High Moon (A F.R.E.A.K.S. Squad Investigation Book 4)

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High Moon (A F.R.E.A.K.S. Squad Investigation Book 4) Page 6

by Jennifer Harlow

  “You made my earth literally move,” I chuckle.

  He kisses me. “Glad to be of service, ma’am.”

  “And just so you know, I don’t normally put out on the first date. I’m a good girl, I am.”

  “Sorry to corrupt you.”

  “And everyone thought it would be Oliver.”

  “If it was, it would have been the last thing he ever did.” Will pecks my nose. “I love your face when you come. It’s just pure bliss mixed with freedom. I spent hours imagining what it would look like.”

  “And what were you doing, Mr. Price, when you were having these impure thoughts?” I ask in a sultry voice as I start unbuckling his belt and button.

  “Let’s just say the hair on my palms isn’t only because of my condition. I swear, from the second I met you, you’ve consumed my every thought.”

  I unzip his pants. “I know. I drive you crazy.”

  My hand finds the edge of his boxers, and I run my finger along his flat stomach before invading south. He’s a full salute, has been ever since we got into the backseat. I grip him, running my thumb over his tender tip. He draws a quick intake of breath. “Pretty close to certifiable right about now.” My pace quickens along the shaft. He moans. Just like everything else about him I love the feel of him, soft skin over the hard core. We kiss and nibble in time to my own movements. God, I want him inside me.

  A guttural, animal groan or really a growl escapes him. All of a sudden Will sits up and scoots away as far as he can from my touch. “What?” I ask.

  He shaking and breathing heavily, not in the good way. “Sorry. I…can’t do that. Not yet.”

  “I was just trying to reciprocate,” I say as I pull on my bra.

  He starts zipping up his pants. “I know. I’m sorry. I hate this.”

  “What happened? Tell me.” He’s silent and won’t look at me. “Will.” I sit up to take his hand. For once he doesn’t pull away. “Talk to me. This won’t work, we won’t work unless we’re honest with each other. Completely, okay?”

  He glances at me and closes his hand around mine. “I felt it coming. The change.”

  “What does it feel like?”

  “Like all of my skin is on fire and electrified at the same time. Then, in the pit of my stomach, it’s as if something is trying to claw its way out through my organs, spreading its agony over every inch of my flesh. Of my mind. But that pain’s nothing to when I let the monster out. Almost every one of my bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments snap in half before stitching itself back together. My skin stretches and burns and itches at the same time as my hair pushes itself out. My heart feels like it’s about to burst out of my chest it has to pump so hard and so fast. I can’t breathe a lot of the time, and when I can, I use the air to scream. Sweat, mucous, and ectoplasm coat me. It only takes about three minutes but…if I could, I’d pray for death.”

  “What about after? When you’ve changed?”

  “I’m in there. Not a lot, not enough I can control myself like a man should, but I can see and feel what’s happening. All my senses are heightened. I can see perfectly, hear a half mile away, and smell everything. I want to explore, to run, to hunt. It is freeing.” He looks into my eyes, sad. “But nothing trumps the blood lust. The savage, raw desire to tear anything weaker than me to bloody shreds and feast.”


  “Because I’m angry they’re in my territory. Because…it’s fun. I can’t stop myself.”

  “You stopped yourself with me,” I remind him. “In Colorado.” On my first case, a necromancer summoned close to a hundred zombies, and Will changed to stop them. Like a moron, I forgot this fact and found myself face-to-snout with werewolf Will. But instead of eating me, he licked me. Our first kiss sort of.

  “Yeah,” he chuckles. “He likes you. The wolf. Respects you. Wants you. But we can’t count on him to always feel that way.”

  “You’re not going to hurt me,” I assure him.

  “He could,” Will says as his face falls, no doubt rolling through all the horrible scenarios that might take place. He can’t even look at me anymore. The last time he had that expression, he broke my heart. My stubbornness is the only reason we’ve gotten this far.

  I’m not going to let him ruin all my hard work. “Do you trust me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Then tomorrow night, I want to be on guard duty. From start to finish, all night long.”

  That melancholy pale is replaced with revulsion. Not an improvement. “No.”

  “Thought you trusted me.”

  “It’s me I don’t trust, Bea.”

  “That’s crap, Will. I fought a hundred zombies. I walked into a room full of vamps and was one of the few to walk out. I can take care of myself.” I pause. “You know what I think? This entire thing, this push and pull we’ve been going through all this time, it’s all because you’re scared. Scared not about you hurting me, but me hurting you. You hate yourself, Will. You see yourself as this boogeyman who can snap and destroy all of Tokyo or something. And deep down you’re afraid if we get close, really close, I’ll see that too and go screaming for the hills.” I lean across and cup his face in my hand. He still won’t look at me, but puts his hand over mine. “That is not going to happen. I could never, ever hate you. Not for that. I’ve said this a dozen times and I’m going to keep saying it until you get it through your thick skull.” I put my other hand on his bare chest right over his heart. “I don’t care that you’re a werewolf. I don’t. And I think the first step to proving that to you is to go through it with you. See you at your worst, your most frightening, and still be there in the morning with open arms. I love you, Will. Trust that. Please.”

  He closes his eyes to let the prospect sink in. I know I’ve got him when his shoulders drop and jaw relaxes. “I don’t want to ruin this,” he whispers.

  I rest my head over his heart. As he wraps his arms around me, I close my eyes. “I won’t let you.”

  Chapter Four

  With Friends Like These

  Chandler pounces on Will the moment we enter the house just after sunset. Something about a poker game at Rushmore’s apartment. My paramour reluctantly leaves with his buddies while I make a B-line to the kitchen. I’m freaking starving. We never did make it to the restaurant, not that I’m complaining. We just talked and kissed then drove around and kissed. If it was up to me we’d be joined at the lips and never leave the bedroom. I think I’ll replace food with sex and get really skinny. It may be the first diet ever to work for me. Certainly the most fun.

  I’m half-way through my omelet when George walks into our massive kitchen. Just the man I wanted to see. Dr. George Black is the real leader of our ragtag group of abominations. He does the recruiting, the research, and deals with the bureaucracy. At seventy-four he’d had this privilege for over fifty years. He was one of the first parapsychologists to actually earn a degree in it. And he’s the man who brought me here. Some days I curse him and others, like today, I want to kiss him. He gets a ginger ale from the fridge. “I’ve been looking for you,” he says.

  “Will and I were running errands,” I reply.

  “I still haven’t received reports about Virginia Beach from either of you.”

  “Nuts. Sorry. I’ll do it tonight.” I take a bite. “They got her to Montana alright?”

  “Yes.” He sips his soda. “Did you have a pleasant birthday?”

  “It was perfect. And thank you for the book. I didn’t know Julian Wilde had a new novel out.”

  “Well, you are most welcome.”

  He takes a step to leave, but I pipe up. “George? I need to talk to you about something.”


  “I, um, want to be the one to guard Will tomorrow night.”

  He rapidly blinks but shows no other indication of surprise or reprobation. “Have you spoken to him about this?”

  “Yeah. He thought it was a good idea.” Eventually.

  “Well, I’ll spe
ak to him when he returns. I personally don’t see a problem with it.”

  “Good. Thank you.” I advert my gaze and take another bite of my omelet. And he needs to leave now.

  He doesn’t. “So, I assume you two are dating?”

  “Um,” I say into my fork, blushing, “yes. I hope that’s okay.”

  “There are no official rules against it, no.”

  “Good.” Please go away now.

  “I cannot say I’m surprised. You both seem to care deeply for one another, even during those unfortunate months last year.”


  “Just…be careful.”

  “Like with,” I wince, “birth control?”

  “No! I mean, yes, of course, but you’re both adults, you have that covered I’m sure. No, I was speaking emotionally. Be careful. We’ve just begun healing as a team and another rift could be disastrous.”

  I stand up. “I know.”

  “You know what, Trixie dear?”

  George and I turn to the kitchen door where my gorgeous friend fills the frame. He’s still dressed in black satin pajamas and holds a coffee cup that has never held coffee. I glance at George who simply sips his soda. “I’ll leave you two to talk.” George smiles at the vampire as he passes.

  Oliver glides over to the sink. “That sounded ominous. What do we need to talk about?”

  Like last night, I open my mouth to tell my friend my great news, but the words stick in my throat. Because this will change everything. I could lose one of my best friends. Someone I’ve come to rely on more than I care to admit. Not yet. Just…not yet. “I was just telling him about the play last night. I had a great time.”

  “As did I. Though I am afraid I have the opening number repeating through my head.”


  “Small price to pay for spending the evening with the most bewitching woman in Kansas.”

  “You know, when you use that line on every single female within earshot, it sort of diminishes the sentiment.”

  Oliver, with Grin # 2, saunters over to me, stopping mere inches away. “I may say it to them, Trixie my darling, but I mean it with you.” His voice is playful, but his eyes tell another tale. I get goosepimply all over. “So, my dearest darling, what is our destination this evening? We still have not seen that superhero film you spoke of.”

  “I saw it today.” Well, parts of it.

  “Then perhaps the pool hall. I promise not to beat you too terribly.”

  “I think I’m going to have to leave you to your own devices tonight. I have a report to type, and I’m exhausted.” And I need to think up the best way to tell you I’m dating your enemy. I put my plate in the dishwasher. “Sorry. But you have fun.”

  I’m walking out when he steps in front of me. “You do not seem yourself these last two evenings.”

  “What—what do you mean?” I ask with a nervous chuckle.

  “I do not know, but there is something different about you. The word ‘distracted’ leaps to mind.”

  “I’m just tired, that’s all. Good night’s sleep, and I’ll be right as rain.” I squeeze his upper arm for assurance. “You have a good night.”

  As I walk back to my room, unease and guilt weigh me down. I just lied to my best friend. The one man I can bare my soul to without fear of judgment. I just can’t tell him this. Not yet at least. Not until I’m ten thousand percent sure there is something to tell. Because deep down, hidden under the bravado, I have no idea if come tomorrow night there will be.

  For all my posturing, I’m scared to death I won’t be able to handle it. Knowing the man you love changes into a monster, and watching it from start to finish, then being stuck in a room with the monster all night, are very different things. The last time I saw him changing he punched a hole in someone’s chest and tore out his heart. Then he ate it. I didn’t stick around for that last part but I heard about it. Saw a picture too. Yet even as I stared at that photo, at the destruction he wrought, I loved him. Still. Doubts are normal, and if I’ve learned anything from this job, it’s to prepare for the worst. If that worst happens tomorrow, and if I tell Oliver about us tonight, I could lose them both. But really, I’m just a coward. I want my cake and to eat it too.

  Yeah. That’s never worked out for anyone, and I have a horrible feeling I’m no exception. I’ll find out tomorrow. I’m already dreading the day.


  I wasn’t lying about being exhausted. I wrote the report, took a shower, and crashed around ten. I kind of expected Will to crawl into bed with me, but when I wake I’m still alone. The game must have gone long. I dress in jeans and black sweater before going downstairs in search of coffee. Fresh pot piping hot. Good omen for the rest of the day. Tonight’s the night. I—

  “O.M.G! You hooked up with Will!”

  I almost choke on my coffee as Nancy pops in and all but shrieks right in my face. The teleporting thing took getting used to, but when she just appears out of thin air inches from me, it still scares the coffee right out of me. Her doe eyes are wide behind her black, cat-eye glasses.

  “Jesus! Don’t do that!” I cough.

  “Sorry. But is it true? Are you two together? Did he propose yet? Can I be a bridesmaid? Does Oliver know?”

  “Nancy! Take a breath!”

  “I can’t! It’s too exciting!”

  Carl runs into the kitchen, annoyance all over his face. “I knew it. You promised!”

  “What?” Nancy asks. “You can’t like tell me something like that and not like expect me to say something!” The overexcited teen looks back around to me, her black pageboy hair spinning from the force. “So, is it like true?”

  I glance at Carl for help, but he seems as interested in the answer as her. “What makes you think we’re dating?” I chuckle nervously.

  “Last night all the agents totally confronted Will at the poker game. He spilled his guts, then Rush told Carl who told me. And can I say is it is like about time! You two have been like totally in love since you met. Even when you like hated each other, we could all like totally see you wanted to like bang each other’s brains out.” She gasps as something dawns on her. “That’s where you were all yesterday! I totally knew it!”

  “You did not,” Carl says, saddling up to us.

  “Did too! So? Is it true?”

  “Is what true?” Agent Wolfe asks as he enters with blabbermouth Rushmore. “The fact Will and Bea are screwing now?”

  All eyes jut my way, trapping me. Teleportation could come in handy right about now. “Yes, we are a couple now. For about three days.”

  “That’s it?” Carl asks. “Only three days?”

  “How serious is it?” Rushmore asks, face scrunched up.

  “Like mega!” Nancy answers for me. “We’ve all talked about how in love they are for months now!”

  “Well, they’ve been at each other’s throats those same months,” Carl points out.

  “And Will did tell me he couldn’t be in the same room as her,” Rushmore adds.

  “That’s because he’d like totally jump her bones if she got too close to him for too long,” Nancy informs him. She looks back at me. “So, has he? Jumped your bones?”

  “She said it’s only been three days,” Wolfe says.

  “So?” Nancy asks.

  “No, they couldn’t have yet,” Carl says academically. “Too close to the full moon. He’d probably change if they did.”

  “They can like so do other things,” says Nancy.

  “I just wish they’d gotten together months ago,” Rushmore says to the group, who all seem to have forgotten I’m in the room. “We could have avoided all the bullshit.”

  Chandler and Andrew walk in, completing the menagerie of my horror. “What’s going on?” Chandler asks.

  “Talking about Will and Alexander,” Rushmore says.

  “Oh, that,” Chandler says with distaste. He looks at me. “Disaster of epic proportions.”

  “No, it’s not,” Carl says.

  “Of course it is. Aren’t you forgetting someone?” Rushmore asks before turning my way. “Does he know yet?”

  “Obviously not,” Chandler responds for me, though much snarkier than I would have. “Will hasn’t been drained of all his blood and crucified on the front lawn yet.”

  “Oliver would never do that!” Nancy snaps, offended for the object of her crush.

  “Then we’re not talking about the same Oliver,” Chandler says with a scoff.

  “And things just got back to normal,” Rushmore says to himself. “I’ll ask for reassignment before I go through that bullshit again.”

  “Me too,” Wolfe says.

  “It’ll be worse this time,” Chandler adds. “That bastard’s going to rain down blood on all of us.”

  “Hey, he didn’t cause the rift last time,” Wolfe says. “Your boy did.”

  “It ran both ways, asshole,” Rushmore says.

  “Don’t call him an asshole,” Carl says.

  Chandler throws his hands up in exasperation. “See? Look what you’ve done. It’s beginning already.”

  Then everyone takes offense at once, talking over each other but not listening. Nancy defends “my love” but the others just bicker about who started the last war, and what this one will be like. Only Andrew and I keep our traps shut. I’m afraid to move or even blink in case I make things worse. Seems to be a gift of mine.

  I breathe a literal sigh of relief when Will appears behind Andrew in the doorway. His brow furrows in confusion at all the commotion. “What the hell is going on here?” he bellows.

  “Us,” I pipe up for the first time in minutes.

  Will eyes all our hostile friends with censure as he stalks toward me. A bit of the wolf peeks out behind his expression, lips pulled back to show his teeth. Jesus, that’s unnerving. Don’t think there’s a single person in this room without chills, myself included. “Us, huh?” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me against his hip. A united front. “And I take it they’re not happy for us?”


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