“Oh, thank God,” Victoria said dramatically and then secured the comb into her signature French twist.
“Blue Eyes—” Andre touched her arm. “I’m going to go search for the groom. He probably needs a reprieve from my boy. I’m sure by now, Michael has given him an earful. The kid is never at a loss for words.”
“Good idea. Although, listening to Michael’s views on the world always makes me smile.” Her gaze caught Gladys’s dark stare. “Go.” Jennifer pushed him playfully. “You’re going to get me into so much trouble with your momma.”
“You can handle it. Her tongue-lashings don’t even come close to yours,” he said with a wink.
An unladylike snort resounded across the room. Jennifer slapped her hand over her mouth in an attempt to stifle her hysteria. A hearty laugh eased from Andre’s lips, his shoulders shaking up and down. “We’re so busted,” Jennifer laughed, sucking in her top lip to stifle her smile from spreading across her face as Gladys rushed toward them.
“Dear Lord, the two of you act worse than children. I swear that Lily and Michael are better behaved than the both of you. Let me remind you that this is a high-class mansion, not Motel 6.” A glint of humor sparkled in her eyes. “Andre, fetch your son. His boutonniere isn’t going to pin itself on his jacket. And you—” She pointed at Jennifer. “Don’t make me tell you to fix Lily’s hair again.” She whirled around, her back toward them as she clapped her hands together. “Lily Taylor, you get your little girl butt in here right now,” Mrs. Jenkins yelled to the child skipping in the hallway. “Jennifer is going to fix your hair.”
Andre shook his head. Be good, he mouthed, still chuckling as he exited the room.
Chapter 48
Clutching a bouquet of blue hydrangeas and white roses, Jennifer waited on the colonnade.
“It’s really happening,” Victoria whispered directly behind her.
Jennifer rolled her eyes. Thank God.
The orchestra began to play “Ave Maria,” one of Victoria’s beloved Nana’s favorite songs. Showtime, Jennifer thought and began her descent down the white carpet that had been rolled out over the lush grass.
Henrique and Andre waited patiently at the small podium. Dressed in navy-blue jackets, fitted vests, tailored slacks, and white ties, they both looked especially handsome. Andre’s wide grin welcomed Jennifer as he offered his elbow. Arm tucked around his, he whispered, “You should be ashamed of yourself. You know you’re not supposed to outshine the bride.”
“You lie,” Jennifer whispered back, a slight thrill jolting through her.
“I always tell the truth,” he protested.
The opening chords of the “Wedding March” began to play, all guests turning their attention to the colonnade. Smiling joyfully, Victoria stood looking out at the crowd. A warm, gentle breeze billowed her veil. In her hands, she held a larger cascading bouquet that matched Jennifer’s.
Like rapid fire, Jennifer’s world had spiraled out of control. Nothing would ever be the same. In a matter of moments, Victoria would become Mrs. Henrique Santana. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she recalled how Henrique Santana had brought Victoria out of her shell. And for that, she’d always approve of him. He’d proven to her that he would treat Victoria like the precious gem she was.
From her peripheral, she caught Andre gawking at her. Warmth spread over her when she saw the compassion in his eyes. She’d tried to conceal her tears; it wasn’t like her to be so mushy. Andre probably wondered what the hell was wrong with her. He’d seen her cry more than once lately.
The corners of her lips twitched as Andre mouthed, I love you. Quickly, she averted her forlorn gaze, her emotions overtaking her composure. Her fingers trembled as she clutched her bouquet, desolation welling within her. Would they ever have their own wedding day? Andre’s unborn child swelled in her belly and she couldn’t tell him because of Rosalyn. There was no doubt in Jennifer’s mind that she’d leverage Jennifer’s pregnancy against them to gain custody of Michael. And there was no way she’d make Andre choose between Michael and their unborn child.
Suddenly, the pastor pronounced Victoria and Henry as husband and wife. The ceremony had passed like a whirlwind. The recessional began to play. Thunderous applause followed by a chorus of cheers resounded as the newlyweds turned from the altar. Beaming with happiness, they preened momentarily before slowly walking down the aisle. Jennifer sniffled, forcing herself to smile as they stopped repeatedly for guests to congratulate the happy couple.
AMAZINGLY, JENNIFER had managed to retain her eyesight after a parade of photographers took numerous pictures of the wedding party. Thanks to Helen’s influence with The Newport Ladies Refurbishment Society, Henry had recently been promoted to President of Restoration and Development. Given that it was well-known that he’d originally relocated to Newport to with the goal of constructing a five-star resort community, only to fall in love and now marry Victoria Hathaway, the local bookshop owner who captured his heart, Henry was fodder for the society papers. Add in the history of tragic events that led to his father’s arrest along with his model good looks, Henrique Santana was hard to forget.
Jennifer had greedily forked a piece of lobster tail into her mouth. Pregnancy made her ravenous. She was after all eating for two. Eyes closed, she savored each juicy, succulent bite.
The DJ was awesome, accommodating their requests for popular 90s songs from their high-school days to modern-day Jonas Brothers. With the tunes blaring over the loudspeakers, Jennifer and Andre danced until she thought she’d drop. Briefly, it had felt like old times reminding Jennifer of the fun she, Andre, and Victoria had at their senior prom.
Jennifer had nearly lost her cool when she presented Victoria with the wedding cake. She’d spent several painstakingly long hours, losing an entire night’s sleep, to create the masterpiece. Simple yet elegant, Jennifer had been sure to spread an ample amount of sweet lemon buttercream frosting over each of the cake’s three layers. After smoothing her bench knife over the tops and sides of each tier, she used baby blue silk to tie a pretty bow around the base of the top tier, allowing the excess ribbon to cascade down over the middle and bottom layers. An oversized blue hydrangea sat atop the cake along with a large white rose, both surrounded by baby’s breath. Inside, the lemon cake was light and refreshing, the raspberry filling having been a perfect complement. For guests who preferred traditional flavors, Jennifer had created two separate trays, each holding dozens of chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. Since the raspberry filling blended well with the vanilla and chocolate, Jennifer had placed a dollop in the center of each cupcake. Not to take away from the wedding cake, she’d whipped up luscious vanilla cream to frost each cupcake and used food coloring to decorate her creations with blue hydrangeas with green petals. The look of sheer delight that had spread across Victoria’s face had made Jennifer’s exhaustion totally worth it.
Having changed from her wedding dress into a white pantsuit, Victoria walked with Jennifer through Rosecliff’s grand front doors. A white Bentley waited outside as Jennifer hugged Victoria tight against her chest. “You’re married!”
“I know,” Victoria giggled. “You’re next.”
Sadness wafted over her. “Oh, I don’t know about that.”
“Oh, I do.” Victoria smiled prettily. “Besides, you caught the bouquet.”
“True,” Jenn answered, not wanting to discuss the possibility of marriage. She’d had her chance long ago. She didn’t want to taint Victoria’s special day with her own remorse.
“Andre caught the garter,” Victoria added.
“You’re tenacious,” Jennifer laughed.
“Thank you for putting up with me the last few months. I know I was a total bridezilla. I’ll never forget this day or what you mean to me,” Victoria said. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. I’m sorry if I lost my patience. I’ve got a lot on my mind, but it wasn’t fair of me to take it out on you,” Jennifer said.
“Water under the bridge,” Victoria said. “Please don’t wait much longer to tell Andre about the baby. That man loves you, Jenn. Don’t be afraid. I know he’ll be beyond happy.”
“Ladies,” Henry called out as he walked towards them, interrupting their talk. “I hate to break this up, but Mrs. Santana and I have a plane to catch.”
Andre stepped from behind him. “Jenn and I have a celebration to wrap up.”
After a few more hugs, loads of kisses, and several tears, Victoria and Henry piled into the Bentley and minutes later, the car drove off into the sunset.
Tears rolled down Jennifer’s face. Their lives had changed so much. She prayed they’d each be blessed with a lifetime of happiness.
“Come on, Blue Eyes, let’s go to the colonnade. I feel like dancing with you surrounded by the ocean. We’ll listen to the waves and gossip about the stragglers who refuse to go home. Andre snaked his arm around her waist, and shot her his most dashing smile. “Plus, I have a surprise for you,” Andre joked, bopping her gently on the nose.
“Well, I do like surprises,” Jennifer acquiesced.
As soon as they’d stepped out onto the colonnade, Andre lowered onto one knee. “What are you doing,” she questioned, horrified as his large hand captured her left one, while his other hand reached into his pocket, removing a small velvet box. Fingers trembling, he opened the lid. A half-carat heart-shaped diamond set in a platinum band encrusted with blue Larimar stones gleamed from inside.
“Andre,” she said breathlessly. Jennifer’s heart thudded within her chest. She felt faint—dizzy as panic overcame her. This can’t be happening. Not now! How could she marry him when she harbored such a monumental secret?
His lips, wide and full, quirked upward curving into an adorable smile. “I’ve been practicing this for days. Be patient with me while I try to get this right.”
The nervousness in his voice made her heart wrench. Lifting her free hand to her chest, she willed herself to breathe. Sweat dripped down her spine, the humid air overtaking her as her temperature began to rise.
Hope-filled brown eyes looked up with expectation. He was waiting—expecting her to answer.
“I’m sorry,” she said, flicking her tongue over her parched lips.
Andre appeared bemused, but nevertheless, repeated the question. “Will you marry me?”
Pain gripped her chest, her breathing shallowed. Light-headed, his words slurred together while everything swirled into blackness.
Chapter 49
“Don’t move her,” Gladys Jenkins said with authority as she bounded from the ballroom and out onto the colonnade.
Seated on the floor, Andre cradled Jennifer’s still form across his lap, her head lolled back against his bicep. “Jenn,” he said softly, stroking her cheek.
“I’m going to get a glass of water,” his mother said.
If he weren’t so concerned about the unconscious woman in his arms, Andre might have found the situation amusing. He’d never seen his mother’s short, chubby legs move so fast.
Within minutes, Mrs. Jenkins returned with a glass of ice-cold water and a handful of napkins. The daughter of a doctor, his mother was always prepared for a medical emergency. “Here.” She thrust a sodden, folded napkin toward her oldest son. “Place it on her head and don’t stop speaking to her.”
By now, many of the stragglers had become aware of the commotion and a crowd had gathered on the patio. Jennifer’s eyelids fluttered, a low murmur escaping from her slightly parted lips.
“Thank God,” Andre said, relief coursing him as her unusual aqua-colored eyes, reminiscent of the blue Larimar stones he’d selected for her ring, peered up at him. “You nearly scared me to death.”
“You look alive to me,” Jennifer said, trying to push herself into a seated position.
“Easy. Not so fast. You just blacked out.” Andre slid his palm to her lower back, assisting her as she moved to sit up.
“Show’s over.” Clapping her hands, Mrs. Jenkins shooed the unwanted bystanders away from Jennifer and Andre, urging back into the ballroom. “Come on now,” she snapped her fingers. “The DJ won’t be here much longer. Let’s boogie.”
“Nosy bastards,” Jennifer said under her breath and reached for the glass of water that Mrs. Jenkins had placed beside her. “I wish they’d leave. They’ve got plenty of fodder to gossip about now that I’ve made an ass out of myself.”
Andre chuckled and brushed a stray auburn lock that had escaped from her updo behind her ear. “I love you,” he said and placed a kiss to her forehead.
Jennifer averted her gaze to her lap and fiddled with the hem of her gown. Avoiding his loving gaze, she busied herself with spreading the ocean of blue neatly around her ankles.
He picked the velvet box from the ground. Taking her left hand in his, he slid the engagement ring over her finger. It had been sized correctly. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Jennifer Jordan,” Andre said. “Marry me.”
Something was wrong. Why hasn’t she answered? “Jenn?” Andre asked, his brow furrowed as he wondered why she hadn’t thrown herself against his chest and smothered him with kisses just as he’d imagined she would.
She looked up, her eyes glistening with tears. “I can’t.”
Chapter 50
A lump forming in her throat, Jennifer stared at the diamond sparkling from her fourth finger.
Andre’s shoulders sagged. “Do you not like the ring?” he asked, disappointment in his tone.
“It’s gorgeous,” Jennifer said softly.
A nervous chuckle emitted from his chest. “Good. I thought it would look beautiful on your finger.”
Lips trembling, the corners of her mouth turned into a feeble smile. “Wonders never cease,” she said, disheartened by Andre’s look of bewilderment.
Callused fingers settled over her hand, moving it into his larger one to cup it between both of his palms. “Jenn, you’ve had me whipped since I was twelve years old. Even as I kid, I knew that I was born to love you. To be your husband, your lover, and your best friend. I know that things haven’t gone exactly as planned. And although I’m not a rich, I promise to treat you like a queen. All I want, Blue Eyes, is to protect and care for you and Michael. For us to be a family.”
Feeling as if she were dying inside, Jennifer released a murmur of protest. “As long as I’m in the picture, Rosalyn will fight to take Michael away from you. We’ll never be a happy family with her breathing down our necks.”
His jaw clenched. “Don’t even use that as an excuse,” Andre said. “You heard my lawyer. He said we can beat her. Something happened today that made me confident that we’ll win the case. I wanted to tell you as soon as I got here, but it needs to be discussed in private.”
Fingers trembling, Jennifer held the ring between them, proffering it to him.
Andre’s expression darkened as he shook his head. “Absolutely not.”
“Take it,” Jennifer said, her voice cracking.
Andre tugged his arms from beneath her back. Her support gone, Jennifer teetered toward the side as Andre pushed himself from the ground. Standing with his hands in his pockets, he loomed above her, his lips pulled into a tight line. “That belongs to you,” he said tersely. “Someday, you’re going to wear it.”
Body shaking uncontrollably, Jennifer braced herself on her elbows and peered up. Black mascara stained her cheeks, her face devoid of color, her body crumpled in a heap at his feet.
Shoulders rigid, he glared down at her, neither of them saying a word. I’m going to find my mother and ask her take Michael to her house for the night.”
“What? Why? Isn’t he going back to Rosalyn’s?” Jennifer questioned.
“I’ll explain when I get home.” He turned, peering over his shoulder. “After you tell me what the hell you’re hiding from me,” Andre informed her, then strode away from her and entered the ballroom.
pter 51
Sitting cross-legged on the couch, the turquoise material of Jennifer’s bridesmaid gown lay in a shroud of wrinkles around her. She lifted her hand toward the sky, twisting and turning it in all directions to study the sparkling heart-shaped diamond, the Larimar stones shimmering brightly at each of its sides.
Why now? She yanked the ring from her finger. Remorse seeped through her body as she rolled it between her thumb and forefinger, her attention captured by the engraving on the inner side of the gold band—Forever My Desire. The same sentiment Andre had inscribed into a tree trunk all those years ago when they were kids walking home from school. Her lips curled at the corners as she remembered reciprocating on Andre’s seventeenth birthday. It had seemed like a brilliant idea to spray-paint the overpass on Van Zandt Ave to read, Jennifer Jordan Loves Andre Jenkins Forever. However, the inclusion of their last names probably wasn’t quite as genius an idea as she’d originally believed. She’d gotten into quite a bit of hot water for that stunt.
An image of Michael, his infectious smile and adorable dimples lighting up his sweet little face, flashed through her mind. Jennifer sniffled, the remembrance prompting another tsunami of tears to stream down her face.
Why does everything have to be so fucking complicated? Isn’t love supposed to conquer all? She saw a vision of herself seated in a baby’s bedroom, her newborn baby cradled against her breast as she rocked her child to sleep. Suddenly, her heart swelled. An epiphany caused her spirits to soar.
What if the best thing for Michael was to live with a real family? A sense of stability that she, Andre, and their children could provide? Surely the courts would see that they’d give Michael a normal family life. A broad smile broke out on her face.
Not this time, you fucking heartless bitch. This time Andre and I are going to beat you at your own game.
Forever His Desire Page 21