McKenzie Cousins Box Set 3

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McKenzie Cousins Box Set 3 Page 14

by Lexi Buchanan

  Sweating due to the Lexington heat, I push through the front door and drop into the chair by the door to remove my sneakers. The air conditioning is a more than welcome break from the heat, while I catch a breath after my run.

  Mom shouts, “Joshua?”


  “Joshua McKenzie, I know you’re home.” I hear the amusement in her voice, when she continues, “You have a visitor.”

  What I want to do is ignore whoever is here to see me, but curiosity gets the better of me. Wincing at the sight of my sweat soaked feet sticking to the hardwood floor, I tread toward the kitchen and freeze in the doorway when I see Mallory sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of her.

  Her face lifts toward me and everything stills within me as our eyes meet and hold. Hearing Mom cough with laughter, I blink and look over Mallory. She’s dressed casually in jeans and a clingy top. It fits to her delicious curves perfectly—the ones I’ve been unable to get out of my mind.

  Feeling a twitch below the waist, I attempt to walk without a limp, which doesn’t go too well and I sit facing Mallory. Hiding my lower body right now is a must especially as I meet her gaze once more. “Why are you here?” I ask, my words sound sharp, but I’m trying to keep it professional in front of my mom, and because that’s the way Mallory wants it.

  “Joshua!” Mom gasps at my rudeness.

  “It’s okay Mrs. McKenzie, I could have just as easily called.” She returns her attention to me. “We need to talk. The hunter is back.”

  Silently cursing, I say, “Let me take a quick shower and then we’ll talk.”

  I wait for her to acknowledge my words and then I’m moving upstairs. Within ten minutes, I’m in the library—my mother’s favorite room—with Mallory Jenkins, the woman I’ve been falling for since the day we met.

  She looks nervous before she visibly pulls herself together. Her eyes are clear and focused on me as she asks, “How well do you know Clarissa Redgrave?”

  I sure as hell wasn’t expecting that question. The woman had been an annoyance more than anything. “I went through Quantico with her.”

  “And?” Mallory prompts.

  “She made it clear that she wouldn’t mind having more of me.” It’s embarrassing having to admit that to Mallory, especially as she has gotten more of me than anyone in a very long time.

  Sighing, Mallory sits on the sofa and I follow suit, sitting beside her. There is a chair facing us, but I want to be close to her.

  “Ritter told me that we are a couple again and are booked for a week at the same couples retreat that is advertised at the club.” She rubs her brows. “I’m sure they must be aware by now that something is going on there, but the manager has a big mouth and we can’t guarantee he won’t go spreading whatever we ask him to do for us. It’s a headache, Josh.”

  My heart jerks at my name on her lips. Not McKenzie. Not Joshua. But Josh. She’s one distraction that I’m going to have to put to one side while we work this case again. “So you’re here in person to get me back on this? The retreat?”

  A faint pink blush highlights her cheekbones. “We are booked for a full week, but it may end early if we manage to catch the asshole. If not, then you have the pleasure of my company for seven days in the middle of nowhere.”

  I offer her a wicked grin. “I sure as hell don’t mind being alone with you for seven days in the middle of nowhere.”

  Her blush deepens to a flaming red. “We can’t let go like we did before.” She blows out a breath. “We have to share a room and act like a couple.” Her worried gaze reaches into mine.

  I want to tell her no, I don’t want to behave around her. I don’t, instead I ask, “Are you nervous to be around me?”

  She swallows hard. “Honestly, what we did at the club, scares me to death. I’ve never acted like that before, but one look from you and I’m wet, and God, one touch and you can do anything to me.” Her blush is now a deep shade of red and it’s working its way down her neck to her amazing chest.

  I snap my eyes back up to her face, unable to hide my delighted grin. There’s mischief there, as I tease, “So you like me touching you, huh?”

  “Ground rules,” she snaps, her eyes narrowing.

  I chuckle and the grin on my face gets wider by the second. I’m thrilled she wants me touching her as much as I want to be doing the touching. She may not be happy about that fact right now, but if it’s the last thing I do, she will be. Very happy.

  “No touching in private. We’re there to catch a cold-blooded killer. Outside of our room we have to act as though we are a loving couple.” She licks her lips, my eyes following, and my body certainly has vivid imaginations about what she can do with that tongue. “Is your ex going to be a problem?”

  Frowning, I try to process what she said and groan: Clarissa Redgrave. “I haven’t heard from her since we graduated, and even before that, I tried to avoid her once I knew her agenda.”


  “She wanted me, Mallory.”

  Mallory frowns. “She obviously passed her psych-evaluation, so she wasn’t a crazy stalker?”

  “She’d show up at odd places where I hadn’t expected to see her: same restaurant, the movies, the gun range once.” I shrug. “She was always with a few others from the class and although she’d always try and catch my eye, I didn’t get the stalker vibe.”

  “I hope she isn’t going to be a problem.”

  I shake my head. “I haven’t seen or heard from her since we graduated so I think we’re good.”

  Silence stretches between us until Mallory says quietly, “What I really wanted to ask as soon as you walked in the room was how are you?” She offers a small secretive smile and it does things to my body.

  Relieved I’m wearing jeans, I reply, “I’m doing good. I only have a limp when I’m tired or overwork it.” I shrug. “I hate sitting still though.”

  “Yes, me too.” She sits forward. “I know there is no evidence that the hunter is the one to have shot you. Just your gut instinct…I’m worried that if we go to the retreat that the hunter might do more target practice on you—if the person is one and the same that is. Which also brings me to the point I’d like to make. If it is the same person, do they know you’re FBI? Do they know I am?”

  I run my hands through my hair. “Everything you said is possible, but I think it’s a chance we’re just going to have to take. The difference this time is, I won’t be alone so more pairs of eyes being extra vigilant.”

  She’s thoughtful. “Do you think you’ll be ready to leave with me in the morning?”

  “I’ll be ready. Where are you staying?”

  “I came here straight from the airport, so I’ve yet to find a hotel.”

  I shake my head. “You can stay here.”

  “What? No. I can’t Josh.”

  “We’re not in the office, so please don’t worry about whether or not it’s professional to stay at another agents house.”

  “You’re not just another agent though,” she says so quietly I only just catch her words. “I’m too tired to argue though.” She rubs at her temples, closing her eyes.

  “Headache?” I move closer and perch my ass on the coffee table in front of her.

  Mallory opens her eyes and watches me warily, making me smile. “I don’t bite, unless of course you ask me to?” I raise a brow and feel something else start to rise when I remember the feel of her nipple in my mouth.

  Unable to resist, I reach out and lift her much smaller hand from her belly and wrap it up in mine. “I’ll do my job Mallory, but you must know how much I want you on a personal level.” I offer a wry smile. “I figured I should tell you just in case you hadn’t gotten the message the night in the club.”

  Her hand trembles and it feels good in mine. “I know,” her voice comes out rough and breathless.

  “Why do you want me?”

  I’m surprised by her question wondering whether or not she’s joking, but she isn’t. �
�The first thing that attracted me to you were your eyes. The color of them is amazing. Then I noticed your body.” I clear my throat. “This is all of course within the first five minutes. I then caught you jogging in the park and I nearly fell over a dog at the sight of you. Nothing about the shape of your body was left to the imagination, and I can tell you, I’d been imagining.” I smile enjoying the surprise on her face. “The way your running gear clung tightly to your breasts, your hips, your ass, and those legs that are so smooth, toned and sexy as fuck. I spent many a tormented night with my cock aching thinking about you.”

  I notice her breathing is heavy, so I lean closer and slide a hand up her thigh. “That night in the club was the most erotic experience of my life. The way your pussy fit around my cock had felt amazing. I’d desperately wanted to come inside of you. I wanted to be a damn caveman and mark you as mine…then reality intruded.”

  “Oh!” She licks her lips, her eyes glowing with arousal as they caress over my face.

  It would be so easy to lean in and capture her upturned lips with mine. My mouth waters at the thought of tasting her again.

  “We can’t,” she whispers and coughs, her voice becoming stronger. “I’m your direct supervisor.” Tears briefly hover in her eyes before she abruptly stands and turns away. “We have to concentrate on the job,” she mutters and I’m not sure whether she’s talking herself into it, or telling me.

  Either way I don’t like it. I know that we have a job to do. I know we can’t be together as long as I’m a rookie and she’s the boss. The situation is frustrating.

  My eyes roam over Mallory’s back and I’m unable to resist moving up behind her and burying my face in her hair. It smells of peaches and reminds me of the summer months. My arms go around her waist and I wrap myself around her. “When this case is finished and we have the bastard, I want a few days with you. Just you and me, and no one else—no interruptions,” I whisper in her ear. “I want you naked the whole time so that I can touch you, taste you, and get inside of you when I need you. I ache to have you riding my cock with your fantastic breasts bouncing in my face.”

  Groaning, Mallory arches forward, which pushes her ass against my groin, leaving nothing to her imagination about how much I want her. My hands slide up her belly and cup her large tits through the blouse she wears. Her nipples are hard tight buds against my fingers, and knowing that she’s turned on because of me has my dick jerking hard behind my zipper.

  “Every time you touch me, I’m ready to jump your bones,” Mallory confesses. “I’ve never had sex on the brain as much as I have since I met you.”

  Chuckling, I pinch both her nipples. “I only have to look at you and dirty thoughts run through my mind, making me hard. It’s inconvenient most of the time.”

  With a tremble to her hands, Mallory covers mine and moves them slowly down her body before she steps away. Once she’s a safe distance from me, she turns and lets her gaze hover over my body, which I don’t hide from her. I want her to see how aroused I am because of her.

  She swallows hard as her eyes land on mine. “Let’s catch this asshole before we talk about anything else.”

  It’s not what I want to hear, or what I want to do. However, I agree.



  Trying to read through the information, which Ritter had asked his secretary to forward to me would be easier if Joshua McKenzie wasn’t sitting beside me. His thigh is pressed tightly against mine and the heat coming off him is a major distraction. He knows it too, which is why he hasn’t moved it away to give me more room. I like it if I’m honest. I like it too much.

  “How far have you read?” he asks, a frown in his voice.

  I glance over to him, and admit, “I haven’t gotten far.”

  His eyes meet mine and fill with the knowledge of my attraction to him. “You know we’re going to be sharing a room, right?”

  “Yes,” I whisper. “We’re supposed to be a couple so that goes without saying.”

  “Mallory, you’re missing the point.” Joshua hisses under his breath. “We are going to be spending a week under the sheets together! How are we going to do that and keep our hands off of each other?” He sits back in his seat with his eyes closed. “You were sent to test my dedication to the job,” he mutters to himself.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I think you’re having a reaction to the drugs the doctor gave you.” I turn my gaze back to my phone and try and read the brief.

  “We need to talk!”

  “Josh, we are talking.”

  “Privately,” he growls, which sure gets my attention.

  “We are on a plane heading to Boston, so there isn’t exactly anywhere private we can talk. We’ll have to wait until we’re in the hire car.”

  He curses and lifts his phone to continue reading. “This isn’t easy.”

  “I’m aware of that.” I glance at him from the corner of my eye, his whole body tense. “Josh,” I whisper, leaning closer.

  His eyes focus on mine and his face comes closer until we’re a breath away from each other. “Mallory.”

  Searching his gaze, I admit, “I can only do my job if I ignore you.”

  He blinks, having not expected my words. “You can do that?” He moves closer. “You can ignore me?”

  “I’ve been trying since you first came to my office,” I quietly admit. “Some days are easier than others.” I shrug and force myself to move away from him and back into my seat.

  His eyes deepen with pleasure at my confession, and then his lips tilt upwards in a teasing smile. “I’d do better if you weren’t so close,” he says gruffly. “Because right now you are in touching distance, and every time you move your scent wafts me in my face. It turns me on.”

  He’s so close that I’m tempted to grab his shirt and haul him closer until our lips are fused together. The only problem with that thought is we’d get arrested once the plane landed because I wouldn’t be able to stop with just one kiss. I’m not sure Joshua would either.

  A shadow falls over us seconds before a woman who’s photograph I have in a file appears. I toss a magazine into Joshua’s lap to hide what is going on behind his zipper and frown at Agent Clarissa Redgrave.

  Why is she on this particular flight?

  “Fancy meeting you here.” She caresses Joshua’s shoulder with slim fingers with long, sharp nails attached. She could do some serious damage with those things—sure as hell not regulation.

  Joshua winces. “Where’s your other half?” he questions, raising a brow.

  “He’s asleep. We’ve been busy catching up. I think we should too. It’s been a while.” She smiles leaning in to Joshua who presses against his seat.

  Having had enough of this agent who is supposed to be in a relationship with another agent for the duration of this operation, I clear my throat and find Joshua staring at me with a pleading look in his eyes.

  The desperation I see there causes a chuckle to slip free—so unexpected that I quickly lift a hand to my mouth to hold it inside. Joshua grins. “Clara,” I say slowly to get her attention, “don’t you think you should be with Drake, instead of flirting over here.”

  Her mouth falls open in surprise while Joshua continues to grin. Thankfully the stupid woman can’t see him.

  “Oh!” Clarissa mumbles and bends over, making sure Joshua gets a look at the large boobs barely constrained in her blouse. She whispers, “He could be on the plane. I get it.” She straightens and quickly disappears.

  “She graduated Quantico with you?” I asked unbelieving. “She actually graduated?”

  Joshua groans. “She did.” He rubs a hand over his face. “She’s usually more professional than what we just witnessed.” He glances down the aisle before holding my gaze. “I have to say though, I loved how she got your hackles up.”

  “She did not get my hackles up! It takes a lot more than, um, that.”

  I move my gaze back to my phone and get into a more comfortable position, while t
rying to ignore the sexy man beside me.

  He isn’t one for giving up, and whispers into my ear, “You were jealous.” His teeth graze my earlobe and my belly clenches in reaction. It wasn’t the only thing to clench either.

  Closing my eyes, I take a deep inhale and slowly release the breath before I’m able to give him a scathing look. “Me being jealous will only give you a big head, and there is no way I’ll allow that.”

  He chokes back a groan. “You always give me a big head. It just has nothing to do with the one on my shoulders.”

  The sudden image of the head he’s referring to springs to mind, and I remember how he’d felt inside of me. Sliding in and out, fast and slow. He’d been so hard and thick that I’d been surprised he’d even fit. At the time I hadn’t thought that, I’d just wanted him to put the fire out in my body, but afterwards, in the quiet of my own apartment, I’d remembered every inch of Joshua McKenzie.

  “Fuck, Mallory,” he growls. “Stop thinking whatever you are otherwise I’m going to be embarrassing myself.”

  I rapidly blink and realize my cheeks are burning. I watch what Joshua is doing as his hand slips into the waistband of his pants. He grunts and moves the thick bulge I can clearly see the shape of.

  Closing my eyes, I turn my face toward the window and concentrate on breathing evenly. Up until the night in the club I’d done extremely well at keeping Joshua away from me—strictly professional. But after what we’d done, I can’t get him out of my mind. A huge part of me feels guilty because we had been working undercover and acted inappropriately. The other part of me wants to experience what I’d briefly felt in his arms again.

  On my last large inhale, I slowly exhale and turn to Joshua who has also calmed down. “We need to discuss the plan.”

  “You mean work?” he drawls, not looking happy, but resigned.

  “For now.” I open the PDF file that Ritter’s secretary forwarded to Josh and me, and say, “It looks like we don’t get any free time together.” I frown. “If this is a couples retreat why don’t they give the couples some time to spend alone?”


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