Falling for Hudson (Marlowe series Book 2)

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Falling for Hudson (Marlowe series Book 2) Page 21

by Bishop, Alexandria

  I start to shake my head and say no but instead I reply with, “All of those things are related to a location.”

  She claps her hands. “Oh, a trip!” Looking back down at her lap, she slowly starts picking everything up. “Okay, so we have a queen of hearts playing card, a poker chip, and a Holly Madison bobblehead. Wait…no.” She jumps up and then sits back down. “Are we going to Vegas?”

  “We are.”

  She lets out a squeal of excitement, and I can’t even be a little upset that she figured out the clues so quickly. She wraps her arms around my neck and says thank you to me about a million times before letting go.

  “Wait. There’s no way Ashtyn’s mom would let us go to Vegas.”

  “We actually got the show because of Ashtyn’s mom. The show we’re playing is with a newer band, Half Unread, that’s signed with Lost Souls Records. Her mom was already planning on bringing you girls with her, but the upside is we get to be there too.”

  “That’s awesome!”

  I push up from the bench and stand up in front of her. She cocks her head to the side. “Remember how I said I had another present for you?” She slowly nods her head, but she doesn’t look any less confused. My palms are saturated in sweat and my heart speeds up. I start to second-guess myself, but this is what I want. Reaching my hand into my coat pocket, I grab the small box that has been weighing me down ever since I put it in there. She lets out a small gasp as I settle down on my knees so I’m not towering over her. Before anything is out of my mouth, Chloe jumps up to her feet with her hands covering her mouth.

  Her excitement is radiating off of her as tears slowly start falling down her face, and she not-so-quietly says, “Yes! Oh my god! Yes!”

  I can’t help the laugh that builds in me as I grab her hand and pull her down to the bench. “Chloe, I haven’t even asked anything yet.” Her cheeks turn red and she turns her face away from me. I bring my hand up and cup her face, turning it back toward me. “Don’t get embarrassed. Just wait.” She nods her head and I take a deep breath. I’ve been practicing my speech all day, and now I can’t seem to remember any of it.

  I pick up her right hand and look her in the eyes. “Chloe, I’ve known from the first moment I met you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I also know we’re both still seniors in high school and it’s crazy to be thinking anything remotely close to that. But when you know, you know. With that being said, today I’m not proposing to you.” Her head drops out of my hand and I gently lift it back up again. She has unshed tears in her eyes, and I gently kiss her on the lips.

  “What I’m doing today is making you a promise. A promise that one day, when we’re both ready, I’ll move this ring from your right hand to your left, and that day will be the day I ask you to marry me. We’ve been through so much in the short amount of time we’ve been together, and I don’t want anything to overshadow that day.”

  Those unshed tears start dropping and I panic. I start to get up, but she pushes me back down. Wiping at her eyes, she smiles and says, “That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Motioning to her face, she says, “These are happy tears. At this point I think it’s pretty obvious that when you do ask me to marry you, I’ll say yes. But for now, I’ll gladly wear your promise ring.”


  We just played a huge show in L.A., but even so I still have all of these jitters standing backstage. This is unreal, and I can’t believe we’re here right now. It doesn’t feel like we’ve earned this or paid our dues. Shouldn’t we be slumming it in dive bars for years before we ever see this kind of success? Don’t get me wrong; we’ve worked our asses off as much as the other guys, but maybe we just want it more. Flynn is always spewing his mumbo jumbo off, focusing on what we want and not on what we don’t want. All of that hippie shit, and I think it’s going to his head. The funny thing is, since he planted that thought in my head, I’ve been focusing on what I want. Maybe there is something about the power of positivity. Who knows? I certainly don’t.

  This show isn’t quite as big as the Christmas Eve one, but it’s nothing compared to what Flynn was used to at the pub. Or the parties in Jax’s and my backyard. None of us quite know what to do with this, but I’ll tell you one thing: I hope it never ends. Being up on that stage with thousands of people cheering us on…there isn’t anything quite like that feeling. Jax won’t be the only one harassing Oliver for a tour as soon as we get back home.

  We flew out here on separate flights from Oliver and Erin, so there wasn’t any drama there. But Clare came with us, and Chloe alternated between cuddling up to me and shooting daggers toward her. Fortunately for me, it didn’t seem to bother her, and I think she gets the reason for Chloe’s animosity. I just hope one day those two can become friends. Clare is awesome, and I’m not attracted to her in the slightest. But she’s fun to hang out with, and if Chloe were to put her anger aside, I think she would agree with me. For now, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see, especially since Oliver has taken a liking to her. So it looks like, much to Chloe’s disdain, Clare won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

  “You guys are up next. How are you feeling?” I jump ten feet in the air when Oliver sidles up behind me. Dude can be like a fucking ninja sometimes. I think he does it on purpose most of the time because he’s constantly scaring the shit out of me. I don’t even have to say anything before his wheezing laugh starts up. I can’t even be pissed. If it were anyone else, I would be laughing my ass off along with everyone else. I playfully punch Oliver in the gut and shake it off. The pre-show jitters are getting the best of me. But soon enough it doesn’t even matter, because we’re walking across that stage and I’m taking my seat at my drum set. All the jitters are gone and I feel ready to play.

  Tonight starts off differently from a week ago in L.A. Maybe that show gave us a little more confidence? Flynn starts off with a bit of an intro, with Jax throwing a little bit of banter into the mix. He’s always been one to share in the spotlight. The stage tonight is a lot smaller, so I can see the crowd in front of us. As we start playing our first song, same set list as the benefit show, I keep my eyes open this time. I want to see everything as it unfolds, and something amazing happens.

  People are singing along!

  It’s so surreal. I have to blink a few times to make sure I’m not seeing things. But sure enough, these people aren’t talking. They’re mouthing the words to the lyrics as Flynn sings them. The result is a fucking huge burst of adrenaline through my body. I kick it into overdrive, and I can tell the other guys notice it too, because we all bring it up a notch. It doesn’t take long before our set is over, and if it’s possible, it flies by even faster than the last one. Soon enough, we’re all huddled backstage and I look at all of the people around me. In a very short time, we’ve all become a giant family, and I couldn’t imagine my life without these people by my side. It’s weird how quickly you can build relationships with people, and these are ones that are built to last. As we do our celebratory shot after the show, I can’t help but imagine what the rest of the year will bring for us. Nothing but good things for sure.


  Everyone is counting down until the clock strikes midnight, and I pull Chloe tightly to me. A few days ago, I never would have thought she would be right here with me in this moment, but I’m not letting her go now. I look down at her hand holding on to mine, and my heart swells with love. Yeah, the ring isn’t on her left hand right now, but it will be someday, and I can’t wait for that day to come. Until then, it will sit firmly where it is. The shouting around us becomes very obvious as the countdown slows down. “Three…two…one…Happy New Year!” There’s cheering and screaming as I lean down and put everything I’ve got into this one simple kiss. It says everything that I can’t fully put into words. That Chloe’s mine and I am hers. That we’ll be together forever and never have to worry about us falling apart like we did before.

  As we end our kiss, I gaze down at the beautiful girl smi
ling up at me. I wonder how I ever got so lucky to find an amazing girl like her, but I’m happy nonetheless. I half shout into her ear to get over the noise around us, “I have a surprise for you.”

  “What kind of surprise?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see. Tomorrow night. I promise you it’s going to be epic.”

  She nods her head and doesn’t even question me. Now hopefully she’ll enjoy it as much as the rest of us. I guess the only thing to do is wait and see, just as I said.

  Chapter 31


  “Babe, you ready yet?”

  Reaching for my perfume, I give myself a little spritz before turning around and heading out of the bathroom. “Yeah, just a sec.” Hudson’s eyes trail my body and widen with approval. I do a little turn and pop my butt out with a giggle. “I don’t understand why no one will tell me whose concert we’re going to.”

  Shaking out of his daze, he stalks toward me and wraps his arms around me. “I guarantee you’ve never heard of these guys.”

  I push him back and put my hand on my hip. “That’s what everyone keeps saying. But maybe I do. I could surprise you, ya know.”

  He steps back into my space and kisses me on the nose before heading toward the door. “Well. now I can surprise you. Either way it will be fun. C’mon, everyone is waiting for us.”

  I check myself over in the mirror one more time, fully satisfied with my look. Well, almost. Ashtyn wouldn’t let me wear heels and almost forced a pair of Converse onto my feet. Instead I went with the whole 90s vibe with a pair of black Guess combat boots and a floral turquoise and black babydoll dress. I would have been perfectly fine in heels, but whatever. I let out a sigh and then follow Hudson out of our hotel room.

  This whole trip was supposed to be business, but I’m glad all of us girls got to come. The guys can’t work twenty-four-seven. They do need some down time occasionally, and a concert is the perfect outing. Everyone seems super stoked over this show, so it should be a great time for everyone.

  Just like Hudson said, when we make it down to the lobby everyone is already waiting for us. I look around and see all of my favorite people. Well, and Clare. I squeeze Hudson a little tighter in her presence. I know he says I have nothing to worry about, but I still don’t know why she has to be here. Just because he invited her before we got back together doesn’t mean he had to keep that invitation once we got back together. Fortunately, she seems to have all of her attention on Oliver. Maybe something will happen there and I won’t have to worry about her anymore.

  “Here you go. My dad ended up getting us these.”

  Hudson grabs whatever Flynn is holding and hands one to me.

  “Thanks, Flynn. I can’t believe your dad was able to get us backstage passes.”

  Jax comes walking over and says, “Right? His dad seriously hooked us up. This is going to be epic.”

  I finally look down at the pass in my hand and flip out. I knew Flynn’s dad was connected; I just didn’t realize how connected. I start jumping up and down and screaming like a teenage girl. I am one, so I guess that’s okay. Everyone’s attention is focused on me, and I look like a crazy person in the lobby right now, but who cares?

  Hudson grabs my arm and looks at me with wide eyes. “Hey, Chloe. You alright?”

  Giggles start bubbling out of my mouth and I can’t stop. Every time I try to stop and calm down, more come out. I just nod my head while I try to compose myself. I take in a giant breath and let it out slowly. I do that three more times and finally calm down enough to speak.

  “I’m more than alright.” Holding up my pass, I say, “Did you see who we’re going to see?”

  Everyone starts laughing and Hudson says, “Yeah, I’m well aware of who we are seeing.”

  “Hudson, it’s the Sinners. O-M-G, I can’t believe we’re going to see the Sinners. And we have backstage passes. Is this really my life?”

  Jax starts laughing and says, “I guess we were wrong, dude. How the hell do you know who the Sinners are, Chloe?”

  These people are ridiculous. It’s not like I’ve been living under a rock my entire life. Sure, I’m not usually in the know about most music. But the Sinners are not most music. Not even in the slightest. I lift up my hand and hold up two fingers and say, “I’ve got two words for you: Trey Mills. Enough said.”

  Jax lets out an obnoxious laugh and Hudson groans beside me.

  “You have nothing to worry about, babe. I love you with all of my heart, but even I can recognize a true specimen of a man. You’re ridiculously hot. Trey, on the other hand, is unnaturally hot. The kind of hot that shouldn’t be allowed to exist in real life. He’s like the Mona Lisa; you can look but most certainly cannot touch.”

  Shaking his head, Hudson replies, “Did you just compare the dude to a painting?”

  I turn around and look at Ashtyn, begging for her help. “C’mon, you know what I’m talking about, right, Ashtyn?”

  “Sorry, Chloe, you know I don’t usually listen to that kind of music. I like a little more pop with my rock.”

  I shouldn’t be, but I’m surprised when Clare steps forward to back me up. “I know exactly what you mean, Chloe. That man is a work of art. It’s a little unreal how gorgeous he is.” Turning toward Hudson, she says, “I guess it’s just a girl thing.”

  Putting his arm around Clare, Jax says, “I don’t care how hot this dude is. Are we going or what?”

  We head outside to a waiting limo, also compliments of Flynn’s dad. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was trying to buy Flynn’s love. I guess this is his way of trying to make up for lost time. I’m pretty happy I get to take part in this particular gift either way.

  We make it to the venue and my entire body is buzzing. I mean, I’ve been to concerts with Ashtyn before, but nothing I was ever interested in. She always dragged me to whatever band she was interested in and I never paid attention. Unless of course one of the guys was hot. Then that would help pass the time, but how fun can it be to go to a concert when you don’t know the words to any of the songs? Not very, in my opinion.

  We find our way to our seats, and after a few minutes, Hudson puts his hand on my knee. “Hey, babe, calm it down a little.” I look down at his hand and up to his face. “Calm what down? I’m just sitting here.”

  He chuckles and says, “You were bouncing your leg like crazy. I half expected you to bounce it right through the concrete.”


  I calm myself long enough to sit through the two opening acts, but my nerves are still fried. When they finally take the stage, I’m not prepared for the emotions that fly through my body. I’ve always thought the people who start bawling when they meet a celebrity are silly and dumb. But now I get it. I don’t start crying, but I’m overcome with so much emotion that I totally could. I’m in awe of the gorgeous men who take stage, but the minute they put their hands to their instruments, I’m in a complete trance. All of the guys play off of each other and create something so beautiful that I can’t even describe it. I’m witnessing something epic, and I can’t believe this is the first time I’m actually seeing them play live. I can tell you one thing: it won’t be the last.

  I’m so mesmerized with every guitar solo, every beat of the drum, and every lyric sung across that stage. We are in the presence of masters and they know it. With every wink and smirk. These guys are the epitome of the best, and they have rightfully earned that title. Unfortunately, their set ends sooner than I would like, but that only means we get to head backstage now. Bats start flying their way through my belly, and I’m suddenly aware that I will be coming face to face with the Sinners in a matter of minutes. I feel like crying or throwing up, but I hope neither one happens.

  Clare taps me on my shoulder and motions me away from everyone else. We walk about ten feet away when she stops and turns around to face me. “Hey, can we talk for a sec?” Shocked at what all of this is even about, I just nod my head and she continues. “Look, I just wanted to
clear stuff up real quick. I wanted to do this sooner, but you’ve been avoiding me. I’m setting the record straight that I don’t have any feelings for Hudson. He’s a great guy and fun to hang out with, but I’m not competition for you.”

  I want to pretend to be a badass, but I can’t help the sigh of relief that slips out. Hudson and I love each other, so even if she were interested, it wouldn’t matter. But there’s always the what-ifs, especially if a girl sets her sights on pursuing a guy. Some are just adamant about getting the guy, especially if they’re an upcoming celebrity. Ashtyn’s the reader, but she’s always telling me about stuff like this happening in her books. There was one specifically involving a baseball player and some slut at a bar. When the temptation is there, it can be hard to refuse.

  My first instinct is to reply with some snarky comment, but instead I say, “Thank you for telling me that. It means a lot to me. Hudson likes you, and I would like to get to know you better and not feel like you’re vying for his attention.”

  Again with the hugging. She jumps and wraps her arms around me tightly. “Oh my gosh! I would absolutely love that!”

  I slip out of her grasp and smile at her before turning to the rest of the group and asking, “Well, are we heading backstage yet?”

  Everyone nods in agreement, and it doesn’t take long with our fancy vinyl passes to make our way into the dressing room where the guys are lounging around. All of my friends make their way in, but I’m stuck in the doorway. Is this really my life?

  Sed, who I’ve decided Jax will be just like in a few years, asks, “Wait, if your dad is Carl Wilson, then why the hell aren’t you guys signed with Lost Souls? Wouldn’t that be the obvious choice?”

  Flynn chuckles and says, “It’s a long, drawn-out story, dude, but I wanted to make it on my own. Not be tied to my dad and make everyone think the only reason we’re successful is because of him and not us. I’d always wonder, you know?”


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