Full Moon on the Lake

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Full Moon on the Lake Page 2

by D. M. Angel

  Doc looked at Jacob then turned his attention to Derrick, who in turn was looking at the smirk on Kyla face.

  “Holy Hanna,” Doc exclaimed as realization hit him, “She’s human!” Kyla laughed as Derrick looked down shaking his head. Doc chuckled, “Jokes on Jacob, HUH?”

  Jacob growled, “This. Is. Not. Funny!” Then sighed, dropping his head smiling with the understanding it was, everyone burst out laughing at his predicament.



  Doc was still chuckling when Jacob grabbed his arm forcefully escorting him towards the door. Doc stopped them at the door, reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle, handing it to Jacob.

  “She can have two of these, every four hours for the headache and wake her every two hours all night. If she has any problems, call me.” Looking around at the sparse room added, “Nausea is normal you may wanna find a bucket.” “Derrick” he nodded to the Alpha, “Kyla if you would be so kind as to take me back to my warm bed?” Chuckled again and walked out the door.

  Kyla noticing the lack of food and supplies looked to Derrick and placed a gentle hand on his face. Thinking to him,

  ‘I will take Doc back and get some supplies to bring back. I assume you will be talking to Jacob while I am gone?’ She arched an eyebrow.

  Derrick leaned down to her lips, kissing her gently replied,

  ‘Of course.’

  Kyla kissed him back, biting is lip playfully to remind him to be sensitive, then turned and left. Derrick watched her go, remembering when he had found her, wondering how he could have been so lucky. He closed the door quietly, and turned to look at Jacob.

  Jacob had returned to the side of her bed sitting on a chair he had dragged over from the kitchen table. Taking a deep breath, the Alpha pulled a chair out from the table and sat. Leaning his arms on the table Derrick spoke softly,

  “Jacob, this is going to be rough on you. You understand that don’t you?”

  Jacob sat straighter keeping his hand in hers, looked up with his other hand running through his short hair.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Lowering his hand to his leg, he looked over at Derrick knowing he was not getting out of ‘the talk’.

  “Humans do not know about us, we are nothing like what they see on the TV or read in books.” Derrick started. “They don’t understand our protectiveness, our violent tendencies, how dominating and possessive we can become. All of this is before you take in account of the mating urges.”

  Jacob looks up at Derrick glaring,

  “You don’t have to tell me I am the one who teaches the young pups.”

  “Teaching is one thing, knowing and remembering when the mating is in full force is different.” Derrick informed him.

  “I am in control!” Jacob argued back getting louder and angrier at each word.

  “You are right now but the full force of the mating hasn’t hit you yet!” Derrick Growled try to get it through Jacobs head.

  Jacob stood abruptly, yanking his hands in front of him in a challenge, “I am not some young pup!” He yelled.

  Derrick Stood quickly to the challenge the chair falling noisily to the floor staring at Jacob,

  “Jacob!” he said in a low deep growl, and then looked down at the movement on the bed. “You think so?” he asked sadly concerned.

  She watched Jacob turn slowly, the fear palatable in her eyes as she stared back, at the pain and concern showing in his dark golden-brown eyes. Her eyes squeezed shut and she moaned as her head pulsated in time with her heart with sharp stabbing pain. Feeling dazed and extremely tired suddenly, she slipped back to sleep confused. With the words she could remember; Jacob, dominating, mating and force, swam in her mind echoing as everything faded to black.

  Derrick quietly looked at Jacob as he slumped his shoulders in resignation.

  “Do you understand now?” he said quietly with the force of an alpha.

  Jacob sunk to his chair in submission and the knowledge Derick was right, he was losing control. Reaching for her hand in defeat,

  “Yes.” Jacob whispered softly, knowing Derrick heard him.

  “I will allow you to stay until she is awake, but you will leave in the morning.” Derrick instructed his friend, “As soon as you know she is okay.”

  Jacob nodded. He lowered his head onto the bed next to her shoulder thinking of all the things he taught the pups about this moment, knowing Derrick was right. Realization dawning with a better understanding as to why the pack always had guardians to watch over the mating pair for protection.

  Derrick righted the chair and sat down looking at his friend sadly. He knew what troubles were coming for his friend. Derrick watched quietly as Jacobs breathing slowed and knew the moment he had fallen asleep. He stared at Jacob wondering why this mating was showing signs of becoming aggressively different from the norm. He remembered how intense his mating with Kyla had been. Jacob was there to help him through it. Yet this was different, more severe and coming on faster than it should. Looking at his watch, he rose slowly to his feet; it is two hours before dawn, he noted as he heard Kyla returning with supplies. Sighing and running his hand through his hair in contemplation Derrick turned away and walked out of the cabin to help Kyla bring in the supplies.

  Kyla stepped out of the jeep and looked at the long strained face of her mate. She knew the day would be hard on him when Jacob found his mate. Closing the Jeep’s door, she walked up to him and into his arms. Kyla knew he needed her gift of comforting and support as much as she wanted his strong protective arms around her. His chaotic thoughts bombarded her as she reach up lightly touching his face, lovingly calming him. He leaned into her hand, took a deep breath sighing the tension away as order took over his mind. She was a jewel in his life, so precious and beautiful he thought as he looked down into her loving gray eyes. She knew what he needed to calm him when his thoughts became scrambled and tensions grew. She smiled sweetly back at him drawing his attention to her full lips, he bent and kissed her with all the love he had, thinking it is not enough for this beautiful wonder in front of him. She sighed in contentment and they stood forehead to forehead for this moment of peace.

  “This is going to be so hard on him, he will not understand,” He sighed, “she will not understand.” She held him tighter knowing that he did not need her reply, just her listening to him as he sorted out the issues and problems that were coming. “It was different with the both of us; you’re wolf, where she is human. Even then it was hard for both of us.” Kyla rubbed his back feeling the tight bundle of muscles loosen and loved the way he felt under her hands, so strong, so warm, and so protective. She hummed her agreement, as she was lost in the memories of their joining. He laughed at her know what she was up too pulled away and turned her toward the car swatting her on the butt. Glancing over her shoulder enticingly as she walked away sashaying her behind at him flirting and giggling. She won he thought, as he grew hard at the sight of her.

  He laughed following her to the car, gods she was irresistible. Grabbing her from behind, he shoved her against the car, grabbing her wrists and holding them in one hand over her head. His other hand slid down her side as he leaned over her pressing his growth against her behind and kissed her neck. Kyla sighed as she felt his desire, arched her neck to give him better access, moaning as his hand slid up slowly under her dress to the front of her panties in anticipation.

  His hand splayed across her abdomen slid down into her panties. She was soft, hot and wet already, he yanked off the offending material, tearing them from her body with one pull. He could wait no longer. Impatiently undoing his pants, he thrust hard into her warm sheath as if driving a sword home. He stood but a second feeling her tighten around him and when she moved wanting more, all his need, desire and animal power drove him to satisfy her, now.

  He wrapped his free hand around her waist and pulled her closer, going deeper with each thrust of his powerful hips, she moaned in ecstasy. She pushed herself as best she could a
ngling herself allowing him deeper into her. He tightened his hold on her forbidding her to move and bit her neck sending them over the top. She screamed as she tightened around him milking him in her ecstasy as his balls tightened ready to explode he growls his restraint. As she started to come down from her orgasm, when he reached down to her clit, rubbing and pinching it as he finally lets go. Filling her with his seed, sending her back over once again, he right along with her. Their minds connect as they share the feeling of both orgasms bouncing back and forth, intensifying and prolonging the rapture.

  Both spent he releases her wrist and holds her tight against him, he does not remember when her knees gave out but his strength and protectiveness did not let her fall. After a few moments, she stands slowly gathering her shaking legs for support, Derrick slides out of her and turns her in his arms. Leaning her back against the car he looks into her dazed eyes and her swollen lips, he smiles, she had bit her lips to stay quiet. He reaches up and holds her face with both hands and kisses those swollen lips to sooth them. She sighs and a giggle escapes her lips blowing against his lips. He pulls back with a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised. Slipping from his hold she announced teasingly, “You didn’t think I was going to let you get away with not finishing what you started earlier before we were interrupted did you?” Then walked to the back of the jeep laughing at his expression.

  As he followed her around the back of the jeep to curb her laughter, she turned and shoved a box into his arms. He kissed her quickly looking into her eyes he smiled, “This isn’t over.” he threatened playfully. She stared back at him trying to remain straight-faced, but could not, giggled lightheartedly Kyla turned to grab the other box and follow him into the cabin.

  Kyla set her box on the counter in the small area designated as the kitchen just inside the door to the left. Calling the small cabin rustic was an understatement. The counter was about six foot long and included a sink, three small cabinets above and three small below for storage. In the corner stood a wood stove, black as coal, looked recently cleaned and stocked with wood. On the right side of the counter there was a small white box plugged into the wall. When Kyla opened the door the only thing in the small refrigerator, was a couple bottles of water and a melted bag of ice in a small plastic container.

  She turned toward Derrick as she formed her own plan for the immediate future, finding him rummaging for a snack, “Derrick you need to turn on the generator.” Kyla informed, as she slapped his hand getting him to stop rummaging through the boxes.

  Derrick sighed and looked over to Jacob who had stood stretching out his muscles. When Jacob looked toward Derrick, he nodded at the unvoiced signal to let him know he knew where the generator was then followed him out the door. Kyla watched as they both moved out the door. Lord knows she hated it when he left but, OH the view when he did. Smiling to herself thinking ‘he has the most muscular butt she had ever admired’ sighed in contentment and started putting the supplies away.

  When she finished she took the two wrought iron pans she found and placed them on the back of the stove. Making sure the flue was open Kyla bent down and lit the wood then closed the stove door. She walked to the sink and opened one of the faucets to alert her as to when the generator was on and to clean out the pipes. Looking around the room, she searched and found the door to the bathroom.

  Walking in she saw the girl had been busy. The room took up the whole side of the cabin in length, was clean and doubled as a closet with a small shower in the corner. Reaching over she opened the faucets on the shower and the sink. Looking at the toilet Kyla shook her head, she must have dragged bucket after bucket to get the cabin as clean as she did. Did she have a need to do things the hard way?

  Kyla walked out of the room looking to the girl in the bed. She had auburn hair with gold highlights, high cheekbones and looked like any girl next door. From what she could see of her arms, she was not, unfit but was not athletic in build either. What was she doing out here, and alone? Kyla’s thoughts were interrupted as a hissing and choking noise from the sinks and the shower intruded on her thoughts. Walking back into the bathroom Kyla shut the faucets off when they stopped spitting and hissing like a mad cat.

  ‘Time to get back to work,’ ‘she sighed, the boy’s breakfast would not cook itself.’

  Kyla grabbed the camp coffee maker she brought with her, out of the box and filled the cup with coffee grounds. The water was running clear so she filled the container shutting off the last faucet and placed the pot on the stove. Placing one of the pans on the front of the stove to heat up, grabbed the bacon and eggs out of the refrigerator and started cooking.

  Jacob took Derrick around the cabin to a small shed set back in a line of trees. Checking the fuel line and making sure all was in order and the tank full, Derrick primed then turned on the generator listening to it sputter for a few seconds, before it hummed evenly. Both stood quietly staring at the generator for a few seconds, making sure it remain on, then Jacob opened the window in the back to allow airflow. Derrick turned satisfied there would be no problems walked out the door, Jacob followed close behind.

  “What happens now?” Jacob asked.

  Derrick stopped and looked at his friend. “The same as usual during this time for the pack. The difference will be with you as an alpha. You will have less control than even the betas against your alpha wolf.”

  Jacob hung his head, “Shit.” He whispered.

  “Yeah you could say that. You are going to have to control it.” Derrick explained, “Especially when you’re around her or you will scare her away.”

  “How bad will it really get?” Jacob asked his friend.

  Derrick inhaled deeply remembering, and then sighed, “Bad. You will lose control as your wolf tries to take over with the relentless need to mate.” Looking up at Jacob he continued, “You will be fighting the mating urges as well as fighting your wolf for that control.”

  Jacob looked at Derrick, “I know that, the wolf has the need to mate. The mating instinct is all he will think about but, how hard will it be to control our wolves. It can’t be much worse than what we go through now or went through during puberty.”

  Laying his hand on Jacob's back as they rounded the cabin, “Oh it is much worse than trying to control your wolf in normal circumstance; this will be ten times worse. Your wolf will fight you more determine to gain that control. I will help you old friend. It could be worse. Think of it this way, how would you like to be a beta and suddenly have an alpha wolf you have no idea how to control.”

  Jacob stopped, “You know after this I think I will have a healthier respect, patience and sympathy for the betas.” The smell of cooked bacon filled the air as they reached the front of the cabin,

  “Looks like breakfast is on.” Derrick finished the conversation for now, smiling.

  Kate slowly became aware of noises and could not remember where she was for a few seconds. Leaving her eyes closed she concentrated on the noises trying to figure out what was happening around her, when her head started pounding reminding her of what had happened. She inhaled sharply at the memory and smelled coffee. “It’s aright it is just you and me at the moment.” A warm feminine voice told her. Kate opened her eyes to see a woman over her stove cooking. She slowly sat up, placing her feet on the floor; the woman turned her head and smiled. “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  Kyla took in the woman’s voice as she took stock in the question. “I’m fine except for the headache and slight nausea,” Kate stated, “Who are you?”

  Kyla went back to cooking introducing herself as she worked. “I am Kyla, Derrick’s..maamaa..wife. Derrick and Jacob are on their way back in, they went to turn the generator on.” Kyla turned and looked at Kate with amusement in her eyes, “Why don’t you go get a shower and we can talk over food?” Kate nodded then wished she did not as her head pounded harder at the movement. Kyla walked over to where Kate stood and handed her a glass of water and two pills. “Here take these they will help your he
adache.” Kate complied then made her way to the bathroom.

  Closing the door behind her, Kate felt just a little confused as to whom all these people were and how she was going to get rid of them. ‘Yes, they were here to help but she needed to learn to be more independent if she was going to succeed in taking care of herself.’ Stripping down she stepped into the shower and turned the faucet. When the icy cold water hit her, she screamed in shock and jumped back screeching again at the cold shower wall she backed into, andand laughed at herself.

  “Well, I’m wide awake now!” she whispered. “This should be refreshing.” She said sarcastically.

  Derrick’s hand was on the doorknob when they heard a scream from inside the cabin. Jacob pushed by him to see what was wrong. Looking around the cabin for a problem when he heard Kyla snicker then said, “Cold water.” pointing to the door across the room as an explanation. That was when he noticed the sound of the shower. Derrick smiled walkingwalking over to Kyla and hugged her, kissing her neck as Jacob sat at the table. Derrick, stealing two pieces of bacon retreated to the table, as Kyla threatened him with the spatula in her hand and told him to “sit, breakfast is about ready.”

  Swatting her playfully on the butt he saluted, “Yes Ma’am” sat at the table next to Jacob and handed him a piece of the pilfered bacon while he bit into his.

  As used to the cold water as she was ever going to be, Kate ducked under the spray getting her hair wet then lathered. The smell of lavender filled the shower relaxing her as she rinsed off. Grabbing the conditioner, she thought of all the things she that still needed to be done. She had to remember to use her new name and identity if she was going to stay hidden. Her life had taken a turn for the worse when she found out what kind of man her ex-husband really was. She took a deep breath and relaxed, they were divorced and she had a new identity he would never find her, she was finally free. She rinsed the conditioner out of her hair, as if washing her past out of her mind and down the drain. She turned off the water grabbinggrabbing a towel as she stepped out of the shower and dried off.


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