Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) Page 16

by Candace Blevins

  Cassie wanted to protest, but she was also turned on by the fact he’d stripped her and she had no idea if anyone was looking at her, or if they were all so busy with what they were doing, they didn’t even notice.

  She remembered some of the single guys from earlier, and wondered if they’d found partners or were still sitting around. Watching.

  Isaac spread her legs until her feet no longer touched the ground, and attached her ankle cuffs to keep her feet spread far out with her legs straight. She could feel the concrete with her toes if she pointed her feet and stretched them down, but couldn’t rest any of her weight on them.

  The arch under her back completely supported her.

  She was literally doing a backbend, and she was sure her girl parts were spread wide for all to see.

  Isaac ran his hands up her thighs, his palms pressing and massaging their way to her hipbones.

  He kept going, and when he reached her breasts, tweaked the nipples — still hot and sore from the flogging.

  She moaned and gasped, but he only twisted and pulled them more.

  “Beg me to fuck you under the stars with people watching, all spread out and tied up, your tits bright red with the flogger marks still showing. No one here would ever guess you’re still new to the lifestyle and this is only the second scene you’ve felt a flogger. You look delicious, and so, utterly, fuckable.”

  “Please, Sir. Use me, fuck me, and…Sir?”

  “Yes, Sweet Thing?”

  His mouth was at her ear now and she leaned her head towards where she thought his ear should be and said, “I need more pain, please Sir?”

  He chuckled and she felt his fingers around her nipples again, and his voice came from above her this time. “I can certainly arrange for that.”

  “I’m right here,” he said as his hands left her. “Just getting something from my bag.” Hands were on her right breast again, holding just below the nipple, and he said, “Three, two, one.”

  Her nipple ignited in pain and she screamed and fought her bonds.

  “Breathe through it, get on top of it so I can do the same to the other.” His voice was a sinful seduction, and she’d have done anything he asked.

  His hands landed on her shoulders and she stopped fighting her restraints.

  “That’s it. You wanted pain and I’m giving it to you. Ready for the next?”

  Cassie took several deep breaths, but the sharp pain didn’t fade.

  Still, she was off balance and needed it on both sides.

  “Yes, Sir. I’m ready.”

  He did the same countdown as before, and Cassie screamed again when he put whatever it was on her nipple.

  Apparently, this was what it felt like to wear nipple clamps. She wasn’t a fan and wanted them off, but…having them on when she couldn’t take them off was also kind of hot. Isaac had put them there, just as he’d put the plug in her bottom. Submitting to him meant letting him do things to her body, and her accepting whatever turned him on, happy to please him. She’d talked to Cam about the interweaving of submission and pain, but the clamps and plug brought it home.

  “Beg me to fuck you now, Sweet Thing. I want you to ask me to fuck your beautiful little cunt.”

  “Please, Sir. Fuck me?”

  Something brushed across her lips and he said, “Nope, not good enough. Open your mouth and let’s see if you can do better the next time you have an opportunity.”

  She opened and accepted his cock, and was thankful he didn’t push to the back of her throat. The angle stressed the old injury to her jaw, and it was okay for the moment but might not be for long. She was considering the best way to let him know when he pulled out and leaned down.

  “Is your jaw okay with this, Sweet Thing?”

  “Not completely,” she admitted. “I’ll be okay for a little while, as long as you don’t try to go in any farther.”

  “We’ll talk about it later, meanwhile, you need to be more convincing when you beg me to fuck you. I want to hear the most coarse words you can come up with.”

  He touched her stomach as he walked around her, and then both of her legs once he was between them.

  A single finger slid into her and he asked, “What do you want?”

  “I want you inside of me. I want your huge cock in my wet cunt. Please, Sir, fuck me. Use me? I need you to hurt me and use me and—”

  She grunted and then moaned in bliss as his cock pressed into her, spreading her open and taking her, just as she’d asked.

  Her head upside down, her body contorted, she was at his mercy as he took his pleasure inside of her — her spine was arched backwards, her arms and legs stretched towards the ground, and she could only take it as he penetrated her over and over.

  The angle made him scrape over her g-spot and before long she was howling, and then begging for more, and faster.

  He flicked whatever was on her nipples and the extra pain catapulted her into the stratosphere until she felt as if she were tumbling through space at light speed, with no awareness of up or down as gravity ceased to have any meaning.

  She was coming down from the climax a little when he pulled the nipple clamps off and the pain shot her into oblivion once again, her body shaking and thrashing through her ecstasy.

  He released her hands and sat her up when the orgasm waned this time, and held her until she remembered how to breathe again.

  “I think it’s time we got you inside,” he said as he held her with one hand while he stooped to release her ankle cuffs.

  Cassie snuggled her head into his strong chest as he carried her like a baby. He gently stood her up, but kept his arm around her as he unlocked their door and then walked her in and settled her on the bed.

  “I’m going to go back out and clean up the area we were using and bring my things in. When you hear me close the door, take your blindfold off and start getting your eyes used to the light. The curtains are closed and it’s dim in here.”

  He wore boxers when he returned, and she was sure he’d been naked when he brought her in but she didn’t say anything. Especially since he closed the door and took them off, still sporting a still raging hard-on.

  “You didn’t…?”

  “Not yet, Sweet Thing, but after the orgasm you had? I thought it safer to get you out of the public view for a while. You had quite an audience.”

  Cassie’s face heated and he chuckled, “No need to be embarrassed, it’s all good.”

  “It’s dark in here! How do you know I’m embarrassed?”

  He pushed her backwards on the bed and crawled up her body to kiss her senseless.

  When he finally let her breathe he said, “I know you. It’s only been a few days, but…” He grinned and moved his legs between hers. “I’m guessing you want the butt plug out?”

  “Oh, please Sir?”

  “I didn’t say it was coming out, just figured you wanted it out.” He lined his cock up at her entrance again, and pressed in as if he owned her and there was no doubt she’d accept him. “I’m not finished with you, and I kind of like the way your cunt snugs my cock even tighter with the plug filling your little bottom.”

  * * * *

  Cassie awoke snuggled with her back to Isaac’s chest, her right wrist locked to her left ankle, and her left ankle locked to the bed.

  She hadn’t thought she’d be able to sleep, but she could see daylight peering through the curtains and she didn’t remember anything after he’d given her what must have been another dozen orgasms and then locked her in for sleep.


  His hand caressed her arm before she felt him taking his sleep blindfold off.

  “Good morning, my sweet little thing. Give me just a second and I’ll get you unlocked.”

  He sat up, took a couple of breaths, and then leaned over her and swiped his finger over the lock. “Run off to the bathroom. I know you need to go.”

  She used the restroom and then walked to the door without stepping back into the bedroom.
r />   “Can I take these off and get in the shower, please Sir?” She pointed to her wrist cuff as she asked, but Isaac motioned her to him.

  “Let me take them off. How are you feeling this morning?”

  He asked as if he really cared, and she felt herself blush as she answered, “Incredibly sore but I’m not complaining.”

  One thing was for sure, she thought to herself but didn’t share with Isaac, Frisco wasn’t the only person capable of giving her orgasms; he wasn’t even the best at giving them to her. She’d only thought the orgasms Frisco gave her were mindblowing.

  She wanted to let Isaac know how incredible last night had been, so she said, “You know how I told you before I discovered kink, I didn’t think sex was a big deal, and didn’t understand why everyone else seemed so focused on it?” He smiled and nodded, and she continued. “You gave me the best orgasm I’ve ever had last night. I mean, tied into a backbend and…” She shook her head. “I never would have believed I’d enjoy it at all, much less enjoy it that much.”

  He removed her wrist cuff and kissed her pulse. “Thanks for telling me, and I’m glad I could give it to you. However, speaking of the position, let’s talk about your jaw and blow-jobs. Why didn’t you tell me it was too much until I asked?”

  “I would’ve in a few minutes, but it was okay at the time. You were opening my mouth a little more than was comfortable, and I couldn’t move my head to make it not so bad. I’d have told you soon, but I was okay for the moment.”

  He looked at her a few seconds, clearly unhappy, and said, “We need to come up with signals so I know when I’m skating the edge, before you need to tell me there’s a problem.”

  “Are you upset with me, Sir?”

  He shook his head. “Since you were going to tell me soon, I’m not upset with you. If you were hurting and hadn’t told me, and had no intention of telling me? You’d be bent over the bed waiting for me to retrieve my paddle from the duffle bag.”

  Cassie hadn’t thought it was possible to get horny for another month, at least, but his words lit a fire inside of her. However, all she could say was, “Oh.”

  He chuckled. “If I’m edging towards uncomfortable I want you to touch my leg or my hip twice.” He used a finger to touch her arm, pull it away, touch it again, and pull it away again.

  “If you need me to stop, slap it twice.” This time he bopped her arm twice instead of merely touching it.

  “If your arms are bound then either say your safeword or shake your head back and forth.”

  “Thanks for understanding.”

  He brushed his lips across hers and pulled her into his embrace. “I’ve been hit in the jaw so it was sore for a few days. I can’t imagine having it hurt for the rest of my life. I’m taking you at your word that you can handle my cock in your mouth when you’re right side up and sideways as long as they don’t last too long. I felt a little more resistance than normal last night, which was why I bent down to be sure you were okay.” He stroked her cheek. “I only want to give you the good kind of hurt. You have to tell me if I’m hurting you in a bad way.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Isaac took her to the diner again, where he ate enough for two people and insisted she eat all of her eggs, and then bought an apple for her to eat on the drive home because he didn’t think she’d eaten enough.

  Cassie enjoyed the scenery of the old road more today, when she wasn’t so nervous about what was going to happen.

  “What did you most enjoy about last night?” Isaac asked once he was up to speed and comfortably cruising along.

  “Just belonging to you, in general?” She shook her head, knowing he needed more. “I loved the dual flogging, and of course being bent over backwards. The stocks were nice, too, but most of all I think I just enjoyed being yours and following orders.”

  They talked about some of the things other people did, and he asked if she’d be interested in trying anything she’d seen.

  “You said you’d never ask me to drink your pee?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. If the submissive is into it I enjoy a little watersport play here and there, but never ingesting it.”

  “I love how you tell me what you like and don’t like. It isn’t just me telling you what I want, like it was with Frisco.”

  Isaac swore under his breath and said, “Frisco? As in Frisco and Cam?”

  She nodded, confused, and he said, “Shit. That’s who you were playing with?” He let go of her hand, wiped his face, ran his hand over his closely cropped hair, and swore some more. “Too mother-fucking good to be fucking true. Damn it to hell and back and…SHIT!”

  Cassie was a little afraid, and drew away from him as far as she could in the small sports car.

  “Arabesque,” he continued ranting, “of course that’s your fucking safeword. I should have asked then, but thought it a coincidence. Fucking SHIT!”

  “Why are you so mad? How do you know Frisco and Cam?”

  He shook his head and said, “Sorry, Cassie. Didn’t mean to alarm you, it’s just…”

  Her heart dropped in her stomach when he called her by her name and not Sweet Thing. After several long moments of silence she prompted, “Just…what?”

  He glanced at her and looked back to the road. “Frisco is my best friend.”

  Cassie’s eyes closed and she bashed the back of her head into the headrest a few times as she realized the implications.

  “You’re the reason he’s been so pissy the past week?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “I have no idea. I mean, Cam says he’s not in the best of moods, but I haven’t been around him except at the dojo. I think Tom must have figured out something’s up because he hasn’t had us sparring each other in class this week.”

  “The dojo. Shit. Should’ve been another clue.” Isaac patted her leg and said, “Sorry I alarmed you, it’s just…I like you, but I can’t get between you and Frisco. If six months from now the two of you are still apart with no chance of getting back together, we can discuss it, but for now? I have to back off.” He sighed and added, “I won’t give him any specifics, but I need to let him know I’ve been seeing you and backed off as soon as I found out you’d been seeing him.”

  Cassie laughed, too overwhelmed to do anything else. “Oh, Cam knows all the details, so you can share whatever the hell you want. I told Cam everything except your name, and how you locked me to the bed.”

  Isaac made another disgruntled noise and said, “In the interest of full disclosure, you should know Frisco makes Cam give me a blow-job when I’m over, and I’ve fucked his ass a few times.” He paused. “More than a few times. I babysat him for Frisco a few weeks ago while he was in Atlanta for a long weekend.”

  Cassie looked to him in surprise. “You’re bi?”

  He shook his head. “More gender-flexible. I’m not interested in having a relationship with a man, and I’ve never gone looking for a male submissive, but don’t mind a Dom lending me his male slave when there are no emotions involved.” He shrugged. “Cam can give a hell of a blow-job. My rule when I watch him for Frisco is his cock stays locked up. He gets no orgasms when I’m in charge of him.”

  “How often does Frisco leave him with you?”

  “When he goes out of town, mostly. If the boy is being punished then Frisco sends him to me when he has a date.” Isaac smiled. “I’m skilled at overnight bondage, remember?”

  Cassie growled. “Now you’re just being a tease.”

  Her eyes watered and she looked out the window so Isaac wouldn’t see. Damn, she’d really liked him, and respected him even more for choosing his friend over a girl. It just sucked she was the girl.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “How are you holding up?” Cam asked as he hugged her and sat at the booth. She’d talked to him on the phone, but it’d been a few days before they could meet for lunch.

  “I’ll live. Isaac arranged for me to get a membership at the club he took me to, and gave me Doug’s email address in
case I want to talk to him about flogging me one-on-one the next time I go.”

  “Doug’s the guy who flogged your back while Isaac did your front?”

  She nodded. “Isaac said it’s okay to play with people down there and not have sex with them, you just have to be clear about it up front.”

  “And if you have sex with them, you have to be safe.”

  “Right. At least now I know it’s the kink that gives me orgasms, and it isn’t just Frisco.” Chuckling, she added, “In fact, the orgasms Frisco gave me weren’t even all I thought they were. A few of the ones Isaac gave me were ten times better.”

  Cam groaned and put his face in his hands.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Cam looked up and said, “The way he words his questions? There’s no way to keep from telling him that little tidbit and I hate pissing him off, even when it isn’t me he’s ticked at.”

  “Sorry,” Cassie said, almost as a habit, and then realized maybe she wasn’t. “Actually, I hate that you’re in the middle, but I can’t say I’m sorry he’ll get the news. I mean, if he’d stopped treating me the way he’s convinced girls are supposed to be treated, he probably could’ve…”

  She looked out the window, suddenly more emotional than she wanted to be. “It doesn’t matter. He isn’t going to take me back, and Isaac won’t see me because of him, and I guess I’m just all around pissed at everyone but you.”

  Cam leaned forward. “Hey. Isaac said six months, right? Go play and have fun, and then talk to him when his self-imposed time limit is up. I can totally see how you fell for him. He’s a sadist and can be scary sometimes, but he’s also super considerate and caring. I mean, he was basically just slave-sitting me, but he still made sure I had enough to eat, was comfortable enough to get a good night’s sleep before my test, and was okay after he used me.”

  Cassie discovered she was a little envious of Cam, who might still be seeing Isaac occasionally, and was living with Frisco. Not jealous, she was happy for him, but sad she couldn’t have it, too.


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