HOT SEAL Rescue (HOT SEAL Team - Book 3)

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HOT SEAL Rescue (HOT SEAL Team - Book 3) Page 12

by Lynn Raye Harris

  Lucky scratched her cheek. “Well then. Guess we’re going to have to think of something, aren’t we?”

  Victoria nodded. “Absolutely. And we’re going to start by getting him to take Cash’s place on this mission. Cody has to be the one spending time with you, not Cash.”

  Miranda shook her head. “Cash asked him straight up if he wanted the job back on Andrews. He said no.”

  Lucky waved her hand dismissively. “Of course he did. But that is about to end, isn’t it, Vee?”

  “Hell yes it is. We’ve got this.”

  Miranda let her gaze slide between them. She wasn’t accustomed to this. At all. “I appreciate that you want to help—but why do y’all even care? You don’t know me. Maybe I’m a royal bitch and Cody’s better off hating me.”

  “Cody’s one of the easiest-going people I know,” Victoria said. “But he hasn’t been the same the past few weeks. So either he gets you out of his system and moves on, or he doesn’t and y’all work out your shit. Avoidance solves nothing. Trust me, I know that from personal experience too.”

  “Yep, have to second that,” Lucky said. “Life is easier when you confront your problems head-on. If I’d gotten away with avoiding my issues, I’d still be in Hawaii and I wouldn’t have married Kev. Believe me when I say I far prefer the life I have now.”

  “I’m not— I don’t feel that way about him,” Miranda said. “This isn’t about getting together or getting married. Just so you know.” But even as she said it, her belly tightened.

  Victoria arched one of those expressive eyebrows of hers. “Of course not, honey,” she said. “That’s never what it’s about. It’s just how it ends up.”

  “Man, that woman is hot, hot, hot,” Money said as they stood in the shower together. It was the next morning after they’d arrived and the SEALs were getting ready for the day. They’d do some last minute massaging of the plan based on intel, and then they’d board commercial flights into Jorwani, separating into smaller groups so that they didn’t all enter at the same time. Once there, they were to head to the aid organization’s headquarters and regroup.

  “That ass, those tits, those lips… Christ, what I wouldn’t give to get up in that.”

  Cody grunted and turned his back as Money extolled Miranda’s virtues. What he really wanted to do was wrap his hands around Money’s neck and squeeze.

  Alex “Camel” Kamarov chimed in. “Dude, smart of you to volunteer to hang with her. Maybe when you’re pretending to be married, you can actually do the deed, you know?”

  Cody whirled. “You two need to shut the fuck up. There’s no time for that shit. We go in, we finish our plan so it’s airtight, we get Conti, and get out.”

  “Man, he can bang her in the next night or two. We’ve got three nights until Okonjo leaves, so why not?” Camel said. “He can bang her all three nights.”

  “Nobody’s banging anybody,” Cody said. “Jesus Christ, are you two on a mission or playing a fucking video game? You can’t pause this shit to get your freak on and then unpause and go back to the action.”

  “I think that’s up to me and the lady,” Money said, soaping his chest. “Why do you care, anyway?”

  “I don’t.”

  Cody turned the taps to let colder water stream over him. He was getting pissed and needed to cool his temper. Money merely grinned, the bastard. Cody turned his back and rinsed off, then shut off the taps and grabbed his towel. He dried vigorously, scrubbing his head and body, then yanked on his clothes—civvies since they were flying into Jorwani later this afternoon—and grabbed his bag before heading back down the hallway to the bunk room he shared with Money, Camel, and Adam “Blade” Garrison.

  He left everything and headed to the mess hall where he grabbed a tray and then went down the line, grabbing eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee. Then he went over and plunked the whole thing down on a table. He was doing a good job of eating and not thinking about the things Money had said when Miranda sailed into the room, looking cool and fresh in a summery dress that went down to her ankles and was held up by a tube of fabric clinging to her ample breasts. Oh Lord have mercy.

  Victoria and Lucky were with her. Also wearing dresses. Also looking cool and fresh.

  “Dude, you do know your eyes are bugging out of your head, right?”

  Cody swiveled to find Viking sitting down beside him. Cage took the seat across from them. Cody dropped his fork onto the plate.

  “I’m pissed off, all right? Is that what you assholes want to hear? She fucking lied to me, and I’ve spent six whole weeks wondering what the fuck I could have done differently. How I could have saved her. Turns out she didn’t need saving, that she cooked up this whole goddamned thing with Samantha Spencer and her people. It was a ruse, and I was the dupe.”

  Viking’s eyebrows climbed his forehead during Cody’s speech. “Totally get that, Cowboy. You’re pissed, and you have every right. But you don’t look at that woman like you’re pissed.”

  Cody blinked. “Sure feels like I’m pissed.”

  Cage laughed, then leaned in and lowered his voice. “I say this with love, man, but the truth is you want to get into those panties pretty badly.”

  “So does Money,” he snapped. “Doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen.”

  Cage dug his fork into his eggs. Then he looked at Cody. “So you gonna let him have the chance, huh? All cozied up with her for three days before we infiltrate the compound. Sounds reasonable.”

  His chest tightened almost unbearably. Let Money spend three days with Miranda in close quarters? After everything he’d said in the shower? No fucking way.


  “No?” Viking asked, looking amused as he stabbed some fried potatoes.

  Cody blew out a breath and picked up his fork again. Goddammit. “No, I’m not letting Money have a chance. I’ll take the assignment. I’ll be her partner for the trip.”


  Miranda went outside at the appointed time to meet Cash. They were going to the airport and boarding a flight to Jorwani along with Lucky and her husband, Kevin MacDonald. Lucky’d said she’d have Miranda’s new documents. She was still Jane instead of Miranda, but now she would be Jane McQuaid, wife of Cash McQuaid. The documents were forged with state of-the-art equipment in record time, but she’d have expected nothing different from a black-ops group.

  She opened the door and went out to the parking lot with her bag. She had clothes, but no weapons. None of them did. They’d get weapons once in-country from their contact there. Miranda hated how out of the loop she felt with this group, but she was here to make sure the CIA got their piece of Conti. And she would. It was the only way she’d ever get her life back.

  Not that she’d had much of a life, she reflected. She’d lived for work, immersed herself in it. She had no identity outside of the CIA anymore. Not for the first time over the past few weeks, she thought of her sisters back in Alabama. She’d walked away eight years ago, and she hadn’t looked back.

  But maybe she’d been too eager, too certain of what she wanted when she was still too young to really know. Maybe she needed to call them more than once a year.

  Miranda stopped under an awning and dropped her small suitcase at her feet. She turned to look at the building. The door opened and a familiar form swaggered out, tall and Hollywood handsome, making her heart trip over itself as it tried to beat normally.

  Dammit, why did she let the sight of Cody get to her like this? Whatever they’d had in the desert had been an anomaly. Yeah, she knew what it was like to lie beneath him and feel the power of his body moving inside hers. And holy hell but that thought made her breath shorten.

  The heat, the skin, the pleasure. What she wouldn’t give to experience that again. Just once. Was that too much to ask?

  He was carrying a duffel, striding toward her with purpose. She watched him approach, mentally undressing him as he did. His blue eyes lasered in on her, his scowl hard and cold. And then he was there, dropping his bag a
nd looking at her with poorly disguised annoyance.

  He wore a white button-down that clung to the muscles of his torso and a pair of khakis that reminded her just how gorgeous and firm that ass was. The door opened again and Lucky and Kev emerged, moving toward them.

  Miranda’s gaze flickered to them and then back to Cody. Were there five of them going this round instead of four?

  “If you’re looking for Money, he’s not coming.”

  Miranda blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

  Cody’s expression was militant. As if he were being forced to do something he definitely did not want to do. “Money. Cash. He’s not coming. You’re Jane McCormick now.”

  “What happened? Is he okay?”

  Cody shoved a hand through his dark hair, his muscles flexing as he did so, and a bolt of fire raced through her limbs. “He’s fine. Turns out I’m the better choice for this job.”

  “If that’s the case, why are you so grumpy about it?”

  He speared her with that blue gaze. “Who said I’m grumpy?”

  Miranda snorted. “Really? You don’t think you’re coming off as pissed?”

  “I’m not pissed. I’m annoyed.”

  “And that’s different how?” she asked.

  But he didn’t answer because Lucky and Kev reached them then. Lucky looked smug. “Here are your papers, Mrs. McCormick.”

  Miranda wanted to ask how in the hell they’d worked so fast to get Cody to take this job, but she could hardly do it with him standing there. A current of happiness swirled through her. Cody was here. With her. Pissed, sure. But he was here and that meant she had a chance to make this right.

  And that was all she wanted. Just to make it right. It had nothing to do with those broad shoulders, those sculpted lips, or the hands that had taken her to heights she hadn’t experienced with any other man. Nothing whatsoever to do with that chiseled body or the huge cock that he knew how to use to bring the most pleasure to any woman lucky enough to get naked with him.

  Miranda tucked the new fake passport into her purse as a van turned the corner and rolled toward them. Kev grabbed his and Lucky’s bags and headed for the rear of the van as it came to a stop.

  Miranda reached for her bag, but Cody was there first. He snatched hers up along with his and then went and put them in the back. Miranda climbed into the last row and set her purse on her lap. She was wearing a maxi dress when she’d rather be wearing pants, but she was supposed to look the part of a wife going to Jorwani to help provide aid to the population. She’d change into pants after today, but the first impression she wanted to give to the Jorwani authorities was of femininity and helplessness, bless their little misogynistic souls. She’d put on a cotton shirt over the dress and tied it at her waist in order to cover her shoulders, but the first chance she got she was taking it off. It was hot and sweat trickled between her breasts just from that brief time outside.

  Cody stopped in the doorway and looked at her. Then he climbed in and sank down beside her, leaving the only other row for Lucky and Kev. His leg brushed against hers and a shudder went through her. She clutched her purse and turned her head to gaze out the window. The terrain was brown and dusty, and a haze hung over everything. It was the humidity in the air from the Gulf of Aden. Jorwani would be no better.

  Kev and Lucky climbed into the van and the door slid shut. Lucky turned and smiled.

  “Are we having fun yet?” she asked cheerfully.

  Cody grunted and folded his arms over his chest. Miranda returned Lucky’s smile. “Loads.”

  “That’s what I thought. Let’s get this over with and get back home in time for the weekend.”

  Kev put his arm around her and tugged her in close. She laid her head on his shoulder, and Miranda sighed. They were so comfortable together. So right. Lucky had intimated she’d jerked her husband around at one point—presumably before they were married—but looking at them now, Miranda couldn’t imagine it. They seemed perfectly matched.

  She had no idea what that was like. She’d never felt that way with anyone. Not even Mark. That had been a bit of hero worship and not feeling like she belonged anywhere else. It was easy to see in retrospect, but of course she hadn’t known it at the time.

  And maybe that was the problem. Maybe you couldn’t ever know that what you felt was real, or that the person you felt it for also felt the same for you. It had to be a happy accident when two people like Kev and Lucky seemed to have it figured out.

  Before long, they reached the airport. Once they were through security, they didn’t have too long to wait before boarding the flight to Jorwani. A few of the other guys were at the gate waiting to board as well, but they didn’t acknowledge each other. Not that anyone was watching or would even know to watch, but once in character it was best to stay. Standard operating procedure in her world.

  She found her seat and started to lift her case over her head, but Cody snapped it up and stowed it for her. Then he shoved his in with it while she took her seat. He sat beside her and buckled his seat belt. He had headphones in, and he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

  “I think if this is going to work the way it’s supposed to, we have to talk to each other sometime, you stubborn ass of a man.”

  He cracked open an eye. Of course he’d heard her. He reached up and pulled the headphones out, dropped them into his lap. “So what do you want to talk about, sugar dumpling?”

  Sugar dumpling?

  “I don’t care. I just think we need to look like we like each other, even if it isn’t true.”

  His eyes sparked. “It isn’t. Just so you know.”

  That stung even though she should have expected it. “I don’t like you much either. You’re arrogant, bossy, and cranky as hell. And that was back in Vegas. Here? Jesus, if you hate me so much, why the hell did you take Cash’s place?”

  “Liked him, did you?”

  “Yes. He was nice. And funny. He didn’t glare at me like he wanted to choke me all the time.”

  “Nope. He just wanted to fuck you.”

  Her ears burned. Why? She wasn’t a fainting virgin. But the thought of being intimate with any man now that she’d been intimate with this one seemed shocking and wrong somehow.

  “Did you want to fuck him?” he asked, his expression hard.

  “Would you care if I did?”


  “Then why are you asking, asshole?”

  “Just wondering if maybe that’s your modus operandi. Get a guy to help you out while you play all vulnerable and sweet, fuck his brains out, and then hit him over the head with a two-by-four.”

  “A metaphorical two-by-four, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  The engines had revved up. Hearing anything besides the person sitting beside you was difficult, so she didn’t worry about what she said next. “Yeah, that’s what I do. It’s so much fun putting all my trust in someone like Sam and hoping she doesn’t plan to shoot me for real.”

  For the first time since she’d seen him again, his eyes softened. But only for a second. “If you’d shared what was happening with me, I’d have made sure it went down the way it was supposed to. I wouldn’t have let her hurt you. She would have had to go through me to do it—and that wasn’t going to happen.”

  Her pulse kicked up and her belly tightened. The thought of him protecting her from harm was utterly panty melting, even if she didn’t need protecting. She could see the fierceness in his gaze, hear it in his voice. The conviction that he was stronger than everyone who might want to hurt her. The complete confidence in his skills as a warrior.

  Yeah, panty melting.

  “You aren’t invincible, Cody,” she said. “And I do know how to take care of myself. I’ve had as much training as you in self-defense.”

  He snorted. “I doubt that, baby doll. But yeah, you’re a badass. I know you are, but I also know that badasses can’t always do it all alone. Sometimes we need help.”

  She cocked a
n eyebrow. “Even you?”

  “Yeah, even me. You met those other guys back in DC, right? The ones we arrived with yesterday”—he pointed across the aisle at Kev and Lucky, who were busy staring into each other’s eyes—“those two over there. Those are teammates. I don’t do this alone, honey.”

  Her eyes felt gritty for a second. “I did what I was told. Do I wish I’d done it differently? Yes. If I had it to do all over again, I’d tell you the minute I got off the phone with Sam. But I didn’t tell you—and I can’t go back in time.”

  He didn’t say anything for a long moment. “Did you want to fuck him?”

  After everything she’d just said, his words hit like a blow. She wanted to lash out at him, but she had nothing to lash out with. Nothing but the truth.

  “No, Cody, I didn’t. I don’t. He was nice to me when you weren’t. He didn’t make me feel like a jerk the whole time he was with me. He didn’t make me feel like I had to grovel at his feet.”

  “What you did to me—” He shook his head, his jaw hard where he clenched his teeth together. His voice was low and harsh. “I’ve seen a lot of death. Caused a few too. But I always knew what it was for, why it happened. With you—fuck, it wasn’t right. I was numb—and yeah, I dreamed about you after that. Dreamed about touching you, kissing you, being inside you. Then I’d wake up and remember. And I’d want to fucking scream my head off.”

  Her throat ached with unshed tears. That surprised the hell out of her. She wasn’t soft, and yet he made her feel soft in all the right places. “We hardly knew each other.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he snapped. “We knew enough.”

  Miranda dropped her gaze. There was nothing she could say, nothing that would fix this. He was never going to forgive her. She had to live with that, with the knowledge she’d made it happen.

  “You’re right. I know you’re right. These past few months…” She swallowed. “It’s not an excuse, but I’ve been so used to working alone. Not knowing who to trust. I should have taken the chance, but I didn’t. I’ll regret it forever.”

  He gripped her chin, not hard, but firmly enough to pull her gaze to his. His touch was shocking. Comforting.


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