The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 13

by Rebecca Joyce

  There wasn’t anything Michael wouldn’t do for his brothers.

  He was making his way toward the checkout counter when he heard him.

  “Come on, darlin’. It will be fun. We can go find some sweet nice place out in the middle of nowhere and…”

  Taking a grapefruit from the cart, Michael threw it at his head. “Don’t even think about it.” The man turned and smiled brightly. His pitch-black hair was longer than Michael remembered, but his eyes were the same. Those devilish-blue Armstrong eyes were still as playful as ever.

  “Mikie!” he shouted, grabbing him into a tight hug. “How the hell have you been?”

  “Mark, go home,” Michael said, annoyed. The tension building was already causing his neck to twitch. Mark was the family goofball. His carefree attitude irked everyone around him. The brothers would all love nothing more than to give Mark a little dose of reality. Mark cared for one thing…himself.

  “Now, Mikie, is that anyway to talk in front of this heavenly lady?”

  “Mark, please. You are already giving me a headache.”

  “You should let Mattie take care of that. He is the doc.”

  “I know he is a doctor!”

  “No need for shouting big brother, just trying to help.”

  “Go home. That will help.”


  “Why the hell not?”

  “’Cause, I flew all the way from Illinois to London to Texas to see this beautiful creature,” he said, turning his attention back to the young blonde behind the counter. She blushed as he stared at her.

  Michael felt the tension in his neck tightening as his hand ran down his face. Taking a deep breath, he unloaded his cart and waited as the cashier rang everything up.

  “Mikie, where’s the rest of the beer?”

  “Three cases are enough, Mark.”

  “Whatever!” he said. Turning to the young girl, he sweetly asked, “Honey, if you don’t mind, ring up another three cases while little Mikie goes and gets them. Would ya, darlin’?”

  “I hope you brought your wallet, Mark.”

  “You’re the salesman, Mikie. You can get this one. I’m a guest,” Mark said, taking four of the bags into his arms and heading outside.

  Michael just stood there and grimaced. He handed the girl his card. “Just the three cases, only.”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Armstrong.” She smiled.

  * * * *

  Michael arrived home to find a Harley Davidson parked in his drive. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Getting out of his truck, he started grabbing bags when Henry and Matthew walked out.

  “Did you get the beer?” Matthew asked.


  “How many cases?”



  “Yes! I got three,” Michael shouted at his brother. The slamming of the screen door caught his attention. There stood Marcus. Michael cursed under his breath and ignored him. This was turning out to be a nightmare from which he could not wake.

  “We are going to need more than three, Michael,” Marcus said.

  “Three is enough.”

  “I can drink three all by myself. At home, I do it every weekend.”

  “Then go back to Florida and drink!”

  “Well how do you like that, Mattie? I drive all the way to help this ingrate, and he refuses his brother a measly little drink.”

  “I ain’t refusing you anything.”

  “Yes, you did, Mikie. I heard you. You refused Marcus,” Mark said, getting out of his car. “Mattie!” he yelled, seeing his older brother.

  “How’s the Remington Ravens this year?” Matthew asked.


  “Championships this year?”

  “He better get’em there,” Marcus said, putting his two cents in.

  “Better hell. He better hope his ass doesn’t get traded,” Michael insinuated.

  “Mikie just likes the honeylicious cheerleaders,” Marcus grinned.

  “Speaking of honeylicious, Mattie, oh my lord, Texas sure does know how to make ’em.”

  “Make what?” Henry asked, wanting in on the conversation.

  “Never you mind!” the three brothers shouted at the same time.

  The brothers all grabbed a bag and headed into the house when they heard the Mustang come down the drive. Knowing who it was, they all grimaced and ignored him. The car came to a stop just as they walked into the house.

  “I see how you all are, you assholes!” Mitchell yelled, slamming the door to his car. “Hey, Mikie, did you get any beer?”

  * * * *

  Rachael spent the next two days in bed, by order of Doctor Matthew Armstrong. He made damn sure she wouldn’t get out of bed either, commissioning Michael to sit outside her door in case she tried to escape. Though Michael didn’t mind, he would have rather been in the room with her instead of outside it.

  By Wednesday, she was cleared and able to leave the house. She expected everything to be running as usual, but what she didn’t expect was to see was five men sitting at her kitchen table all staring at her, with Henry smiling and getting a cup of coffee.

  There before her were the five Armstrong men.

  Ranging in age, they couldn’t be but a couple of years apart. The likeness to Michael was uncanny. Along with Matthew, two of them who looked absolutely identical had blonde hair, and the other had black hair like Michael, but the one thing they all shared was their ice-blue eyes, and all of those eyes were on her.

  Michael just shook his head as his brothers all gaped at her. Yes, she was something to see, Michael knew that, but what he didn’t like was the drooling dogs panting after her like she was dessert. He jumped up from the whole table so fast that his chair fell back against the floor. “I swear if any of you do anything!” he said before god and everyone.

  “Shut up, Mikie! Introduce us, will ya?” Mark smiled at her.

  “Oh yes, please!” Mitchell said, getting to his feet.

  “I would sit down if I were you, Mitch,” Matthew quietly warned.

  Rachael didn’t know what to make of them. They all just stared at her. She looked from brother to brother, finally looking at Michael. When he shrugged his shoulders and walked to the coffeepot with a loss of words, Rachael spoke.

  “What the hell? There are more of you Armstrongs!” she shouted and walked back toward the stairs heading to her room.

  “Should we tell her that’s one’s missing?” Henry said, but, quickly getting a sharp look from everyone, he shut his mouth.

  “Well…that went swimmingly!” Mitch smiled.

  “Swimmingly! Jesus, Mitch, you’re not in England anymore, use American words,” Mark said, hitting his brother.

  “Would you two shut up? You’re giving me a headache. Why are they here anyway? Mom must be crazy sending the two Bobbsey twins,” Marcus complained.

  “This wasn’t my idea,” Michael said, going find Rachael.

  The brothers watched Michael leave the kitchen. As he walked upstairs, Mark was the first to talk. “So, there anything going on between him and that little angel?”

  “Don’t even think about. My face still hurts from the beating he gave me,” Matthew said, rubbing his jaw.

  “Damn! She’s gorgeous,” Mitchell said.

  “And boy does she smell good…” Matthew quietly said to himself, but just loud enough to get his brothers’ attention.

  * * * *

  Rachael was sitting on her bed when Michael walked in. He sat next to her and waited.

  “What is going on, Michael? First Matthew, and now my house has the rest of your family. I don’t think this house can take all of you. You and Matthew destroyed my living room. One of you is going to pay for that curio cabinet.”

  “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Well, I’ve known for a while that something is up. Out with it. Why is your whole family here?” she asked, looking at him. Michael took a deep breath and tried to think of ho
w he could explain this to her without it sounding horrible. Nothing came to his mind.

  “Okay. Please understand that none of this has anything to do with you,” he began. “Last October, my mother got word that our father was looking to acquire a cattle ranch down here in Texas. Well, none of us thought anything of it. The man buys ranches like women buy shoes. It wasn’t until November, when our mother was in his office, and she found documents concerning Henry. She also found scouting reports and land documents concerning your ranch.”

  “Michael, this ranch is mine. I own it. He has no claim to it,” she interrupted.

  “Rachael, you mortgaged the ranch. The bank owns it.”

  “How did you know about that?”

  “I know a lot more than I should.”

  “Like what?”

  “It’s not important. The important thing is that we are all here to make sure you get those cattle to their destinations on time, and I am here to see that you don’t lose your ranch.”

  “I have till January 1st to pay off the loan.”

  “I know that, but according to the bank, if you fail to meet the deadline of the drive, the bank will foreclose on the ranch and take the remaining cattle as collateral until a buyer can be found.”

  “If I make the deadline, there’s no problem.”

  “But our father is going to do everything he can to make sure you miss that deadline, Rachael. He has already started. The corrals being left open, the herd mixing together, the pond, the fire at the stable. It was all him.”

  “I have done nothing to this man. Why is he doing this?” she said, standing up and walking over to her window.

  “Like I said, this has nothing to do with you. You just happen to be the means to an end. This is his way of getting something he wants more than life itself. He really doesn’t want your ranch. He is trying make my brothers and I pay for something we did over seventeen years ago. He handpicked you, Rachael, knowing I would be compelled to help you. He knows I was there when your family died that night. He knows I stayed with you to make sure you were safe. He knows I would feel responsible if anything happened to you, so he chose you. It took my mother a couple of weeks to figure out why he chose you, but when she did, she called me right away. And here I am.”

  “Trying to save me once again,” she whispered.

  Michael walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, and together they looked out at the vast ranch. She turned in his arms to look at him. “You said your mother also found documents about Henry. What does he have to do with all of this?” she asked.

  Michael dropped his arms and walked back over to the bed and sat down, putting his head in his hands. “Henry isn’t my son,” he answered her. Rachael stood there staring at the man on her bed. The pain he was feeling was evident. It radiated off of him in waves.

  She knew at that moment this whole thing was about that sweet boy downstairs.

  She was caught in the middle of a deep-seated family feud, and it all stemmed around a sweet seventeen-year-old boy. She had seen some crazy things in her life but never had seen or heard of such vengeance that could destroy her and her way of life, just to acquire a boy. Rachael knew she was many things, but damn this was even beyond her.

  Looking at Michael and seeing how he felt responsible, something in her snapped. She may not be the boy’s mother, but she damn sure had fallen in love with that sweet boy. He was the breath of fresh air that she had been missing for so long, and thanks to Michael she had found her heart once again. She was not about to lose any of it, just because of some old crusty bastard who couldn’t control his temper.

  She took a deep breath and walked over to Michael and grabbed his hand, dragging him downstairs. She entered the kitchen to find all of them still sitting and waiting for her to return. She looked at all of them. Finding Henry standing near the fridge, she spoke, “Henry. You have a job to do. I suggest you get to it…now!”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  They all watched Henry grab his hat and head out the back door in a flash.

  Hearing Daisy’s hooves hitting the ground, she turned her attention the men sitting before her. She pointed to an empty chair and gave Michael a look, ordering him to sit. She leaned her hands on the table and looked at all of them.

  “It has come to my attention that you boys have one sick son of a bitch as a father, and he wants my ranch. I also understand that all of you are here to make sure that doesn’t happen. I also know that if I don’t make that deadline at Silver Lake by January 1st the bank is going to foreclose on my ranch and hand over the deed to the highest bidder. I also know this all stems around Henry. I don’t want to know who his father is, because as far as I am concerned, Michael is his father. Has been and will always be. Let me be perfectly clear, boys. If that bastard gets my ranch, I will personally hunt all of you down and brand your balls with a hot poker! And I do not want anyone upsetting that boy. He is not to know why all of you are here, is that clear?” she ordered.

  All five of them just sat there looking at her like they were getting scolded for walking across their mother’s clean kitchen floor. Afraid to say anything, they just sat there.

  “Is that clear!” she yelled as all five of them jumped.

  Together they all answered, “Yes, ma’am.” With that she grabbed her hat and headed outside to start her day.

  Sitting there in silence, afraid to move, Michael took a deep breath, Matthew ran his hand through his hair, Mark sat forward, Mitchell put his hands behind his head, and Marcus sighed.

  “Well that was interesting,” Mitchell said.

  “What a woman!” replied Marcus.

  “I want her to have my babies,” Mark said.

  “Too bad. She’s mine, and none of you better try anything, you hear me?” Michael said, getting up from the table, grabbing his hat, and heading out after her.

  “You know, Mitch, we could take him,” Mark said, looking at his twin.

  “Hell we could all take him, but who is going to answer to her?” Matthew said, looking at his brothers, knowing none of them wanted to tango with her.

  “Well, boys, looks like we have a cattle drive to tend to. Grab your gear and let’s go,” Marcus said, standing up. “You know, Mattie, you were right. She does smell good.”

  * * * *

  The brothers spent the rest of the day following orders and giving orders. They were all experts in their own devices, and they were quickly divided into their own specialties. The twins, Mark and Mitchell, helped the herding crew. Marcus made his way over to the branding crew, while Matthew and Michael roamed the ranch looking for anything out of the ordinary. All five of them worked very well together, and soon all the ranch hands were calling all of them boss.

  It was late when everyone headed in. Michael found his house overrun with his brothers and their bickering. His beer was all gone, the cabinets were empty, and their crap was everywhere. Heading to his room, he walked in to find Matthew.

  “This is my room, Mattie. Get out,” he barked.

  “Make me.”

  “Mattie, I am exhausted. Get out!”

  “Sorry, Mikie. We are bunking together. Marcus is with Henry, and the twins have taken over the living room, so that leaves you and me…” He smiled and winked at his brother. “I promise I won’t bite ya…come on over here, big boy, and give ya brother a big kiss!” Matthew said, coming toward him. Michael just closed his eyes and walked out of the room. “Oh come on, Mikie…I will let you have the floor!” Matthew shouted to Michael as he descended the stairs.

  Walking into the living room, Michael tried to find a seat, but the twins were sprawled out everywhere. Giving up, he walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. Grabbing his boots, he put them on. Standing up, he grabbed his hat, and as he headed toward the door, he heard Mitchell yell, “Hey, guys, he’s leaving. Two guesses where he will be sleeping tonight!”

  “Lucky bastard,” Matthew shouted back.

  “Shut the hell up!” M
ichael shouted back as he left the house.

  * * * *

  He found her sitting on the front porch when he pulled into her drive. She smiled when he got out of his car, and stood to meet him at the stairs.

  “Problems at Hotel Armstrong?” she asked with a grin.

  “You have no idea.”

  “You look tired. Have you eaten yet?”

  “I am tired, and no. Those pigs cleaned me out. Can I please borrow your couch tonight?” he asked, leaning against the railing on the stairs, about to collapse. Rachael laughed, taking his hand. “I can do better than that,” she said and led him into the house.

  Rachael had cooked dinner, and together they sat and quietly ate. The silence in the house was heaven to Michael. He sat there watching her as she poured him another glass of lemonade, he smiled when she gave him the rest of her food. When they were done, she got up, taking their plates and putting them in the sink. She returned with two cold beers and handed him one.

  “Thank you, Rachael. Dinner was wonderful.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said, sitting down next to him. “So tell me, what else should I expect from your father? “

  “Anything. This man isn’t one to trifle with, when he wants something he doesn’t take no for an answer. If it comes down to it, he will take it with force.”

  “I know I said I didn’t want to know and that I didn’t care, but I think I have a right to know…Who is Henry’s father?”

  “I am.”

  “Michael, please, I have to know why this man is hell-bent on destroying you and my ranch. This just isn’t about you and Henry anymore. That man is hell-bent on destroying everyone else involved. From what you told me about him, and with what has already happened here, he is going to kill someone. So please, no more secrets. Who is Henry’s father?” she asked, reaching for his hand.


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