The Sheikh's Desert Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 8)

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The Sheikh's Desert Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 8) Page 14

by Albany,Cara

  "But, I still remember how it felt to lose her once before. I've got to do something. Anything to avoid that happening again." Azim said.

  Azim saw Raz's gaze cloud with sudden concern. "That serious?" he asked sharply.

  Azim nodded. "I thought this was my second chance." He sighed evenly and fought back the emotion. "Our second chance," he added. He peered out across the waves. "Maybe I was wrong."

  Raz gazed out to sea for a few moments, saying nothing. Then he turned. "So, this is it?"

  Azim frowned.

  Raz continued. "This is your last opportunity to ask her to marry you. Is that what you're saying?"

  Hearing it said like that, Azim had to agree that it really was that simple. He wouldn't get another chance like this.


  "You love her, don't you," Raz said firmly.

  Azim nodded. "I love her." He shook his head. "There's no-one else for me. She's everything. It's as simple as that."

  When he said it like that, the words had an inevitable quality to them, as if the idea that he could lose Lucy was the most ridiculous thing imaginable.

  Raz peered at Azim from below deeply furrowed brows. There was a determination in Raz's gaze that Azim recognized. It exactly matched how he'd felt on so many occasions during these past two days.

  "Maybe there's something we can do to help," Raz said.

  "Like what?" Azim asked.

  Raz's eyes narrowed with a mixture of good humor and reassurance. "Let me have word with Ella," he said.


  Ella led Lucy out onto the balcony of one of the main sitting rooms. "And, the view from here is just as breathtaking," Lucy heard Ella say.

  Lucy stepped out onto the terrace and went to Ella's side, resting her hands on the cool stone of the balustrade. Ahead of her, she saw the wide expanse of the sea, the deepening blue of the early evening sky. She drew in a deep breath, inhaling the salty odor of the sea air. She heard the waves beating softly against the rocks below. For the hundredth time, she told herself that she'd arrived in paradise. This was about as far as she could get from small town America, she told herself.

  "What do think?" Ella asked, smiling at Lucy.

  "Of this?" she said pointing out to sea. "Or the palace?" Lucy replied.

  Ella shrugged. "Both, I guess."

  "Amazing," Lucy said gazing up at the white exterior walls of the palace. "It's idyllic. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a place like this."

  Ella shrugged as if it was an obvious statement, one she'd heard many times. "I have to admit, I was a bit intimidated by it all, the first time I saw it. I couldn't believe anyone could actually live in a place like this. But, then again, the first time I came here wasn't exactly the best of circumstances."

  Lucy narrowed her eyes at Ella. "Really? In what way?"

  Ella told Lucy about the first time she'd been brought to Raz's palace after her car had been run off the road by someone determined to stop Ella investigating the toxic spill, the real reason she'd come to Qazhar in the first place.

  "Run off the road!" Lucy exclaimed. "Were you alright?"

  Ella smiled. "I was, once Raz brought me here. He took good care of me. It wasn't as serious as it sounds."

  "Who would do such a thing?" Lucy asked.

  "People who thought I shouldn't be here. They were just trying to scare me. But, it takes more than that to put me off getting my way. I was a bit of a troublemaker, even though I say so myself," Ella said with a grin. "I got my way, in the end." And I got my man," she added with a sly grin.

  Lucy smiled. During the last half hour she'd really warmed to Ella. The woman had real fight in her, and the comfortable life she'd enjoyed being married to a wealthy sheikh hadn't dulled her spirits. She'd still retained the same feistiness which had brought here to Qazhar in the first place. Maybe being married didn't mean you had to give up being yourself, holding on to what you believed.

  And, Lucy had met Raz and Ella's baby son, little Raz. That had been a real surprise and true pleasure. Lucy could tell that Ella was incredibly proud of her son. She and Lucy had spent some time, fussing over the little one, who looked just like his father. Then, they'd left the little baby with the servant woman who obviously doted over little Raz as much as Ella.

  "Look, there's Raz and Azim," Ella said suddenly pointing down toward the jetty where the huge yacht was tied up. Lucy gazed down at the two men. Azim and Raz were facing each other, deep in conversation. She wondered what they were talking about. Lucy felt her brows tighten as she tried to imagine what the two men were discussing. Maybe they were talking about courtships, marriages. Maybe they were discussing the upcoming wedding between Azim's brother Zarif and Rachel. Why did the sight of two sheikh talking like that suddenly make her feel so uneasy?

  Lucy saw Ella peering at her. "You okay?" Ella asked.

  Lucy shook off the sudden pensive mood which had descended upon her. "Sure. I'm fine," she said, probably too quickly to be convincing.

  "You and Azim just got back together. Is that right?" Ella asked, in a tone of voice that didn't exactly sound casual.

  Lucy cleared her throat. "Well, not exactly. We were together a couple of years ago, but things are kinda different now," Lucy explained hurriedly.

  "How are they different?" Ella asked gently.

  Lucy paused, considering just how much detail she could go into, especially about the last two days. How much could she share with this woman? Even in such a brief time with Ella, Lucy had such a strong sense that she could trust the woman. Not just because they were both American, or because they each had an amazing Qazhar sheikh in their lives. There was something genuine and trustworthy about Ella. The woman possessed a strength and wisdom about her. Lucy could see why Raz had been captivated by Ella.

  "Two years is a long time," Lucy said. "People change."

  Ella paused, as if carefully considering her next words. "Are you saying you don't love Azim?" Ella asked bluntly.

  Lucy was taken momentarily aback by Ella's question. She was sure her face had colored instantly. She hesitated before answering.

  Then she gazed at Ella. "Is it that obvious?" Lucy asked quietly.

  Ella smiled warmly. "It is kind of plain to see," she replied.

  Emotion welled up inside Lucy. Maybe this wasn't the time to have a conversation like this. Hadn't she and Azim just come here to stay the night before heading back to Qazhar? Wouldn't it be better just to keep to that plan?

  But, after what had happened upstairs in the shower, Lucy wasn't even sure any more whether there was a plan she could stick to.

  Ella was waiting for Lucy to say something else, so she said the only thing she could think of. "I love Azim," she declared simply.

  Ella reached out and touched Lucy on the arm. "I know you do, Lucy. And, I know exactly what it means to fall in love with a sheikh." Ella rolled her eyes. "Believe me, I know all about it," she exclaimed. "They can be the most amazing men in the world, but they can also be the most demanding and frustrating."

  Lucy felt something soften inside her, and she smiled at Ella. "I know," she said, shaking her head. "These past two days have been incredible. And frustrating. All at the same time."

  "It can't have been easy. But, you have to admit, Azim did save you from getting into trouble," Ella said.

  Lucy nodded. "He did. And I'm grateful to him. I really am."

  "Raz got me out of trouble as well," Ella said. She smiled conspiratorially at Lucy. "Although, I made sure I didn't let him take all the credit," she added with a laugh.

  Lucy smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."

  She gazed down at the jetty. The two men were leaning close, talking to each other with real intensity. Again, she was desperate to know what they were discussing, but Ella dragged her attention back. "So, what are your plans?" she asked.

  Lucy frowned. What was she going to tell Ella? That she planned to jump on a plane the minute she got back to Qazhar city? That she wasn't
sure she could do that again, just like she'd done two years ago? That she wasn't even sure what Azim was going to do to try and stop her from making what might the biggest mistake of her life? Or if he would even do anything?

  "We're heading back to Qazhar city in the morning, I guess."

  Ella's gaze narrowed. "And?" she said simply. "That's it?"

  Lucy sighed heavily. Her heart swelled with emotion and she felt her eyes begin to moisten. Ella came closer, resting a hand on Lucy's hand. Lucy gazed into Ella's eyes and saw the concern there.

  "I don't know what to do," Lucy admitted.

  Ella sighed softly and thought for a few moments. Finally she peered into Lucy's eyes. "There might be something we can do," she said.

  Lucy gazed inquiringly at Ella, saying nothing.

  Ella ran her gaze around the front of the palace building. "It would be a shame to waste this lovely setting," Ella said cryptically.

  Lucy narrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"

  Ella patted Lucy's arm. "Leave it me, Lucy. I think I know how to get a sheikh to make his mind up. Especially when it come to the woman he loves."

  Lucy smiled weakly at Ella, still unsure exactly what the woman had meant.

  But, as she glanced down toward the jetty and saw Raz and Azim start to make their way up to the palace, she knew she would have to do something to take away the doubt that was eating away at her.

  One was or another, tonight, she'd find out if she had a future with Azim.


  At last she was ready. Lucy took one long look at herself in the mirror of her bedroom. The elegant, white gown clung to her petite frame. Just like it would cling to Ella's body. It was so generous of Ella to provide this expensive and beautiful gown for Lucy.

  She glanced down at the strappy, low heels and tested them for comfort. They felt good and just about the right size. They went well with the gown.

  Lucy had tied her hair up in a bun. The dinner with Raz, Ella and Azim promised to be a lovely way to end the evening. And to end her adventure with Azim, she told herself. That thought prompted a ripple of nervousness in her middle.

  Was this really going to be their last night together, here in this palace by the sea in the middle of nowhere? The thought of flying off the next day filled her with something that resembled dread. She wasn't sure how she was going to go through with that. Or even, if she wanted to leave Azim, at all. Everything that happened had only served to drag her emotions from one high and then down to a crashing low.

  There was only one thing for it. She would get through the evening by being as polite and courteous to their hosts and to Azim. It promised to be agonizing, but she knew she'd come to a point in her relationship with Azim where she felt there was nothing else she could do.

  Of course there was one thing she could, she told herself examining herself one last time in the mirror.

  She could tell Azim that she loved him; confess to him the truth about how the last twenty-four hours had made her feel.

  And what was that, exactly? She squinted at herself in the mirror. Did she really look like that? Was her happiness that obvious, in spite of her every attempt to guard her heart? She could see the barely hidden joy in the way her eyes seemed to brighten, a subtle flicker of anticipation, just at the thought of spending the evening with Azim.

  She couldn't pretend to herself any longer. Since he'd come racing back into her life, Azim had reignited a joy and hope in Lucy. She'd convinced herself that she'd buried the past; that she'd moved on.

  How wrong she had been; how she had fooled herself. There was only one man for her, and he was waiting downstairs right now, no doubt feeling as nervous as Lucy about the next few hours.

  Lucy sighed and straightened, nodding firmly to herself.

  Time to go, she told herself. Time to find out once and for all.

  She left her suite and made her way down the stairs, making her way to the dining room. When she entered she saw the balcony doors were open. Raz and Ella were seated at a long table. They were chatting happily. They looked so happy together, Lucy suddenly thought.

  Raz saw Lucy and stood. Lucy went out onto the balcony and hugged Raz and Ella. It was dark now and the moon was full. The breeze sweeping up from the sea was cool.

  Lucy noticed that Raz and Ella were still dressed in casual clothes. She suddenly felt completely overdressed.

  She glanced around. Where was Azim? The disturbing thought that he'd left for some reason overtook. She saw Ella smile reassuringly at her. "I know what you're thinking. Where's Azim?" Ella said.

  "It had occurred to me," Lucy said.

  Ella took Lucy's hand and led her over to the balustrade.

  "He's down there. Waiting for you," Ella said looking down toward the jetty.

  Lucy frowned and then followed Ella's gaze.

  Down at the jetty, standing beside the large brightly illuminated yacht, she saw Azim pacing nervously. He was dressed in an elegantly tailored dark suit and white shirt open at the neck.

  "What's going on?" Lucy asked peering at Raz and Ella.

  "We thought you'd like some privacy with Azim," Raz explained. "So, we've arranged for you and Azim to have dinner aboard the yacht."

  "What!" Lucy exclaimed. "But what about you both?"

  "We'll just have our dinner here, as usual," Ella explained.

  Lucy heard a low rumble from the direction of the yacht. She saw the ripples emerging from the rear end of the yacht. Was it getting ready to leave?

  "We thought it might be romantic for you both to have a moonlit dinner out there," Ella said pointing out to the shimmering dark of the sea.

  Lucy gasped quietly. The night was taking on a whole new perspective.

  "Ella and I have done the same, many times," Raz explained. "The sea's calm tonight. Perfect for a romantic dinner for two. Our staff have been briefed. They know exactly what is expected. They'll serve dinner and then respect your privacy."

  Lucy eyes widened. "That's such an amazing thing for you to have arranged for me. For us," she added correcting herself and glancing down at Azim.

  Ella took Lucy's elbow and walked her over to the top of the steps which wound down the cliffside to the jetty.

  Lucy hugged Ella and smiled at Raz. Then she started down the stone steps, which thankfully weren't too steep. She had to lift her dress above her ankles, just to be safe.

  Halfway down she paused and saw Azim was watching her, the broadest smile on his face. She lifted one hand and gave him a tentative little wave. He smiled right back at her and she continued on down the steps.

  After a couple of minutes she stepped onto the jetty and saw Azim had come to her, and was extending a hand toward her.

  She took his hand, feeling a sudden, very familiar tingle trace its way up her arm and down her body. Why was it that just touching him could make her feel like that?

  "Good evening," Azim said. He was looking at her as if she was the most beautiful woman in the world, his eyes bright and eager, his smile broad as if he was now satisfied that she was by his side.

  "Good evening," Lucy replied.

  Azim curved an arm out and she hooked her hand through, feeling him draw her arm nearer, gently taking hold of her. They started to walk toward the yacht.

  "Can you believe Ella and Raz did this?" Lucy asked.

  "That's the kind of people they are," Azim replied. "They're just so generous."

  Lucy gazed out at the sea, feeling the cool breeze against her face. The moonlight created a bright, silvery hue that was like something out of a dream. Just like this entire experience, Lucy told herself.

  The yacht's engine sounded louder now that she was standing next to it. The boat was so large, it almost took her breath away. It looked big enough to host a party of probably a dozen or so people, she thought. There was a large open area at the rear of the boat, and she saw a table had already been set, ready for dinner to be served. Lucy saw the entrance to below decks and wondered
what it was like down there. Probably it housed a reception room and more than a few bedrooms. She thrust that thought away and readied herself to step aboard.

  One of the staff, a middle-aged Qazhar man, attired in traditional white robes, introduced himself as Abdul and welcomed them on board. Lucy allowed Azim to guide her footsteps, holding onto her hand as she eased herself onto the wide, flat deck.

  Then she was standing on deck, feeling the boat shift slightly beneath her, and watching Azim step onto the boat. He spoke quickly to Abdul and then he gestured for Lucy to make her way toward the back of the boat, next to where the table had been set up.

  Lucy stood, hand on the rail and glanced up at the palace balcony. She saw Ella and Raz watching them, smiles on their faces.

  "They're such good people," Lucy said.

  She felt Azim's arm slide around her back and she looked at him. His eyes reflected the bright lights of the yacht. "They sure are," he agreed.

  Then she heard the engines roar and the boat lurched. She felt Azim's arm tighten protectively around her. The boat slid away from the jetty and Lucy felt suddenly that everything was real, that it wasn't some crazy fantasy. She was actually heading out into the moonlit sea on a astonishingly expensive yacht while being held in Azim's arms.

  Lucy watched the cliffs become distant. From out here the lights of the palace on the cliff-tops were bright, making Raz and Ella's home look like a beacon in the darkness that stretched along the coast on either side.

  "How far out are we going?" she asked urgently.

  Azim smiled. "We'll be stopping soon," he explained. "We're only going a short distance out. Then, it will be time for dinner."

  "Sounds nice," she said.

  Abdul brought a tray with glasses of champagne. Azim took the two glasses and handed one to Lucy. She took the glass, feeling the chill of the champagne on her fingers.

  Azim lifted his glass. "To us?" he asked.

  She nodded and clinked her glass against his. "To us," she said with a smile. His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he'd approved of her response.

  The champagne was delicious, especially after barely having enough water during their trip across the desert. It was as if this was a way of drawing a line across that, as if saying they were back in the world of privilege and wealth, his everyday world, far away from the harshness of the desert and the mountains.


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