Under His Influence (Love Under Lockdown Book 27)

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Under His Influence (Love Under Lockdown Book 27) Page 4

by Jamie Knight

  I nodded, and hastily made the round trip home, stuffing what I hoped was at least two weeks’ worth of everything I’d need into a duffel bag. I could barely think straight. I was really going to be locked down… alone… with Seth Black.

  I probably overpacked, but I figured it would be better to err on the side of caution, and I even stuffed some of my favorite albums into a backpack, just to have them close.

  Content with what I’d gathered, I rushed back to the office, and Seth whisked me downstairs to get tested.

  Harrison, it turned out— much to my surprise, which I tried my best not to let show— was an awesome Punk babe about my age, who also happened to have a nursing degree. It must have been nice to work somewhere where no one would care if she wore her gear.

  It wasn’t too extreme. No rubber skirts or leather lab coats, but her tribe alignment was very much on display in other ways. Particularly in her hair and make-up.

  “You're all clear,” Harrison said, when the results came through. “Each of you.”

  “Can I get that in writing?” Seth asked.

  “Sure, I’ll have you both letters by the end of the day.”

  “Thanks, Hari, you're the best.”

  “You’re welcome, but remember— don’t call me Hari.”

  She glared at him, clearly not afraid to piss off her boss. I admired her bravery. And her efficiency.

  That was it. We’d both been tested and cleared, the clouds of doom rolling in over my mentorship clearing as soon as they’d gathered.

  “Do you want the address, or will you ride with me?” Seth asked.

  “With you,” I blurted out.

  Despite my dirty mind that being around Seth seemed to have brought out in me, I didn’t even think about the double entendre of the word ‘ride.’ I just wanted to be close to him, and my car was safe in the staff parking garage, and it wasn’t like it was going to be checked anyway. Lucky thing, too, because I was about to get closer to him than I’d ever imagined.

  “Okay,” he said. “But I brought my bike today. I find traffic more tolerable that way. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Umm, okay,” I told him, unsure.

  There was a notion, often repeated, that the best view was from a motorcycle. This might well be true for the drivers. I was too scared to open my eyes the whole way there. I screwed my eyes shut and clung to Seth like a baby koala.

  “We’re here,” he said, the engine reducing to a lower ebb.

  I unstuck my face from the back of his leather jacket as he put down the kickstand, the smell of freshly cut grass permeating the air.

  “Careful now,” he said, helping me down on to solid ground, my thighs still vibrating.

  I lost my footing and fell against him, feeling the solidness of his torso through his cotton polo. I couldn’t resist pressing my hands against him, just to make sure it was actually real. It was.

  Seth kept himself in really great shape. I could feel my pussy twitch, but I did my best to ignore it.

  “Better?” he asked with genuine concern.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Just a bit, you know, off balance.”

  “First time on a bike?”

  “Yeah, first and probably last.”

  “Was it really that bad?” Seth asked with a chuckle.

  “Scarier than a roller coaster.”

  “Well, let’s get you inside and settled in.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I wasn’t exactly expecting a mansion, but Seth’s house still came as a surprise to me. Not least because of its surroundings. It all seemed so… domestic. Not that that was a bad thing. The more I thought about it, in fact, the more appealing it seemed.

  “You’ll have your own room, of course,” Seth said, as he led the way up the stairs.

  It did seem like an “of course” thing to say, although I wasn’t really happy about it. To be quite honest, I wanted him to fuck me, but I understood if he didn’t. It could be really costly for him, were he to be caught messing around with an intern. That was the sort of thing that could get a president of a country impeached. Let alone the president of a company.

  As far as I knew, Seth still ran things at Suspicious Activity, but the label had gotten big enough that it had HR, as well as a legal department. I’d seen them listed next to the elevator. We could get in a lot of trouble if we indulged in any forbidden flings.

  “This is you, and I’m just across the hall,” Seth said, and I put my bag down on the four-poster bed.

  “It’s lovely; thank you.”

  “No trouble. Are you hungry?”

  I was, come to think of it, and so I nodded. Breakfast was the last meal I could remember eating, with everything involving the pending lockdown becoming so hectic all of a sudden.

  I was glad Seth wanted me here even if it was just about the job, even though I was hoping it was also about sex. I really felt like Seth needed me at the studio, or at least that I was genuinely useful. Not just shadowing him as he did his work.

  “I’ll go start dinner,” Seth announced.

  After changing my clothes to something more comfortable, the evening cooling considerably from earlier in the day, I headed downstairs to see what might happen.

  I could hear it even before I reached the bottom. The unmistakable bass tones of Joy Division’s “Shadowplay.”

  So, he didn’t just like Metal after all.

  It shouldn’t have surprised me that much.

  I’d always figured Seth to be a man of depth and taste. If I went through his record collection in earnest, I’d more than likely find some Classical, particularly Baroque, probably, and even some Blues and Jazz.

  “What’s cookin’?” I asked him.

  “Crêpes. I wasn’t sure if you were veggie, so I did some with chicken.”

  “Aren’t crêpes more of a dessert?”

  “Not the way I make ‘em.”

  Time seemed to move differently. I could fall out of my chair and not hit the floor, at least not for a while, or at least so it seemed. That was how good Seth’s crêpes were.

  They made me never want dinner to end. To stay right there, in that moment for the rest of my life, if not the rest of time.

  “These are truly delicious,” I told him.

  “Glad you like them,” Seth said. “I aim to please.”

  I could have sworn he winked at me when he said that, but I wasn’t sure.

  He probably didn’t mean anything by, it but what if he had?

  The question plagued me, pulling and tugging, even as things got really nice and relaxing. Seth suggested we go to bed early. He said he had a lot planned for the next day. Reluctantly, I agreed, wishing we could stay up and flirt but knowing that that wasn’t the brightest idea.

  Morning almost came too soon. Rested but confused, I did light exercises to get the adrenaline going and looked for something to wear. I would have to do it eventually, but taking a shower right then seemed too presumptuous, since it seemed so intimate of a thing to do in someone else’s house and I still wasn’t sure where we stood.

  As I walked into the kitchen, a delicious scent wafted my way. Mushrooms never smelled so good. Seth was a wizard with cooking, to a level that bespoke a culinary education. Though where he would have come by such training was anybody’s guess.

  “Smells great,” I said.

  “We shall soon see.”

  His humility was misplaced, because the omelets he placed on the table were surely among the best ever cooked. It was a nearly orgasmic experience to consume, filling me with an unspeakable happiness.

  “Can I ask you something?” Seth said, after a long moment.


  Putting down his cutlery, Seth conjured a long, thin jeweler’s box, seemingly from nowhere. Without a word, he put it in the space between our plates.

  He didn’t say another word.

  Apparently, whatever it was would speak for its

  It wasn’t a ring; I knew that much by the shape. The most obvious object for it to be was a necklace, but there was only one way to know for sure.

  The hinged lid creaked open like the door of a haunted house, eventually revealing a black vinyl choker on the white silk interior of the box.

  At least it looked like a choker.

  It also could have been a collar.

  “You have no doubt heard the rumors. It isn’t exactly a secret. It is also entirely true, or at least mostly true. Some things have been exaggerated. I don’t have a dungeon in the basement, for example. The fact is, I am very attracted to you and, with your consent, I would like to train you. Not just in the business, but as my pet.”

  I looked at him, incredulous that this was all happening so fast.

  There I had been, less than half an hour ago, wondering if I could shower in his house and now, he was asking me to let him perform BDSM on me.

  I knew it was crazy, but I couldn’t help being turned on. I was dripping wet.

  “If you accept, you will wear that collar as a sign of our arrangement,” Seth continued. “Basically, you will be mine, and you’ll have to do anything I tell you. Within reason, of course, and we’ll set boundaries in place to ensure your comfort as well as my own. If you don’t accept, we go back to how things were before. Don’t worry. Nothing about your internship will change unless you want it to by accepting this collar.”

  “Yes,” I whispered, my eyes down. “I will wear it.”

  “Good girl.”

  His words made me tingle all over.

  It felt so good to know I had pleased him.

  “Do I put it on, or do you?” I asked him.

  “I do, but I need you to take your clothes off first.”

  The authoritative tone was back in his voice and I loved it.

  My whole body tingled with nerves and anticipation.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Slowly, I stood from my chair and started undressing. Outside a locker room, no one had seen me naked in years. And I had never been with a guy. I hadn’t wanted to give my virginity away to just anyone.

  With Seth, it felt different. It felt right. Special.

  “Turn around,” he said.

  I obeyed, turning to face the wall, though I could hear the creak as he stood and picked up the collar, getting ready to put it on me.

  “Do you accept me as your master, and vow to obey me in all things?” he asked me.


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, master,” I whispered.

  “Do you forfeit all personal control and autonomy, entrusting your body, as well as your well-being, entirely to me?”

  “Yes, master.”

  The cool, smooth vinyl embraced my neck as he put the collar on me.

  “I hereby claim you as my pet, to be trained as I see fit.”

  The collar buckled shut and I was his. In every way I knew and with everything I had. I would give it all to him gladly.

  I didn’t even flinch as his hand grazed over my pussy, sending a wave of pleasure through me. I wanted it. I wanted his touch and all the joy he saw fit to bring me.

  But he wasn’t going to give it to me right now.

  “Time for work,” he said, stepping away.

  I stifled a whimper, hoping for so much more, but then he took my hand and led me back up the stairs and everything again seemed normal with the world. Except for the fact that my boss had just touched my pussy and claimed me by putting a collar on me that I was still wearing.

  The office looked a lot like the one at work, only this one at his house didn’t have a bit bay window and the desk was up against a wall, with the stereo right next to it. Seth led me to the desk, sitting me down on the chair.

  Taking control of the computer, he opened a new document file and put a pair of headphones around my neck, on top of the collar. I stayed still like a good pet, waiting for my master’s instructions.

  “Piled on the stereo is a stack of demos. I want you to go through them, writing notes on your thoughts as you listen,” he instructed me. “Include your thoughts on whether you think they should be signed to Suspicious Activity, and explain why or why not. They have all already been through the initial elimination and made it to the short list.”

  “Yes, master.”

  “I don’t want you to leave this room, to leave this chair, until I come back for you. Do not look away from the computer except to change CDs.”

  “Yes, master.”

  He was gone, and that sucked, but I had my instructions. My master had a job for me to do, and I was determined to make him proud of me.

  The work went faster than I thought. It was a bit slow-going at first, but I was soon putting down my thoughts in the most efficient way, fitting essays into paragraphs of actual text, since each of the demos were only two to four songs long.

  It actually became quite enjoyable after a while. At least until the work was done. Then I just sat there, watching the blink of the thin line, waiting for my master to return.

  “Finished already?” he finally came in and asked me.

  I nearly melted at the sound of his voice. It was all I could do not to hug him, something he hadn’t given me permission for and that was thereby forbidden, at least in my mind. With one hand massaging the back of my neck, and the other working the scroll wheel on the mouse, Seth checked over my work.

  “Very good, pet. Very good indeed,” he said. “This will be quite helpful. I think you deserve a reward.”

  Honestly, his praise was reward enough, but I wasn’t about to say that. I was his to use and if he wanted to reward me, I was in no position to argue. Nor did I really have any desire to.

  My eyes opened up as he kissed me soft on the lips. More from surprise than anything. Making out was never big on my list of extracurriculars, either in high school or college, so it was mostly guesswork to me.

  Even so, Seth seemed satisfied with my performance. At least in the way that he never corrected me.

  Mostly, I just followed his lead and tried to keep up. After moving down to my chin, he worked his way down my neck, going over the collar on his way to my chest. He took his time there, giving each of my breasts lots of tender loving care, sucking one, while making sure to massage the other, nearly making me cum from the sensations on my nipples alone.

  Before I could, though, he kept on moving. Down between my breasts and over my belly, soon reaching my pelvis. Then he played with my nipples some more.

  “That’s a good girl,” he told me. “I love your big tits and your curvy body. I love how you let me do whatever I want to you.”

  “Yes, master,” I said.

  Before long, he was between my legs, pushing my knees apart as he kissed my thighs. I had some idea of what he was going to do, but no real conception of when or how.

  Revelation came soon enough, though, when, like a burst of pure light, Seth was licking me in places and in ways I only knew about by rumor and hearsay. No one had ever gone down on me before, at least not like that, and the sudden change in perspective was something like an epiphany.

  Leaning me back in the chair as he pulled my hips forward, Seth put my legs over his shoulders as he buried his face deeper into my sweet pussy, lapping at its lips and gently sucking my clit until I was nearly screaming with pure joy.

  I lost myself in the sensations crashing over me. This was my first time doing anything like this with a man, and I’d never felt pleasure like this before.

  Seth’s mouth was far more talented than my own fingers and I had never experienced anyone else’s touch, but I was glad because I knew that even if I had, it couldn’t compare to this. And the orgasm that exploded through me was more intense than any I’d given myself before, leaving me howling his name and dissolving into a boneless, breathless ragdoll.

  He seemed to sense that he’d absolutely shattered me, a low chuckle rumbling
from his chest as he rose to his feet, licking his lips.

  Scooping me up into his arms, he lovingly carried me into the bathroom for a divine bubble bath, making me glad I hadn’t showered earlier.

  Chapter Six - Seth

  It was a vision. My sweet pet curled up at the foot of my bed. The morning light played through her hair, giving her a golden halo.

  There was an unfamiliar feeling in my chest. A stirring I couldn’t quite identify but liked nonetheless.

  She had been so good. Doing all the work I told her to, following my every will, including when I put the cuffs on her. She was new at it, so I took things easy, using the leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles, not going so far as to link them together. She wasn’t ready for stress positions yet.

  Moving carefully, I stroked her hair as she breathed soft, Jonna shifting only slightly, still giving me a better view of her transcendent hourglass figure. Moving nearly by itself, my hand moved along her body, caressing along the peaks and valleys of her delicious curves from her neck to her feet, exploring every inch of her skin.

  Overcome by temptation, I lovingly massaged her feet, stopping only when she started to stir. It wasn’t how I wanted to wake her up. Releasing contact, I waited until she settled down.

  When she was calm again, I took her by the hips and turned her toward me and then bent her knees up near her chest.

  Her soft pink pussy was fully exposed to me and open to anything I wanted to do. I could already smell her excitement, which only made me want her all the more. Shifting a bit, so that I was in the right position, I put a hand on her hip, for leverage, and devoured her sweet tenderness.

  With a soft flinch of surprise, the beauty awoke, her moans of pleasure filling the space, echoing off the freshly painted walls. The sound gained in intensity, along with my licks, until she was nearly wailing with pleasure and abandon. My tongue lapped at her beautiful pussy like her sweet juices contained the secret to eternal life.

  With a final buck and squeal of pleasure, she climaxed, back arching and fingers digging into the bedding beneath her. Slowly, she came down, settling back down onto the duvet, breathing hard. I kissed my way back up her heated skin, tenderly massaging her pussy as she recovered from the orgasmic high.


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