Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) Page 13

by Candace Blevins

  She wished she could see him but at the same time was grateful he’d taken her sight. She’d learned from her scenes with Frisco, sometimes it was easier to relax and enjoy when she couldn’t see.

  “Time for you to experience some canes now,” he said with a caress to her cheek, down the side of her neck, and then a slow trail to her right nipple. He circled it a few times before kissing the side of her neck and settling his mouth just beside her ear, his voice a vibration she felt all the way to her core. “We’re going back to sting, Sweet Thing. We’ll work up to thuddy again, but all canes deliver sting, even the thick ones.”

  The first dozen or so times she felt the cane were more annoyance than pleasure. Remembering his instructions, she told him, “Sir, it’s kind of irritating. Can you maybe do it harder?”

  He chuckled. “You are a treasure. Yes, Sweet Thing, I can do it harder. Just as an experiment, I’m going to do this one a good bit harder. I’ll only do it once and you let me know what you think. Okay?”

  She nodded, and the next instant her bottom felt as if a line of fire had been drawn across her ass. Or thrown against it.

  But there was no scream, only a guttural groan because it felt so, damned, good.

  “God, Sir. That’s perfect. Incredible. Can I have more? Please?”

  In answer, he gave her five more, with enough time for her to catch her breath in between and savor each slice.

  “I think we can move to the next cane now, Sweet Thing.”

  Cassie nodded agreement, and the next streak of fire across her bottom came with the dual sensation of her skin giving way under the cane.

  Beautiful pain. Blissful agony.

  She was so fucking close to coming, but needed something else to put her over the top. She moved her hips and begged for more, and Isaac gave it to her.

  He moved to a thicker cane, and then thicker.

  Each slice was exquisite, wonderful, terrible, and perfect. If he took too long between, she begged for the next; if he went too fast, she begged for a chance to catch her breath.

  Her ass throbbed, and burned, and hurt, but she wanted more. Needed more.

  Cassie begged for the next when he stopped, but he stepped to her and touched her bottom.

  His open palm felt cool against her heated ass, and he said, “You’re just about done for the day, beautiful Cassie. I’m going to pull out the flogger with the most sting and heat your upper back again, and then I’ll let you experience the tawse on your ass.” His hand rubbed her ass, traced the welts, soothed the hurt. “I usually reserve the tawse for experienced players, but you’re asking for more and if you still want it when I finish with your upper back I’ll let you feel it.”

  Cassie nodded, and moaned when he stepped away.

  “It’s okay.” He reassured. “I’ll keep talking so you know where I am.”

  The first strike of the flogger felt like dozens of bees stinging her back at once and she tried to fling herself forward and twist sideways but the rope wouldn’t let her.

  The next came with no pause, and then another, and another. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t escape, and it was too much.

  She didn’t want it to stop, just slow down.

  “Bad! Bad! Bad! Bad! Bad!”

  He stopped and was at her back immediately, his arms around her, his clothed chest and abs pressed to the part of her back he’d been striking.

  “Shhh. I’m here. You’re okay. Talk to me, Sweet Thing.”

  Her chest stuttered as she pulled air into her lungs. “Too fast. Not too much, just…too fast.”

  “Okay. My fault. I misjudged the intensity. We’ll slow down and I’ll experiment around and work my way up slower. You were good with the cane coming fast and hard.”

  He pulled away enough to kiss the side of her neck, caress her shoulders, and finally rub her back. “I’m happy you let me know it was too much. We talked about you telling me if it was a bad pain, so what you said worked just fine. Are you ready to try again? Do you want the same flogger in the same place if I slow down?”

  “Yes,” she answered. “Please, Sir.”

  “Okay, Sweet Thing. I’ll fire your back up until it’s a nice cherry red and then we’ll finish this portion of the evening with the tawse on your delicious little bottom.”

  He didn’t hit her hard enough, and after three breaths without another strike she asked, “Can you do it as hard as you were, Sir? Please? Just a little slower?”

  The next strike was once again an exquisite cruelty and her moan was pure bliss.

  Isaac chuckled and said something about a sweet spot, and the next strike came just as she was ready for it.

  * * * *

  Isaac had never seen someone take to the pain during their first real session like this sweet little thing.

  She’d looked soft and curvy in clothes, but nude and fighting the ropes he could see every well-defined muscle.

  He fell into a rhythm of watching her breathe after every strike, and waiting for her shoulders to drop before delivering the next.

  He upped the intensity and she took a microsecond longer to be ready for the next, but seemed to handle it.

  The rubber flogger was tricky but he put a little more muscle into the strike. His cock throbbed as her moan signaled a mix of pleasure and pain.

  She was flying high but just about done, whether she agreed or not.

  Still, she’d handled everything he’d thrown at her, and he wanted to let her experience the tawse.

  Isaac exchanged the flogger for the heavy leather instrument, stepped back to her, hesitated, and decided he needed more feedback.

  Placing his hand on her left fist, he said, “Let go of the rope, Sweet Thing. I’m going to hold the rope and let you hold my wrist while I use the tawse on you. I want a connection with you for this.”

  She followed instructions so well, and he held the tawse between his arm and body a few seconds so he could stroke her a little. “Okay, Sweet Thing. I’d like to give you at least four strikes, but I’m going to ask if you want more after two, okay?”

  She nodded and he saw her wiggling her toes, trying to keep her bottom relaxed. She learned so fast, and tried so hard to please. He’d have to make it extra good for her when he started handing out orgasms.

  She’d been annoyed by soft strikes so far, but this was the tawse. Still, he decided to give her medium intensity and not start light.

  He loved the look of an ass as the tawse struck — the wave of flesh moving away from the heavy leather, and the immediate red swath where it struck.

  Cassie screamed, jumped, squeezed his wrist, and marched with her feet as she tried to deal with the pain. He gave her a good thirty seconds before delivering the next, though he was aware she wasn’t quite ready for it.

  Her reactions were much the same, but he had the impression the heat was more of a turn-on this time. Same level of pain but easier to manage because of her arousal level.

  When she’d calmed, he put his mouth to her ear and said, “I won’t give you more unless you ask for them. I want you to tell me how many more you want. I’ll keep giving you about the same amount of time in between, but each strike will be a little harder than the one before.”

  He slid the tawse between his arm and body again, and rubbed her back and shoulders. “Do you want more?”

  She nodded and he said, “Ask me for them. I need a number.”

  “Can I please have at least eight more? Sir?”

  Isaac was dumbfounded. Eight more?

  He considered her request a few minutes and said, “You can have six more and then we move you to a different position. Your arms have to be getting tired by now.”

  * * * *

  He was right, her arms were exhausted, but she didn’t care. She’d wanted this from Frisco so often, and now that she was finally getting it she didn’t want it to end.

  She forced her bottom to stay relaxed, and when the next strike finally came, her world shattered into a million colo
rs and sensations, too much for her brain to process at once so time slowed.

  Her hips jolted forward and up with the impact, and she heard her ragged breath, but she wasn’t in control of any of it. Her body was on autopilot and she was awash in a sea of sensations.

  She savored every strike because she was going to get so few.

  The last two strikes were on the verge of too much, but she was still disappointed when he threw the tawse on the bed and released the ropes from her wrist cuffs.

  He lifted her to the bed, settled her on her knees, and said, “Doggie position, Sweet Thing.”

  She leaned forward, braced her weight on her hands, and felt her swollen, heated bottom stretch as she bent at the hips.

  She squealed when a lubed finger massaged the outside of her asshole, and wondered how he had all of this stuff so close at hand.

  When the finger pressed in she scooted forward on the bed, running from him, and he chuckled.

  He took her blindfold off and talked her through waiting to open her eyes. She listened and followed instructions, and managed to open them without pain.

  He pulled a huge round bolster from the top of the bed and slid it under her.

  “Don’t rest on it just yet,” he said, his voice more order than request.

  Had she irritated him by scooting away?

  “I’m sorry, Sir—”

  “No need to apologize,” he interrupted, “though I appreciate the sentiment.”

  He stepped in front of her with a butterfly vibrator in an unopened package. She watched as he opened it and used a permanent marker to write her name on the wired remote.

  “This will be used on you, and only you. It will stay in a zipper baggie when not in use, and if you and I ever decide we aren’t going to see each other anymore, I’ll give you all the toys I’ve set aside for use on you exclusively.” He opened the door to put the batteries in as he talked. “Non-battery operated toys go through the dishwasher on the sterilize cycle, so I only need to buy duplicates of the toys I can’t properly clean.”

  He strapped the vibrator onto her, turned it to low, and instructed her to pull her legs together and rest her hips on the bolster.

  Pulling her legs together pushed the vibrator into her clit more, and then laying on the bolster was…. oh, my.

  “Fuck,” she said, drawing the word out until it faded into nothingness.

  He strapped ankle cuffs on and connected them to the bed directly below her. He showed her the roll of plastic wrap before opening it wrapping it around her thighs, binding them together.

  “You’re new to anal so I won’t expect you to stay still. You’ve done so well with everything I’ve told you to do; I’m not going to set you up to fail, Sweet Thing.”

  The plastic wrap went around her thighs, over, and over, and over. When they were bound tight together he cut it and started at her calves, leaving her knees bare.

  Isaac stretched bungee cords between the bottom rail of the bed and her hands, on either side. The stretch wasn’t terribly uncomfortable, but she was certainly pulled tight and couldn’t squirm or move away from him now.

  He massaged her sore bottom until she was squirming again, and then put lube on his finger and rubbed the outside of her asshole again.

  When he pressed inside this time she could do nothing to stop him, though she squealed at the sensation. No way could he be using only one finger, and she tried to twist her head to look backwards but it was hopeless.

  “Just relax and enjoy, Sweet Thing. I won’t add another finger until you open up for me. I know it feels counter-intuitive, but if you push out a little it’ll help you open.” He turned the butterfly vibrator up a little, and then turned it off. “Relax for me and I’ll turn it back on, and maybe even finger your cute little pussy. You want to come, don’t you?”

  Cassie growled as she pushed out, and he immediately turned the vibrator back on. Moments later, a slick finger pushed into her pussy and she moaned in pleasure.

  She couldn’t remember anyone fingering her with her legs together, much less bound like this, and she discovered it was a completely different experience. He added another finger to her pussy, spreading her wider, and she gasped, “Oh, please! I’m so close, Sir! Please help me come!”

  “Oh, you beg so pretty. Relax enough so I can get another finger in your tight little bottom and I’ll stroke you until you come around my fingers.”

  Isaac’s fingers were so damned fat. She tried to relax and let him get another finger in, but it hurt. “I can’t do it, Sir! It’s too much!”

  He chuckled and stopped pressing, but didn’t back up. “You’re just nervous. This has been an exit-only hole and now we’re putting things in. I’m sure you’ve had something bigger than my fingers come out. You’ll stretch, you just don’t want to. Relax for me, and push out again. They will fit.”

  His voice was no-nonsense, and she just knew he was going to insist they go in unless she said her safeword.

  “I’ll try again. Do you think you can turn the vibrator up a little more, Sir?”

  “Sure thing, as soon as you take another inch of my fingers — that’s half of what we have left before they’re both in.”

  She blew out a big breath, pushed out with her bottom, and felt his fingers sliding in.

  It felt wrong, but at the same time—

  “Aaaahhhhhhhh,” a long moan escaped her throat as Isaac turned the vibrator up and his fingers slid the rest of the way in.

  The fingers in her pussy began to move again, and when he stroked the front wall an orgasm shattered around her and colors exploded before her eyes. Her entire body jerked, shook, and shuddered in a mad frenzy — totally out of control and at his mercy.

  When he finally slowed and her climax waned, he gently pulled his fingers out of both of holes and got off the bed. “I’m not going far, just need to grab something else and take my clothes off.”

  He stood beside her and stripped so she could watch.

  She’d been right about the ripped abs, but the reality was so much more than she’d imagined. This wasn’t a six pack, more like a nine or ten pack, and the muscles wrapping around his sides joining the ones in front so she could see them all moving and shifting together.

  He wore tight boxer briefs under his pants, and she could clearly see his cock, rock hard under the snug fabric.

  He wasn’t terribly long, but was bigger around than anyone she’d seen before. Which, admittedly, wasn’t a whole lot of people, but she was pretty sure he was bigger around than average.

  She’d thought Cam’s cock pretty thick, but Isaac dwarfed him.

  He stepped out of her sight a few seconds and climbed on the bed, something in his hand he apparently didn’t want her to see.

  More lube went on the outside of her ass, and she felt something at the entrance again. Not his fingers.

  “Relax for me. The widest part isn’t much bigger around than my fingers, and once you take it, it’ll get narrow again.”

  He went slow, but he didn’t back up once he’d pushed in and spread her, even when she begged.

  “No, Sweet Thing. If I back up, we’ll just have to spread you again. You’re fine. You said you wanted to experience anal, and I want to make it good for you. There’s a vibrator in the plug, take just a little more and I’ll turn it on.”

  “Oh, god. Please! It’s too much!”

  “Then say your word. Unless I hear it I’m going to assume you enjoy begging and having me do it anyway.”

  Cassie screamed as the plug’s widest part spread her open, but — as promised — once the biggest part was in what was left was manageable. Mostly.

  It still hurt, and spread her open something awful, but he turned the vibrator up and down randomly, and it wasn’t so bad.

  Her insides ignited and blazed at the sound of the condom wrapper.

  Isaac situated a knee on either side of her legs and leaned forward to press his cock into her. He’d been so careful of her before, b
ut now he went in, spreading her wider than she thought she’d ever experienced, and he expected her to take it.

  They both groaned as he sank into her depths, filling and stretching her while her legs pressed together, with no way to open them to make more room while both the butterfly and the plug in her bottom vibrated away.

  He went in and held, repositioned a little, and began to slowly pull out, and press back in.

  “You feel so good, Sweet Thing.”

  Cassie moaned in bliss and he chuckled, and then picked up speed.

  Before he’d gone out and back in a dozen times, Cassie felt another orgasm growing. “Please tell me I can come without having to hold onto it?”

  “You may today, as often as you want, but I can’t wait to train you to hold onto it.”

  Cassie came three times before Isaac finally found his own release. He quickly disposed of the condom, cut the plastic away, and removed the butterfly. He took a little more time pulling the plug out, thank goodness.

  He cleaned the lube from her bottom with baby wipes and used a cool washcloth to wipe the sweat from her, where the plastic wrap had heated her skin.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cassie awoke to darkness and felt Isaac’s warmth beside her. She sat up, trying to orient herself, but the room was pitch black and she wasn’t sure she could find the bathroom.

  She didn’t want to wake him though, and knew the general direction, so decided to try.

  Until she realized her ankle cuff was still connected to the bed. She ran her fingers around the buckle and discovered a small padlock kept her from freeing herself. The tether was loose enough she hadn’t noticed in her sleep, but it felt as if it was a piece of leather, sewn onto the ankle cuff so she couldn’t disconnect it. She assumed he’d have it locked onto the bed in some way, too, which meant she‘d need to wake him to use the restroom.


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