Knocked Up by the Dom: A BDSM Secret Baby Romance

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Knocked Up by the Dom: A BDSM Secret Baby Romance Page 3

by Penelope Bloom

  I can try all I want, but there’s no stopping the sounds that come. I moan, I gasp, I curse, and I beg him for more. He stops keeping count, and I see the way his eyebrows draw down over those breathtaking eyes and I know he’s as lost in this as I am.

  He pounds into me and tenses just as my orgasm finally breaks free, tightening the walls of my pussy around his pulsing cock, milking his length for every drop of his hot cum. My whole body convulses and shakes. If not for his hands on my hips and the cords around my wrists I would crumple to the ground in a puddle of satisfied bliss.

  “Fucking hell,” he says. “I’ve never--”

  The door swings open. A man wearing a security uniform stands at the door, eyes wide as he takes in the scene. Damian eases out of me shamelessly, and moves in front of my exposed body, blocking me from view of the security guard.

  “Back out and close the fucking door if you want to keep your job. And if you so much as think about laying your eyes on her, I’ll take more than your job.”

  A chill runs through me. The brutal way he talks to the man reminds me I know nothing about Damian, and yet here I stand with his cum running down my thighs. I should feel dirty and ashamed, but I don’t. I feel alive. I feel more alive than I’ve ever felt.

  To my surprise, the security guard closes the door, leaving us alone again. Damian reaches up to untie the cords and eases them off my wrists, taking great care to inspect where they left slight red marks on my skin from all the wiggling around I did. He makes a dissatisfied face. “Fuck. I don’t even have any ointment for your skin.”

  “It’s fine,” I say a little awkwardly as I bend to find my clothes. I pick up my bikini, feel how soaked it is, and drop it back to the ground. I unzip my suitcase and about thirty swimsuits nearly burst out from how tightly I packed them all in.

  Damian grins. I see he’s sliding his briefs back on and looking for his pants. “That’s all you packed? Swimsuits?”

  I blush. “I was supposed to be going on vacation. To Bermuda.”

  “You still will,” he says.

  I frown, but the finality of his tone erases any doubt that he might be joking with me or lying. “You’re serious?”

  Damian brushes my cheek with his finger. “You bet that pretty little ass of yours I’m serious.” He picks out a pink swimsuit and bends down, carefully lifting my ankle and sliding my foot through the opening. Once he pulls the bikini up to my hips, he takes his time circling me to make sure it’s on properly.

  I clear my throat. “I can dress myself, you know.”

  “I’ll have to teach you not to mouth off to me like that. But that’s a lesson for later. Maybe even tonight.”

  I try not to show the excitement his words fill me with. I didn’t want to dwell on the idea, but somewhere deep down I knew this would be a one-off kind of thing. But he’s talking about tonight?

  And the way he carefully helps me get my clothes back on, finding every excuse he can to press his body to mine as he slips my top on--it’s starting to make me think dangerous thoughts. Stupid thoughts.

  Once he slides my cover-up on and does a final careful inspection, he finishes dressing himself. “Come with me. Stay close by my side, Kitten. Remember. You’re mine now. If you stray, there will be consequences.”

  I bow my head, part of me unsure how to process everything and the other part wanting to jump headlong into whatever Damian is planning for me. The idea of being his--submitting to him--it calls to me so strongly I’m almost ready to throw everything away for this man I hardly know.

  I follow him out into the hallway, back into the public eye. Every woman within a hundred feet of Damian perks up, glancing hopefully toward him like he’s setting off some kind of instinctual sex radar. I gather as many glares as he does admiring looks, but the way he holds his hand on the small of my back makes it clear to everyone we pass that I’m his. They don’t have to know I’ve only known him for thirty minutes…

  A thousand questions burn on the tip of my tongue, but something in the way Damian holds himself makes me stay silent for now. It’s not so much that I fear his anger. It’s that I trust him to tell me what I need to know when I need to know it.

  I should laugh at that. I’m putting more trust in a stranger than I would normally put in my best friend, but I can’t help what I feel. There’s a connection between us already, like something magnetic inside us snapped together the moment our eyes met.

  He takes me through a small door near one of the boarding tunnels, leading the way down a set of stairs that opens up to the runway. A warm breeze rustles my hair and the sound of airplane engines is suddenly overwhelming.

  “Are we allowed to be here?” I ask.

  He points to a small but luxurious airplane a few dozen yards off. “That one is mine. Come on.”

  “Why were you buying tickets to Bermuda if you have a personal plane?” I ask

  His confidence falters for a moment, and somehow he’s even sexier in his moment of vulnerability. “I guess you caught me. I wanted an excuse to talk to you.”

  “You don’t strike me as the type of guy who needs to make excuses.”

  “Sometimes, no. But I wanted you so badly I didn’t want to take any chances.”

  I blush. “You keep saying that and I might start to believe you.”

  “You had better believe me,” he says, eyes igniting again with a hint of the fire I saw before. He kisses me, but it’s not like the furiously, hungry kiss from the conference room. His lips brush mine tenderly now, almost lovingly. I kiss him back, until my body feels like it might melt into a puddle right here on the runway.

  He pulls back with a cocky grin. “Easy. I’m all for exhibitionism, but if you keep looking at me like that I’ll have to fuck you right here, and I don’t think even I could get us out of a night in a cell for that one.”

  I look away, embarrassed. “Maybe we should get on your plane, then.”

  He takes me toward the plane, where his pilot is already opening up a door that folds out into a staircase. Damian helps me up carefully, as if he’s worried I might fall. Normally the kind of attention he’s showing me would probably insult me, but there’s something so sincere in his protectiveness that I can’t seem to get enough.

  The interior of the plane is more extravagant than I would’ve imagined. The carpet is plush and looks like it would feel amazing if I was barefoot. Polished wood paneling and even paintings adorn the walls. The main cabin is set up more like a living room than a commercial airliner, with a few comfortable looking single seats, a couch, a mini-bar, and even a fish tank lit from underneath to display an impressive collection of expensive looking fish.

  “Aren’t there weight limits on airplanes? Can you really have a fish tank and still fly?”

  “This model is designed to hold at least sixty passengers. Keeping it under fifteen lets me have some luxuries.”

  I laugh. “So you chose a fish tank?”

  He shrugs. “If I’m honest, I don’t even pay attention to it all. In my line of work, extravagance inspires confidence from my clients. I show them what they want to see. No more, no less.”

  “What exactly do you do?” I ask.

  “Sir,” says a pretty young flight attendant who hurries in from the front cabin. I take her in from head to toe and an immediate, stabbing jealousy spikes through me.

  Of course he’d have a beautiful flight attendant on his personal plane. He has probably slept with her, too. I push the thoughts away as soon as they come though. I didn’t even know Damian an hour ago. I have no business even feeling a hint of jealousy over what he might have done before that. All I have a right to care about is how he acts going forward.

  “What is it?” he snaps.

  “Mr. Holland said to tell you there was a problem with the contract. He said you’d--”

  “Damn it,” growls Damian. He look to me regretfully, but seems to have already made up his mind over something. “Make sure she’s comfortable.” He leans i
n to kiss me again, but he’s distracted and the kiss is little more than a peck. “I’ll be as fast as I can. Wait here for me.”

  I watch him go, settling into the comfortable chair with a growing sense of unease. Being apart from Damian seems to break the spell. All the certainty I had that I wasn’t being insane by sleeping with him and getting on a private jet with him is going up in smoke. I dig my fingers into the armrests of the chair.

  “Would you like a drink?” asks the flight attendant.

  “Yes, please. Something strong,” I add.

  She smiles and moves off toward the bar.

  I look to the doorway when I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. But instead of Damian’s imposing figure, it’s a slim woman with an amazing body. She flashes a smile to the flight attendant, who looks extremely uncomfortable. “I didn’t think he was expecting you,” she says cautiously.

  The woman glares. “Do you expect him to fill you in on every detail of his personal life? Scurry off, honey. I need to talk to her.” Her eyes shift to me and I can’t help squirming in my seat.

  The woman clicks over in her expensive heels and sits across from me. Her smile is predatory. “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you. Damian did say he’d bring some fresh meat for us to play with tonight, but you’re not what I was expecting.” She looks down her pert little nose at me, like I just fell out of a dumpster.

  My stomach turns cold at her words. Fresh meat? “I’m sorry. Who are you?” I ask.

  She purrs an obnoxious imitation of a laugh. “I’m Faleena. Damian’s woman. His only real woman, despite whatever lies he filled your head with to get you this far.”

  I don’t want to believe her, but all the doubt already swirling around my mind makes it impossible not to cling to what she’s saying. “Why would he lie to me?”

  “Oh, to be so naive again,” she muses. “What a luxury.” Faleena leans forward like she’s about to let me in on a grand secret. “He told you what he had to so you’d come with him. He probably fucked you too, didn’t he? Made you feel special?”

  I can’t meet her eyes. My fingers curl and uncurl on the hem of my dress. I feel like the dumbest woman in the world for falling into his trap, and right now I want nothing more than to leave, to never look back and pretend this was all a bad dream.

  She throws her head back and laughs. “Of course he did. Well I hope you enjoyed your one-on-one time with him. I don’t expect he’ll be very interested in you past tonight. Only a real woman can keep his attention for long.” Her voice lowers to a whisper. “I wouldn’t blame you if you ran off. But if you’re going to leave, you may not want to wait long. He won’t let you go if he catches you.”

  I take my bag and push past her without a word, squeezing my eyes shut to hold back the tears of embarrassment. They come anyway. I knew it was too good to be true. I knew the perfect guy would never fall into my lap like that, but I still went along with it like an idiot.

  What did I get for putting myself out there for once? For letting go and living a little? I get to look like a silly, stupid little girl. I feel like an even bigger fool when I remember the way he came inside me. At the time, I was so lost to his will that I didn’t even consider the implications. I’m an idiot. I’m going to go home. Then I’m going to wait out the rest of my vacation time, and I’ll go back to work. I’ll move on and pretend none of this ever happened. It’ll be a bad memory, and if I’m lucky, I can eventually push it so far from my mind it disappears.

  Unless he got you pregnant. A nasty little voice says in my head. I scoff at the thought, shaking my head and wiping away the tears, already moving on from the self-pity stage and into the angry, resentful stage. What would be the chances of that? A guy like him probably had a vasectomy a long time ago so he could go around fucking whoever he wanted without protection like the animal he is. I should make an appointment to get tested. Lord only knows what kind of diseases the man could have.

  A distant part of me questions whether I should believe the word of that catty bitch of a woman, maybe I’m latching onto the idea of his betrayal too quickly. It’s almost an excuse that will let me go running back to my simple, predictable life. After all, it’s one stranger’s word over another. But what I was about to do was so far beyond my comfort zone, it only took the shadow of doubt to shatter my confidence. Running off that airplane was easier than walking into the conference room, and isn’t that what I’ve always done? The easy thing. I don’t know why it should surprise me that I’m doing what’s easy now.

  My thoughts leave an empty, painful pit in my stomach. On one hand, I believe the woman. Guys like him don’t just come along to sweep girls up into some life of romance and passion. He could have any woman in the world, so of course she was telling the truth. Luring me onto that plane was just a game for him. I guess simply sleeping--no fucking, it was definitely fucking a woman isn’t enough of a challenge for someone like him, he has to add humiliation and degradation to the mix.

  Second by second, my confusion and doubt over running off the plane is solidifying into a single, overwhelming emotion. Anger. It’s getting easier and easier to explain to myself how Faleena’s words must have been true, and it’s getting easier to picture Damian as some kind of monster instead of the man I thought he was.

  I make it back inside the airport terminal, using a staircase like the one he led me down just a few minutes ago, but this time choosing a different entrance at random. Once I’m back upstairs, I look out the huge windows overlooking the runways and spot Damian striding back toward the private jet. He looks so big, even from up here. So imposing. So confident.

  I set my jaw. And so much like an asshole. Fuck you, Damian. I hope I never see you again.



  My cock is already throbbing with the need to take her again when I climb the stairs back onto my private plane. Maybe I will. I’ll just tell the staff to stay in the pilot’s cabin so we can have some privacy. I bet my little kitten has never been fucked at ten thousand feet.

  The grin on my face slips when I step into the cabin.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” I ask Jenny, my flight attendant, whose mouth is working silently, unable to come up with a response.

  Faleena stands, smoothly pushing Jenny aside and answering for her. “I’m afraid I scared away your little plaything. I implied we were back together,” she practically purrs.

  “Where is Kylie?” I ask, ignoring Faleena and searching the cabin and then the pilot’s cockpit.

  “She left,” says Jenny in a voice barely above a whisper.

  “She left?” I roar. “She fucking left? You let her leave?”

  Jenny’s eyes well with tears, and despite my rage, I know I’m taking my anger out on the wrong person. I grit my teeth, pushing out the closest thing to an apology I can manage. “It’s okay. Go wait in the cockpit while I deal with this.”

  Faleena gives me an amused arch of her eyebrow. “Really? We’re going to resort to name calling already? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You always were just a brute in expensive suits.”

  “Fuck off. I need to go find her.”

  “She’s long gone,” Faleena says, stopping me at the door. “She left at least ten minutes ago. Judging by the way she stormed out of here crying like a baby, she’s probably already in her car on the way home. But you two exchanged information, of course?” It’s not a question. Faleena watches me with knowing eyes. “You wouldn’t fuck someone without knowing more than their first name…” Her lips form a mocking pout. “Or would you?”

  I look out over the runway, knowing how slim my chances are of finding her now. “What the fuck did you tell her?”

  “Enough to make sure that cock of yours never goes near her again.” She steps toward me, swaying her hips purposefully and pulling her shoulders back to expose her cleavage. “Because I want it all to myself again.”

  The anger that rises inside me is so hot and unstable that I have to hold
an open palm up to stop her from coming any closer. I’ve never laid my hands on a woman in a way that wasn’t meant to bring pleasure, but I swear to God, if Faleena takes another step toward me right now… I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop myself.

  “Get the fuck off my plane. Get the fuck out of my life. I never want to see your face again. Do you understand me? You’re dead to me.” I thought she already was dead to me when I broke things off a few months ago. Like all the relationships before, I didn’t let it go on for long. Every woman until Kylie has felt like an empty husk compared to her. Scratch the surface and there’s nothing of meaning inside, nothing for me to hold on to. Not Kylie though… It sounds crazy, but I just instinctively know that she’s meant to be mine. And now she’s God knows where because of this fucking bitch.

  Faleena’s confidence finally slips. Her eyebrows pull down in confusion. “You’d throw me away for that little girl? She can’t handle you, Damian. Not like I can. She’s not worth your time.”

  “Out,” I say quietly, already feeling the loss settling into my chest like something black and putrid knowing the feeling will fester. Not worth my time? I’ve never felt anything like I felt when I was with her. I knew I didn’t need dates. I didn’t need to know her favorite color or her zodiac sign or what her childhood was like. I felt the connection between us on such a pure, primal level that there was no question.

  She is the one, and now she might be gone forever. I know my chances are slim, but I’m not going to stop looking for her until I find her again. The thought of her out there right now thinking I used her is eating a fucking hole in my chest, and worse--the thought that I might never see her again is too much. I don’t care how long it takes. I’m going to find her.



  Three Years Later

  The sound of keys clicking on keyboards fills the stale office space until the air conditioner, which is directly over my cubicle, kicks on. I lean back in my chair, cracking my neck and trying to stretch my sore shoulders. A spreadsheet stares back at me full of billing figures from the hospital’s clients. Thanks to a massive system crash, we’re having to re-enter the last two years of data. Manually.


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