Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) Page 39

by Candace Blevins

  Frisco joined them on the floor and said, “I vow to you that I’ll only talk to Isaac as your Master, and not as your lover or friend.”

  Isaac shook his head. “I’ll only make the vow for the short term. Once you return from Atlanta, I’ll talk to Frisco about you in any way I please.”

  Cam looked at one and then the other, and finally smiled. “Thank you Frisco, but I think Isaac is right. Give me a few weeks to see how it’ll be to dictate it, but long term, I probably shouldn’t have so much power.”

  “No, you shouldn’t,” Isaac said, “but if at any time you start to dislike having us talk about you when you aren’t around again, you need to tell us right away so we can address it.”

  Cam wasn’t sure he should, but Isaac added, “And to drive home how serious I am, I’m going to soap your mouth and give you a soapy enema, which you’ll hold while you clean the kitchen. If I discover you haven’t told us about something bothering you in the future, the enema will be larger, and you’ll be given several jobs to finish before release.”

  Okay, Isaac was serious about it. Cam nodded and said, “I understand, Master Isaac.”

  They lathered his mouth first, and put a huge soapy ball-gag in to be sure he didn’t swallow any of the soap.

  The enema was only a quart, but was almost white there was so much soap in it, and they told him he’d have to hold it with his own willpower as he cleaned the kitchen.

  Cam worked as quickly as possible, and twelve minutes later was at the door to the kitchen, begging for permission to go to the bathroom.

  Frisco and Isaac had Cassie between them, kissing and fondling her, and Frisco stood and said, “I’ll check the kitchen, make sure it’s acceptable.”

  Frisco took his time checking every surface before giving permission, and Cam ran to the bathroom, frantic.

  He needed two plain water enemas to rinse the soap out, and by the time he finished, he was exhausted.

  When he reported in, however, and thought he’d sit with the others and watch their movie, he was told to change the sheets on the big bed downstairs, and make sure all the bathrooms were clean.

  He looked at Frisco a few seconds, disbelieving, but Frisco said, “Do you want to be our slave boy, or not?”

  It dawned on him then. This was what he’d asked for. He’d been so discontent being pampered. He dropped to his knees, touched his Master was giving him what he needed. “I do, Master. Thank you.”

  “Well then get up off your damned knees and do as you were told.”

  Jake followed him around a while, apparently curious as to why he wasn’t with the others. Eventually, though, the large dog went in to be with them, and as Cam passed through to put a load of towels in the washer, he saw the dog on the sofa, too.

  Cam expected to have to sleep at the bottom of the bed, and was a little disappointed when his ankle was strapped in as usual and he was spooned into Frisco.

  “You’re here because I want to hold you, boy. You don’t always get what you want,” Frisco told him, his mouth to Cam’s ear.

  Cassie kissed his forehead before snuggling in with Isaac, and darkness enveloped them as Isaac gave the lights out command.

  Cam gave a few rapid breaths and Frisco patted his hip, but within a few seconds, Cam remembered he was okay.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Frisco organized everything he’d placed on the kitchen table as Isaac fiddled with his laptop.

  “I feel as if there was homework and I didn’t do anything,” said Cassie.

  “You can give all the input you want, but nothing is necessary,” Frisco told her.

  Isaac pushed his laptop so everyone could see, and said, “Here’s a rough drawing of how the house will look with the new addition.”

  He’d taken a picture of the existing house and drawn in the new part. Cassie was a little flabbergasted at the size, but didn’t have a chance to say anything before Isaac switched to the next screen and said, “Here’s the overhead view of the new floor plan.”

  Instead of making a hallway with a bunch of bedrooms off it, he’d attached everyone’s rooms onto the side of the great room or the kitchen.

  She looked closer at the room going off the kitchen and saw it was Cam’s room, and it was tiny compared to everyone else’s.

  “Why is Cam’s room different?”

  Isaac looked to Frisco, who said, “He wants to be slave, so we’re giving him a tiny, utilitarian room off the kitchen and laundry room. His sink and toilet are in his room, with a small shower unit.” He shook his head. “His closet is slightly larger than ours though, as our rooms will have dressers or armoires or whatever, and his won’t. He’s going to have a giant super-organized closet whether he wants it or not.”

  Frisco’s room stayed the same, and Isaac and Cassie’s were on the long side of the great room, while a giant room with a huge bathroom and a much smaller closet stretched off the other side, and would have a great view of the lake.

  Frisco gave Cassie a chance to look it over before saying, “The large room with the river view will be our shared bedroom, and the closet will hold most of the toys currently in the playroom downstairs. We’ll each have our own bedroom and private bath — a place to store our personal things, and somewhere to go if we need to be alone. We’d like the house rules to state we can only sleep in our own bed or the big bed. You and Cam don’t get to sleep in your room and leave everyone else out. I don’t get to take you to my room and leave the other two out.”

  Isaac leaned back and said, “I don’t want to limit it to just sleeping. No one touches anyone else’s bed, with the exception of Cam when he changes our sheets. We don’t hang out in each other’s rooms, but if you go in for a few minutes to look at something, you don’t sit on the bed.”

  “I know what ya’ll are trying to do, but I’ve gotten used to Cam pulling things out of my closet and handing them to me, so I don’t even have to figure out what to wear. He’s just around in the mornings, when I get ready.”

  “We don’t want to take that from either of you, and we’ll put a chair in your room for him to sit in, if needed, but he won’t be allowed on your bed and we don’t want the two of you going in there to hang out when we’re all four at home,” Isaac said.

  “You’ll be more than welcome to go to the big bedroom, which needs a better name, or stay in the great room, or go outside to the meadow, or down to the water,” Frisco added.

  Cassie nodded, “Okay, I can live with that.” She looked back to the laptop’s screen. “This is going to be an expensive project.”

  Frisco handed her a sheet with the cost estimate, and she spent a few minutes reading it before looking up. “Not as expensive as I thought, but still a lot. My house is paid for; I could sell it and get four times this much, so it shouldn’t be a problem for me to chip in, though I’m not positive I want to sell.”

  Thirty minutes later, the group had figured out how to finance the addition between the three of them in a way that had Cassie and Isaac putting most of it in so they’d all three have about the same amount of money in the whole house. They would go through a title company to have all three names put on the deed.

  “Now, we have to figure out what to do about Cam,” Frisco said with a sigh. He had ideas, but needed help figuring out how to put it into practice. “Once he gets a job he’ll be making as much as Cassie and me,” Frisco added, and then seemed to remember something important. He looked to Isaac and asked, “Have you told Cassie how much you’re worth? Or who actually owns most of the land adjacent to my house?”

  Isaac shrugged. “It never came up.”

  Frisco stared at him until Isaac turned to Cassie with a sigh and said, “My current net worth is a little over three million dollars. Frisco owns the five acre plot the house, garage, and meadow are on, but I own the hundred acres around his land.”

  “When we retitle the house, you’ll be part owner of the five acres in the middle,” Frisco told her.

  “How di
d you…where did your money come from?” Cassie asked, flabbergasted. She’d known he had enough money to be comfortable, but…damn.

  Isaac chuckled, “I’m the sole owner of the fitness center, and I own forty percent of the billiard club. They’re both quite profitable.”

  Cassie shook her head. “But your house is so…I mean, it isn’t much bigger than mine?”

  Isaac chuckled and leaned towards her to kiss her cheek. “I don’t need to flaunt my wealth, Sweet Thing. Big houses take a lot of time to manage. My house was all I needed as a bachelor.”

  Frisco rolled his eyes and said, “He isn’t being completely honest. He had a bigger house once, but had an issue with gold diggers. He wanted to know his friends and girlfriends liked him for who he was and not what he could buy for them.”

  Cassie leaned back and folded her arms over her chest, thinking. Everyone was quiet as she took several long minutes to think as she glared at him.

  At first, she wanted to be hurt he hadn’t told her. But with the last bit of information Frisco gave her, it fell into place. The fact he was telling her now, trusting her with the information, told her he wasn’t worried about her only liking him for his money.

  She dropped her arms and leaned forward. “I don’t think I have anything to say,” she told him. “So you have money. It doesn’t change who you are. It feels as if you were dishonest, but when I analyze it, you weren’t. I mean, not really. So…” She shrugged and looked at Frisco. “What do we do about Cam? If we all own everything and he’s just our slave? It doesn’t feel right.”

  “Until he gets a graphic arts job, we’ll require he stop working at the restaurant and take care of us. He’ll do our laundry, clean the house, prep veggies and whatever else I need so I only have to cook. I may even have him cook some of the meals I’ve shown him on the days I come home later. He’ll clean the kitchen, handle the grocery shopping, the yard work, and anything else Isaac or I need from him.”

  “But not the things I might need?” Cassie asked.

  “If you want him to do something, you tell one of us and we’ll decide whether or not to make him do it,” Isaac said.

  “He has to finish school,” Frisco reminded her, “so we don’t want to give him too much to do. Plus, you’re above him on the hierarchy but have no authority over him, so any orders need to come from us.”

  “He’ll have some emergency cash,” Isaac said, “and will be required to give us receipts in order to get more. He’ll have a card he can use for lunch at school and gas for his car. He’ll have an allowance, and if he goes over without permission he’ll be punished.”

  “But what about after he gets a good paying job? When he’s gone from the house as much as we are?”

  “I’ve paid someone to clean my house and do the yard since he moved out,” Frisco said. “If he wants to spend his money to pay to have it done instead of doing it himself? As long as he’s bringing enough in, fine with me.”

  “We’re considering the prospect of allowing him to hold out a certain dollar amount every week,” said Isaac, “and direct the rest of his income towards his student loans and his own savings account.”

  “We can come up with ideas,” Cassie said, “but we can’t decide for sure how it’ll work until we know his hours and how much he’ll be making.”

  “Agreed,” Frisco said, “but whatever we decide, I want him to have a much bigger savings account for at least a few years, before we make him completely financially dependent on us, the way he wants.”

  “Let’s aim for making him financially dependent upon us when his student loans are paid off, and at that time we can channel his income directly to our accounts, so he has no money unless we give it to him.”

  Cassie opened her mouth to argue, but Frisco already knew what she was going to say, and held a hand up to stop her. “Slaves provide labor and income for their owners. If you forget the modern day idea of the fun sex slave, then people owned as property were historically purchased or bred for financial reasons. He’s allowed to live here under our rules, in the building we provide, with clothes and shoes we make available, but he’s expected to do as he’s told, which in this case will mean getting a good paying job and contributing to his owners’ bank account.”

  Frisco looked to Isaac. “We don’t let him keep some of his money back. He puts it all in and we give him an allowance. Same as now, when he won’t have an outside job but will be taking care of us as he finishes school.”

  “So,” Cassie clarified. “There’ll be one account we all contribute to, and the three of us will have access to, but otherwise we’ll keep our finances separate?”

  “Right,” Frisco said. “The three of us will be responsible for our own car, insurance, gas, clothes…but we put money into the communal account so there’ll be funds to pay property taxes, electricity, internet, and for emergencies like a new roof or a new HVAC unit.”

  He looked at Isaac. “I’ve never liked him driving that tiny car around. What do you say you and I make him sell it, and buy him something bigger and safer?”

  “Deal, but you get to break the news to him. Though, in his current frame of mind I think he’ll get off on knowing he no longer has a car in his name,” Isaac told Frisco before shifting to look at Cassie. “I know you love me for me, and not my money, and now that you know my secret I’m probably going to want to buy you some extravagant things. You aren’t going to get pissed at me for buying gifts, are you?”

  Cassie shook her head, “I don’t know, Isaac. I don’t think so, but I guess it depends on what it is? I like my car, and I’m kind of picky about my clothes, though Cam is good at picking things out so I guess if you take him with you to shop for me, it should be okay.” She laughed, nervous. “Ask me later, once I get used to the idea of you as a millionaire.”

  Isaac nodded and leaned back. “I have a trust set up, so if I die my businesses are sold and the money goes to my parents. I plan to make some changes so some of it goes to both of you and Cam, as well. However, I’ll make a separate trust for my interest in the house, so it goes to Cam if something happens to me.”

  Frisco leaned forward and said, “Isaac and I discussed this head of time. I’ll leave my interest in the house to you, so if something happens to both of us, you’ll own two thirds and he’ll own a third.”

  Cassie did the math in her head and said, “And you need me to split mine up, so half of my share goes to both of you.”

  They shook their head together and Frisco said, “However you want to do it is fine with us. Neither of us is hurting for money. I’m actually not too far from being a millionaire on paper, though that’s just playing around with numbers and I don’t think I’m actually worth that much. The point is, I have more than enough money and don’t need you to leave me anything. You’re right, if something happens to you it might be the least complicated if you split your share of the house between us, but if you want to leave it to one of us, or to Cam? Totally your choice.”

  Chapter Fifty

  Cam was a nervous wreck for auditions. Frisco had insisted on driving him down, but thankfully seemed to understand Cam needed to do this on his own, and said he’d wait in the car.

  He was rarely nervous for performances, as he knew he could entertain an audience. But auditions, with such appraising, calculating looks from the people in charge of the show? The people who decided which person ended up with which part? Tore him up inside.

  He changed into his tan tights and dark sage leotard, smoothed his black ballet shoes on, and went to the warm-up staging area.

  When they called his number he walked onto the empty stage to face the five judges sitting in the audience, their laptop screens glowing on their faces.

  The music started and he went through the choreography they’d sent, forgetting about his audience a couple of eight counts in. When they shut the music off practically mid-leap, his heart fell but he bowed and stepped forward for instructions.

  “We’d like you ba
ck at three o’clock this afternoon to work with our top female leads. Plan to be here three to five hours.”

  “Thank you for the opportunity,” he told them, elated but trying to look calm. “I’ll see you then.”

  He didn’t bother changing out of his dancewear, but put his clothes on over them and rapidly laced up his sneakers before running outside to tell Frisco.

  * * * *

  Cam was a nervous jitterbug on the drive home, and Frisco wished he’d brought a damned ball gag. The ballet company would post who made which roles online at noon Monday, and Cam was going to be a mess until he knew for sure. He thought he’d had great chemistry with the best female dancer, but he also had doubts.

  When they finally pulled into the driveway at nine-thirty, Isaac, Cassie, and Jake were waiting for them on the front porch.

  “Give everyone hugs and tell your story, but then I need you to go to the side door and come in as usual.”

  He needed to get the boy into a different headspace or he’d drive himself — and everyone else — crazy between now and noon Monday.

  Isaac walked them down to the water and they all sat on the boulders as Cam told his story from beginning to end, his arms and mouth going ninety miles an hour. He even stood on the boulder a few times to demonstrate a movement.

  When they finally went inside, it took a few minutes for Cam to gather himself and greet them in the living room on his knees. Frisco let him move from position to position, lower and lower, until he was on his stomach with his arm stretched over his head and his feet pointed behind him — his hips high enough everyone could see his erection an inch off the floor.

  Frisco made him hold the position until he began to shake, and then had him spend five minutes giving each Dom a blow-job before going down on Cassie.


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