Life Legacy

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Life Legacy Page 10

by Vlad ben Avorham

  That would all need to wait. First she needed time to heal her own wounds, she thought as she ran across the open courtyard throwing herself into Pavel’s waiting arms. She inhaled deeply, just taking in the scent of him, and let it all out with a contented sigh. Healing first, then renewing and rebuilding. Time may be a millstone but life could be more abundant than ever could be ground down. She needed more understanding of what had happened to this world and why, but life was the key to the question of time. Time was ever degrading, while life was ever renewing. Time for some renewal with her family after the trials of this trip.

  Flowers and Frustration

  Ivor found himself outside of Feylynn’s apartments. He was pacing back and forth, practicing what he would say. His hands were slimy with sweat and he couldn’t think of anything to say that didn’t have the little traitor who lived in the back of his head howling with laughter and scorn. He shifted the bundle of flowers from one hand to the next and was just about to knock on the door when he felt a heavy hand fall on his shoulder.

  Ivor jumped and Pavel lifted him on to the toes of his feet. “Ya don’t do no good lurking out here.” he grumbled as he opened the door and drug Ivor inside. Feylynn’s brow furrowed as she saw Pavel holding Ivor. “I found this miscreant lurking outside your door.”

  “I wasn’t lurking!” Ivor protested. “Just hadn’t had the chance to knock yet.”

  Pavel let him go with a chuckle. “If it takes you that long to knock on a door boy, people will think you are a simpleton.”

  Esta was already up and running toward Ivor. Feylynn wanted to maintain a stern manner, but the situation really was just too amusing. She felt a small smile break out. “Be nice, Pavel. This young man is still on probation with me and he was likely just trying to think of a way not to end his days as a frog.”

  Esta gave them both a serious look, “Are you ok? Sometimes that half giant, mutant brother-in-law of mine, doesn’t remember that the rest of us are just regular ol’ humans.”

  Ivor tried to pull together what was left of his dignity. “Tis all right, m’girl. I’m not made of glass. He just got the drop on me tis all.”

  Pavel’s deep rumbling chuckle may have conveyed his thoughts, but he made no further comment to them. Instead, he looked to Feylynn. “The King is asking if you will attend him at your earliest convenience. He’s out in the west gardens.” He hesitated when he saw her eyeing the young couple who were doing their level best to be invisible to anyone else in the room. “Go ahead. I’ll keep an eye on the miscreant.”

  Feylynn smiled at him, “Thank you Pavel. I think I should go see what His Majesty is up to this morning.”

  Pavel sighed as she closed the door behind her. “I’m getting a snack in the kitchen. I should be there for better than an hour.”

  They both looked at him in shock.

  Pavel just grinned. “People tried to keep me, and Sha apart too.” His face lost all trace of amusement, “But if you hurt her, I will rip your arms off.” with that he too walked into the other room and closed the door behind him.

  Esta smiled coyly, “I think I’m starting to see what she sees in him. The flowers are beautiful.”

  Ivor just seizes his chance and takes her in a tight embrace kissing her as if her lips contained the antidote to all the misery in his fractured world.

  As he again manages to regain control over the raging hormones of youth, he manages to come up for air. He looks her in her eyes and says, “I don’t ever want to be without you again.”

  Esta knew this was foolishness because she was leaving any day to return home, but it sounded so good to hear him say it that she just let herself believe it, if only for a short while.

  So it was that when Pavel returned, they were cuddled together on the sofa. Oh, it wasn’t much beyond what a reasonable chaperone would allow for a young couple courting but enough that he cleared his throat in the doorway and allowed them a moment to reposition.

  “Your mother will likely be back soon. It would not do for my reputation for her to see you two as anything less that proper.”

  Esta smiled over at Pavel. “Thank you. We needed this.”

  Pavel was about to respond when the door flew open and in came Feylynn looking irked. “Everything ok?” Pavel asked.

  “Were you in on this too, Pavel?” she asked.

  “Um, in on what?” Pavel responded, confused.

  “It seems, His Majesty,” sarcasm dripping from her voice at the title, “has decided that I need more duties on my plate. Ivor your visiting hour is up.” she said in a tone that would invite no negotiation.

  “Ok Mamma, but I’ve got to get his gift first.” Esta said as she bolted for her small room off to the side.

  Ivor stood there and tried to look invisible, while Pavel went over in his head what he and Harder had discussed. Nothing he could think of would have brought about this reaction from her.

  Esta returned, eyes sparkling she knelt in front of Ivor and placed the heavy wyvern belt around his waist. She drew it through the ring buckle and as she cinched the long end of the belt tight; she gave him a wicked little smile and tugged on it suggestively.

  From the other side of the room she could hear, “That is enough young lady.”

  The look in Ivor’s eye was reward enough though. A quick, nearly chaste kiss, and he was out the door.

  “Esta, what was that!” Feylynn asked a bit more gruffly than she had intended.

  Esta rolled her eyes, “Harmless mamma, harmless.”

  A Walk in the Garden

  Feylynn met with Harder while he was walking in the garden. She watched him for a moment as he took time to smell the flowers and touch the rough-hewn stone walls. “Your Majesty.” She greeted him.

  Harder smiled and motioned to his courtiers who had been pressing him about a new canal route they wanted the crown to pay for. They backed away reluctantly. “Ah, Dutchess Mirron, will you walk with me for a moment?”

  “Certainly, Your Majesty.” She said joining him on the narrow path.

  “Physical sensation.” he said as if it answered all questions.

  “I don’t follow.”

  “Physical sensation is such an amazing gift. I have had years beyond thinking that lacked such a small and vital thing. Living things touch, taste, smell... I don’t know if that was what your first husband meant or if there was something deeper but living has a quality to it beyond a simple intellect and existence without it that... Well you do forget it in time, and the world seems so much more gray because of it.” he walked along with her in silence for a moment. When he spoke again he was on the verge of laughter. “I remember the first time I stubbed my toe after regaining sensation. The pain was blinding but the whole time I was cackling like a madman, it felt so good to FEEL again that even the pain was welcome.”

  “I can’t imagine what that must have been like. I’ve wondered about the incorporeal spirits that about in our world, if they experience the beauty of their homes as much as we do walking in their forests and lonely plains, but I never considered physical sensation as a key difference.”

  “Oh, but it certainly is! Maybe not for all of them, but for those who’ve had it and lost it...” he hesitated collecting his thoughts, “at least for myself anyway, it affected the way I saw the world. That is why when Sha told me that you were considering reconstituting the Green Spire, I decided to help.”

  “You know that was just an idea. I hadn’t really decided to do it?” She glanced sideways, trying to read his face. “The elves won’t give the Spire back. They threw an absolute fit when Sha snuck off to see it.”

  Harder shrugged. “It’s not about the Spire, it is about the lost or hidden knowledge. It is about a renewal of purpose for humanity, and possibly the elves as well, given time.”

  “I can’t very well deny you, and it was a longer term project I have considered...” she trailed off.

  Harder decided this was his opportunity to strike while the iron was hot
test. “Good, then it is resolved. I’ve made some funds available for the project. Nothing large enough to attract notice, but enough to provide for a small library and I have the perfect librarian for you. Young Sophia Sein, from my map room. I believe you met her on your trip out? Anyway, I have it on good authority that she would jump at the opportunity to be your personal secretary. I’ll issue the orders.”

  “I don’t need another project child Harder, my own daughters are more than keeping me in gray hair.”

  He couldn’t help it he actually laughed out loud. “That is why we foster our children out for apprenticeships and find them mentors. Children don’t want to listen to parents, but desperately crave guidance. She will be a big help to you, and you can help form her into an important woman in our kingdom, without all the baggage that comes from being a family.”

  Feylynn frowned. “I’d never taken the time to consider that.”

  Now he was ready to drop the bigger second shoe. “I also think that the Duke needs a new protege. Galan seems to be doing very well, and I have a certain Alorn who needs more guidance than his current tutors can give.”

  “Oh, no! It’s bad enough to see her mooning over him during our brief visits!”

  “Feylynn, this was in part Sha’s idea. She knows that her situation was very hard on you, and that you’re trying too hard to make up for it with Esta. This will keep the young man with her, rather than scheming how to ride off with her, and give both you and the Duke an opportunity to gage the quality of man he can become. Even to shape it, should that be what is required. When I told you he was from a prominent family among the Alorn, this was true. He could easily find himself one of their seventy elders in his maturity. I wish for him to be favorable to NoVas, as a gift to my son, and yours. Humans do not need another war amongst ourselves, every time we go that way, the wilds grow and our civilization shrinks.”

  Feylynn did not like her future being decided like this. Especially wasn’t comfortable with Sha and Harder discussing her in this way. Still there was reason in his words. “I’ll make the effort. You are becoming a good king for us, even if you and my daughter are being meddlesome busy bodies.”

  Again he laughed. “Too many years of mistakes to learn from. Hopefully, this is a chance to atone.”

  Capital Moments


  Soph ran as fast as her legs would carry her up to Angvar’s room. She meant to knock, really she did, but she was just too excited to give him the good news. It was her second step past the door when she realized her mistake.

  Angvar stood behind a small table where he had been polishing boots. She saw his eyes widen as he twisted his body at the last minute, sending the heavy dagger to whang against the hard stone wall scant feet from her head. He had recovered his balance and was rushing to hold her, his panic still not subsided.

  As he clutched her to him the realization of what nearly happened came crashing down on her and she broke down in sobs.

  “Shh... Shh... It’s ok. I’ve got you.” his voice rough with emotion. “I’ve got you and it’s going to be ok.” They stood there swaying together, each trying to process the near disaster. “In my life, my love, assassins are a real concern. Please don’t ever scare me like that again. I couldn’t live with myself if I had hurt you.”

  Sniffling and eyes red, she looked up, “I... I... just never....”

  He forced a smile for her sake and kissed her on the forehead. “I know. I know. I am sorry I scared you. Hey, no more crying. I have something to make it up to you.”

  Her emotions were still pulling in a dozen different directions, she had never been in a situation where her very life was threatened. Still, he said he had something for her! He had thought about her on his adventure and brought her something. She looked up. “Oh?”

  “I’d meant to come find you after I was done with work.” he said, gesturing to the table of boots and equipment he had been working on. “Since you’re here, maybe we can do this early.” He smiled and pulled away from her long enough to get to his pack. He pulls out a package wrapped in the finest paper that Soph had ever seen. It was almost see through and of a delicate shade of green, tied up with a ribbon of what had to be Elven silk. She nearly fainted, even that little ribbon would cost her several week's wages to buy from one of the local merchants. His eyes were shining in anticipation as he hands it to her.

  She carefully unwrapped the package, the wrapping is nice enough to be a gift in itself. Just as she’s thinking about what she can make from the paper she felt the silk beneath it and her hands tremble and she dropped the wrappings. There in her trembling hands, spilling out of its neat folds to hang there before her is a beautiful Elven silk under dress. The dress will drop to mid-thigh and the tiny hints of sleeves are more of a ruffle than a sleeve, and it is like trying to hold a cloud it is so soft and slippery. She can’t help it she’s crying again. “It’s beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful. Try it on.” He urged.

  Any thought of shyness was gone, she began undoing the laces of her corset and fumbling with the ties of her skirt. Angvar just sat down to enjoy the show. She realized he was watching her with the look of a starving man sitting down to a feast; she didn’t care. He had thought of her, even with all the wonders of the elves he had thought of her and spent a fortune to bring some of that wonder to her. She shivered as the silk fell over her body, forming and clinging but just so lightly that it felt like a caress itself. Feeling truly sexy for the first time in a long time, she struck a pose.

  He pounced on her. Took her in his arms and spun her around the room. She didn’t want this to ever end. He had just laid her on the bed and was struggling with his own tunic when the door banged open again.

  “Angvar, Mother said...” and he stopped three steps into the room as he noticed Soph scrambling under the blanket. He turned abruptly so as not to see. “I see you’re busy. The door wasn’t locked.”

  Angvar face reddened. “I know. Ah... Sophia is well covered M’Lord. Please have a seat and let us know what you need.”

  Galan cautiously turned around, “Sorry to interrupt. Mother said you could bring a plus one to the banquet tonight if you wanted. I just wanted to let you know.”

  Soph was recovering from her momentary embarrassment. “I see you don’t throw daggers at him when he walks in.”

  Angvar did laugh at this, “Galan has lived with his father his whole life, he knows by instinct to let me hear his voice before the door is even half open. Had I not been so... er... distracted at the moment he came in I might have been able to give him some warning.”

  Galan raised and eyebrow, “Throw a knife at me?”

  Angvar explained what had happened. Galan just nodded, “Yes, there will doubtless be several things as she crosses class boundaries. Perhaps I should send Shadrea by to help coach her for the banquet, unless you’re planning to be busy then.” He grinned at them both.

  Soph blushed and Angvar gave him a meaningful look. “I would appreciate any help that Sha was willing to give.” he said flatly.

  “Well, then, my presence here isn’t needed. I’m off. Just make sure my kit is ready for tonight, and I’ll send Sha by in say and an hour or so to help with Soph?”

  “When ever she is willing.” Angvar said. Making demands of a pint-sized arch tzadi was not something he planned to do.

  As Galan left, Angvar bolted the door behind him. Soph was stretched out upon the bed, smiling at him. “In all the excitement, I forgot to tell you my news.”

  “Oh, and what is that?” he asked pulling his tunic over his head.

  “I lost my job here in Voivoed’s Rest. My new assignment will have me attached to the Dutchess of Mirron, as a personal assistant.” She grinned at him.

  “You’re coming home? This is amazing news!” he said jumping on the bed.

  First Court Event as a Lady

  Esta wasn’t exactly sure what had come over mamma but she liked it, well mostly anyway. Ma
mma was fussing over every fold of the dress and every curl. Advice was pouring out so fast that Esta couldn’t really make heads or tails of it all.

  “… events are as much political as social. Anyone talking to you is talking to your whole family. Maybe they really are interested in you, and maybe they have a case being decided by the Duke. It is less common here in the Capital than it would be back home in the Dutchy but you still need to think about it.” She barely even took a breath as she re-tucked the pleat in Esta’s overgown and continued on. “Yes, Ivor will be there, but so will many other young men. Do not let any one of them monopolise all of your time, as this is as much political as social you must be seen to engage with everyone. Also, don’t play them off of each other. Men, well boys especially at this age, are easy to manipulate into competing with each other for a woman’s attention. Don’t do that. Ok it’s fun, but unless you want to start duels and blood feuds, or at best make a few life long enemies of those who came out too obviously the looser, just don’t do it. Remember Sara’s first big event at winter faire...”

  Mamma kept on with her lecture but Esta couldn’t see why she was making such a big deal of this. Esta had been to these events before. Yes, always as an unannounced child, but it wasn’t her first State event. Mamma pulled out the dangling earrings and with a small spell, they began to softly glow. Esta grinned, nothing like having your own fairy godmother to help you get ready.

  With the finishing touches in place, mamma turned her around to the full-length mirror. The Elven silk pooled at her feet a dark maroon and faded slowly to a light pink at her shoulders. This wasn’t a child’s gown either. In shock Esta noticed how it curved and clung to her hips and gathered in at her waist, before rising in fine straps up behind her neck. She saw the small necklace hanging in the miraculous new cleavage. She actually had cleavage, she realized in shock. At first she thought it was mamma using an illusion, but no it was just the cut of the gown. With the glowing ear rings highlighting the underside of her intricately braided hair, she looked as if she had a crown of light.


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