Love at First Hate

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Love at First Hate Page 15

by Muriel Garcia

  We don’t speak, we don’t need to. The only noises filling the room are our ragged breaths and the suction sounds Matt is making as he sucks my cock long and hard.

  He switches it up and sucks on my balls all the while stroking me. I’m filled with desire for Matt. He knows exactly what to do to me to please me. He knows what gets me going already, and I love it.

  He lets go of my cock and smirks at me. He positions himself so that his hands are resting on my thighs and uses only his mouth, making my cock disappear in his mouth inch by painfully slow inch. I throw my head back against the pillows, moaning loudly as I feel my cock twitch in his mouth as he picks up the pace.

  He takes me deep down his throat, sucking me expertly until I reach my orgasm and explode in his mouth, in a low groan, bunching the sheets in my fists on either side of me.

  “Fuck, Matt,” I moan as my hips thrust up on their own.

  “Good morning.” He chuckles and kisses his way back up my body.

  “Good morning to you too.” I breathe heavily.

  “I take it you enjoyed that?” He kisses me gently and moves me so that I’m lying on my side, facing him.

  “More than. That was mind-blowing, literally.”

  “I know, I’m fucking amazing.”

  “That you are.” I smile and reach down to stroke him.

  “Don’t think I’ve ever been woken up like this.” I chuckle as I roll him on his back and kiss down his body.

  “I’m glad I could be your first.”

  “Seems like you’ve been my first for many things in the past two days.” I lick the underside of his cock, and he lets out a long. content sigh.

  “And I’ve enjoyed every single one of them.”

  “So have I.” I smile at him and take him into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the tip of his cock when there’s loud banging on the door. We both groan.

  “Seriously? Can I catch a fucking break!” Matt shouts, and I have to laugh.

  “Open up! It’s Haven,” she shouts through the door.

  “I should have known she would cock block me one of these days.” He frowns and sits up.

  “Sorry, babe.”

  “It’s not your fault if she’s a cock block!” Matt shouts loud enough for Haven to hear him.

  “I heard you, and I totally didn’t know! Come on! It’s breakfast time, and then we’re going jet skiing. Your sister is coming too, Nate.”

  “Well, that’s our day sorted then.” I laugh at Matt’s despaired expression.

  “Go on, laugh. Your balls are empty. I’ll have blue balls all day now.” He frowns.

  “You’re adorable.” I kiss him deeply and help him up as Haven bangs on the door again.

  “I know!” He throws his hands up and only covers his dick with a towel before he goes to open the door. Haven shrieks and covers her eyes.

  “What are you doing?” she whispers loudly.

  “You cock blocked me. Be ready to be introduced to the sight of my massive boner all day.” He drops the towel and swaggers to the bathroom.

  “It was worth it to see that ass, though.” She gets an eyeful, and I have to laugh until I realize that I’m sitting in bed fully naked too. At that moment, it’s not my nakedness that bothers me but more the fact that they are all staring at my stump. I never got used to it, and I don’t think I ever will. It’s a daily reminder of what I was put through because of a cruel man.

  “Maybe we should wait outside,” Spencer says as he moves Haven back outside and closes the door.

  “They left?” Matt comes out sounding hopeful.

  “No, they are just waiting outside the door,” I say, not sounding as happy and amused as I did a few minutes before.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks sitting next to me.

  “They saw my stump.” I know it’s stupid when you say it, but I can’t help the way I feel about it.

  “They aren’t going to judge you or think of you any less.” Matt tries to reassure me.

  “I hate it, I’ve never gotten used to it. I’m ashamed of it, and having people look at it makes me uncomfortable.”

  “I can imagine.” He wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck.

  “Don’t you mind it? Aren’t you disgusted by it?”

  “No, it’s part of you, and I like all of you.” He bites my shoulder playfully.

  “That makes one of us then.”

  “Stop it right there. We’re here to have fun and be happy. We don’t have any reason to be unhappy. Yes, a part of your leg is missing, but it gives you that swagger that makes you so hot and sure of yourself. You could be missing both, and I’d still feel the same way for you. It doesn’t define you, it does, however, define how you see yourself, and we have to change that. Or I’ll just have to worship that body even more so that you forget that you do not like it, and maybe one day you won’t hate it as much.”

  “Did I tell you how amazing you are today?”

  “Yes, you did, but I like to hear it.” We both chuckle and kiss before I put on my prosthetic and get dressed.

  “I’m not getting on those jet skis,” I warn him.

  “Haven saw your leg. She might be a pushover, but she won’t be that bad, so you’re getting off easy. Me, however, I’ll have to suffer her wrath.” We both laugh and walk out the door, ready for the day. Or so I thought.

  As we make our way into the reception area, I spot none other than Lindsey talking on the phone to someone. She has her back to us so she can’t see us, but we can clearly hear what she’s saying to whomever she’s on the phone with. Something I wish I never heard.

  “Yes…don’t worry. I know what to do to get him back…it’ll be easy. I’ll have sex with him and get pregnant with his baby. Everything will fall into place… Men all want the same. He’ll get what he wants, and I’ll get what I want and what you want… Yes, I’ll call you back once I find him and let you know how it goes… Alright, speak to you later.” She hangs up the phone, and I’m stunned about what I just heard.

  I feel a tug on my arm and look in the direction of the tug.

  “Come on, let’s go before she sees you.” Matt wraps his arm around my shoulder and walks me outside of the hotel.

  “Please, tell me I heard wrong.” I’m mortified.

  “I wish I could, babe.” He sighs.

  “What the hell is my family up to?” I’m confused and shocked about their plan to actually get her pregnant.

  “Trust me, I’d like to know too and give them a piece of my mind,” Matt groans, clearly unhappy.

  “It was too good to be true to think they would actually leave me be and let me be happy living my own life.”

  “Hey, I’m here, we’re together. I won’t let a stupid airhead ruin it for us. She’s not getting anywhere near that dick. That dick is mine,” hpe scoffs making me laugh.

  “Trust you to make me laugh in a situation like this.”

  “As you said this morning, I’m awesome.” He smirks and kisses my cheek.

  “Yes, you are.”

  “What’s the holdup, you two?” Haven asks impatiently.

  “How to say it without being rude? Ah, there’s no way. His stupid ex wants his baby and will do anything to get pregnant and put hers and his family’s evil plan into place.” Matt frowns.

  “What a bitch!” Gabby, Madeline, and Haven exclaim.

  “Amen to that,” I mumble.

  “Don’t let her get to you. That’s what she wants. Hell, that’s probably what they all want. For you to follow what they want you to do and live your life the way they want you to,” Matt says as we get in the van that’ll take us to the jet ski place.

  “I know. I can’t help but wonder what the hell they would get out of all of this.”

  “Who knows: money, more power over whatever, the satisfaction that they would have control over the entire family? I’m not sure, babe, but you can’t let it get you down.” I detect some worry in Matt’s voice. We just got together, and Lindsey is a
lready here to fuck shit up. I don’t want to let it happen. I don’t want Matt to get hurt in any way because he’s with me and my family is crazy.

  “You’re right.”

  “I know I am.” He smirks and kisses me.

  “Show off.” I chuckle.

  “Always.” He smiles proudly as we start our journey for a day filled with fun. I can’t help but wonder if I should just give into what Lindsey and my family want and endure what my life seems to be destined for instead of dragging Matt or anyone else I could be with into this mess.

  How am I meant to be happy and live my life how I want when wherever I go, whatever I do, something or someone is going to try to mess it up for Matt and me? Is it all just a ploy to cover the fact that I’m gay and that my family can’t accept it? Surely Caroline wouldn’t have gotten married to someone just to cover it up and go with my father’s plan, that’d be ridiculous.

  “Stop thinking and start living,” Matt says, bringing me back to reality as we make it to the beach.

  “What?” I look at him.

  “We’re here.” He chuckles.

  “What did you say before?”

  “Stop thinking and start living.” He kisses me and helps me out. Any other time I’d be offended to get help, but weirdly, it’s alright when it’s Matt. Go figure.

  “It’s funny, remember that little old lady I told you about?”

  “Yeah, what about her?”

  “She said the same thing to me when I went to talk to my mom after the mess happened at the restaurant.”

  “Wise words. My grandmother always tells me that.” He chuckles.

  “Pinching her words huh?”

  “Yeah, she’s awesome, I guess the awesome gene runs in the family.” He shrugs.

  “Modesty too,” Spencer scoffs.

  “Always, sugarplum.” Matt blows him a kiss.

  “Blow him a kiss one more time, and I swear I’ll dropkick your ass!” Haven threatens Matt.

  “I’ll be nice because it’s your wedding this week, but after that, it’s on.” Matt smirks at her.

  “Forgetting you have your other half next to you?” She stands up to him.

  “No, how could I forget about him? I’ll be teasing the shit out of you even more.” He winks at her and kisses me deeply, tongue and everything just to prove a point.

  “Why am I turned on instead of mad at him now?” Haven mumbles to herself.

  “Because we’re hot stuff, baby!” Matt fist bumps the air, and we all laugh at his and Haven’s banter. I used to be jealous of their relationship, probably because I’ve never had a friend I’ve been that close to, but I quickly found out that they were always like that and there’s nothing going on between them. They see each other as family.

  The rest of the day went by without any incident. I even dared get on one of the jet skis behind Matt. It was actually a lot of fun. It’s the first time in years that I’ve done something for myself and enjoyed it. We had lunch on the beach, all together besides Matt’s parents who went exploring on their own. I don’t think I’ve ever felt like I have belonged to a group until today. It’s an overwhelming feeling. These people whom I’ve only briefly met for the most part were chatting to me as if we knew each other for as long as they’ve known each other.

  Feeling like you belong to a group of people is something that I never expected to have. I’m not really social, but since meeting Matt and properly talking to him earlier this year, I’ve expanded my horizons and done things I never would have done, including taking a thousand selfies with him. I don’t know how someone can take so many selfies, but it was fun, and at least I’ll have something to look back at if things go bad because of Lindsey.

  I didn’t think of her and the conversation she was having until now that we’re almost back at the hotel, and I’m dreading what will happen if I cross paths with her.

  Stop thinking and start living.

  I really should start doing just that, but something is stopping me, and I don’t know what…

  Seeing Nate torture himself for most of the day with what we heard this morning isn’t something I want to go through again. Not because I’m jealous, but because I don’t want to see him get hurt, and Lindsey has pain for Nate written all over her. One way or another, she’s going to manage to fuck things up between us. I just know it, and I don’t want to wait for the coin to drop and for her to break us up.

  Selfishly, I don’t think I would recover from this breakup. We might only have been together for two days, but fuck, I love Nate. I fell in love with him as time went by between us. I didn’t realize it until today. It hit me like a ton of bricks. When we overheard Lindsey, that’s when I knew. Because I’m scared shitless of losing him.

  The way I feel about him, the way I look at him, the way he makes me feel; fuck, I’ve never felt this way for anybody else, and I’m already feeling the hurt of whatever is going to tear us apart.

  If only I could lock us up for the rest of our time here and spend it in the room doing nothing besides being together, I’d be happy with that. But that’d be selfish to ask him that, or would it? I mean he might want the same thing and not want to cross paths with Lindsey. I wonder if it crossed his mind to just give into what they are asking of him so he doesn’t have to deal with so much pressure.

  It can’t be easy for him at the moment. He’s recently discovered his attraction to men is more than curiosity, then our relationship bloomed from there. Now his psycho ex barges in out of nowhere to have his baby, which won’t happen, but she doesn’t know that yet.

  I’m lost deep in my thoughts when soft lips crash on mine well, Nate’s soft lips. I smile instantly and kiss him back, bringing his body close to mine as we are in the elevator taking us to our room.

  “God you’re such a good kisser,” I mumble against his lips.

  “Glad you think so. I didn’t want to ask you once again what was on your mind so I figured a kiss would bring you back down to earth.” He chuckles.

  “That did the trick.” I smile and kiss him softly.

  “I’m glad it did although I’d like to know what is consuming your thoughts.”

  “Would you believe me if I told you that I can’t wait to get you naked in bed and have my wicked way with you?” I smirk.

  “Yes, but I know that’s not what you were thinking about. You’re a shit liar,” he scoffs.

  “I know I am but enlighten me, how did you know?”

  “You didn’t have a perverted grin on your face or a boner. You looked sad and annoyed.”

  “Damnit,” I mutter.


  “Yeah.” I sigh, and he nods.

  “It’s been on my mind too. I don’t want to let her ruin our time here or my life anymore.” He smiles at me, and I want to jump up and fist bump the air, but I’ve done that way too much lately.

  “So you’re going to stop thinking and start living?”

  “I’ll try to stop overthinking things, but I’ll for sure start living. I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun and did something that was outside of my comfort zone.”

  “I’m proud of you for getting on that jet ski.” I kiss his neck wrapping my arms around him.

  “I’m proud of myself. Thanks for driving it. Don’t think it would have ended well with just me.” He chuckles.

  “Not sure either. First few times I drove one I ended up in the water.”

  “I can see that happening. I can also imagine you fixing your hair straightaway after.” He tries not to laugh but quickly fails.

  “Go on, make fun of my majestic hair. You’re just jealous.” I feign being offended.

  “If I had anything to be jealous of it would be your confidence and your ass. Man, it’s peachy. Just ripe enough to grab.” He smirks and squeezes my ass.

  “Well, well, well, Mister Collins. Someone is getting a lot braver by the day.” I smirk and kiss him deeply as the elevator dings, signaling that we’re at our level.

/>   Just as we’re about to step off, someone walks in.

  “You!” Lindsey shrieks, looking like she’s going to explode.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Nate bellows.

  “I’m here to get you back and away from that sleazy man,” she sneers at me.

  “Who the fuck are you calling sleazy?” I glare at her.

  “You! You couldn’t keep away from him huh? You had to go after him and ruin what I had!” she yells at me.

  “What the hell are you going on about?” Nate asks, confused. I’m as confused as he is at this point.

  “I just wanted us to have a happy family, to have babies together, to get married and to get a house together but no! Sleazebag here had to turn you on to men so I wouldn’t get what I wanted out of you!” She literally looks like she’s going to explode.

  “None of that would have ever happened! I. Do. Not. Want. Kids! Or to get married. Or anything with you!” Nate says in a chilling voice.

  “Oh it’ll happen. I always get my way.” She smirks at him. I have to give it to her, she’s tenacious.

  “It won’t! I had the snip years ago. I cannot physically have kids,” he enunciates at her, hoping the coin will drop this time.

  “What?” she asks in a soft, barely audible voice.

  “Man you’re a piece of work. How did you stay with her for so long?” I can’t help but ask.

  “Great head.” He smirks looking at me. “But not as good as you.” He winks at me, and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Good to know. That’s reassuring. See, babe, you never stood a chance, so whatever it is that you have planned, you can shove it up your stuck-up ass. It’s not going to happen. Deal with it.” I smirk at her.

  “If you aren’t there next month in the Bahamas for Frank’s and our wedding, your father will make you pay for it. I’m willing to give you one last chance to man up and do what you’re supposed to do. You have one month to make up your mind. Past that, I’m sure your father will know just the right way on how to take care of things,” she says in a very controlled voice and with a creepy smile. She has Nate and she knows it, and I fucking hate her for it.


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