by Ross, Hamish
Portugal, 62
Pretoria, 5, 49–50, 182
Project Lock, 5
Radio Democracy 98.1, 70, 82–3, 87, 103,
142 Rawlings, Jerry, 60
Reagan, President Ronald, 8
Revolutionary United Front (RUF), 10, 13–157, 159, 162, 173–4, 185, 188, 95–205, 207, 210–16
Rhodesian Army Medical Corps, 11
Richards, Gen Sir David, 129–31, 140–2, 145, 180, 188–9, 209–16
Rick (ex US Special Forces), 121–3
Ricks Institute, 69, 91–2
Riddell, Alastair, 9–10, 19
Roberts Field Airport, 79, 88, 96–7, 119
Robertson, Justice, 165–6
Rogberi Junction, 143 Rokel Creek, 147, 150, 188
Rotuman, 3
Royal Air Force, 114, 139, 148
Royal Anglian Regiment, 146
Royal Irish Regiment, 146–9
Royal Navy, 101, 105, 141, 150, 209
Russia, 127, 131
Sachse, Brig Bert, 29, 54, 68, 93, 98
Salcost, 14, 16
SamForay, Rev Alfred, 69, 73, 162–3, 165
Sandline International, 68, 70, 72–3, 85, 87, 93, 100, 103–4, 106–14, 121, 124, 207
Sankoh, Foday, 10, 13, 17, 20–2, 52–4, 134, 138–9,141–2, 146, 158, 173, 196–7, 200–203, 215
Sannoh, Bishop, 173 Sannoh, Mr, 196
Scully, Will, 59–60, 65, 107
Senegal, 182, 184, 188, 191, 209
Sesay, Issa, 173, 182–3, 185
Sheikh Othman, 15–16
Shelpidi, Maj Gen Timothy, 92, 210
Sierra Leone Military Forces, 12, 28, 30, 33–4, 39–40, 52, 54–6, 114, 144–6, 150, 210, 212–13, 215
Sierra Leone Air Wing, 119–135, 142–52, 164
Sierra Leone People’s Party, 37, 47, 165, 179, 181–2, 191–2
Sieromco (Sierra Leone Ore and Metal Company), 17–18, 20, 22–3, 195–9
Simbu, 60
Sir Milton Margai Hotel, 13
Small Boys Unit (SBU), 18, 151, 196–7
Sobel, 12,
South Africa, 5–8, 40, 49–50, 142, 182
South African Air Force, 78, 134
South African Defence Force, 29
South African Institute of International Affairs, 193
South African Rugby Team (Springboks), 30
South African Soccer Team, 33
South Audley Street (22), 3, 5
Special Air Service, 3–4, 14–16, 19–20, 143, 147–8, 187
Special Court for Sierra Leone, 156–185, 188–92, 209–220
Special Security Division, 12, 62, 195
Spencer, Dr Julius, 70, 83, 95
Spicer, Tim, 68, 70, 87, 104–105, 107–108, 113–14
Spriggs Airport, 72, 81–2, 88, 92, 96–7
Springbok, 77
Stewart, Rod, 139
Stirling, David, 3–8, 137, 192
Strasser, Capt Valentine, 10, 19, 27, 41, 48
Sulima, 86
Sunday Times, 105
Swaziland, 7 Swaray, Humphrey, 43
Takavesi, Sekonaia (Tak), 4,
Tamaboros, 52, 60, 72
Tarawally, Mohamed, 199, 202–203
Taylor, Charles, 10, 21, 69, 83, 91–2, 96–7, 119, 121–2, 180, 202
Thatcher, Prime Minister Margaret, 5
Times, 105, 109
Thompson, Justice Bankole, 156, 165–6, 174, 176
Tongo, 93
Treitlein, Honorary British Consul (in Guinea) Val, 22, 66–7
Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 156, 165–7, 170, 173
Ukraine, 105, 131–2
UN, 49, 100, 111, 141, 170, 173
General Assembly, 83
Security Council, 83, 100, 104, 112, 127, 188, 207
UNAMSIL, 134, 137, 139, 141–3, 146, 150–1, 192, 207
Neutral Monitoring Group, 52–4
United States, 7–8, 179
United States State Department, 77, 112
United States Special Forces, 7–8 , 77, 121–2
United States European Command, 122
Special Operations Command Europe,
USS Kearsarge, 64, 66
Valters, Andris, 4
Van Heerden, Col Rudolph (Roelf), 29, 31-3, 36-7, 49-50, 164, 170-1, 182, 188, 192
Vanguard International Protection West Africa (VIPWA), 164, 171-2, 192
Vincent, Robin, 157
Wadi Sharkah, 15
Wakili, Flt Lt, 143
Warren, Paddy, 135
Waterloo, 28, 40, 94, 96, 127
Wellington, 94
Westside Boys, 146-50, 194
Westwood, James, 17, 196
Whitelaw, William, 5
Wight, Peter, 198
Wilberforce Barracks, 21, 59, 202, 211
Williams, Teddy, 168
Winter, Justice Renate, 191, 217
Woama, 34
Wood, Rab, 61
World Bank, 54
World Wildlife Fund, 5, 7
Worrell, Nick, 51
Wright, Jeffrey, 164, 182
Yajar, Capt, 196
Yara, 51-2, 60, 68
Yemen, 14-16
Yengema, 32
Young, Andrew, 198, 201
Zambia, 7, 141
Zimbabwe, 6-7