Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) Page 46

by Candace Blevins

  They both used Cam as well, and even let him have two orgasms before forcing a third from him.

  When they were all lying in their relaxed puddle afterwards, Isaac said, “I have a request, Sweet Thing.”

  He sounded so serious, she said, “Anything, Master.”

  “As much as I’d like to take you up on it, I need you to okay the specific request. I want to hurt you. Bad pain. I want real tears from you so I can soothe you through them after I hurt you. It won’t last longer than a minute, and possibly only about thirty or forty seconds, but it will be bad.”

  Cam said, “No, God no, Cass—” before Frisco put his hand over the boy’s mouth and reached into a side drawer for a large ball gag as he ordered Cam to be silent. He popped the gag into Cam’s mouth, connected his wrist cuffs behind his back, and then flipped him on his stomach and connected his ankles to his wrists. Cassie wanted to defend him, to make them stop, but knew they’d only be upset with her if she protested. He was their slave, and she had no say-so in how he was treated as long as he wasn’t being harmed.

  Cam got eye contact with Cassie and shook his head no, and Cassie looked to Frisco, who said, “Cam’s been through it, as have I, though it’s a little different for us guys. Isaac likes to do it when you’re already exhausted, so now would be ideal but I’m kind of in the same camp as Cam, where I don’t really want to see it.” He glanced at Isaac and back to Cassie. “However, if you agree to it, I’ll help him.”

  “How often do you need to do this?” she asked Isaac.

  “Not often. Some people? Only once. Others? Maybe once or twice a year.”

  “Less than a minute of pain?”

  “Yes, but…” He shook his head and repeated, “Yes.”

  “Okay. I’ll do it.”

  “We need to keep Cam locked up. Keep him out of trouble,” Isaac said to Frisco as he walked to the toy closet.

  Isaac showed her the alligator clamps and the TENS unit. “The clamps will hurt, but it’s the electricity going into your clit that’ll be the worst. No safeword for a minute. Agreed?”

  Cassie nodded and started to get really scared when Isaac tied one of her legs to the bed’s column, and straddled her other leg, squeezing it between his.

  “You have her arms?” he asked Frisco.

  “I do.” Frisco restrained her arms over her head, wrist cuffs connected while he held the connection between to the mattress. His other arm rested on her forearm, his grip slack, for now.

  Isaac made some adjustments on the TENS unit, set the timer permanently mounted inconspicuously on the headboard for one minute and ten seconds, and watched as the timer counted down to a minute. He snapped both alligator clips on her clit at the same time, the electricity already on.

  The searing pain was like lightning shooting into her clit, and she screamed a blood curdling noise she was sure could be heard miles away. She tried to fight, to shake them off and flee, but they held her firm. There was no escape; there was only pain.

  With Frisco’s hands on hers, and Isaac holding her leg, she fought with all of her being to break free and make the pain stop, but she was no match.

  Tears streamed down her face when Isaac finally turned it off and removed the clamps.

  Frisco released Cam as quickly as he’d secured him, but it was Isaac who held her, saying, “It’s okay Sweet Thing. It’s over and I have you. No more pain.”

  She clung to him for dear life, knowing it was fucked up to let the man who’d hurt her so bad soothe her, but she didn’t care. She felt closer to him in this moment than she ever had, and she understood he’d needed to hurt her for real in order to sooth her for real.

  She opened her eyes and gave Frisco a teary smile. “Thanks for helping him, and for explaining. I don’t want to do it again, but I get it.”

  “Will you, though? If he asks?”

  “Not tomorrow.” She gave a weak laugh. “In a year? I don’t know. Maybe.” She thought it over a few seconds and changed her mind. “No. I’d do it again tomorrow, if he asked. I belong to the two of you. Not in the same way Cam does, but I’m yours sexually, and if you want to hurt me? If there’s a need? I’ll do my best to take it, to fulfill your needs.”

  “I don’t have the right to say no, but I feel the same way,” Cam said with a soft smile. “Whatever they need, I’ll do my best to please them, and to take it without complaint.”

  Cam looked at Isaac. “I’ll gladly go through the bad-pain stuff for her though, if you need it. I don’t want to have to watch her go through it again. Please?”

  Frisco chuckled. “So, Cassie’s hardest limit is she won’t watch us poke needles into you, and yours is you won’t watch Isaac hurt her for real?”

  “I’m not telling you I won’t, just asking you not to make me.”

  Cam crawled to Cassie and she released one arm from around Isaac’s neck to pull Cam into a hug. “I love all of you so much,” she told them, “I don’t know what I’d do without a single one of you.”

  “Let’s hope you never have to find out,” Frisco said as he stretched out in front of them and caressed her leg, “because I feel the same way.

  “I want to spoon behind Cass tonight,” Isaac said.

  Most nights, they all just plopped down and whichever order they landed was fine, but sometimes, if two people had a particularly emotional moment, they asked to sleep together.

  “I need to make a trip to my bedroom and put some shorts back on, please,” Cassie said. She still wanted the tampon and pad, just to be safe, but no longer worried about making a mess and getting embarrassed. Her guys wouldn’t think less of her.

  When she returned, Cam was locked to the bottom of the bed and she looked up to the men.

  “He’s ready,” Frisco told her.

  She looked to Cam, and he nodded. “Isaac took a few days off and gave me another boot camp while you and Frisco were at work. When he put me in my room last night, he bound me standing up and left the light on, with a way to wake him if I got into trouble. I didn’t get any real sleep last night, and took a nap in the dark today, by myself.”

  Cassie scooted to the bottom of the bed and hugged him, but didn’t bother asking why they didn’t tell her. She and Cam had grown defensive of each other, and the Doms had made it clear neither was guaranteed to always know what was going on with the other ahead of time. They could talk about it afterwards all they wanted, but the submissive didn’t get to make demands about what happened to the slave.

  Isaac locked her ankle to the tether, brought her back up the bad, and wrapped himself around her from behind. Frisco was at her front now, her head at his chest, and she felt the two men kiss above her.

  This was her life, and it just didn’t get any better than this.

  The End


  Candace Blevins is a southern girl who loves to travel the world.

  She lives with her husband of sixteen years and their two daughters. When not working or driving kids all over the place she can be found reading, writing, meditating, or swimming.

  Candace writes romance books about strong women who happen to be submissive, and in some cases have some pretty extreme kinks. Relationships can be difficult enough without throwing power exchange into the mix, and her books show characters who care enough about each other to fight to make the relationship work.

  You can visit her on the web at and feel free to friend her on Facebook at and Goodreads You can also join to get sneak peeks into what she’s writing now, images that inspire her, and the occasional juicy blurb.

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  Keep reading for an excerpt from Safeword: Matte

  Safeword: Matte

  By Candace Blevins

  Chapter One

  Sam felt the kick to the back of her right leg just before it began buckling in slow motion. Her left foot was up in the air and useless – she'd left herself wide open. What was with her today? Without enough leverage to push her body into a back handspring, there was no choice but to fall on her ass. She didn't even try to fall the right way, she deserved the pain for leaving herself open. She wanted it to hurt.

  Looking up, she saw Randy still in attack mode, just in case she sprang back up and kept fighting. Ready to concede, she said, “Matte,” –– the word their dojo used to end fights.

  Randy relaxed his stance and leaned forward, hands braced on his thighs, breathing hard. “What the hell was that?”

  She grimaced as she looked up at him from the dojo floor. “Fuck if I know. I left myself wide open and gave you a beautiful opening. Congrats, looks like I'm buying drinks tonight.”

  “Uh, no.” He looked towards the wall, glanced back at her, stood, and focused on the striking edge of his hand as if it might need his attention. “Can't go out for drinks tonight. Sorry.”

  Well, that was new. Surprised, but trying not to show it, she said, “Hey, no need to be sorry, but you don't get a rain check. Got a hot date?”

  Randy shuffled his feet, dropped his hand, and talked to the wall. “Well, yeah. But isn't it weird for me to talk to you about it?”

  Sam put her palms to the floor by her ears and threw her legs in the air as she arched her back and pushed up with her hands. She landed gracefully on her feet and waited until they had eye contact before saying, “Not weird. We tried to date, it didn't work, and now we're back to being friends and sparring partners. If you find someone who makes you happy then I'm happy for you. It's too bad it didn't work, but it didn't, and we were both all grown up and shit about it, so we're good. Right?”

  “Yeah, we're good.” He looked down as he scuffed his bare foot into the floor of the dojo. “But I've heard you told a few people you're done with dating and you aren't interested in going out with anyone for the foreseeable future.” He emphasized the last two words as he looked up, and finished with, “Was it so bad with me you’ve decided to not date at all?”

  “No Randy, it's just that,” Sam sighed and looked down, trying to figure out how to explain. “There are places to go where there are other people who like to do…”

  She ran her hand over her head and down her ponytail. It would only be a big deal if she treated it that way. She needed to just say it and move on. “People who like to do the things I like to do in bed. So it's not so much I won't be dating at all anymore, but I'm only going to date people I meet at those places, so I know up front we have the same kinks. The problem with that plan of action is I have issues letting guys spank me when I know I could kick their ass, and I can kick most guys’ asses with one arm tied behind my back.” She smiled, suddenly shy, but trying to act as if this were any other conversation. “So, for now, yeah, I am kind of calling it quits and focusing on other things, but it's nothing you did. I'm glad our friendship survived, and I don't want you thinking you did anything wrong, okay? I'm the warped and twisted one, you're fine.”

  He looked at her a few heartbeats, and when he finally spoke she could tell he was carefully picking his words. “I still feel as if I failed you in some way, but it's just not in me to hurt a woman sexually. I mean, the spanking thing was fun as a novelty, but not…” he trailed off, looking forlorn and helpless and terribly uncomfortable. “I'm sorry.”

  She glanced at the clock, realized they were probably done for the day and took a few steps toward the women's locker room without turning away from him. “Don't apologize. We've already been through this. We're good, Randy. You were true to who you are, I was true to who I am, and we both respect the other for it. I’m glad I can still call you my friend. Now go take your girl out and have a nice evening, okay?”

  He grinned, “Okay. I'm going to hit the shower, you still going to the fight tomorrow night?”

  “Oh yeah, I think Tom has an excellent chance to win this year's local title and move up to the regionals.”

  “I have a few concerns, he’s pretty strictly a martial arts fighter, and he'll be up against kickboxers and street fighters and they’re going to do things he won't be expecting.”

  Sam shrugged. “Yeah well, he'll do things they won't expect, too. I'll probably work late tomorrow, so I'll just meet ya'll at the arena.”

  * * * *

  “So do we have an agreement? Joint custody with the kids spending every other week with each parent, the rotation happening on Monday at three o’clock so it happens just before school ends. One parent drops off in the morning, the other picks up in the evening. Primary address for legal purposes will be at Richard's house since he lives in the school zone the children will be attending...”

  Sam read the basics aloud, since she would be the one hammering it all out and creating the mediation agreement. She loved it when people could be grown-ups and work in the best interests of their children. She made more money when they fought and couldn't come to an agreement and landed in front of a judge, but she really preferred it this way. In fact, the couple had been so well behaved, she and the other attorney hadn't even brought in an outside mediator; they'd just sat down with their clients and come to an agreement.

  She finished up, saw them to the door, and went back to her office to type everything up while it was fresh on her mind. She'd timed it well; she had just enough time to get this done and change clothes before walking down the hill to the arena for the fight.

  * * * *

  When Sam arrived at the arena she stood in line to show her ticket, stood in another line for the metal detectors, and finally made it into the building and made her way through the tunnels and down to the floor seats.

  Sam was the last to arrive, and Cassie was sitting in the middle of the guys, but she started right in with musical chairs. “Can you guys shift over so Sam can sit by me, please?”

  Randy and Francisco stood and moved out into the aisle so she could move in and then they followed her back in to sit down.

  Francisco ended up beside her and said, “Cutting it kind of close, aren't you Chica?”

  “Honestly? I figured I'd miss the first few fights and was just aiming to be here in time for the middleweight fights so I'd be sure to be seated by the time the heavyweights started. Things worked out well today though, so here I am.”

  Cassie spoke from her other side, “All work and no play,” she said in a sing-song voice.

  Luckily, the announcer dude chose that moment to step out and begin talking, so Sam was saved from being reminded she really needed to stop working so much.

  The group watched the fights progress, four fights per weight class, four weight classes, and each fight could go a maximum of twelve minutes in this round, though most didn't last five minutes before someone was either knocked out or the fight was called before one of the men was seriously hurt. Someone did get hurt in one of the middleweight bouts, and was taken out on a stretcher. The crowd loved it, but Sam was really worried about the guy. By the time Tom's weight class started she was wondering if this was such a good idea. Sure, Tom could kick just about anyone's ass, but these guys were playing for keeps. His was the last fight of the night and she wondered if he was watching from backstage, or if he were in a quiet room getting his head where it needed to be.

  The announcer introduced the first two heavyweight fighters and Sam couldn't take her eyes off of one of them. Ethan Levi, according to the announcer, was six foot five inches tall and weighed in at two hundred and seventy one pounds. He looked bigger than life, with muscles on top of muscles – just on the verge of looking like a bodybuilder, though not quite. She could tell he hadn't just bulked up, he w
as just that strong, and he moved like a dancer. He was going to be lethal once they locked him into the cage. He was bald and tanned, and probably her age, early thirties. She wondered what he’d be like in bed.

  Cassie bumped her shoulder. “Quit drooling.”

  “Hey, I've given up on men for the time being, remember? Let me drool from a distance.”

  “Yeah, I'm still not sure I get... oh shit!”

  The moment the signal was given to start the fight, Ethan Levi had delivered a punch to the face followed by a punch to the gut and then an immediate kick to the face. His opponent was down in less than three seconds. And these eight fighters had fought in smaller venues in order to make it to this one; no one got here who hadn't already proven himself. Wow.

  Tom's fight was a good one, going almost eight minutes before the fight was called with Tom as the winner. He’d been given three passes for friends to go backstage after the fight, along with the two passes for people to be with him during the fight, so she and Francisco and Zee headed backstage when his fight was over.

  As she turned a corner in the backstage hallway, she ran straight into a wall of muscle and looked up to see Ethan Levi looking down at her. His voice was smooth, cool, and deep; and made her weak in the knees as he said, “Are you okay? It's kind of crowded back here. Sorry I wasn't walking on the right side of the hallway, that was my fault.”

  Sam felt the heat pour off him, and her heart fluttered, but she tried to ignore her reaction. “No, I'm good. No need to assign fault.”

  He towered over her, but he wasn’t intimidating, just big. His face and body were relaxed as his deep voice quietly said, “You someone's girlfriend? Going back to congratulate or give your condolences?”


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