Demigods Academy - Year Two

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Demigods Academy - Year Two Page 13

by Elisa S. Amore

  Georgina managed to makes some space for us, and the four of them sat while I paced around the room.

  “This is Hades’ fault.” I paced, spun and paced some more. “He’s put her up to something.”

  “You don’t know that Lucian,” Mia said.

  “How did you even know she went to Aphrodite’s hall?” Jasmine asked. “How did you know she was even here in the academy?”

  “I smelled her perfume in the dining hall.” I sighed. Her scent was so distinctive to me, I’d recognize it anywhere. Like lilac wood smoke. A bit sweet and a lot fiery. “And when the bottle went flying across the room, I didn’t think that was magic.”

  “You think Mel did that?” Georgina frowned.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know for sure. But she was there in the dining hall when we were talking.”

  “Why go to Aphrodite?” Mia asked.

  “Mel’s looking for answers,” I said.

  “About the earthquake.” Jasmine glanced at Ren, who swallowed.

  Mia grabbed Jasmine’s hand. “Do you really believe her that it wasn’t a natural disaster, that someone orchestrated it?”

  Jasmine nodded. “I do.”

  “I do, too,” Ren agreed.

  “Mel is many things, but a liar isn’t one of them,” I said.

  Dionysus was quiet during our conversation, busying himself making a pot of tea, but I knew he was listening. He reacted a couple of times to what we said.

  “What do you think Dionysus?” I asked.

  He shrugged, as he poured tea into four cups. “I try not to.” He handed me a cup. “I find it can be extremely dangerous to have opinions.”

  “How can you be so indifferent? Shit is happening around here.”

  “My dear boy. I’ve been around for a few millennia and been involved in several wars. I’ve seen more bloodshed than you could even imagine. The shit, as you say, that is happening around here, is just family politics. It doesn’t even raise a blip on my “this shit matters” radar.” He took out a flask from his pocket and tipped it toward me before taking a healthy swallow.

  After we finished our tea, we returned to the infirmary, but Chiron would only let one of us in at a time. I didn’t even give anyone else a chance to go first. I barged inside, and saw, thankfully, that Melany was awake.

  Her smile was soft and hesitant when I pulled up a chair to her bedside. “Hey.”

  “You’re really just going to say “hey” to me and that’s it?”

  She shrugged but I could tell it caused her pain.

  “What were you doing at Aphrodite Hall? The rumor is you attacked her.”

  She smirked. “Let me guess who started that one. Revana?”

  I didn’t say anything, because she was right, it was Revana spreading that story. Which made sense as Aphrodite was her patron.

  “Tell me the truth, Blue. Tell me everything.”

  “Hades believes me about the earthquakes. He suggested that possibly Aphrodite had something to do with it, as she possesses the golden rope of truth. Anyone who wears it will do her bidding.” She winced a bit, obviously in more pain than she would ever let on. “Like the piece of golden rope I found where my mother was killed.”

  “I know you have a…I don’t know, thing for Hades—,”

  She sputtered. “I don’t have anything for him.”

  There was something in her eyes when she said that, but I didn’t want to acknowledge it. Hades had some kind of power over her, and maybe she didn’t even realize it. I didn’t know for sure.

  “But he has his own agenda. They all do.”

  “I know that.” She coughed, and winced again, and I helped her adjust the pillow under her head. “Aphrodite and Ares are planning something.” She put up her hand to stop me from saying anything. “I was right there when they were talking. I overheard them mention something about releasing a chimera.”

  That didn’t sound good, but maybe there was an explanation.

  “You should’ve heard what they said about us, about the cadets at the academy. They said we were being raised for the slaughter.” She grabbed my hand. “They’re planning something big. Something that’s going to take us into battle, I’m sure of it.”

  “Who hurt you? Was it Ares?”

  She shook her head. “Aphrodite. She shifted into a giant snake and nearly crushed me to death. I think she would have if Ares hadn’t stopped her.”

  I swallowed, and squeezed her hand, but not too tight, I didn’t want to hurt her any more than she hurt now. The thought of her pain, of her dying, made my chest throb and my stomach roil. I brought her hand up to my face and pressed my lips to the back.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve been—,”

  I shook my head. “Nope. Not going to hear it. You don’t need to apologize, Blue.”

  She gave me a sly smile. “Okay.”

  “We should go see Zeus. He’d listen to you. If they’re planning something it goes against everything Zeus has been working for.”

  She licked her lips, and then nodded. “Okay, but I think you’re going to have to carry me.”

  I grinned. “Any time.”

  After promising Chiron that we’d come back, I helped Melany to her feet. I slung an arm around her waist and helped her walk out of the infirmary. Jasmine was the only one left outside the doors waiting. The others had returned to their clan halls.

  She rushed to Melany’s side. “Are you okay?”

  “I will be.”

  “Where are you going? Shouldn’t you be resting?”

  “I’m taking her to see Zeus. Something is definitely going on, and he needs to know.”

  We made our way across the academy campus and to the spiraling ramp that led up ten floors to Zeus’s Hall. At the top of the highest tower in the academy, was where I stayed with others in Zeus’s clan, which wasn’t too many of us.

  At the bottom of the ramp I looked up. It was going to take a bit for Melany to make it all the way up. I didn’t want to wait. So, I picked her up in my arms, unfurled my wings and flew us up to the top.

  She laughed when I set her down. “Did you just sweep me off my feet?”

  “Yup, looks like.”

  I wrapped my arm around her again, as we walked down the wide main corridor which was aglow with golden light shining down form the domed ceiling, to Zeus’s private chambers. When we reached the prettily painted tall double doors, that seemed to be the norm in the academy, I knocked.

  There was a booming, “Come in.” Then the doors swung open.

  I helped Melany walk in.

  Zeus stood in the middle of the room, dressed in long white robes that he often wore. But he wasn’t alone. Aphrodite stood beside him. She looked as regal and elegant as she always did. Except for her face, it was pinched in anger, and, if I wasn’t mistaken, worry.

  When she saw us, she smiled and it was like facing a viper with poison dripping from its fangs. “Oh good, I was just talking about you, Melany.”

  I had to hold Melany back as she charged forward, her face a mask of fury. I’d never seen her like that before. Her face contorted into something vicious and malevolent. The look scared me. And in that moment, she did as well.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “You bitch!” I tried to get to her but Lucian held me back. It was easy too, as I wasn’t in good enough shape to break free of his strong hands. Pain still rippled through me, the entire body ached.

  “You see,” Aphrodite addressed Zeus, “it’s like I told you. She’s unhinged. I think all those months with Hades have warped her poor little mind.” She touched her face, where now I could see three red scratches marring her cheek. “You see what she did to me. If Ares hadn’t been there, who knows what she could’ve done.”

  “Melany is not unhinged,” Lucian said. “She has something to tell you Zeus, and I think you should listen to her.”

  “She’s just going to tell you lies—,”

  Zeus held his hand up toward
Aphrodite. “Let the girl speak.” He gestured to me. “Go ahead.”

  “She,” I pointed to the smirking Goddess, “and her lover Ares are planning to release a chimera onto the earth. They want to start a war.”

  “Ridiculous.” Aphrodite pulled a face. “Why would we want to do that? There would be no purpose.”

  “Because you want to take over. You want more power than you have.”

  She laughed. “Girl, I’m one of the twelve Gods of Olympus, I have more power than you could possibly imagine.” She moved toward Zeus, turning her back to me. “I hope you aren’t entertaining the lies this girl is spewing.”

  Zeus looked at me. “Do you have proof of what you’re saying?”

  “I heard them say it. I was in her room, I was invisible. They didn’t know I was there.”

  Aphrodite swirled around and rolled her eyes. “You were in my room and attacked me. I have a witness to that. You scratched my face. Here’s the evidence.”

  If Lucian hadn’t been holding me up, I would’ve charged across the room and would do more than just scratch her face. I’d gouge out her eyes and feed them to Cerebus.

  I looked imploringly at Zeus, sure that he could smell her falsehood just as well as I could. “Aphrodite is a Goddess, and I’m merely a mortal cadet, do you really think I would be able to injure her like that? She’s as quick as a striking snake, there’s no way I could even get to her before she crushed me.”

  Lucian squeezed me around the waist, and leaned into my ear. “Good one.”

  Zeus sighed, and looked at Lucian. “Did you see or hear this exchange?”

  Lucian quickly glanced at me, and I could see the war of conscience on his face. He was probably the most moral person I knew. When society talked about an innately good person, they were talking about Lucian.

  He shook his. “No, but I believe her.”

  Aphrodite chuckled meanly. “Of course he does. He’s in love with her. We all know the things men will do for love.”

  Zeus stroked his beard and then walked around the room. He went to the huge window along one wall and peered out over the immense academy grounds. “I’m afraid since you have no proof, that I’m going to have to side with Aphrodite. Therefore you will be punished for trespassing in her private chambers and for attacking her.”

  “That’s bullshit!”

  I pulled away from Lucian this time and was about to cross the room, when a dark mist swirled out from under the doors, twirled up like a mini tornado, then fell away, leaving Hades standing there, looking fierce and dangerous in a black suit.

  “There will be no punishment.”

  Aphrodite nearly bared her teeth. “You can’t just pop in whenever you want and demand things.”

  “I can, and I will.” He mounted the steps up to where Zeus stood. “Melany was acting on my behalf. She went to Aphrodite’s chambers to deliver a message from me. I highly doubt any attack happened. Aphrodite probably scratched her own damn face, her nails are long enough.”

  Before I could do or say anything else, I listed to the right. Hades zipped over in a flash and caught me before I fell. Lucian had also moved toward me, but Hades had gotten there first.

  “I got her, son. You can stand down.”

  Lucian’s hands started to glow as electricity swirled around his fingers.

  Hades’ eyes turned jet black. “I wouldn’t if I were you.”

  Zeus clapped his hands together sending a crack of thunder through the room. The windows shook from the vibration of it. “Enough! All this bickering is giving me a headache.”

  “If we’re done then, I’ll be taking my charge with me back to her room and no punishment will be doled out.” He looked me over, saw that I was quivering. He noticed the bruises blossoming along my neck and chest. “It looks to me that Melany has suffered enough. Honestly, if anyone should be charged with a crime, it should be Aphrodite. I’m sure there’s some rule or law that states a professor at the academy shall not harm a cadet. And if there isn’t, there should be.” He clucked his tongue at Zeus. “Just what kind of school are you running here, old man?”

  Aphrodite glowered at him. “You are insufferable.”

  “I’m aware.” He nodded to Lucian. “See you later.”

  Before I could turn to say goodbye to Lucian, Hades touched the amulet hanging around his neck and we zoomed into the darkness. A few seconds later, Hades half-carried me out of the shadows and into my bedroom.

  He helped me to my bed, and sat me down on the edge of the mattress. “You are a lot of trouble, you know that?”

  “I’m aware.”

  His chuckle sent a pleasant vibration over my body. And I hated that I reacted to it.

  “What did she do to you?”

  “She shifted into a giant snake and—,”

  “Yes, I’ve seen what she’s capable of.” He took a step back and regarded me. “I’ll run you a hot bath. I have some healings salts that Apollo made me. An hour in the water and you’ll be good as new.”

  Before I could say anything he strode into the ensuite. Seconds later, I heard the water rushing from the tap. Then he came out.

  “It’s all ready for you.”

  “I ah, I left my helmet in Aphrodite’s room…”

  He smiled, and shook his head. “No you didn’t. It’s right over there.” He pointed toward the hearth. I leaned forward and looked and sure enough my helmet was sitting on the table where he’d put it the night before.

  “I made a quick pit stop before floating into Zeus’s place. I thought you might need it again sometime.”

  “They’re planning something. Aphrodite and Ares.”

  He nodded. “Not a surprise. They are schemers, those two. Always have been. The stories I could tell you.” His gaze dropped and he looked a bit sheepish to my surprise. “Have your bath and I’ll make sure Charon prepares your favorite meal.” He frowned. “Which is?”

  I chuckled softly, touched that he was making an effort to make me feel better. I wouldn’t presume to think that this was some kind of apology for being a dick the other day, but I hoped it was the beginning of one. “Pizza.”

  His frown deepened, and he shuddered. “Pizza? Really? Out of everything in the world you could possibly eat, your favorite thing is pizza.”

  “My adopted mother Sophie used to make the best pizza.”

  “Ah.” He tapped a finger to his mouth. “Pizza it is. Do you have a preference? If you say pineapple and ham, I’m going to have to drown you in that bathtub.”

  “Greek, with extra olives and feta.”

  He tipped his head. “Greek it is.” Then he walked out of my room so I could bathe.

  I limped into the bathroom. After stripping off my clothes, I stared at myself in the mirror. I was a hideous collection of scars and bruises. The only parts of my body that weren’t currently disfigured were my right breast, my right hip and buttock, and the small patch of skin at the back of my knees. Everywhere else was pretty much a horrible sight.

  Eventually the bruises would fade, but I’d always be scarred. Looking at myself, I thought I’d gotten used to them, but I think I’d just been avoiding mirrors.

  I turned off the tap on the tub, and slowly stepped into the steaming water. I sunk down into the tub, gripping the sides so as not to completely go under. The moment I was completely submersed all my muscles released. Sighing, I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and let the healing bath do its thing.

  I wasn’t sure how long I laid there with my eyes closed, but when I heard a noise near the entrance of the ensuite, I opened my eyes and sat forward. Hades leaned causally in the doorway, thankfully his gaze was averted.

  My hands came up to cover my breasts. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I’m come to wash your hair.”

  “What?! Are you insane? I’m naked for Gods’ sake.”

  He waved his hand toward me, and a layer of dark mist formed over the water, effectively covering me. I sunk back into the tub
. “Okay, that’s fine, but why are you washing my hair?”

  “Because quite frankly it’s dirty.” As he strolled across the floor, he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. He grabbed the wooden foot stool from under the sink and set it near the tub, behind my head. Before I could protest some more, he ran his fingers through my hair, then using a small clay bowl he dumped water over my head. It sluiced over my face, and I reached up and wiped it from my eyes.

  I didn’t know what to do. This was most definitely the oddest situation I’d ever been in. Not only was it odd but I found the whole thing…pleasant and surprisingly tender. I didn’t have the strength to just jump out of the tub, especially since I’d be naked and exposed, so I just went with it. I mean, when else was a person going to get their hair washed by a God?

  I closed my eyes and sighed, as he squirted shampoo onto my head and started to massage and pull his hands over my hair. I didn’t realize how tense I was until his fingers worked magic along my scalp.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I’m a nice guy.”

  I snickered. “But you’re not, really.”

  “Maybe nice isn’t the best descriptor, but I’m not this terrible monstrous dark God.”

  “I know you’re not.”

  “I care about…things, and…certain people. And I feel a certain responsibility for you. Your injuries could’ve been avoided.”

  “I’m stronger than I look.” I opened my eyes, struggling with the urge to turn and look at his face.

  “You look pretty strong to me.”

  My heart picked up a beat. And I was acutely aware that my breathing had intensified. I wondered if he noticed. My bit down on my lower lip. It was so hard not to turn around, to look at him, to see his eyes, to read them. What would he do if I just suddenly stood up in the bath, stepped out and curled into his lap? Gods, I ached to do that so badly, that I felt it between my thighs.

  But I wouldn’t succumb to it. Hades was my teacher, my mentor, and a thousand year old God, and then there was Lucian. I wouldn’t hurt him like that. Even if somewhere deep inside, that cold selfish part of me, wanted to.


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