Beyond Death (Perimeter Defense Book #2)

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Beyond Death (Perimeter Defense Book #2) Page 29

by Michael Atamanov

  I saw the fleet officer's incomprehension, which forced me to tell them about why my translator's appearance had changed. The Arite demonstrated the truth of my words, changing into a minimum of ten various Emperor August crew members in the space of five seconds, then returning to the synthetic blonde once again.

  "I have the Crown Prince's permission to be in this form!" the Arite Iseyek said to the upset blonde beauty.

  "Bionica, a copy of your old body will be waiting for you in Unatari," I said, calming my assistant. "For now, be a red-head. Who knows, maybe you'll like it?"

  * * *

  "Multiple targets. Distance: two hundred thirty miles. Five Alien cruisers, twelve destroyers, eleven frigates. Alien ships have begun advancing!"

  I had already noticed that myself. The Meteors had separated from the group and were quickly reducing their distance, going in a bull-headed straight line toward my ships.

  "Fleet Eight, let's get to work! Usual formation toward the enemy. Release drones! Tria, in five minutes I need an assault group of around twenty modules. Both battleships, make a tiny advance. Heavies, twelve behind them. Check the connections! Max Stegor, electronics is on you. The mission is to take those Meteors down! Antisupport, at the ready! Split up into groups of eight, pick your targets! Nicole, you’re in charge of our destroyers. Shoot in volleys on a countdown. Pyros, I need four receivers on opposite sides of the Sledgehammers at one hundred twenty! Warhawks..."

  "What should we do, Crown Prince?" someone from an allied fleet interrupted quite tactlessly on the common channel.

  "Above all else, keep quiet and don't get in the Sector Eight Fleet's way! All other ships, stay two thousand back and don't come into battle!"

  Nicole, looked in my direction and mimicked cutting her neck with her hand, recommending that I set up a "guillotine" for offenders. I shook my head "no." If it had been someone from the Sector Eight Fleet, he already would have been punished. But most of the fleet today was absolute noobs, who didn't even know that you shouldn't interrupt a commander.

  "Warhawks and Safas, stand by! Accelerate toward the enemy. In ten seconds, I need webs on all Meteors. Charge!!! Heavies, two per target. Get ready! Shoot only on my command!"

  One after another, reports about enemy frigates under warp disruptor and web started coming in. I waited a few seconds to make sure, after which I calmly, even matter-of-factly, stated:


  After my ships' volley, just one Meteor was left alive. It was already under thick webs and warp-disruptors, and blinded by the electronic warfare fighters, so it was no threat.

  "Do not shoot at the Meteor! Just hold him tight. We need it alive! We have already sent our scientists an Alien warp beacon deliverer, and now we'll give them the fastest frigate in the Universe. Maybe they can learn something... So, destroyers, approach. Antisupport, attention! Pyros, capture the Sledgehammers. They must not get any closer! Safas and Warhawks, at the ready! Standard formation. Hold the destroyers with webs for the big guns, and shoot down the drones while you're at it! At the ready in twenty seconds! Heavies, pick your targets. Three per destroyer! Ascetics are the priority. Antisupport, your mission is to get to the wounded birds. Electros, not one of these beasts is to be allowed to target us! Frigates, advance!!! I need webs on the enemy in seven seconds! Great! Fire!!!"

  Seven of eight Ascetics disappeared from the tactical map all at once. The last one tried to turn around and get away, but no less than one hundred frigates targeted it, and the Alien ship lit up the black sky with a bright spark.

  "All drones from the Hermit have been shot down! The Alien destroyers are held down tight. Electros are putting just the right amount of pressure on," Nicole Savoia reported.

  "We also need that ship there for research," I put a marker in the overview on one of the Hermits. "The rest of the ships are retreating! Fire!!! General, both Alien ships are at your disposal. Send in your assault troops! Bride of Chaos, you're too far in front. Put on the breaks and wait for the Meresh. Heavies, approach the battleships! Stay in formation and reduce distance. Two Sledgehammers need to be brought down. They're marked on the tactical map. Nicole, pick targets for our heavies. After that, hold off the strike and get the rest of the Aliens. The little guys won't dare come near."

  Two minutes later, the Sledgehammers were no more. Another ten after that, General Savasss Jach reported that the Meteor and Hermit had been captured. The only weird thing was that the landing troops didn't find the bush-like Aliens we were used to, but medusa-like creatures in the ships. Unfortunately, we still didn't capture any alive. The medusas' bodies would deflate with just the slightest damage, turning them into lifeless off-white rags.

  "Victory has been secured, ladies and gentlemen!" I declared on the common channel. "The Sector Eight Fleet sustained no losses. The Aliens lost twenty-eight ships, two of which have been captured intact."

  Global standing increase. Current value -33

  Standing change. Empire Military faction opinion of you has improved.

  Presumed personal opinion of you: +22 (warm)

  Global standing increase. Current value -32

  Global fame increase. Current value +22

  Standing change. Empire Military faction opinion of you has improved.

  Presumed personal opinion of you: +23 (warm)

  Global fame increase. Current value +23

  The journalists were reporting something to their viewers, and I unmistakably heard enthusiastic shouts in my direction, with words coming through like "miracle," "fantastic," "hero," and the like. When the deafening screams of joy and applause had calmed down a bit, Marat ton Mesfelle declared:

  "Georg, I'm simply flabbergasted! I feel like a puppy-dog compared to you! Also, from my perspective, you could see the evidence of regular practice. Without strain, without getting overly emotional, the Sector Eight Fleet simply shot the targets down and that was that. If I hadn't come up against Aliens myself, I wouldn't have recognized what a feat your fleet had just accomplished!"

  I laughed joyously in reply. God damn, it's nice when someone finally values your work.

  "Let them send journalists to the Emperor August shuttle hangar. We'll get you together a couple of trips to the Alien wreckage. You can take a couple souvenirs home. If any of the captains or crew members would like to visit a captured Alien ship, or wants to collect trophies, you have around two hours before the Alpha Iseyek finish clearing the Nayal station. After that, charge your drives and get back to battle. We're expected in the Veyerde system."

  "My Prince, incoming call from Purple House head Duke Takuro royl Andor!"

  I smoothed my messed-up hair with my hand and said to put him through. The graying, tall old man was sitting in a luxurious carved armchair reminiscent of a throne. In full compliance with proper etiquette, I greeted one of the most influential aristocrats in the Empire with a deep bow, which the Duke reacted to in a wavering voice:

  "Georg, it is not you who should be bowing, but me. I was watching the broadcast from the Nayal system and would like to apologize officially in the name of the Purple House for my younger son, Khayt royl Andor ton Reyekh's unwise words. Today you showed in practice that humanity does have hope to survive the struggle with the Aliens. And I simply don't have the words to express my overflowing emotions. Just know, Crown Prince Georg, that while I am head of the Purple House, you can always count on any help you ask for in the battle against the Aliens."

  The head of the Purple House signed off, and I then took a look around. There were journalists crowding around, hungry for my comments on the finished battle. The communications officer said that one thousand seven hundred eighty people were waiting to talk with me long distance. Captains and crews of thousands of ships in my armada were still enraptured, discussing the battle on the fleet channel. I could even hear Iseyek trills in the mix.

  "I've never even been near such adoration," the Truth Seeker confirmed.

  "Brother, we have just gotten throu
gh the informational blockade! My standing is growing higher every minute! I'm being sent apologies en masse and my reports from the Alien systems are being extolled to the high heavens. The Emperor's press service has also sent me an apology. Georg, show me an enemy and I'll rip him to shreds with my bare hands right now! I adore you!" Katerina ton Mesfelle smiled.

  I sighed and wearily replied:

  "The fleet should be ready in five hours. The time has come to liberate Veyerde."

  The Queen of Veyerde

  "My Prince, here is my report on the Alien fleet in the Veyerde system: There are seven hundred eighty ships, all of which are orbiting the second planet." My spy on the cloaked frigate sent his message on the common fleet channel once again, as I had requested.

  "Seven hundred eighty? It looks like we'll have enough prey to go around. Attention, fleet! Begin acceleration toward the Veyerde system! In the warp tunnel settings, set exit at six hundred miles from the beacon. You have one minute!"

  I listened carefully to the captains' discussions on the fleet channel. The number of Alien ships had been heard by all, yet none of them were showing any fear. Marat ton Mesfelle even wondered:

  "Georg, can we shoot this time? Or are your soldiers gonna collect all the trophies again?"

  "Of course you can. I will not be limiting anyone this time. You have my word as a crown prince. So then, dust off your cannons and get some vacuum-resistant paint ready to draw stars on the sides of your ships for every Alien they shoot down. Five seconds to warp jump!"

  I was able to hear the excited shouts of the captains, after which Emperor August went into the warp tunnel to the Veyerde system together with the other ships of the fleet. I could finally let the artificial seriousness melt off my face into a smile:

  "Katerina, I admit that you were right. There wasn't even one captain who expressed a shadow of a doubt that we could win. Seven hundred eighty Alien ships... I don't understand such blind trust! I personally, in my subjects' place, would at least clarify enemy starship classes from the commander. Here in the headquarters, we know that they're all just unarmed Alien landing ships. But there could just as easily be Behemoths and Mammoths out there, too..."

  "Georg, your subjects trust you implicitly as a fleet commander and think that you would never go into a suicidal battle," Katerina ton Mesfelle answered me. "And given that you're already admitting that I fully presupposed the crews' reactions, I remind you that you promised to give me some time to listen to my advice carefully."

  "I do not deny it. I promised it, and now I'm listening carefully. Are we just talking here, or are we going to have a meal together?"

  Katerina ton Mesfelle began thinking for one second and chose the option of speaking over a meal, but not in the noisy officer's dining hall, instead preferring somewhere more secluded. I offered my bunk, but the idea did not find approval. Katerina admitted that she wanted to talk about Princess Astra, so she would rather not discuss the issue in the presence of my favorite herself. My interest was sharply piqued by her secretiveness and suggested Katerina's bunk as an alternative. My assistant had not been living alone for the last few days, having invited the restored Bionica to stay with her. All the same, I had no secrets from my personal android secretary, so Bionica's potential presence would not have disturbed our private conversation.

  I asked my butler Bryle to get a quick meal together for three people in Katerina ton Mesfelle's cabin and followed after my cousin. Bionica was actually already in the room and agreed to take part in the shared meal with delight.

  "Before all else, Georg, I wanted to remind you that the day after tomorrow is Astra's birthday," my cousin said, just after we sat down at the small table. "I hope you didn't forget to prepare a gift for your companion in advance, given that you'll hardly be able to find something worth your while in the ruined Veyerde system."

  To be honest, in the constant flow of the last few days, I had totally let that fact slip my mind and was now looking with reproach at my secretary Bionica, who had not reminded me of my favorite's upcoming birthday in time. Bionica got embarrassed just like a human, and when Katerina got distracted by Bryle coming into the room with service trays, she whispered to me:

  "My fault, master. Due to calibration procedures with the new body, memory file optimization and other inconveniences, I was only able to resume my function as your secretary in earnest very recently. By the way... Seven minutes ago, I got a bill from my manufacturer for one hundred seventy-four million credits."

  Bionica raised her eyes at me in surprise. I smiled at my secretary.

  "As soon as we come out of the warp tunnel, and you get the chance, pay it. Think of it as gratitude to your firm for meeting me half way in the matter of your repair. And at the same time, a gift to Astra for her birthday. I suspect that one hundred thousand working androids will be of quite a lot of use to her in rebuilding the planet."

  "A generous gift, truly worthy of an Imperial Crown Prince," my cousin agreed, having heard the end of my conversation with Bionica. "I admit, cousin, that I thought and was even practically sure that you would forget. That was why I was going to let you join in on my gift, though I also doubted that you would have a good attitude about it..."

  Katerina ton Mesfelle, without standing from the couch, opened the magnetic shutters of a wall cupboard with a remote control, and I saw a luxurious, truly royal robe hanging there, with gold patterns and jewels sewn in.

  "I commissioned it in Damir. Astra will need to have appropriate attire for her coronation, to meet the traditions of royal houses. It's real Saiwanese silk, mono-molecular, one-piece thread. All gems on the garment have legitimacy certificates, the patterns on the sleeves and skirts of the garment are completely in line with the heraldic colors and ornamental style of the Kingdom of Veyerde, and it is made with a special high-tech dye that keeps its true color no matter the lighting conditions. All these luxuries came to three and a half million credits. To be honest, I was kind of counting on you helping out with money-wise..."

  Bionica declared unexpectedly, that she was prepared split the cost of the robe with Katerina down the middle, given that her temporary deactivation made her unable to arrange her own gift. I, to be honest, was very surprised. It couldn't be that my android secretary had enough to spend almost two million credits, right? Although... she definitely did have one million, and maybe even one point five... In any case, I wasn't going to put people and androids close to me in a difficult financial position.

  "Cousin, the gift is really chic, and I am prepared to cover the cost in full for the both of you. The only thing I don't get is why you thought I wouldn't like it."

  Katerina just smiled mysteriously, letting my secretary answer instead:

  "Your Highness, after coronation, Astra royl Veyerde will become Queen. And the aristocratic code is unambiguous in not allowing a Queen to be the favorite of another aristocrat, no matter the size or significance of that Kingdom, that aristocrat is considered an Imperial Crown Prince..."

  "That's right, Georg," my cousin confirmed. "After getting the crown, Astra will have to leave you. A favorite is usually an unmarried aristocrat with or without a title, maybe even a commoner in exceptional circumstances, however a crown-bearing individual is categorically forbidden, in that it contradicts the very structure of aristocratic hierarchy."

  That means that with my success in the war against the Aliens, I was driving Princess Astra out of my retinue. What a shame... I had just started getting used to the pretty and unpredictable girl being around. While I thought the information over, my cousin went on:

  "Georg, there is one other topic to consider. Count Avalle royl Anjer ton Mesfelle got in touch with me today. He congratulated you on your brilliant victory in the Nayal system and wanted to know about the possibility of a personal meeting with you. He officially wants to act as a middle man to find a way of resolving the internal Orange House conflict."

  "And unofficially?" I said, on the alert.

bsp; "Unofficially... figure it out yourself. The Count didn't say a word or give a hint to indicate that his mission may have some larger purpose than simply serving as a messenger for his older brother, who for obvious reasons does not want to meet with you himself. But, Georg... I recommend you very strongly to find time to talk with the number two figure in the Orange House hierarchy. I think that questions of peace could easily be discussed, even long distance, but as the Count is looking for a face-to-face meeting specifically, it means he doesn't want any witnesses... There could be something bigger behind this than just wanting to help his brother."

  * * *

  I finally got to see the celebrated Swarm general working in all his frantic glory. I was on Tria in the company of Princess Astra, Colonel Gor ton Vulf, the now redheaded Bionica and Katerina ton Mesfelle and her assistants when the Alien landing ships next to Veyerde were shot down in a matter of seconds (with the exception of a couple intended for capture and further study), and the liberation of the small planet began.

  On the multitude of screens next to the general, parts of the tactical map were flashing quickly in various colors and angles. The gigantic many-eyed insect found it easier to take in information that way. Savasss Jach had ordered a huge holographic projection of the surface of Veyerde be placed in the room specifically for us people. It was a giant fifty-foot-diameter globe, to which the Tria's many reconnaissance drones were uploading live images of all established targets: concentrations of manpower, technology, some constructions and Alien flying devices.

  "Crown Prince, a very high intensity radio signal is being detected coming from the surface of Veyerde. Some of the signal is definitely for interstellar communication. The Aliens know we are preparing to invade," said Bionica, translating the general's chirruping. "Enemy anti-space defense and communications centers identified. We are detecting a low-atmosphere fighter plane base and other high-energy installations. Coordinates for more than twenty rocket and plasma turrets have been determined. We have discovered the command center. It is deep in the bedrock at a depth of around twelve hundred feet.


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