Girl on a Tombstone

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Girl on a Tombstone Page 23

by Mia Strange


  I watched from the sidelines— stage left to be exact— as the Academy members went through the practice paces for our last big show in Seattle. We were all gathered, every member of the Academy accounted for, here at Seattle’s Neptune theater.

  I only hoped it wouldn’t be our last show— permanently.

  We were booked at what was left of the Neptune, a beautiful historic theater that was more of an outside venue now than in. Such was the plight of abandoned and forgotten buildings, historical or not. They now littered our landscape in disrepair. And the once beautiful Neptune Theater was among them.

  Eli had insisted we all attend, and he had gone to great lengths to secure the theater for us and us alone for the evening. Wards had been set, candles lit, and Turks big cat, the tiger, was on the prowl, searching in every shadow and dark corner for threats of any kind.

  We were safe here. At least for tonight.

  I’d had time to process that the tombstone had not been Emma’s. And, in the end I was eternally grateful it hadn’t been hers. There was still a chance, there was still hope, no matter how unlikely that she still lived. Somewhere. Someplace. And I would take it.

  Hope was hope after all.

  Now all I needed to do was figure out why I had ended up on the tombstone. And I had to wonder, who had I pissed off now?

  But seriously, I knew that Eli had found some answers, and that’s why he had gathered us all together under one roof tonight. He wanted us out of Seattle safely, and we needed to all be on the same page to do it.

  If all went well, the Academy would be steaming out of Seattle on the rails well past midnight tomorrow night. Our coffers would be full, our third clue collected, and with any luck, the world left with only three Bishops of Directions for their Church of Guidance and Good.

  I mean everyone knew which direction West was, right? Personally, I was more than okay if we got rid of one very bad man, an Archmage to be exact, who called the entire West his own. It’s not like any of us needed his ‘direction’ to find it.

  Killing a Bishop, especially an Archmage like Bishop West, was not an everyday occurrence. Hell, I didn’t think it was a once in a lifetime occurrence.

  Still, you never know if you don’t try, right?

  I watched as Turk prepared for Traveler’s ‘the man who could fly’ act.

  It was a crowd favorite.

  It was my least favorite.

  Turk positioned the large hooks behind Travelers shoulders, and I knew in a few moments, the metal would pierce his skin, anchor deep, and he’d be hoisted high into the air to, well, fly.

  It was gruesome.

  It was a money maker. And Traveler loved the attention. Loved. It.

  Who was I to argue with one man’s pain, and another man’s pleasure. With Traveler Hale, the line seemed to be constantly blurred.

  I watched as Turk started to twirl two silver hooks over his head. He slowly picked up speed with every twist of his wrist. Muscles in his arms bulged as the metal hooks spun round and round, catching the light and flashing across the dark theater.

  “Too deep,” Turk practiced his lines, “and something vital will be hit. Too, shallow, the flesh will tear, and this man will fall from great heights. To his death.”

  The theater candles flickered. Silver flashed. Turk raised one hook high over his head and struck Traveler, just under the shoulder blade. A stream of blood, crimson on marble, snaked down his back.

  I was hit with a flash of blinding, piercing pain. It felt like my stab wound had, only times ten. There was nothing I could do but scream. And scream some more.

  Falling to my knees, I fought the urge to black out. I’d had plenty of pain in my life, brutal, agonizing pain. Pain that made you writhe and vomit, and sometimes, like in Gov Care, beg for death.

  This was damn close.

  I heard folks running toward me, I heard a Tiger growl, I heard Eli barking orders, but it was Traveler who got to me first. He knelt beside me, and put his cold hands against my back. He caressed my shoulders, kneading my flesh with those icy fingers of his.

  “I’m so sorry, Lovely. I didn’t think to warn, I didn’t realize the full extent—”

  “Of what, Hale?”

  I recognized Eli’s voice, and I breathed through the pain. The pain that was getting better by miles.

  “I think you should take your hands off her. I think you have done enough.”

  It was impossible to miss the underlying fury in Eli’s voice. It was impossible to not miss the cooling, soothing touch of Traveler’s hands.

  “Eli,” I gasped. “Please, let Traveler.”

  “Yes Eli, let me. I know what she needs. This injury is on me.”

  “Watch it, Traveler,” Eli warned.

  “Holy shit. Please. Do not tell me Skye has another injury. OMG, can we just get her like, her own nurse or something? I mean, some of us have lives to live.”

  Great, Jin the all compassionate one had arrived.

  I opened my eyes, and the gut—wrenching nausea passed. The shadow of The Bone Man loomed above me. I could plainly see him clenching his fists in anger.

  Eli relinquished, and propping my head on his lap, he gave Traveler a curt nod to continue. Once again, the shock of his cold hands on my flesh brought instant relief. Within moments, I was fine. As in fully recovered fine. What the hell?

  Traveler extended his hand to help me up, and I took it willingly. I appreciated whatever magic he used on me. “Holy shit, Hale,” I said. “Whatever that is, whatever you did, I want to bottle it and sell it. That was some mighty fine pain reliever.

  Hale laughed. No one else did.

  Eli flanked me, and I could see worry was plainly written on his face.

  “It’s okay, Eli,” I said touching him gently on the arm. “I’m okay.”

  He shook his head. “For now, Skye. For now.”

  He ran his hand through his blue—black hair in exasperation. “Traveler,” he said. “I think it’s time.”

  Traveler nodded. “I agree. Although, it won’t be easy.”

  “Nothing in this world of ours is.” Eli turned from Traveler and clapped his hands. “Everyone,” Eli was in full Dr. Dark mode now, “five minutes center stage.”

  “The magic is in the blood. Our blood?” I still couldn’t wrap my mind around what in the hell Traveler was trying to tell me.

  “So, what you’re saying is, because of some blood swapping, Skye might have some new kind of Super Powers?”

  I wasn’t sure why Jin was involved with this conversation, but here she was.

  “No,” said Traveler. “Well, perhaps. For example, she might age slower.”

  “Now that’s what I call a Super Power.” Jin eyed the beautiful Anastasia standing in the wings with her crew of two. Somehow, the thought of her looking older than me by, like thirty years, made me happy. Turns out, Jin asked some pretty good questions.

  Traveler followed her gaze.

  “You do realize that Werewolves live centuries, right? And they age, well, hardly at all.”

  “Oh. Well sure, everyone knows that.” Jin snapped her gum.

  Damn it. I did not know that.

  I caught the eye of The Bone Man, and decided that I might need his help to process what exactly Traveler was trying to tell me. Because I could spot a soft pedal job a mile away.

  As I nestled next to The Bone Man, the night shifted, becoming darker and cooler by degrees. Hundreds of candles flickered in a soft breeze, lining the stage. Let it be said, that the Dr. Dark Academy members? Loved candlelight.

  Members sat high in the rafters, on the floor, in the balcony. Pilot perched above, the highest of them all. Jin was across the way, stretched out on top of Turk’s Tiger.

  At last, Eli took the center stage.

  The crowd hushed. These meetings were rare, and everyone was curious.

  “First,” he started,” I need each one of you to know, I’m proud of you. What we do, under the guise
of a Traveling Troupe, a Troupe designed to better serve the Academy and our quest to save our world is so very important. And dangerous. And I thank you all for your bravery and commitment to our cause. Never forget, no matter how hard, it’s a good one, and well worth our joint efforts.”

  Eli got a round of applause. We were all in. There wasn’t one I could think of that wasn’t.

  “Tomorrow night,” he continued, “is our last show in Seattle. It will be one of our finest, and one of our most dangerous. As you know, I’ve invited Bishop West, and my sincere hope is that he not leave our show alive.”

  This was sobering news, but no one seemed surprised. The Bishops had been our targets for years.

  “More importantly,” he continued, “I believe we can leave this city with our third clue. That is priority one.”

  As they say in show business, the crowd went wild.

  “And on that subject, I’d like to invite Traveler Hale up to the stage and stand alongside me.

  Traveler joined Eli on stage. He bowed, and looked to Eli to address the group first. “Rumors,” Eli started, “are just that, rumors. And tonight, I’m putting one to rest. Please understand, that some secrecy at first was imperative. There were a few, logistics to figure out. But make no mistake, Traveler Hale is an important member of this Academy, and what he does for us is irreplaceable.”

  There is no better way to say this, than to simply say it. We have werewolves on the train, a man who walks on bones,” The Bone Man nodded, “living tattoos, a reader, a witch, magic of all kinds, and so much more. We are all powerful in our own right. Together, we are unstoppable.”

  The crowd loved this, and so did I.

  “Traveler Hale is a necromancer, as you all know. With his magic, comes great responsibility. He is the best in the world. He is also a vampire.”

  The place erupted.

  And not in a good way.

  There were screams, the Weres went crazy, shifting on the spot. Someone lost their balance and almost fell from the rafters. Jin screeched, the Tiger roared, Turk swore, and The Bone Man shook his head, and whispered, “I fucking knew it.”

  Someone yelled bloodsucker, while someone else threw something at the stage.

  And I was speechless. If Traveler was a vampire? Then what did that make me? Someone chocked full of his blood.

  It makes you blood bound, a voice whispered in my head. To me.

  I looked at Traveler, and he was staring at me. It was then I realized he was talking to me, in my head. In my fucking head.

  “Stop,” I mouthed to him. “Stop.” He shrugged.

  Suddenly, a wicked wind blew in from the open roof, the candles snuffed out, and the voice of Dr. Dark thundered. “Silence, all of you.”

  It only took moments for the power of Dr. Dark to win out.

  “I’m disappointed in you,” he started, “to say the least. I should not have to point out, that each one of you is unique and special and revered. You are a cherished member of The Traveling Troupe Academy of Dr. Dark. In a word, you are loved. This is your home. And it will be Traveler Hale’s as well. For as long as he chooses.

  But tonight, it’s late, tomorrow is a huge day, and an even bigger night. As you know, we were almost ambushed with the lure of something as simple as a tombstone. Danger is everywhere, and unless we work together, put on the best, most convincing show Bishop West has ever seen, none of us will make it one day longer.

  And so, my fellow Academy members, tomorrow night, Traveler will give us the ultimate sacrifice. In order to debunk any doubt Bishop West may have that we harbor magical young adults on this train, he will do his act in silver. Real silver.

  We may all owe him our lives come tomorrow night, that is if he lives through his performance.

  Now please, back to your railcars one and all. Rest, reflect, and remember. We are only as good as each other.”

  The Bone Man and I walked hand in hand back to our railcars. We hadn’t had a lot to say. Tonight, was a wild turn of events, but if I were being honest, I would have to ask, why not vampires? We had everything else in our steaming, dying world. Still being logical, reasonable, impartial, was hard. Knowing that vampire blood now ran through my veins, that Traveler’s night in silver, might result in my own death? Made being emotional? Way easier.

  But when I got to my car, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed The Bone Man’s cheek. “That’s for standing by me, and my decision to support Traveler. He did save my life.”

  “And tomorrow he may take it.”

  “Eli won’t let that happen.”

  “So much faith in our Alchemist.”

  I thought about Eli Dark with his slice of midnight hair. His dimple. His pancake mix. Yep. I had faith. He’d been saving me forever. What was one more night?

  “Rest up, Bone Man. Tomorrow we rescue a Mermaid, kill a Bishop, and watch a real ‘Vampire In Silver’ perform on stage. We lead damn exciting lives.”

  “Indeed, Skye St John. Indeed.”

  I watched The Bone Man walk away; a stick figure silhouetted against the moon. No matter what happened, I knew The Bone Man, my best friend, would always have my back.

  And I would always have his.

  This Author’s Journey

  Honest reviews of my books help other readers to find my stories. If you enjoyed this book, and have a minute, consider hopping on Amazon and leaving a review. (It can be as short as you like.) Reviews are very much appreciated and play a big part in spreading the word about The Traveling Troupe Academy of Dr. Dark. I thank you very much in advance.

  And most importantly? Again, a huge thank you for taking the time to read my books, and helping this author’s journey…

  All the very best,


  Thank you so much for reading my novel, GIRL ON A TOMBSTONE, book one of The Traveling Troupe Academy of Dr. Dark

  * * *

  I’m very excited to bring you VAMPIRE IN SILVER, book two of The Traveling Troupe Academy of Dr. Dark, COMING OCT. 2019

  Blood bound to a Vampire, Skye St John finds life as a member of The Traveling Troupe Academy of Dr. Dark, more complicated than ever. When Vampire Traveler Hale must take the stage to perform with a lethal amount of silver, she must do her best to keep him alive. Because being bound to Hale through blood, means that when his number is up, so is hers. With a Mermaid to save, and evil Archmage to kill, and her Chaos Magic out of control, Skye can’t seem to catch a break.

  And this time, not even the powerful Alchemist and Academy leader Dr. Dark, can save her.

  Coming October 2019

  About the Author

  Mia Strange loves everything that goes bump in the night…and the day. She lives on an island in the Pacific Northwest where you can find her staying up late, drinking wine around the fire, and swapping ghost stories with friends. She loves walking on the beach, under a full moon, of course.

  Thanks for reading!

  Find Mia





  Copyright © 2019 MIA STRANGE

  1st edition

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, organizations, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.

  Cover Design and Interior Formatting by THE KILLION GROUP, INC.




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