Life Legacy

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Life Legacy Page 12

by Vlad ben Avorham

  Galan shook his head to clear the fog. “Thanks Angvar, you’re the best.”

  “You know at some point, you’re going to have to tell me. How was it?”

  Galan just got a big stupid sappy grin, “How do you think it was?” and he let loose with a big belly laugh. “Let’s just say I now understand what all the fuss is about.”

  Angvar laughed, he wasn’t overly experienced but Soph wasn’t his first dalliance. Still, Galan must have had one hell of a night.

  Growing Pains

  Galan took off at a jog for his apartment. A quick shower and clean clothes, and he would be ready for his mother to arrive. He was practicing excuses as he opened the door and saw her sitting in his chair waiting on him. His heart stopped first at the shock of being caught and then with recognition of the look on her face.

  She caught him up in a firm hug. Galan returned the hug feeling truly guilty. After all the dangers of this trip, him almost dying to the wyvern poison, the stress of Sha’s testing, and then having to practically flee the country to get home. This was more than he should have put her through. “Mamma, I’m fine. Just got busy having fun and time got away from me. I settled in and fell asleep.” All strictly true. Just avoid details he thought to himself when he heard her sniff.

  Damn, caught, caught by that blood hound nose of hers. Papa used to swear she could sniff out a rock in a windstorm. Sure enough, it didn’t take her long to put two and two together.

  “Galan, where were you?” she asked point blank.

  “Mamma I was in town. I met some people and things just went long and I fell asleep.” Still all true, maybe she would let it go at that.

  “Galan, what was her name?” She wasn’t going to let it go.

  “Mamma, don’t ask questions you don’t really want to know.” He tried, hoping she would realize she didn’t want the answer either.

  “Galan, why won’t you tell me?”

  “Because knowing isn’t going to help you. It is likely to upset you, and for no good reason.” He decided to be blunt. If she asked again, he would answer her.

  “Galan, these kinds of things can be dangerous. Not just because of scandal...”

  He cut her off. “Mamma, this was a decision I made. While I’m not going to go around shouting it to the world, I am not going to cower from it either. This trip was about an education, and tonight I added to mine. Details won’t make this any easier for you.”

  To his surprise, she only nodded. “You really should get some sleep. I suspect you need it.”

  “Thank you.” He breathed a sigh of relief and began to strip off his tunic as she headed for the door. Before she reached the door, he called out. “Mamma, I love you, and I am very sorry that I worried you.”

  She turned to say something but then saw the multiple scratches on his back and couldn’t speak. She opened the door and croaked out a hoarse. “I love you too, my son.” and left.

  Feylynn made a decision right then and there that this was something his father was going to have to deal with, as she couldn’t. Keeping track of Esta and Sha were bad enough.

  The Journey Home


  The first leg of the journey from Voivoed’s Rest was less exciting. Less stressful as well. The villagers were all excited to see Koloss again and waved to the carriage that she shared with Esta and now Soph. Ivor had fallen in with Galan and Angvar as if he had always been one of the crew. She marveled again at how adaptive the young were to changes like this. Oh, the boys teased him mercilessly but no more so than they did each other, and he seemed to join right in. She would never understand why young men always found it necessary to be so abrasive and caustic to each other, but it seemed to work for them.

  After seeing the Red Spire students shoe horned into the town’s one small inn, arriving in Estrella-Fosca was a welcome part of the journey. She enjoyed the amenities of such a nice house after having grown accustomed to the luxuries of Voivoed’s Rest. Staying at an inn, no matter how nice would have been a big step down.

  So it was that after a real bath, and a fine dinner, she found herself in the game room with the lord and lady of the manor, watching the children as they sat for a game of Zaxmat. Feylynn was a bit surprised when Galan chose to gift the wyvern hair combs to Penny as a thank you gift for their hospitality. Penny immediately put them in and though out the game would fiddle with them as she thought her way through the moves.

  The game was old when her father was young, oh from time to time rule modifications and even variations in configuration developed but this board seemed to be a very old one. The point of the game was to be the last one standing on the ‘mountain’ or the central square. The game was designed for five players, one for each side of the board and one for the central square. The one who started ‘on the mountain’ was at a slight disadvantage as all four opponents could attack at once. However, as the one holding the ‘high ground’, that player had more freedom of movement, as long as they stayed on the high ground.

  Around the table were, Esta, with Ivor on her right flank, and Galan on her left, with Angvar opposite. Penny, as the more experienced player by all accounts, volunteered to take the high ground at the start and the disadvantages that came with it. Feylynn was enjoying some more mature conversation but as the game progressed and the trash talk became intense, the adults found themselves spending more time watching the game.

  Esta was eliminated rather quickly by Galan. Despite a very credible rescue attempt by Ivor. Unfortunately, that weakened him enough that Angvar (with Soph’s coaching) finished him off. Leaving only Angvar and Galan to try to unseat young Penny. Penny would taunt them and tease them as they tried different strategies. Feylynn found her a complete delight. Her skill at the game was obvious each time one of the young men would try to lead an assault on her mountain. Each time she took losses but bled each of them more. Finally, in a last ditch effort to at least make it up off of the ‘plain’ Angvar committed to an all out assault, and Penny finished him off for it.

  Galan and Penny faced off, and suddenly Penny’s strategy changed. She went full defensive and was drawing the game out. Galan had more pieces than she did, but he couldn’t assault her position without taking massive losses. Finally, Penny spoke up. “It’s just us left. I propose an end to the war. Marry me and combine the armies and we’ll live in peace.”

  Galan blinked, and her father said, “That’s not in the rules of the game.”

  Her mother simply shared a private smile with Feylynn.

  Galan taunted, “Are you afraid I’ll win?”

  Penny’s face darkened, and she fixed her eyes on him directly. “This is how much I fear your winning.” she toppled her own king in the universal sign of surrender. “You win now. We could have both won, think on that.”

  Galan was just shy of blubbering; he did not understand what he had done wrong. Penny stood and stormed off out of the room. Esta and Soph both started to giggle.

  “What? What did I say?” Galan asked still confused.

  “Way to go dear brother, you’re such a charmer.” Esta laughed and would say no more.

  Sophia just did her best to look innocent.

  Galan decided to turn in. Feylynn decided she needed to spend a bit more time learning about their hosts.


  Penny was lying on her bed crying. He couldn’t see past the child to see the woman she was becoming. It couldn’t have hurt more if he had patted her head and told her she was cute. She would show him! She just had no idea how.

  She jumped when there was a knock on her door. She sniffled a bit and hoped they would go away. The knock came again, and this time she heard Esta’s voice. “Penny, let us in. I know he can be a jerk, but we just want to talk.”

  She sighed, they weren’t going away and if they kept knocking, it would draw more attention and the last thing she needed tonight was another big scene. She dried her eyes, and just as the knock started again, she opened the door to find
Esta and Sha waiting for her. She was nearly knocked over as Esta hugged her. It should be weird but honestly it just felt good.

  Sha pushed them both in and closed the door. “Esta let the poor girl breathe, crying time is over. Time to find out what we’re going to do.”

  Esta stood back from Penny. Penny caught her breath and was a bit surprised to see Esta had tears in her eyes too. “Boys can just be such clueless dummies.” Esta said and crossed her arms in a sympathy pout.

  Sha just snorted in a very unladylike fashion. “They aren’t cruel, they just don’t think beyond the moment. Be happy about that, it makes them easier to live with. Keep them fed, laid, and feeling generally good about how their life is going, and they will do pretty much whatever you want. Most of the time they really just don’t care as long as those things are taken care of.” She shook her head, “Oh don’t try to mess with the things they think are important, their honor, duty, or politics.” she waved her hand as if fanning away the unimportant things. “Who really cares about those things, anyway.”

  Penny sniffled, “I care.”

  Esta sighed, “Sure you care about them, as they affect him, but you don’t really care about the specifics as long as he’s happy and the family is safe. Do you?”

  Penny thought about it, she had always paid attention to stuff that most girls her age didn’t bother with, but now that she thought about it more, she really did only care about it as it affected her family. “I suppose not.”

  Sha grinned. “See, I told you we could help.” She waited for Penny to give her the smile that said that tears were over and the real talk could begin. “He sees you as a kid.” Sha said it bluntly and with no sugar coating. “I know a little about what that is like.” Penny giggled, but her face was filled with sympathy.

  “Pavel doesn’t see you as a child.”

  Sha chuckled. “No, but I didn’t give him any other choice. I’ve known Pavel since I WAS a child.” she shrugged. “And I cheat.” Again blunt and without apology. “I might be willing to help you cheat too.” Penny’s eyes glittered with hope. “I just need to know why. What do you want from my baby brother? Is it just attention, or is it more?”

  Penny sighed and flopped down on her bed. She shook her head. “I don’t know. He was so nice to me last time, and yeah I had some daydreams about what it could be like. He’s cute, and for all the practical reasons, he’s a good catch.” She shrugged. “I thought anyone who could be that nice to a little girl might make a good husband and father.” Her face contorted. “Then he comes back and turns in to Sir Blockhead.” The anger rising again as she bit out the last words.

  Sha sighed. “Oh, he’s had a few life experiences that has him thinking he’s all grown up now.” Esta looked at her surprised. Sha shook her head. “No, we’re not discussing it now. It’s his life and something one just has to work out for themselves, but it can easily explain the change Penny noticed, and luckily it is usually temporary. More or less.”

  Esta shrugged. “Well, I don’t know about all of that, but he is struggling to be seen as an adult with Mamma. And I know a little bit about that problem. It can make you do crazy things to prove you aren’t crazy.”

  Penny sighed. “Yeah, been learning that one myself.”

  Sha shook her head. “You two have no idea what it has taken to get people to take me seriously. Still unless I miss my guess, Mamma is talking to your parents about those ‘practical reasons’ you mentioned. She has her own reasons for seeing this as a way to stuff a jinn back in its lamp. She’s wrong, which is why I need to know what YOU want from my baby brother.”

  Penny’s face turned pensive, then with determination she looked Sha right in the eye, “I want him to notice me, really notice me and consider me as a possibility, long enough for us to decide if we want more.”

  Sha grinned. “Oh little sister, we can do that!”

  Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

  Galan felt bad for what he said to Penny last night. He still thought they were trash talking like they had been all night. She suddenly switched to being more serious than he understood. She might have a crush on him, mamma had said. He should be flattered but mostly he just thought of her as a really good kid who shouldn’t have a guest in her home make her feel bad. He had been hoping to talk to her after breakfast, but she wasn’t there. He hadn’t seen her all morning. He really didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye and trying to make it right.

  Ivor was bringing around the horses and Esta was as ever at his side. Galan smiled, Ivor seemed like an all right guy. Esta sure seemed happy. Pappa would man him up just fine. He thought about how Pappa would react to Ivor and grinned. He wasn’t sure he felt any sympathy for the boy, more of an unworthy anticipation of the show. It really wasn’t like him, but this was his kid sister after all.

  Angvar took the reins of his and Galan’s horse and started to lead them over when he just stopped dead in his tracks. Esta gave Ivor a little jab in his ribs to cure his staring problem. Galan had no such help. His brain was not quite functioning. He saw this vision walking toward him, sixteen or maybe seventeen, in an elven silk gown of pale yellow, cut low over full cleavage and high on the hip exposing long beautiful legs. Finally it hit him, he couldn’t miss it but this couldn’t be, he gasped, “Penny?”

  The vision just smiled and moved to within inches of him. “I didn’t want you to leave without saying goodbye.” she said as casually as if nothing were out of the ordinary. “I’ve decided to give you some time to reconsider my offer from last night.” She leans forward and kisses him passionately. Galan’s eyes bulge and his heart races. His body reacts as quickly as only a man in his late teens can. Then just as suddenly she’s gone. Or not gone he realizes, she has just shrunk back into the skinny twelve-year-old from last night. “Just don’t take too long to think. The world can change quickly.” She turns and walks toward her house. Over her shoulder she calls back to him. “Until we meet again.”

  Galan is just standing there like lightning had struck. Ivor and Angvar are both trying to hide their amusement. Sha looks smug, which just confirmed his suspicions. The collection of parents seeing the Dutchess to her coach are the only ones more shocked than Galan.

  Galan shook his head as he was offered the reins to his horse. This was going to be a long trip.

  Anticipation of Home

  The Road

  Sophia had watched the interplay between Penny and Galan was quiet amusement. Feylynn was daunting. Watching her taken by surprise with the children’s machinations was very humanizing. Sophia could see her own mom under such circumstances, ok maybe not, she didn’t have the mystical talents of Feylynn’s family but then again her mother didn’t possess any magic not possessed by all mothers. That innate ability to detect a stolen cookie, or to know with certainty when a child is up from a nap and just hasn’t let anyone else know.

  Sophia smiled, at least it made the Dutchess a little less forbidding to work with, which was good because after seven hours inside of this cramped coach with her and Esta. She needed to be able to give the Dutchess every benefit of the doubt she could. Oh, the Dutchess wasn’t impossible; she had just had a very rough trip and Esta and Soph were feeling the brunt of it. Feylynn’s life was changing in ways that she wasn’t wanting to deal with, and it made her surly and demanding. Soph wondered, and not for the first time, if maybe she had made a mistake.

  Soph looked out the window and was disappointed she couldn’t see Angvar and the boys. They must be riding just a bit ahead or behind. She really couldn’t blame them, this carriage was slow. Not that she wanted it to go any faster, the bumps in the road were jarring enough.

  “So can you see him?” Feylynn asks with only a slight smile to her lips.

  Sophia sighed, “No. Do you miss the Duke?” She gasped. “I’m sorry, that was none of my business.”

  Feylynn laughed a brittle little laugh. “No, it isn’t. Yes, I do. More than you can imagine.” She let out a long sigh that borde
red too closely on a sob for both Soph and Esta’s comfort. “You two are in the midst of your passionate fire of infatuation and the first blush of love. When you’ve been together for decades and have children and a life together, and learn to depend on the other person the same way you trust your legs to carry you when you walk... Yes, I will be very happy to be home.”

  Esta and Soph looked at each other, both were speechless. Esta took advantage of the next bump in the road to propel herself across the small cabin of the coach and on the bench beside her mother. She hugged herself in close. “I love you, mamma.”

  Because of her upbringing among the high-born elves, Feylynn usually found such intimacy disquieting. Today, with that former world in tatters in her mind, she just clung to her daughter and enjoyed the moment.

  Soph looked out the window so as not to pry on their moment. She lost herself in her own thoughts of home left, and home yet to come. Of Angvar in pot bellied middle age, with children and maybe even grandchildren. The road to that place seemed long, yet as her own mother had warned her, it would seem just the blink of an eye.

  Civilized Lands

  Sha told Pavel that they needed to make it there well before the rest of the troop. “Mamma and Da won’t want to be surprised with the small army tagging along. Bad enough we brought them a cavalry troop last time.”

  Pavel was chuckling at the memory. “I don’t think Da minded too much, at least once your Mother got there and calmed everything down.”

  Sha smiled to herself at the memory as well, “Trust me Mamma minded. She takes her duties as hostess very seriously. She will at least want to feed these folks well. While they may still end up in the same loft, just because of how many there are, she’ll also want time for the grooms and stable boys to make it presentable.”


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