Honey and the Hired Hand

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Honey and the Hired Hand Page 13

by Joan Johnston

  He heard the sound of rustling sheets and then a muffled "Jesse?"

  A moment later the door opened. Her hair looked as sleep-tousled as it had the first morning he had come to the Flying Diamond. Her blue eyes were unfocused, confused. She tightened the belt on the man's terry cloth robe she was wearing, then clutched at the top to hold it closed.

  "Jesse?" she repeated. "Is that you?"

  "Of course it's me. Who did you think it was?"

  "I thought you left," she said.

  "Why the hell would I -do that?" Jesse felt angry and irritable. While he'd been cooling his heels downstairs all day, she'd been up here sleeping! "If you're through napping, maybe we could have that talk I mentioned earlier."

  "You want to talk?" Honey was still half-asleep.

  "Yes, by God, I want to talk! And you're going to listen, do you hear me?" Jesse grabbed hold of her shoulders and shook her for good measure.

  The moment Jesse touched her, Honey came instantly awake. This was no dream. This was no figment of her imagination. A furious Jesse Whitelaw was really shaking the daylights out of her.

  "All right, Jesse," she said, putting her hands on his arms to calm him. "I'm ready to listen."

  At that moment there was a knock on the kitchen door and a familiar voice called up the stairs, "Honey? Are you home?"

  Good old reliable Adam.

  Honey ran past Jesse as though he wasn't even there, scrambled down the stairs and met Adam at the door to the kitchen.

  He looked tired and frazzled. Honey avoided meeting his eyes, because they still held too much pain.

  "I just wanted to let you know that I found some of your stolen cattle on my property," he said. "I'll have some of my cowhands drive them over here tomorrow."

  Adam's eyes flickered to a spot behind Honey. "It seems I misjudged you, Whitelaw," Adam said. "I had no idea Chuck Loomis was using my ranch as a base for a statewide rustling operation. I owe you an apology and my thanks." He stuck his hand out to Jesse, who slid a possessive hand around Honey's waist before he reached out to shake it.

  Honey felt the tension between the two men. They would never be close friends, but at least they wouldn't be enemies, either.

  "I'll be going now," Adam said.

  "Are you sure you're all right?" Honey asked.

  "My business affairs are in a shambles and I need a new ranch manager, but otherwise I'm fine," Adam said with a self-deprecating smile.

  "I'll let you out," Honey said. But when she tried to leave Jesse's side, he tightened his grasp.

  Adam saw what was going on and said, "I can see myself out. Goodbye, Honey."

  Honey saw from the look on Adam's face that he wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. She felt his sadness, his loneliness. Somewhere out there was a woman who could bring the sparkle back into Adam's life. All Honey had to do was keep her eyes open and help Adam find that special someone.

  When the kitchen door closed behind Adam, Jesse took Honey's hand in his and ordered, "Come with me."

  He limped his way back up the stairs, down the hall and into her room. Once inside, he turned and locked the door behind them. "I've got something important to say to you, Honey, and it can't wait another minute."

  Honey could see Jesse was agitated. While he talked, she led him over to the bed and sat him down. She kneeled to pull off his boots, then lifted his feet up onto the rumpled sheets.

  "Are you more comfortable?" she asked.

  "Yes. Don't change the subject."

  "What is the subject?" Honey asked, climbing into the other side of the bed.

  "You're going to marry me, Honey. No ifs, ands, or buts."

  "I know," she said.

  "No more arguments, no more- What did you say?"

  "I said I'll marry you, Jesse."


  "I shouldn't have tried blackmailing you into quitting your job. I know how much being a Ranger means to you. It isn't fair to ask you to give that up." She smiled. "I'll manage."

  Jesse couldn't have loved Honey more than he did in that instant. How brave she was! What strength she possessed! And how she must love him to be willing to make such a concession herself rather than force him to do it. What she couldn't know, what he hadn't realized himself until very recently, was that it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. He loved being a Ranger; he loved Honey more.

  Jesse wanted the life she had offered him, a life working side by side with the woman he loved. Raising kids. Running the ranch. Loving Honey.

  Jesse swallowed over the lump in his throat. It was hard to speak but he managed, "I love you, Honey." He gently touched her lips with his, revering her, honoring her.

  She moved eagerly into his arms, but he held her away.

  "There's something I have to tell you," he said.

  He saw the anxiety flicker in her eyes and spoke quickly to quell it. "Before I came back here this morning, I resigned from the Texas Rangers."

  Honey gasped. "You did? Really?"

  "I did. Really."

  Honey didn't know what she had done to be rewarded with her heart's desire, but she saw only rainbows on the horizon. Here was a man she could lean on in times of trouble, a man with whom she could share her life, the happiness and sorrow, the good times and the bad.

  "I can't believe that this is really happening," Honey said. "Are you sure, Jesse?"

  "Sure of what?"

  "That you won't be sorry later. That you won't have regrets. That you won't change your mind and-"

  "I won't change my mind. I won't have regrets or be sorry. Being a Ranger made it easy to avoid looking at my life as it really is. I've been drifting for years looking for something, Honey. I just didn't know what it was. I've found it here with you and Jack and Jonathan."

  "What's that?"

  "A place where I can put down roots. A place where my grandchildren can see the fruits of my labor. A home."

  Honey didn't know what to say. She felt full. And happy. And by some act of providence she and the man she loved just happened to be in bed together.

  "Where's Jack?" she asked.

  Jesse grinned. "He's spending the night with a friend."

  Honey arched a brow provocatively. "Then we have the whole house to ourselves?"

  "Yes, ma'am. We sure do."

  "Then I suggest we make use of it."

  Jesse arched a questioning brow. "The whole house?"

  ' 'Well, we can start in the bedroom. But the desk in the den is nice. There's the kitchen table. And the tub has definite possibilities." Honey laughed at the incredulous look on Jesse's face.

  "You'll kill me," he muttered.

  "Yeah, but what a way to go," Honey said.

  Hours later, Jesse was leaning back in a tub-ful of steaming water, his nape comfortably settled on the edge of the claw-footed tub. Honey was curled against his chest, her body settled on his lap.

  "I didn't think it could be done," he murmured.

  "You're a man of many talents, Mr. White-law."

  He grinned lazily. "May I return the compliment?"

  "Of course." Honey leaned over to lap a drop of water from Jesse's nipple. She felt him stiffen, and gently teased him until his flesh was taut with desire.

  Jesse groaned, an animal sound that forced its way past his throat. "Honey," he warned, "you're playing with fire."

  She laughed, a sexy sound, and said, "There's plenty of water here if I wanted to put it out…which I don't."

  A moment later he had turned her to face him, her legs straddling his thighs. He grasped her hips and slowly pulled her down, impaling her.

  Honey gasped.

  He held her still, trying to gain control of his desire, wanting the pleasure to last. She arched herself against him, forcing him deeper inside the cocoon of wetness and warmth.

  "You feel so good, Honey. So damn good."

  "May I return the compliment?" she said in a breathless voice. She grasped his shoulders to steady herself as she rocked back and fort
h, seeking to pleasure him and finding the pleasure given returned tenfold.

  Jesse reached out to cup her breasts, to tease the nipples into peaks, to nip and lick and kiss her breasts until Honey was writhing in pleasure. He found the place where their bodies met and teased her until she ached with need. Their mouths joined as his body spilled its seed into hers.

  Breathless, Honey sought the solace of his embrace. He held her close as the water lapped in waves against the edge of the tub.

  "I can't believe it," she said as he pulled her close and tucked her head beneath his chin. "Oh, the things we can do to improve the ranch! I have so many plans, so many ideas!"

  Jesse chuckled. "Whoa, there, woman. One thing at a time."

  She looked up at him and grinned. "What shall we do first?"

  "First I think we ought to do some planting."

  "What are we going to grow?"

  "Some hay. Some vegetables. Some babies."

  Honey laughed with delight. "Let's start with the babies."

  Jesse fell in love all over again. It was amazing how sheer happiness made Honey glow with beauty. His heart felt full. His chest was so tight with feelings it hurt to breathe. He didn't have to drift any longer. He had found his home. Where he would spend each night with his woman. Where he would plant seeds-of many kinds-and watch them grow.

  Joan Johnston

  Joan Johnston is an award-winning author who has written more than 30 romance novels. A former corporate attorney, she lives in South Florida.


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