HOT SEAL Rescue (HOT SEAL Team - Book 3)

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HOT SEAL Rescue (HOT SEAL Team - Book 3) Page 6

by Lynn Raye Harris

She thought about waking him, but that might not be a good idea. Instead, she decided to ease out of the bed and give him space. If it went on too long, she’d wake him. She flipped back the covers and slipped a leg out from under them.

  And then a hand clamped down on her arm, scaring her enough to make her squeak. But it didn’t stop there. He dragged her toward him and then flipped her so she was on her back and he was on top of her, his entire length pressing into her. His hard, hot, incredibly fit body. Pressing. Into. Her.

  Miranda bit back a moan even though common sense told her that wasn’t the proper reaction at the moment.

  “Cody,” she said, keeping her voice as calm and soothing as possible. Not daring to move in case he decided she needed more restraining than she was already getting. “It’s Miranda. Your CIA pal. The one you’re helping escape from the bad guys. You’re dreaming, cowboy.”

  He didn’t say anything for a long moment. And then he seemed to shake himself. “Miranda?”

  “Yep, it’s me. How’s it going, buddy?”

  He shuddered. It wasn’t the best maneuver for her sanity because he was at least half hard from the contact and his cock was pressing into her mound. Right up against all those sensitive nerve endings. Not to mention that the T-shirt she was wearing had gotten twisted and dragged upward so that everything from her belly button down was exposed.

  And her cotton underwear wasn’t much of a barrier between them.

  “I was dreaming. Sorry.”

  “Yeah, I figured. Everything okay?”

  He moved his head in the darkness. Shaking it? “It will be.”

  She lifted her arms and put her hands on his biceps. Touching him gently. Lightly. But her fingers trembled as she did so. Was she that out of practice? Or was it him and this effect he had on her?

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He stilled at her words. Or maybe it was her touch. She wasn’t sure.

  “No,” he grated.

  She thought he might make a move to get off her, let her go. But he didn’t. He stayed where he was, his body pressing hers into the mattress, and a shiver of anticipation rolled over her. She wet her lips, her pulse racing, her body humming.

  “What do you want, Cody?”

  “Honestly? I want to strip you naked and make you scream my name.”

  Her belly twisted with hunger. Her pussy throbbed as another surge of heat rolled through her. She ran her hand up his arm, into his hair. He was warm, so warm. Solid and comforting.

  “Maybe I want that too.”

  She felt his response instantly. His cock pressed against her, harder than before, and she tried to wiggle her legs apart so she could shift her hips and apply the pressure just where she wanted it. But he didn’t let her move.

  “You don’t know what you’re saying, Miranda. Your life has been turned upside down, and you’re reacting in ways you probably wouldn’t otherwise.”

  She put her hand over his mouth to stop any other ridiculous words from exiting. “I’m pretty sure I’m a grown-ass woman, Cody McCormick. I can make up my own mind about who I fuck. It’s just sex, for God’s sake. We aren’t talking about a marriage proposal here, or a future together. I’m not so weak-minded that I fall apart at the first sign of trouble and screw whatever red-blooded male is available, you know.”

  She took her hand off his mouth and was rewarded with laughter. Not quite the reaction she’d expected.

  “You do realize what you just said is pretty much every man’s wet dream? Nostrings sex with a gorgeous woman.” He shook his head. “Is it fucking Christmas or what?”

  “Listen here, smart-ass. I can’t sleep, I haven’t had sex in over a year, I’m horny as hell, and you’re not only male, but you’re pretty hot too. So either shut up and kiss me, or get the fuck out of here and leave me alone. Because I am done sleeping in the same bed with you unless you keep your promise to make me scream.”


  Cody shuddered. He shouldn’t do this, God knows he shouldn’t, but he wasn’t going to say no. He should have gotten off her when he’d woken and realized he was pinning her down, but he hadn’t been able to make himself move. She’d felt too good beneath him. The effects of the dream were still dragging him down into a pit of despair, and Miranda was the only bright spot he could see. Losing himself in sex with her would chase the darkness away, at least for a little while.

  With a groan, he lowered his head and captured her mouth. She opened to him eagerly, her tongue sliding against his with sensual abandon. The bolt of lust rocketing through him wasn’t surprising. The wave of tenderness for the woman beneath him was.

  Whether he took a woman to bed after knowing her for a few hours or a few weeks, emotion was never involved. It was a transaction to him. A mutually satisfying exploration of bodies. Sometimes he saw the same woman again. Sometimes once was enough.

  He had no idea which it was going to be with Miranda, but the tenderness was new and unexpected. Quite possibly because he felt sorry for her and everything she’d gone through. She was in trouble and he wanted to help her, and maybe that added something to the mix that he hadn’t accounted for.

  Whatever the reason, he wasn’t stopping to explore his feelings. Fuck that. Besides, it wasn’t going to last. Once he relieved this searing tension in his balls, his head would clear and he could think again.

  He lifted himself up enough to get his hands on the T-shirt she’d worn to bed, and then he dragged it up and over her head. Her arms went around his neck again and she pulled him down, her eager mouth seeking his. He kissed her hard, deep, his fingers sliding up to cup a breast. She moaned and arched into him as he flicked her nipple.

  Damn, she was sensitive. He broke the kiss and took her nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue against the tight, fat peak. Miranda writhed beneath him, her fingers curling into his shoulders almost painfully.

  Jesus. She’d said it had been more than a year. He couldn’t imagine a woman as beautiful as her going without physical contact, but who knew why people did what they did sometimes? He thought of her with Conti earlier, of the look on her face as she’d approached him. She’d been tough and determined and scared all at once.

  Thank God he’d let her steer him outside. That he hadn’t disarmed her then and there and turned her over to the men who wanted her.

  “Oh,” she gasped as he grazed his teeth over her nipple. “Yes, like that. Please, like that.”

  He cupped both her breasts and pushed them together, giving her nipples the attention they needed with his tongue and teeth.

  “Oh my God,” she moaned, arching into him, her hips lifting as she rode the bulge in his athletic shorts. He shifted away from her and she whimpered.

  But he didn’t want her reaching orgasm that way. He wanted to give it to her, not have her find it while rubbing her clit against his hardness.

  “You have perfect nipples,” he told her before sucking hard on one while she mewled. He let it pop from his mouth and then did the same to the other one.

  He couldn’t see her as well as he would like in the darkness, but he didn’t want to take the time to turn on the light. Maybe it would break the spell if he did. Maybe she wouldn’t want to keep going, or maybe he wouldn’t—though he doubted that very much.

  But he wanted to see her body again. The glimpse he’d gotten of her earlier had been amazing, but he wanted more. He wanted to watch her eyes dilate with pleasure, watch as she bit her lip and moaned. He wanted to see her reaction when he slid deep inside her.

  It wasn’t going to happen though. Maybe next time. Assuming there was a next time. He was smart enough to realize that once might be it. No matter what she said, she might regret that she’d crossed this line with him tonight.

  A wave of fierceness rolled through him. He didn’t want her to regret it, goddammit. And he was going to do everything he could to make sure she didn’t.

  Swiftly, he hooked his fingers into her panties and yanked them off. She lifted

her legs, helping him out. Their eyes met, tangled for a moment. And then he settled between her legs and pushed her knees apart.

  He tested her with his fingers first, sliding them down along the seam of her sex. She was wetter than he’d imagined, the folds of her pussy swollen with desire, and a shot of primal need lanced through him.

  “Do you want me to lick you, sunshine?”

  Her breath caught. “God, yes. I’d make a deal with the devil himself if that’s what it took.”

  Cody couldn’t help but chuckle. She amused him even when he didn’t expect it.

  “No deal with the devil. But Miranda, if you change your mind about the rest of this after you come, I’m going to cross you off my Christmas card list forever.”

  It was her turn to laugh. “You don’t have a Christmas card list, cowboy. You’re a manly man, and your kind doesn’t send cards.”

  “Damn, you got me there—but honey,” he said, his tone serious, “if you don’t want to do this, tell me. I’ll stop.”

  She reached down and threaded a hand into his hair. Something about her touch sent a shiver down his spine. A good shiver.

  “You need to stop talking and start licking, big boy. And then, once I’ve recovered from what is sure to be an awesome orgasm, I’ll return the favor. Promise.”


  Her heart was in her throat. Her pussy ached. Her stomach churned. She needed him to touch her, and she was afraid he wouldn’t. Afraid he’d have an attack of nobility or something that would make him insist she didn’t really want this and he wasn’t going to take advantage.

  Really, men could be so silly sometimes. She held her breath, waiting. And then his fingers glided against her again, and she hissed as his thumb skated over her clitoris. The aftershocks sizzled through her like a flash fire.

  “You’re so wet for me, Miranda. I love it.”

  Before she could reply, he spread her with his thumbs and touched his tongue to her clit. She saw stars. Her hands automatically went to his head, her fingers shoving into his hair.

  He hummed a laugh, and the stars intensified. It wasn’t going to take long at this rate, which both excited and disappointed her at the same time. Hell yes, she wanted to come.

  But not so fast. She wanted this incredible feeling of excitement and tension to last longer than five seconds.

  It wasn’t in the cards. He sucked her clit into his mouth the way he had her nipples—and she exploded. He tugged on her gently but firmly, and the stars behind her eyes went completely white.

  She rose off the bed, arching into him, shoving her hips into his face as she sought every drop of pleasure. He didn’t stop sucking, didn’t stop making her come. It lasted far longer than she’d thought it would, her limbs dissolving into nothingness, her blood pounding in her veins, her skin on fire with heat, her voice a raw sound in her throat as she cried out.

  And then he was kissing his way up her belly, stopping to shower attention on her nipples again before finding his way to her mouth and taking it in a hot, wet kiss. She tasted herself, but she didn’t mind. Her body floated in a sea of satisfaction—and yet she sensed there was more pleasure to come if she had the strength for it.

  “My turn,” she said when he finally broke the kiss.

  “Nah, baby, not this time,” he murmured, licking the skin of her throat. “I want to be inside you.”

  She wanted it too.

  “Got to get a condom,” he said, rolling away from her and reaching for something. His bag on the floor. A moment later he was back, shorts gone and a foil packet in his hand.

  “Let me.” She took it from him and ripped it open with surprisingly shaky fingers. What the hell?

  He lay back to give her access. She wrapped her hand around him, her gut clenching. Oh my… he was so solid. So big and hard. She rolled the condom down as far as she could, and then she let him go. He didn’t move or speak, and neither did she.

  Then he reached out and ran the back of his hand against her cheek. “You sure about this, Miranda Jane?”

  Her pulse skittered. Her belly tightened. She put a hand on his wrist and ran it up his arm. “I want you, Cody. That hasn’t changed in the past few minutes.”

  “That’s good to hear, baby, because I’m aching for you something powerful right now.”

  Her confidence surged. She pushed him onto his back and straddled him. His broad hands clamped around her hips, gently, as she sat there and stared down at the smooth skin and hard muscle beneath her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she said and then blushed. What the fuck? She did not do sweet nothings. Not even with Mark—and she’d thought she was in love with him at one time.

  “Thanks, honey. But I can’t hold a candle to you.” He reached up and toyed with her nipples, those sensitive little beasts that tingled and ached anew at his touch. “Love these nipples. So beautiful and responsive.”

  She’d always hated her nipples. They were too big, too prone to showing through her clothing when she was cold or aroused. But when Cody touched them, she felt like they were indeed special.

  “They love you too,” she said on a sigh.

  He lifted his head and pulled her forward until he could suck one into his mouth. “Mmmm, sweet,” he said. “Like the rest of you.”

  Her juices were dripping down her thighs now. Much more of that and she’d embarrass herself with how wet she was.

  He reached between them, his fingers skimming her clit.

  “You are so fucking wet,” he groaned. “It’s a crime you’ve been celibate—but the caveman in me is pretty damned happy you were. Because I get to be the man who reminds you how awesome sex can be.”

  “Don’t disappoint me,” she said hoarsely.

  “Not a chance, sunshine. You’re gonna melt, baby. Swear it.”

  She believed him. He gripped his cock then and positioned it beneath her. She didn’t need any urging to sink down on him. Her muscles burned in spite of how wet she was, because it had been so long.

  And maybe because he was hung. Seriously hung. She sucked in a breath and told herself to relax. But she needn’t have worried because Cody circled her clit again and again with his thumb. He didn’t move at all, didn’t shove himself inside her and pump like his life depended on it.

  She had to admit that she’d half feared that, even though he’d been patient enough to take care of her first. Some men were that way. They thought because they got you off that you then didn’t care what they did in order to get themselves off.

  “You okay?” he asked when he slid all the way home.

  She could feel him pulsing inside her. Feel his power and his restraint.

  And she suddenly wanted to own that power. Wanted to shatter that restraint.

  “Never better,” she said as she started to move on him. She went slowly at first, letting her body grow accustomed to him, and then faster as the pressure built deep inside her again.

  She threw her head back, curled her nails into his shoulders. He gripped her hips—to steady her or direct her she didn’t know—but let her set the pace.

  “Oh God,” she gasped as the tension inside her tightened almost unbearably. “It’s so good… So. Damn. Good…”

  He put his thumb right where it bumped against her clit as she bounced up and down on him. She’d thought she could hold out, thought it would take a little longer to reach her climax—but she was wrong.

  She shattered with a hoarse cry. She would have collapsed against him, but he flipped her like she was made of feathers, pushing her legs wide and pumping into her in just such a way that he hit the bundle of nerves in her G-spot.

  “Keep coming for me, Miranda,” he commanded her, never letting up, never tiring as he pressed her into the mattress. The bed squeaked mightily and the headboard rocked against the wall, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was the orgasm ripping through her body at that moment.

  It was the most intense, the most surprising, sexual experience of her life. May
be it was the situation and the tension, or maybe it was the man. Whatever it was, her body was on fire with pleasure.

  “Cody,” she cried out. “Oh fuck, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  “As much as you want, baby. I’m here.”

  She didn’t know how long the orgasm lasted, but Cody was good as his word. He pumped into her hard and quick, dragging it out. When she was spent, when he felt the tension in her limbs release, he gave in to his own pleasure, his body stilling as he shoved deep and let go. Only the jerk of his hips and the harshness of his breath in her ear told her he was coming.

  When it was over, he kissed her cheek, her neck, then licked her nipple before getting off her and disappearing to take care of the condom.

  Miranda stretched happily. Yeah, maybe she’d regret this in the morning, but right now? Hell, right now she was congratulating herself on such a good idea. Now if only she could manage to fall asleep, her night would be perfect.

  As if thinking about it made it happen, sleep crashed down on her and she heard no more.


  “That’s bullshit,” Cody hissed into the phone. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure he was still alone. He’d awakened an hour ago, feeling more relaxed than he had in a long time. The remnants of the dream had completely faded, and Miranda had been sprawled beside him on her belly, her arm flung over the pillow. He’d wanted to wake her and do a repeat of last night, but the truth was that he wasn’t sure she’d agree.

  She’d said she knew what she was doing. That she wasn’t going to regret the fact they’d fucked when they barely knew each other. In his experience, very few women were wired for one-night stands. They got emotional even when they said they wouldn’t.

  Instead of waking her, he’d let her sleep and gone outside on the porch to enjoy the early-morning desert air after he’d made a cup of coffee in the Keurig. It had been pretty enjoyable until Viking called him a few minutes ago.

  “Sorry, Cowboy,” Viking said. “But you have to bring her in. She’s not operating on a sanctioned mission. She has a personal beef with Victor Conti—she was going to kill him, not infiltrate his organization.”


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