The Forgotten Realms: Primal Instincts

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The Forgotten Realms: Primal Instincts Page 5

by Raven Willow-Wood

  “It won't hurt?”

  “In a good way, I promise.”

  She grinned at him a little. “Are you sure I can trust your promise?”

  “You can. Do you know why?”

  Goldie shook her head.

  “Because Sirians can't cum unless their partners do.” Okay, so he'd stretched the truth a little, but if that was what he needed to do to ensure she was comfortable, then he'd do it every damned time.

  “Okay then, demonstrate away!”

  It was his turn to smile. “Come here then,” her murmured, crooking his finger in summons.

  As she crawled towards him, he moved backwards so that he was leaning against the foot of the bed. When he'd settled, Goldie straddled his legs and perched her bottom just above his knees.

  “Closer,” he murmured, when she was still resting on his thighs and not near enough to him.

  “Perfect,” Solden finally said, when her pussy was almost brushing his cock, and raised his hands to cup her breasts once more. Leaning forward, he suckled the tip a little and then scraped it with his tongue. Mistreating her other nipple, he sucked hard this time and grinned inwardly as she grunted and her hands came up to grip his head.

  It felt unbelievably good to have her fingers entwined in his hair, so naturally affectionate and yet highly arousing to feel her grip him from the pleasure he created inside her.

  He pulled away from the taunt nipple he'd tormented and then began to press kisses in between her breasts and over the curved tops of them. His fingers worked in between her legs, the tips rubbing against her moist folds, when he inadvertently rubbed against a strange button of flesh and she shuddered against him. He frowned a little but continued to touch her there. Faster at first, then slower, then faster again, until her hips were arching against him at a speed that had him frowning. He had only seen the like when the females of his race climaxed.

  He made her cum and watched as a bright pink flush overtook her already rosy-colored skin, then he rolled forward so that he was on top of her. Her body was lax and limp, so he took advantage of the situation and immediately dropped between her legs to study this strange button of flesh.

  Prodding it at first with his fingers, which was enough to have her moaning and begging for him to stop, he scowled at it then gently nibbled it with his teeth. What was it?

  Her legs had tightened about his skull by now and with an inward shrug, he continued to lick the strange pad of flesh with his tongue and gently bite it with his teeth. It was very strange, but the longer he did it, the wetter she got for him. Apparently this strange button was the key to her arousal. He would have to inform his brothers of this.

  Content to pleasure her again, he continued to touch her in the way she so liked. A little roughly then a little softly and then with a slight flick of his tongue. With his fingers, he slipped inside her cunt and noticed that she was very tight. Inserting another, he pumped them inside of her. It was enough to have her screaming her impending release again, He quickly shot up her body and speared her with his cock.

  She was so wet that penetration was easy, and he thrust inside her with minimal effort. He watched, slightly awestruck, as her entire body seemed to heave upwards and ripple with his possession. Lowering his head, he began to suck at her neck and, in doing so, nicked her with his canines. The slight cut would be easily missed, and, quickly, he lathed it with his tongue so that she would absorb some of his essence since cum wasn't always enough.

  He rocked his hips deeply as he did this, ensuring that every part of her was touched with his cock. If her sounds of pleasure weren't enough of a confirmation, then the look of ecstasy on her face was.

  Her fingers began to grip the cheeks of his buttocks and she began to counter thrust against him, pushing him deeper and deeper inside of her until finally he felt it and hissed as the spurs on his cock stood on edge and began to drag against the inner walls of her pussy.

  “What the fuck?” she cried and began to pant as the spurs did what they were supposed to do, submerge her in a pleasure so deep that it felt almost like drowning.

  “Spurs,” he grunted and watched in hidden amusement as her eyes flared open appreciatively and the walls of her cunt slammed down around him like a vice. The pulsing sensation that came thereafter was more incredible than anything he'd ever experienced before. It felt like thousands of small fingers running along every single millimeter of his cock.

  Clenching his eyes shut, Solden slid into her as deep as he physically could, then pumped his hips into her as fast as possible. Before she even climaxed, he felt it deep in his bones, and, lo and behold, the old myth was true. He came as soon as she did, his seed splashing against the warm and welcoming walls of her cunt as his hard cock absorbed every single fluttering vibration of her sex.

  He called out when she did, and, had there been any doubts, any misapprehension about the veracity of her being his mate, after this they were completely gone and for good. Only with a mate, one sent from the Gods, could one climax simultaneously and instinctively know that the other party had reached orgasm too.

  “How did I . . . just know . . . you were going . . . to cum?” Goldie asked, panting.

  “I don't know. Luck?” he said with a grunt as he slumped against her.

  He lay there on top her for a few minutes and then felt her start to fidget underneath him.

  “You're pretty heavy, Solden. Can you get up?”

  He grabbed her hips and turned them both over so that she rested on top him. The position pressed her deeper against him and both of them grunted as the spurs flexed.

  Goldie sighed. “I don't think I've ever experienced anything like that before,” she murmured and then laughed.

  He realized it was a confirmation of her words. “I aim to please.”

  “Who would have thought that cocks could be any better?”

  Gripping her hips, Solden pressed her against him. “The spurs are coming down now,” he informed her.

  “Yeah, I can feel them,” Goldie agreed and closed her eyes as the spurs detracted and became soft, and he began to slip out of her. “Shame,” she finished with a sigh.

  He laughed. “There's plenty more where that came from, kalmirea.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “No, I guess not,” she replied with a faint laugh and rolled off him. “Thank you for the non-sexual massage by the way.”

  “You're more than welcome.”

  “Night, Solden,” Goldie said with a yawn.

  “Night, kalmirea.”

  Lifting his arms, he crossed one behind his head and rested his head there, but, with the other, he pushed it under Goldie's neck and cuddled her next to him. If his brothers saw him now, then they'd more than likely be pissed, but, for once, Solden didn't give a shit and settled down to the best night's sleep he'd ever had.

  * * * *

  Goldie opened one of her eyes and looked at the sleeping form beside her, noticing for the first time that this room had a window, only because the light it let in enabled her to see the glorious man beside her in all his magnificence, the muscles that were harder than a rock but were surprisingly pleasant when digging into her, the long limbs that were delicious when wrapped around her, the lips that had kissed her with tenderness and then with hunger.

  What a dream guy, and to think there were three of him!


  Shaking her head at the thought, Goldie sat up slowly and climbed gently off the bed.

  Almost as soon as she'd moved, Solden shot up and grabbed her by the wrist. “Goldie! Are you all right? Where are the Grogdes?”

  “Grogdes? I don't know about that, but I'm fine.”

  “Oh,” he said and then exhaled with relief before running a hand through his hair as though he'd been really worried. “It was a dream,” he acknowledged aloud with a faintly embarrassed shrug.

  She smiled. “I assume it's morning, if morning means a purple sky?”
br />   “Yeah. It is.”


  It was his turn to smile a little. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Sirius A is a pretty cool planet.”

  “Do you have a bathroom or something like it?”

  “I'll take you to it,” he said and then jumped off the bed. “Are you really all right?” he asked as he walked around to her side and gave her a hand.

  “I'm fine. I promise.”

  “Good,” Solden said and led her from the room and into the hallway. He pointed out the bathroom. “It's just through there. I'll join you in a minute, if that's okay?”

  Slowly, she smiled and nodded. “That sounds great.”

  She walked into the bathroom and looked around, a little disconcerted. There was a huge bowl-like shape in the center of the floor. It was actually sunken into the ground and at one end of it there was a similar get-up to the sink in the food preparation area. She walked hesitantly on the floor, for there were strange squares there and they looked as though they would fly off if anyone put any weight on them.

  Tiptoeing over the squares, she realized they were fixed and walked over to the strange faucets and turned them on in the same way as she had the night before in the food room. Water spouted out of it again and she couldn't contain the laughter that bubbled forth as the water, in turn, gurgled from the spout.

  Noticing a hole at the center of the basin, she watched as the water fell down it, and, noticing there was some kind of strange nipple-like plastic mold, she shoved it down the hole and watched as it plugged it up totally. Water flooded the hole and not wanting to be wasteful, she filled it half-full and slipped into it.

  With a pleased sigh, she realized that it was warm and it was like silk surrounding every part of her. She floated on top of the surface of the pool of water and reveled in the sheer luxury of it. She didn't even gasp when the door opened and Solden walked in. “This feels so indulgent, Solden!”

  “What? A bath?”

  “A bath?” Goldie sat up with a start. “Is that what it's called? I've heard of them before. They're fabulous!”

  She turned around to face the door where Solden was standing. Only it wasn't Solden. Instead of lifting her hands and covering her breasts and private parts, she raised a brow. “Turin?”

  He grinned cheekily at her. “You know it's me?”

  “I do. Were you expecting the same treatment as Solden?”

  Turin had the decency to look offended. “No! I just came to give you a towel and some soap.”

  She smiled slowly and then sighed. “Where are they then?”

  “So suspicious! In the closet, over there.”

  “What do I do with them?”

  “The towel is for drying and the soap is for cleaning yourself. I take it you're still using particle cleaners back on Earth?”

  “Back on Earth? How do you know that?”

  He waved a hand. “Never mind,” he said as he stalked over to a door and opened it to reveal shelves filled with some kind of fabric and bottles.

  He grabbed one of the bottles and then a towel and passed it over to her.

  “What do I do with them?”

  Turin grinned slowly. “Do you want me to give you a demonstration?”


  “Only maybe?” he asked, disappointed.

  Goldie couldn't help but think he looked like a little boy who had had his favorite toy stolen. “What's in it for me?” she asked coyly as she laid back against the basin so that Turin would be able to see every bare inch of her.

  What the fuck was going on with her? Where had this exhibitionism and promiscuity even come from? She didn't know and wasn't sure it was all that great at that!

  Perhaps it was the three men. Perhaps they emitted something she couldn't see that drew her to them, like some kind of pheromone that was just hardwired to a woman's body and had her feeling as though if she didn't fuck them within the next ten seconds then she'd implode.

  She watched, pleased, as the bulge beneath the almost sarong-like garment he wore grew.

  “The best mating of your life?” he retorted coolly, but his husky and aroused voice spoke louder than anything he actually said.

  “Is that a promise?”


  Goldie smiled and slowly spread her legs. Rather than saying aloud that she wanted him inside of her, she declared her invitation in a more physical way.

  Turin unknotted the cloth at his hip and let it drop to the ground. Slowly, he walked towards her and then climbed into the basin with her. He didn't immediately pounce on her, just lay there opposite her, his body as aroused as hers and as on display as hers.

  After what felt like a lifetime had passed, he cupped himself and slowly stroked his hand along the length of his cock, which was the proof that, looks wise, the three brothers were truly identical for Turin was as huge as Solden! The thought of being fucked by that anaconda again had her wanting to sink back into the water with glee.

  Goldie licked her lips and slid her own hands over her chest, allowing one to rest there and gently play with her nipples while the other she slipped along her wet belly and down between her thighs.

  Hiking her legs further apart and a little higher up, she bared herself to Turin's gaze and watched as his slumberous gaze grew all the more heavy-lidded with his arousal. The sight of him so stimulated by her actions had her pussy aching with pleasure.

  When she was two seconds away from climaxing, a hand gripped her wrist and pulled it away from her lower body.

  Turin lifted her hand and raised it to his mouth, where he supped at each fingers and licked each digit clean.

  Her hips rocked to a beat of their own beneath the pool of water and the agitated movements had the water sloshing against the walls of the basin.

  Turin released her wrist and, in exchange, grabbed her hips and lifted her out of the water and on to his bent legs. Their wet skin was slippery against each other and when his fingers slid between them and he nudged his cock against her entrance, she moaned as they literally slid off each other and were separated!

  He straightened his legs and then reached for her once more. This time, he clamped his fingers on her thighs.

  When she gripped his cock and aided his penetration, the feeling of those hard digits gripping fiercely into her skin was enough to make her feel dizzy. He would mark her and on the long journey back home, she'd see them and remember this.

  Shoving the melancholic thought away, Goldie released a sigh as Turin's cock forced its way inside her and began the rocky road to full penetration. She knew that had she not been so aroused, it would have been damn near impossible to actually fit him inside her! As it was, she had to wriggle her hips a lot to finally have him fully inside her, but it was so worth the wait. It felt as though every inch of him touched every inch of her and when those spurs kicked in and it lodged him totally inside her, her back arched of its own accord. She would have almost fallen backwards had Turin's hands not reached out fast enough to catch her!

  Once more secure on his lap, he gripped her hips and forced her rhythm. It was slow and deep and enough to have her breath catching on every thrust. It felt so raw and impatient, yet filled with sensation at the same time. Describing it as amazing was selling it short!

  His fingers slipped between her thighs and he began to rub her clit as he'd seen her do. He was hesitant, as though he weren't used to touching a woman there, but it was enough to have stars streaming at the back of her eyes as pleasure rushed through her at the speed of light.

  Her moans were breathy and turned into pants as she sucked in as much air as possible. Her body felt strung up with need and sensation, to the point where she felt as though she would indeed explode from the force of emotion that was thundering through her.

  She sank against him in time for his bellow of pleasure to echo through the room and the forced connection of the spurs was enough to seal her fate.

  * * * *

ommanding Eve to zoom in on the man that she'd just thanked and kissed goodbye, she looked at him and saw the scowl on his face as he stared up at her departing craft.

  The metal had arrived an hour or two after she'd fallen asleep and by the time she'd awoken, in a different bed than the one she'd spent the night in, Faeron had handed her a mug of some black substance he'd called coffee and she'd gulped it back and ultimately burned her tongue.

  Last night, she'd thought that Faeron was the leader of the trio and she'd been proved correct that morning. After she'd shaken Solden and Turin's hand in farewell and smiled a little at their grouchy faces, he'd led her to the crash site and she'd learned that he'd had the delivery of metal taken to her fallen shuttle.

  Unlike Turin and Solden, he'd said very little. He just watched as she and Eve had set the nanobots to working and then helped with loading the metal on to the shuttle for the nanobots to use in their repairs.

  Thereafter, it had merely been him and her. Alone. Again, out of nowhere that burning need for sex had overset her and it had been damned hard to control herself and not jump on him during the hours they'd spent together as her computerized nanos had repaired her craft. But, somehow, she'd managed to do just that and had left without having raped him, as had been her body's wont.


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