The Wrath of Shakira

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The Wrath of Shakira Page 15

by M. W. Fletcher

  “There appeared to be no external gun emplacements or other obvious fortifications sir.”

  Max stood up, “thank you for the briefing Vas; take a seat.”

  Max approached the board and picked up some of the satellite photos from the table, “well gentlemen, we can strikeout any possibilities of a precision air-strike as the town is to close. we have two options, first is a parachute jump that would need to be done at night into this area here.”

  Max pointed to the space between the camp and the mountain range, “however that would certainly lead to thermal currents from the low ground up to the mountains that would make a parachute drop very dicey. The second option is my choice; a beach landing here.”

  Max pointed to the south of the camp, he then passed some of the satellite photos around. “As you can see three miles south of the camp and to the west of the town is a long beach fronted by foliage. We could come in during darkness using rigid raiders for a beach landing and then yomp in land to pick up the road to the camp, would that be possible Vas?”

  “Yes; I would agree the area is very quiet, dawn breaks around O-six hundred hours and if we came in at the death hour; O-three hundred hours we would have a very good chance of being undetected by any locals.”

  Max looked at Strayker, “have we been given the go sir?”

  “Yes Max; you have the green light.”

  Max spoke to both Roy and Vas, “draw up the final assault plan on the camp and have it ready within the hour.”

  Max and Strayker left the room.

  As Strayker and Max returned to Strayker’s office a note was handed to Strayker, he opened it, contact Vince at ICIS ASAP.

  Strayker passed the note to Max as they entered his office; Max spoke, “probably an update on Shakira’s camp!”

  Strayker dialled through to ICIS and was immediately speaking to Vince, he flipped the switch to put the call on the audio speaker system, “Vince I have Max with me; what you got?”

  “Not good news sir, I’ll let GAIL explain.”

  GAIL’s voice came over the audio system, “gentlemen I have been monitoring Shakira’s camp and over the last half-hour there has been a lot of movement, with several vehicles leaving the camp; as I look at it now the camp is now apparently deserted.”

  Max spoke, “are they all heading in the same direction GAIL?”

  “They are taking the road north, Max.”

  Strayker spoke, “analysis Vince.”

  “I would put money on the camp is being evacuated sir.”

  Strayker replied, “GAIL track them and inform me immediately they have arrived at their destination.”

  Strayker terminated the call, “any thoughts Max?”

  “I would say he’s been in touch with Hussein and presumes that he is now possibly going to be targeted.”

  “I agree Max, he’s nobody’s fool this man.”

  “Shall I abort the strike plans on his home sir?”

  “No; allow them to continue on the presumption we may need them, we will have to wait on GAIL to update us on the new location.”

  “May I make a suggestion sir?”

  “By all means Max.”

  “Would it not be prudent to have the teams on standby off or on the African continent, for the strike on the new location?”

  “Yes by all means Max; we can do that now between us and determine our options.”

  “I’ll go to my office and bring back a map, I’ll also check in on Roy and Vas, replied Max.”

  ‘ICIS’ Saltbox Hil

  ‘ICIS’ Saltbox Hill Biggin Hill Kent

  Lat = 51 degrees, 19.7 minutes North

  Long = 0 degrees, 1.2 minutes East

  GAIL was monitoring the convoy of vehicles that had left Shakira’s base, which was still heading in northerly direction when her system alerted her to some new information regarding Shakira’s Gulfstream aeroplane.

  GAIL’s system had the ability to continue to monitor all previous tasks and Intel in the background, on any current missions, the new information was showing the Gulfstream was thirty-minutes away from landing at a private airfield at Redhill in Kent, she inter-phased with Vince’s phone.

  Vince picked up his desk phone, “what you got GAIL?”

  “The convoy is still heading north with no obvious destination, however Shakira’s Gulfstream is landing at a private airfield in Redhill Kent in; twenty-nine minutes.”

  OSC London

  OSC London

  Whitehall Place

  Lat = 51 degrees, 30.4 minutes North

  Long = 0 degrees, 7.5 minutes West

  Max had returned to Strayker’s office and they were both looking at a large-scale map of the African continent when the phone rang, Strayker answered and listened to Vince giving him an update and the Intel on the Gulfstream.

  He replaced the phone, “GAIL is still tracking the convey heading north, but now she has some new Intel on Shakira’s Gulfstream, it’s on a return flight to England landing at a private airfield in Redhill Kent in twenty-five minutes.”

  “That sounds like a pick up for Hussein, sir.”

  “My thoughts exactly, I’ll notify Commissioner Dawson.”

  New Scotland Yard

  New Scotland Yard London

  Lat = 51 degrees, 29.9 minutes North

  Long = 0 degrees, 8.0 minutes West

  Lippets Hill


  Lat = 51 degrees, 39.3 minutes North

  Long = 0 degrees, 1.0 minutes East

  Commissioner Dawson was on the phone to the OIC of PT-17 at Lippet’s Hill, “Inspector; we have a possible target location for you at Redhill airfield, a Gulfstream aircraft is twenty-one minutes out, Intel suggests it is coming to pick up Hussein, you will need to get your skates on.”

  “Yes sir, can you patch the coordinates into the pilots, we are on our way now.”

  “Comm’s are relaying the coordinates as we speak good luck Inspector.”

  “Thank you commissioner.”

  The PT-17 squad ran quickly to the Black Hawk that was already prepared for take-off with the rotors running.

  As the Inspector boarded he spoke to the Flight engineer,

  “what’s our ETA to Redhill?”

  “Eighteen minutes sir.”

  “That’s cutting it to fine, any chance your boys can better that?”

  “I’ll see what we can do sir.”

  The flight chief stepped into the cockpit area where the two pilots were seated, just as they were achieving lift off rotor acceleration the flight chief spoke to him via the com, “any chance we can break any records on this flight sir, they need to be there before the hostile takes off.”

  The pilot replied, “I have asked for a direct route across part of the capital that will save us three minutes, they will confirm either way once we are airborne.”

  The pilot pulled on the collective very slowly and the helicopter lifted from the ground; as he kept his eye on the horizon, he increased the collective and at the same time lowered the nose slightly using the control stick, resulting in the helicopter accelerating forward, and gaining altitude.

  Within a minute of take off the control relayed their message, “Control tower to Whiskey Sierra six, unable to grant the direct route request, Gatwick has incoming flights that will cross your path and it’s too late to redirect it.”

  “Copy that tower; clear us for the original route and clear the skies for us.”

  “You’re clear to proceed and route is clear, out.”

  Redhill Private Airfield

  Redhill Private Airfield Kent

  Lat = 51 degrees, 12.8 minutes North

  Long = 0 degrees, 8.5 minutes West

  Air intercept over

  English Channel
  Lat = 50 degrees, 42.5 minutes North

  Long = 1 degrees, 0.7 minutes East

  Hussein had just arrived at the airfield, as the Gulfstream was ten miles out.

  “Delta two, alpha-Romeo-Bravo I am on final approach from the west at fifteen-hundred feet, over.”

  “Roger Delta two, alpha-Romeo-Bravo; you are cleared to descend to five-hundred feet and commence landing on runway zero-eight Romeo-two-six Lima, there is a five mile an hour west by north west cross wind, over.”

  “Roger that tower; can you clear us for an immediate departure within five minutes of touch down?”

  “Delta two, alpha -Romeo-Bravo that should be okay standby.”

  Within a few minutes, Hussein observed the Gulfstream coming on its westerly approach to the airfield.

  The Gulfstream touched down and rapidly decelerated, at the end of the runway the pilot turned left and followed the taxiway to the apron alongside the tower where Hussein was standing, the Gulfstream’s cabin door was opened and Hussein hurriedly entered.

  The pilot opened his communication with the tower,

  “Delta two, alpha-Romeo-Bravo, I am ready for taxing which runway is allocated, over.”

  “Delta two, alpha-Romeo-Bravo, you can taxi back to runway zero-eight Romeo-two-six Lima for an easterly take off, and wait in the hold position, over.”

  “Copy that tower, out.”

  Three minutes later the Gulfstream was at the runway.

  A few minutes elapsed before the tower contacted them,

  “Delta two, alpha-Romeo-Bravo, I have been requested to recall you back to the tower apron, over.”

  “What’s the problem tower?” “We are ready for take-off.”

  “This request is being ordered by the Police, I request you return to the Tower apron.”

  Hussein had been listening to the exchange between the pilot and tower; he spoke, “Is the runway clear for take-off now?”

  “Yes; our slot is still operational,” replied the pilot.

  “Good; then I advise you that we should take off immediately.”

  The pilot new better than to argue with Hussein.

  “We are going for a short-field take off, you had better buckle up.”

  He applied the brakes and powered the twin engines up to full power; he released the brakes and the Gulfstream powered down the runway he kept the flaps at the neutral position so that the initial acceleration was faster; as he neared take off speed he lowered the flaps to take off position.

  The tower had repeatedly ordered the pilot to abort the take-off; also advising him of a military helicopter coming in from the east.

  The pilot ignored the towers requests and continued down the runway, he observed the helicopter coming directly in front of him, but he would pass right over it with plenty of clearance.”

  The PT-17 inspector was already on the Comms to the Commissioner, “yes that’s correct sir, the hostile is airborne having refused the towers order to abort take off.”

  “Okay; inspector return to base.”

  Commissioner Dawson quickly phoned Strayker and apprised him of the escape.

  “Leave it with me; I’ll have the RAF take up the chase.”

  Strayker made a call to Vince at ICIS, “Vince have you been following the situation at Redhill?”

  “Yes; were tracking the Gulfstream now.”

  “We need the RAF to intervene what’s the nearest option Vince?”

  Vince replied, “GAIL’s on it now.”

  GAIL spoke, “RAF Marham; again is the closest strike command and has two Tornado GR-1s at the ready on QRA.”

  “Patch me through to the station commander.”

  A few moments later, a voice came over the Comm’s speaker, “This is Group Captain David Bucannon.”

  “Group Captain its Major General Strayker again; we need your help.”

  Strayker apprised the Group captain of the situation and GAIL gave an update on the Gulf Stream’s location.

  “What do you want my boys to do when they locate the target Major?”

  “Have them order the Gulfstream to turn around and if they don’t I will get you authorization to engage them.”

  “Leave it with me Major.”

  The two Tornado GR-1s; call sign’s Gauntlet-three and four were at alert readiness on runway Two; there twin Mk 103 reheat turbofan engines idling when the control tower operator spoke, “strike package Gauntlet; you are clear to roll.”

  Gauntlet three’s pilot moved a few yards forward and applied the brakes full on and then with his left hand increased the engine power with the throttle controls, he confirmed that both wings were swept fully forward, the pilot adjusted the full-span flaps and slats down to give maximum lift and set the elevator trim to neutral.

  Within seconds both Tornado’s thundered down runway two their afterburners flaring behind them; their climb rate was rapid.

  As the wings were swept back to their maximum of sixty-seven degrees, three minutes later they were at forty-five thousand feet at one-thousand three hundred miles per hour.

  “Tower to strike package Gauntlet; your target coordinates are Latitude 50 degrees, 57.2 minutes North and Longitude Zero degrees 44 minutes east, current speed five-hundred miles per hour; altitude thirty-five thousand feet.”

  Gauntlet two’s Co-pilot replied, “Roger that tower, I have them on radar; one-hundred and fifty eight nautical miles down range.”

  The co-pilot spoke to the pilot, “we need to increase speed to maximum for an intercept over the English Channel,” he did the calculations as the pilot poured on more power.

  Both Tornado’s reached one thousand and forty-three miles per hour Mach 2, within twenty seconds; as the co-pilot ran the maths; “Co-pilot to pilot; time to intercept Gulfstream at current speed, seven minutes and twelve seconds.

  The plot replied “Roger that, Gauntlet four do you copy that?”

  “Gauntlet four to Gauntlet three; we copy that and have radar lock on target.”

  The Gulfstream was fifteen miles over the English Channel when the pilot was surprised by unexpected presence of both Tornados as they took up position on the port and starboard sides.

  “Gulfstream; Delta two, Alpha, Romeo, Bravo, this is Royal Air Force strike command, call sign Gauntlet three do you copy?” ”

  The pilot of the Gulfstream called Hussein to the cockpit, “what shall I do?”

  “Ask them what they want.”

  “This is Delta two, Alpha, Romeo, Bravo, what do you want?”

  “Delta two, Alpha, Romeo, Bravo, I am ordering you turn about and follow us to RAF Marham’s airstrip over.”

  There was a long pause over the Comm’s, Gauntlet three’s co-pilot spoke to the pilot, “sir we have authorisation to engage if they fail to obey.”

  Gauntlet three’s pilot spoke into the radio comm.

  “Delta two, Alpha, Romeo, Bravo, you have ten seconds to comply, bring your altitude down to twenty five thousand feet and bank starboard onto your new heading, we are authorised to engage you if you fail to comply, over.”

  GAIL had been monitoring the intercept and radio chatter relaying it to Strayker and Max at OCS.

  Hussein took the co-pilots headset and spoke, “we are not going to comply and before you try to shoot us down; listen to what I have to say,” Hussein paused for several seconds and awaited the reply.

  Gauntlet three’s pilot replied, “Delta two, Alpha, Romeo, Bravo, who am I speaking to?”

  “My name is irrelevant, what I have to say is, there are three explosive packages in London and they are set to detonate within the next twenty-four hours do I have your attention?”

  Gauntlet three’s co-pilot received a message from the control tower, “sir you have an in
coming priority message from base; I’m patching it through now.”

  “Strike package Gauntlet do not engage repeat do not engage target await further instructions do you copy?”

  “Strike package Gauntlet standing by,” replied Gauntlet three’s pilot.

  Strayker spoke on the secure line linked by GAIL to the Gulfstream, “this is Major Strayker to Gulfstream; Delta two, Alpha, Romeo, Bravo, what proof do you have of your threat, over?”

  “You are no doubt aware of the recent events your country has endured and the fact you sent a failed interception at the airfield and now have sent planes to intercept me, tells me you know who I am. It should also tell you the threat I make is real, if I do not complete my journey then your capital city will pay another heavy price do I make myself clear Major?”

  “Yes Hussein... I understand you want me to let you go with no guarantee you will tell us where the bombs are, I might as well order them to shoot you out the skies now.”

  “Yes Major; you could do that but you would be condemning hundreds of innocent lives to certain death and horrifying injuries. I will do a deal with you and tell you where one of the packages is located. When I land I’ll give you the locations of the other two packages; you should still have nearly two hours to locate and disarm them, do we have an agreement Major?”

  Strayker turned the comm. off, “What do you think Max?”

  “Well sir; I would bet my next salary that he is heading back to re-join Shakira, we will take care of him there.”

  “I’ll go along with that Max.”

  Strayker re-opened the comm.

  “You will not get away with this Hussein, however I’ll agree to your deal, on one condition.”

  “What’s the condition Major?”

  “You tell us where the other two packages are when you are thirty minutes from your touch down, that’s the deal.”

  Hussein thought for a moment and then spoke with the pilot, “where will that put us?” The pilot quickly calculated the location, “that will put us over Luanda with no possible chance of any interception.”


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