Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) Page 44

by Candace Blevins

  Frisco nodded and said, “Cam, if you ever need to have a conversation with any of us outside of your slave role, you can ask to come here. Unless you’re here to clean, when we’re in here, you’re our equal. You can ask to come any time. Clear?”

  “Thank you. Yes, it’s clear.” Cam didn’t want the ability to step out of his slave role, but knew from experience that arguing this point with Frisco would be useless.

  Frisco looked at the group. “I’ve occasionally had a boy I trained need a place for a few nights when things fell apart with a Master. In the past, I’ve let them crash on the sofa if I’ve had a boy living here, and let them have the apartment for up to a week if I didn’t.”

  Cam wasn’t sure how he felt about the other boys Frisco had trained, much less having them stay here, but Isaac spoke before Cam had a chance.

  “You know the boys, and will know if they truly need a roof over their heads or if they’d be okay without help. We’ll leave it up to your discretion. I’m willing to give them two nights, maybe three, but longer? We’ll need to talk.”

  “They’d be here as a guest,” Cassie said. She glanced at Cam and added, “They wouldn’t be here in the same capacity as before. They do none of the things assigned to Cam, except maybe keep the apartment clean. If they’re invited to eat dinner with us, they won’t help clean up. That’s Cam’s job. He’s our slave and we don’t let anyone else in.”

  Cam breathed a sigh of relief Cassie knew what he was thinking. Frisco looked at Cam a few seconds and said, “Okay. I’ll be sure they understand.”

  He opened a small drawer in a side table, pulled out a stack of papers, and handed several of them off the top to Cam. They were stapled neatly, and it was a long bulleted list. Four pages of items.

  “These are the things you’ll be responsible for.”

  Cam started down the list, and damned if his dick didn’t get hard just reading it.

  On the third page, though, he quickly realized how much time all of this was going to take. It’d been a lot to do everything for Frisco when he’d lived here before, but now he’d be doing the same for Isaac, and some of it for Cassie as well.

  He looked up and Frisco handed him another sheet, this one with contacts and numbers. “These are the people who’ve been handling the yard work and the cleaning. You’re responsible for making sure everything is handled to our specifications, but if you’re making enough money to hire it out? Your choice.” Frisco leaned back and added, “If they don’t do it to the level we expect though, you’ll be punished, so you need to be sure they do a good job if you hire it out.”

  “Speaking of money,” Isaac said, “I’ll be taking charge of your accounts. You’ll need to go to the bank with me next week to set me up as a signatory.”

  Cam nodded as his pulse raced. They were really going to give him what he wanted? Slavery in all ways? Even financial?

  “You won’t touch the money in your account unless it’s an emergency. For the time being, I’ll distribute money in your account on your behalf. You’ll get a cash allowance for meals outside the house and gas for your car. I’ll make your student loan payment plus an undetermined amount, because I don’t know how much you’ll be bringing in. The rest will go into a savings account. If you need dance shoes, dance clothes, or regular clothes, one of us will take you and purchase them for you with your debit card. I’ll also pay your car insurance out of your account. If you have enough money coming in to pay for lawn maintenance and a housecleaning service on top of these expenses, I’ll let you know. If you agree to pay them, you’ll tell me and I’ll handle the check writing.”

  Isaac paused to get a drink of water before continuing. “If you need to use your debit card in an emergency, you will text me immediately, or as soon as possible. If I don’t agree it was an emergency, you’ll be in deep shit.”

  Frisco picked up with, “We figure it’ll take approximately five years for you to pay back your student loans on an accelerated payment plan. At the end of the five years, if we’re all still together then you’ll lose the ability to access your own money. You’ll have a credit card for emergencies, and cash we give you for an allowance. Your savings account will still be there, but you won’t have access to it. If you want to leave us, you’ll need to tell us and ask for your money.”

  “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “Cam,” Isaac said. “Frisco needs to know you aren’t staying because you have no choice. He’s agreed that after a time he’ll take the savings account away, so it no longer exists. At that point, what you make will be entirely ours, and we’ll give you what we feel you need for an allowance.” He tilted his head, compassion showing in his eyes. “We know you want the feeling of having no choice, but I’m siding with Frisco on this. We need you to have the choice for five years, or until you’ve paid off your student loans. If you make enough to pay them off in two years, I’ll be comfortable enough with your income ability to strip you of all financial stability, knowing you could still walk away if you wanted.”

  “I won’t,” Frisco said.

  Isaac glanced at Frisco and then looked back to Cam. “We’re promising you’ll have it at some point between when you pay off your student loans and three years later.” Isaac said. “We don’t normally let you see when we disagree, but have decided you need to see it now, when we’re in this apartment.”

  “Isaac and I have made a few changes to your rules,” Frisco said, “and we’ve let Cassie see a copy. They’re much the same as before, with changes because I love you now, and because you’re an important and cherished part of the household.”

  “And because you’ll be serving two Doms, and we’ll occasionally also demand you serve Cassie, too,” Isaac added.

  Cam looked down and took a breath. It was a lot to take in at once. It was what he’d dreamed of, but he was overwhelmed and wasn’t sure what to say.

  Cassie went to her knees in front of him, coming into his field of vision. “It’s all written down. You don’t have to remember everything right now. You okay?”

  He pulled her from the floor up into his lap. “I’m wonderful, it’s just a lot and I needed a minute.”

  Cassie curled into him and let him hold her. “I’m above you in the hierarchy, but I can’t give you orders. They’ll require you do my laundry and a bunch of other things, but you have to follow their orders before you do something I ask you to do. If you’re doing something for me instead of following their orders, we both get in trouble, so make sure you get Frisco and Isaac taken care of first, okay?”

  She took a quick breath, as if she realized it hadn’t come out right, and said, “I mean, I’m not going to ask you to service me or anything, but if I wanted you to go to the range with me, or take a walk, or just go chill out and talk? You can’t unless we either get permission for you to put off your work, or all of your work is finished.”

  “You have a week to live under these rules before we sign anything,” Frisco said. “We’ll meet back here in seven days, and at that time you can let us know of any changes you need to make to the contract. We’ll negotiate and hopefully sign it, but if you aren’t ready we can give you more time to live under it before you make it official.”

  Cam pulled Cassie to him tighter and said, “Thank you. It’s good to know I’ll have a chance to live under them a while.” He hoped they’d let him add to the rules if he needed more.

  Frisco nodded. “You’ll find sheets for your bed in your closet. We’d like you to spend a few hours in your room tomorrow looking over the contract and becoming familiar with it. Meanwhile, we’re all going to go to the living room, and you can meet us there after coming through the side door. Nothing’s changed with those rules. Do you need to talk about anything before we go?”

  “No. Thank you.”

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Frisco stopped Cam at obeisance and had him kneel up.

  “We’re going back to the original light/dark protocol training, but we won’
t be touching you when the lights are out. You’ll go through twenty minutes of it tonight. If you can last the entire twenty minutes in the dark, you’ll be allowed an orgasm later in the evening. Last twelve minutes and you’ll get an orgasm tomorrow.”

  Isaac had handled the light/dark stuff before, but they’d agreed it needed to come from both of them this time. Cam wanted to sleep at the foot of the bed, but it wouldn’t happen until the boy could survive the dark without touch.

  Frisco waited for Isaac to drop the boom on the next part, and tried not to look apologetic as Isaac spoke.

  “You’ll either sleep at the foot of our bed, or in your own bed, two nights a week. Cassie will get our undivided attention on those nights.”

  Cam closed his eyes and looked down, but said, “Thank you, Masters. It’s as it should be.”

  Frisco had known it was the right way to go, but it still broke his heart. He liked having the boy near, but he knew Cam needed immutable rules.

  Cam had let them know he needed his time in their bed to feel like a privilege, and the only way to do it was to make it so. This meant taking it away from him, so the time he had it was special.

  “Go to Isaac’s room downstairs and put your cuffs on. Wait for us on your knees.”

  When he was gone, Frisco pulled Cassie to him. “You sure you’ll be okay up here?”

  “I’m positive. I know what you have planned after the thirty minutes, and…” She shook her head. “I have a book I want to read, and I don’t get a lot of free time these days.” Smiling, she added, “I’m good. Don’t worry about me.”

  * * * *

  Cam waited for his Masters with a combination of excitement and trepidation. He wanted this, needed it…but he also knew they’d need to remind him he was owned.

  He wanted the reminder, though, and looked forward to the pain.

  His fear was palpable, but he welcomed the adrenaline rush it created. He wasn’t afraid of being harmed, he knew he’d be safe with them. His fear was because of the pain he knew wasn’t far away. They’d left the suspension cuffs out, which set his mind racing as to the possibilities.

  Isaac walked in and grasped the back of Cam’s head with the self-assured hands of someone who knew they owned the person they held. “No safeword tonight, boy. Not just for your conditioning, but for the whole night.”

  “Thank you, Master.” Cam gasped as he realized this meant Cassie wasn’t coming down. Frisco never played without a safeword when she was around.

  Unless the stubborn-headed man had changed his mind, but Cam doubted it. Cam missed the excitement of knowing he couldn’t stop a scene and was at his Masters’ mercy, and his pulse quickened even more.

  The electrodes went on his cock and balls, and the plug went up his ass. Cam moved as they told him to.

  He was slave. They owned him.

  Isaac attached his wrist and ankle cuffs to rings set in the wall — hands and legs positioned as if he were on a cross.

  “Frisco and I will be on the bed making out. If you get in serious trouble let us know, otherwise, try to keep it dark as long as you can.” Isaac touched his back, caressed his shoulder, and took a firm, reassuring hold on the back of Cam’s neck. “The doors are locked. Nothing in the room will change just because the lights go out.”

  Cam nodded and took a breath at the loss of Isaac’s hand. He didn’t turn to watch them walk across the room, though he could hear their footfalls, and then the mattress moving as both men sat.

  Isaac’s voice was solemn as he said, “Lights out.”

  The dark suffocated Cam. No matter how hard he tried to calm his body and force air into his lungs…the darkness was all-consuming.

  “Lights on!”

  They came on and, as before, he immediately felt silly. And then his balls, cock, and ass were zapped — not too bad for the first round, and he quickly composed himself so he was ready to turn the lights back off before the intensity began to ramp up.

  This time he refused to let the panic take control because of the dark. He focused on the air coming into his mouth, going out. He could do this.

  He needed to turn them on twice more, and the TENS was turned up enough the final time that he screamed a few times as he endured the pain so he could see his surroundings — only ordering the lights off when he could no longer handle the current to his genitals and ass.

  However, when the lights gradually came up on their own to signify his time was up, he felt as if he’d done well.

  Isaac held him from behind as Frisco disconnected him from the wall, and then from the electronics. The plug was the last to go, as Isaac needed to move out of the way.

  “No orgasm today or tomorrow, but you were close. You’ll have another opportunity to earn one tomorrow,” Frisco informed him.

  Cam’s heart dropped as he realized he’d likely have to go through this two or three times a day until he could manage the night at the foot of the bed. In the dark.

  Still, the sooner he could handle it, the sooner he’d be at the foot of the bed and not sent to sleep in his room alone.

  Cam had known the suspension cuffs meant extreme bondage at some point, so he wasn’t surprised when they put him on his back with the pulley chains attached to his ankles, and connected a spreader bar between his ankle cuffs.

  He breathed through his fear and excitement as Isaac and Frisco worked in tandem to lift him off the ground until he hung by his ankles and not even his hands touched the ground.

  His wrists were stretched out to the side, connected to rings in the floor with more chain, and then both Doms proceeded to flog and whip his entire body, with no explanation and no ceremony.

  And no music.

  Cam screamed, begged, and pleaded as the two worked on him simultaneously. Sometimes they both used floggers, while at other times one had a paddle and the other a loopy. Frisco flogged Cam’s vulnerable balls, and he thought it was Isaac who caned his asshole, but it could have been both.

  The Doms raised him higher, and Isaac’s cock came at his mouth. Cam opened to accept it, and screamed around it when a whip struck his back.

  The two took turns whipping him and fucking his face for what seemed forever, and when they finally let him down Frisco made him go into the pose for a push up, put a dog bowl of ice water below his cock, and ordered him to let himself down until his cock and balls were submerged.

  They knew how much he hated this, how demoralizing it was to have to ice his own cock and balls, and he loved them for making him.

  Cam groaned when he saw the jailbird with the urethral insert, but didn’t fight them as they put it on him.

  He hadn’t enjoyed being able to jack off or come whenever he wanted. He’d needed this kind of control, and he felt tears forming.

  Isaac noticed them first and said, “Hey hey, good tears or bad, boy?”

  “Good,” Cam managed, though it sounded pathetic. “This is like, it’s like coming home. Proof you own me.”

  “Of course we do. You’re ours, no one else’s.” Isaac’s arms were so comforting, so warm, so strong. He knew the man could use them against him, as he had earlier when he’d slapped him as he hung upside down, just because he could.

  But Isaac also used his big strong arms to hold him, and love him, and Cam needed both cruel and kind.

  They maneuvered him into a doggie style at the edge of the bed, with Isaac behind him and Frisco in front, and they used him for what seemed forever. He couldn’t get off, couldn’t even get hard, and he loved being their vessel. A slave to be used for their indulgence.

  Isaac’s cock was so damned big, and spread him wider than he remembered, but he dealt with it and was happy to provide them pleasure. He also remembered Frisco saying the two of them found intimacy by using him together, and his heart swelled that he could help the two of them find a way to express their love for each other.

  Cam’s cock tried to get hard, and he loved the pain and frustration of the jailbird. His cock belonged to his Mast
ers, and they didn’t want it hard now.

  They both came in him, and pulled out before they were finished to spurt on his face and back. Frisco rubbed his cum into Cam’s face as Isaac rubbed his into Cam’s ass and back.

  “You’ll wear it tonight, and know you’re owned.”

  “One last thing,” Isaac said as he rolled the boy over. “I want you to cry for me.”

  Cam’s heart stopped as Isaac reached for his balls, already bunched together from the cock ring behind them, locking the jailbird on.

  “I’m gonna count to twelve. I’m going to hurt you.”

  Cam forced himself to relax, to submit to Isaac. “I’m yours, Master. I’ll cry for you all you need me to.”

  Isaac squeezed and said, “One Mississippi…”

  The pain was as if lightning struck every nerve in his balls and then traveled up his body in white-hot agony. Cam thought he might puke, and he screamed and fought as Frisco held him in place.

  Being held by a person is different from being held by ropes or chains. There is intent to hold you still while you are hurt, and it was as if both men had him by the balls.

  He was crying when Isaac reached twelve, bawling like a baby, and both men wrapped him in their arms and soothed him, assuring him it was over and he was okay.

  He fell asleep in their arms, secure in the knowledge he was loved.

  He was vaguely aware of them bringing Cassie to bed at some point, but not enough to rouse himself to talk to her.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  It was nearly three weeks before everyone’s bedrooms were finished, though the shared bedroom was ready sooner.

  A modified Saint Andrew’s Cross was permanently affixed to one wall of their bedroom, with a heavy tapestry in front of it when not in use. A swinging chair was in a corner, but could quickly be replaced with a sex sling.

  Cassie also learned first-hand some of the many possibilities the swing chair provided.


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