianna.

  “I’m sure my brothers were ferocious. They are warrior angels, after all. Although, they are worse where their baby sister is concerned.”

  He cocked his head to the side and leaned against the rough wall. “I had guessed they were warriors with how they helped us fight against Kadir and his ilk. What other types of angels are there?”

  She waved her hands dismissively. “There are countless types. My mother is an angel of rains and rivers and my father was a warrior like my brothers. You’re probably most familiar with archangels. What most people don’t realize is that every class of angels has to serve as a guardian angel at one time or another. It grounds us and gives us a base of compassion to start from. It’s a rite of passage before you begin your chosen work.”

  “We’re a lot alike then. What I do daily is a just like being a guardian angel. I fight the enemy to protect the innocent and do everything in my power to make the world safe for them.”

  She paused in her pacing and quirked a smile at him, another stunning glimpse at her lighter side. “That’s a good analogy, but for angels, we are assigned only one person and serve as their guardian for the rest of their existence. My charge was a human and died centuries ago, but I still keep in touch with her in heaven.”

  Centuries? “Just how old are you?”

  “I am coming up on my first millennium, but I’m a young angel.”

  “Wow, an older female. What a turn on,” he teased.

  Rolling her eyes at him, she smiled. “Give it up, demon. We’re like oil and water, we don’t mix.”

  He threw his hand to his chest and gasped. “Ouch, that hurt. Of course, we mix. Come over here and I can show you how well. Don’t you know you need oil and water to make a cake?”

  She stopped pacing and chuckled at him, crossing her arms over her chest. “God, what I wouldn’t give for a piece of carrot cake right now. I haven’t eaten anything remotely resembling food for a very long time,” she mused.

  “How long?”

  “I’m not really sure. Decades, I’d guess. What year is it?”

  “It’s twenty-sixteen,” he replied hesitantly, not sure how she was going to take the news.

  Her hand went to her throat, a visible sheen to her eyes. “It has been a hundred years, no wonder my brother are upset.”

  “Upset? That’s an understatement. I was the one on the receiving end of their determination,” he admitted.

  “Sounds like them,” she said, fondly. “And, like I said, I’m not surprised given how long it’s been.”

  At her mention of time, he contemplated exactly how long she had been in his father’s clutches. A hundred years? He was shocked she was sane at all having endured the removal of her wings, as well as, other torture for so long. He wanted to rip the underworld apart and make his father pay. He’d heard enough to know that Lemuel had kidnapped Illianna. Question was, why?

  “How have you maintained your positive attitude? I was only here for about fifty years and barely escaped with my mind intact.”

  One of her delicate eyebrows rose to her forehead as she considered him. Anticipation bubbled beneath his skin about what she was going to say to him and he found himself smiling.

  “You think you have an intact mind? Someone has lied to you, warrior. I haven’t seen them much crazier,” she quipped.

  He grabbed her in his arms and picked her up. “Oh, you think so, do you? I’ll show you insanity,” he teased, kissing the side of her neck. She had been laughing, but froze in his arms.

  She gazed up at him, confusion and longing clear on her face. When noise sounded from the end of the alley, Rhys went on alert, setting her down and positioning his body in front of her. He edged them into the darkened corner of the alley and waited with his weapon in hand.

  “Rhys, where the fuck are you?” Dante whispered.

  Relaxing, Rhys stepped out of the shadows and greeted his friends. “Did you find her?”

  Dante stopped a few feet away and tipped his head to Illianna, “Yeah, we found her exactly where Illianna said we would. It wasn’t easy and convincing her to leave was even more difficult, but she’s waiting for us in an abandoned building a couple streets over. But first, we, um…procured some clothing and shoes for you, Illianna. They probably won’t fit just right, but it’s got to be better than walking around half-naked.”

  Rhys noticed tears that entered Illianna’s eyes as she accepted the clothing from Dante. No doubt she hadn’t been shown any form of kindness during her captivity. “I haven’t had clothing for longer than I care to remember. I can never thank you guys for what you are doing to help me.”

  She held onto his arm for leverage as she stepped into the dark linen pants. Luckily, they had a drawstring waist or they would have fallen off
her slim hips. The shoes were next.

  Bouncing on her feet, she looked up at him with a smile. “They’re a little big, but both will stay on, I think. I’ve never actually worn shoes. Most angels do, but I never cared for them so this is a new experience for me.”

  Rhys returned her smile and murmured, “The first of many new experiences to come.” Needing to remain close, he twined their fingers together. They’d had a moment before Dante and Kellen had shown up and he didn’t want to lose that small connection.

  “Ready to be freed, angel?” he asked.

  “More than ready,” she answered, squeezing his hand. She was beginning to trust him and that made Rhys stand a little taller.


  Illianna glanced around the empty building. Luckily, they’d crossed the city without being noticed. It hadn’t been easy and she’d had to lift the collar of his jacket and huddle into his side to hide her distinctive slave collar and bald head. Her nerves were a wreck. She wanted to believe this person was going to help them, but it could be a trap. This woman could turn them over to Lemuel and get a huge reward. Or, use her for her own purposes. Pushing the negative thoughts aside, she had to trust that Rhys and his colleagues would keep her safe.

  The small, empty room was an odd combination of black stone and rotting wood. The building itself was in bad shape and needed repair. This particular room was filled with dust and debris and there was no furniture or appliances of any kind.

  “We’re here,” Kellen called out, his voice echoing into the dark as he turned in a circle. The voodoo practitioner was nowhere to be found. She was supposed, but perhaps she had second thoughts.

  A female stepped out from behind one of the walls and walked toward their group. She was short, couldn’t have been more than five feet and had skin dark as night. Her pallor was surprisingly healthy for a resident of the Underworld. Illianna couldn’t help but wonder if she was a prisoner and forced to do her job or if she was there of her own freewill.

  When she stopped closer to their group, Illianna noticed she was beautiful with full lips and a voluptuous body. Suddenly, Rhys’ comment about Illianna not being his type ran through her head. She’d bet this woman was his type with her long, black hair and big breasts.

  Not wanting to think about that anymore, she wondered if this was the person who had placed the collar on her in the first place. That particular incident was gone from her memory. At the time, she’d passed out from pain and never saw a face.

  “Yes, I remember this one. You didn’t tell me you wanted Lemuel’s prized angel freed. That ups the ante and will cost you,” she informed them, crushing Illianna’s hope.

  “Okay, sweetcakes, let’s talk business. What’s your price?” Rhys asked, jumping into the conversation.

  The woman tilted her head and considered Rhys. “I would say that you don’t have enough to pay me, but I recognize you. You are the son that got away. I think we can come to an arrangement,” the voodoo practitioner cooed. Illianna didn’t like the way the woman was eyeing Rhys. It made her flush with anger to see her so openly admiring her rescuer.

  Rhys rubbed his chin and paused before responding. “Well, if you think I have the wealth or power of my father, you’re wrong. I have nothing to offer but a few trinkets I brought with me from earth. A few gems and spells.”

  The woman walked right up to Rhys and stopped when their feet touched, reached out and grabbed his groin. Illianna gasped at the move and stepped away, not liking the direction this was taking.

  Rhys gripped the voodoo practitioner’s wrist, but didn’t shove her hand away. The woman stepped even closer, murmuring, “I don’t want your gems or spells. I have plenty of my own. What I want will benefit us both. I’m at the peak of my spawning and giving birth to one of Lemuel’s line will ensure my position.”

  Rhys shoved her hand away and spun on his heel. Their gazes collided and she saw the war raging behind his tormented eyes. She wanted to vomit at the thought of him being with this woman. It caused her chest to swell with hurt and tears to burn the backs of her eyes. She didn’t want this to happen and didn’t understand why she felt this way.

  Rhys meant nothing to her and if his sleeping with the woman and possibly giving her a child would earn Illianna’s freedom, she should be pushing them to the nearest bed. Rhys simply stared at her for several seconds and she saw the moment he resolved to agree to her price. His eyes went cold and dead before he turned back to the voodoo vixen.

  “I’ll do this, but I will not guarantee a child. Sex, one time, and you free her before we do this. And, no spells on your part to help a pregnancy along. The Goddess’ will determines the outcome. That’s how it works in my world and it won’t be any different here.”

  The voodoo practitioner tapped her chin with one, long-nailed finger as she considered. Sweat began to roll down Illianna’s spine. She was torn between begging for them to get on with it and not wanting her to touch Rhys.

  “A deal is struck. Come here, angel,” the woman finally instructed.

  Sick to her stomach, Illianna took the steps separating her and Rhys and knelt before the woman. As her collar clattered to the floor, Illianna lowered her head, refusing to watch as Rhys left the room to have sex with the incorrigible woman.

  It should be one of the happiest moments of her life. She was finally free after a century of slavery and violation, but she wanted to burst into tears that this man was going to be intimate with someone else. Worst part was she didn’t want him, but she had become fond of him and didn’t want to think about him with someone else. Hell had messed up her head. Collar or not, she doubted she would ever truly be free.


  Illianna looked up when a large palm landed on her shoulder. She didn’t even realize she had her head buried in her hands and was sobbing.

  “What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy about being free?” Dante asked.

  “Yes, I’m ecstatic to be free of those bonds, but it came at such a high price. I know he didn’t want to do this. And, truth be told, I didn’t want him to,” she admitted, wiping her eyes with the hem of the t-shirt Rhys had given her to wear.

  Understanding dawned on Dante’s face. “We don’t have to wait here while he does this. Let’s go outside,” he offered, holding out his hand.

  Illianna considered that, but wasn’t sure that was the best idea. “No, I’m safer inside. I am easily recognizable,” she explained, running her hand over her bare scalp. “I don’t want to throw away the gift he has sacrificed so much to give me. I know if he gives this woman a child he will fight heaven and hell to free that child. He will never be free if that happens and it will all be my fault.”

  Kellen joined them and patted her on the back. “Hey now, don’t worry about that. Rhys knows what he’s doing. Besides, his mention of the Goddess was strategic and a plea for her help. He was asking her to intervene on his behalf,” Kellen informed her. It was an olive branch that she very much wanted to believe was real.

  Illianna wondered if their Goddess could hear a plea from the Underworld. She didn’t think any of the Gods or Goddesses could. Heaven knew she’d prayed to her God countless times to no avail. She knew better than to believe that meant there was no hope. There were some issues her God couldn’t affect, and she knew the collar acted as a barrier between her and him.

  “For all of our sakes, I hope you are right, Kellen,” she replied, standing up to pace across the dusty floor.

  “Do you know the way to the Third Circle?” Dante asked.

  She stopped suddenly, kicking up a plume of dust, making them cough. “Why would you want to go to the Third Circle? Aren’t you leaving with us?” she asked, cocking her head.

  “We aren’t leaving yet. Didn’t Rhys explain that?” Dante clarified as he leaned against one of the worn wooden posts.

  “No, he didn’t mention that,” she replied, hesitantly. Where was he going with this?

  “He told you we were on a mission for the Godde
ss,” Kellen clarified.

  “Yes, he did. I just assumed we were leaving after I was freed.”

  “No, we have to get the Triskele Amulet before Lucifer manages to free himself from Lake Cocytus. The amulet is the Goddess’ talisman and has the power to disable his bonds to the lake,” Dante told her, standing to take up his own bout of pacing.

  She rubbed her thumb and forefinger between her eyes. “Why didn’t I realize it wasn’t going to be so easy?” she grumbled, more to herself than the men with her.

  “You don’t have to go with us. You can head to Limbo and try to free yourself,” Dante offered. The demon didn’t want her to go, that much was obvious, but she agreed with Rhys. Their paths had crossed for a reason.

  “No, I’m going with you guys—”

  “Of course she’s going with us,” Rhys cut her off. She looked over her shoulder and saw him stalking out of the back, tugging his shirt down his torso. He was pissed and didn’t look like a sex demon that had just fed. In fact, he looked far worse than before he’d gone to the back with the practitioner.

  “That was fast,” Kellen quipped, obviously trying to lighten the mood.

  “Not fast enough,” Rhys practically snarled. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” She had never seen him more miserable nor had he ever sounded so irritated. Surely, he should be in a better mood after feeding his demon, she thought sourly. Part of her was shouting serves you right, but the rest of her felt badly that he’d clearly done something he didn’t want in order to free her.

  He grabbed her hand on his way past, dragging her behind him. She tugged and tried to get free, but he tightened his grip. She had no desire to touch any part of the demon, but he refused to let her go. She ignored it for the time being, needing to focus on keeping up with him. The slight tremor in his grasp told her more than words what this experience had been for him.


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