Love at First Hate

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Love at First Hate Page 18

by Muriel Garcia

  Nate resumes his strokes, and I join him, stroking my painfully hard cock at the same pace as he does. Our moans are the only noises filling the room. We don’t need to talk. No words are needed in a situation like this one.

  Spreading my legs, I reach down to play with my balls as I keep stroking. My hips thrust up on their own due to the intensity of the pleasure and the state of horniness I’m in.

  Watching Nate get himself closer to his release is almost as good as being the one to bring him to that point. Teasing each other without touching is something everybody should experience.

  We increase the pace of our strokes at the same time. We’re in sync. It’s like we make one and we’re not even touching one another.

  Our ragged breaths are louder and so are our moans. We’re both really close, and it doesn’t take us very long to come moaning each other’s name as we empty ourselves over our stomachs.

  I’m totally spent and can finally breathe and relax now that my balls are empty. While I wanted to have wild passionate sex, I feel like this is as good as having sex could have been. It was so much more intimate even without touching. We saw each other at our most vulnerable, and I loved it.

  We both catch our breath, and Nate gets up from the bed and walks to me. He holds his hand out to me. I take it and get up. We kiss passionately and make our way to the bathroom for one hot steamy shower before heading to bed for some much-needed rest.

  My heart is swelling at how much love Nate is giving and showing. For someone who didn’t want to love and be loved, he’s warming up very quickly to the thought of having something good between us, something strong and steady, and I couldn’t be any happier.

  May 10, 2016

  This past week has been amazing. Not only did I get to spend it with my sister and her friends, but also with my boyfriend, his friends, and family. I only expected to have some fun and to chaperone Maddie and her friends, but I got so much more than that.

  Matt’s family accepted me straightaway, and I found myself having drinks with his father and brother last night. They invited me, and I thought Matt would be there, but it was just the three of us. I was a bit nervous in the beginning, but that quickly went away as we started talking and drinking. They just wanted to make sure my head and heart were in the right place and that I wouldn’t hurt Matt. I reassured them, and in the end, we found ourselves talking about the most random shit you could come up with.

  Valentine finally joined us. He had to stay behind because of some work he had to take care of. We had a good catch up, and he took us all to one of the best seafood restaurants on the island. Apparently, he knows of the best places there are everywhere, which is good. At least for people who are allergic to seafood like me. I didn’t want to hold everybody up and make them miss the amazing dinner they had just because I couldn’t eat it. Valentine managed to make the chef cook me a rice dish that’s apparently local. I have no idea what I really had, but it was amazing and seafood-free, so I was happy.

  In the event that Matt and I ever get married, I’d totally go for a week of fun in an exotic location for it. You get to spend time with your friends and family, discover new places, and marry the person you love. What more could you ask for? I’m shocking myself that I’m even entertaining the idea of getting married. I know Matt is my one. This week has confirmed it. Maybe that’s why I’m not so anti-relationships anymore.

  I haven’t seen any more of Lindsey these past couple of days, which was greatly appreciated by everybody. I don’t know if she’s still in the hotel or if she went back home, but I’m glad no one has seen her. Nobody needs her negative attitude.

  Only shadow to this perfect vacation is that Valentine seems to have taken a liking to Madeline, and while I know she’s old enough to take care of herself, I know that Valentine is a player, and I don’t want him to corrupt Maddie or hurt her. He might be taller and stronger than me, but I’ll pound him into the ground if he ever hurts her. I made sure they both were aware of it. Which made Valentine laugh but understand, and Maddie was utterly embarrassed, which I kind of enjoyed a little more than I should have. I’m just looking out for my baby sister. I don’t know what Robert has planned for her, but I don’t want her to get into more trouble than they would bring.

  Today is the day of the wedding, and everybody is happy. Matt left early this morning to go get ready with the girls as he’s the Master of Honor. He’s rather proud of that title, and I’m sure he’ll do it justice.

  “Are you alright, Nate?” Adam asks me, startling me as I was lost in thought. The few friends I have are all in the wedding party and are busying themselves with getting the last things ready. I’m not sure exactly what Haven and Spencer would want me to do or how much they’d want me involved in it, so I’m not sure what I can do to make myself useful, and I didn’t want to just butt in with Matt’s family.

  “Yeah, can’t say I’m familiar with weddings, though.” I chuckle nervously.

  “Come on, sit with us. You’re part of the family now.” He claps my back and leaves his hand on my shoulder, walking me to where they are sitting in the front row.

  “Thanks, si-I mean, Adam.”

  “Good catch, and no need to thank me. We told you that you were part of the family. No need to stay in your corner when Matt is being his social butterfly self.”

  “Tell me about it. I wasn’t sure where to sit, to be honest.” I sit next to him, waving at the others.

  “Why not?”

  “It’s still so new to me being a part of a large group.”

  “Well, you better get used to it and fast.” Adam chuckles, and my newfound friends start filling the room.

  This isn’t the first wedding I’ve attended. Well, it’s the second. The first one was Caroline’s, and it was nothing like this one. You could feel the love between Haven and Spencer and the love from their friends. It was amazing to witness, although I had eyes only for Matt. He was standing there, looking amazing in his three-piece suit with purple accents. He was breathtaking.

  After they had been announced husband and wife, we moved to a private part of the beach where the hotel staff set up an amazing reception. Beautifully dressed long tables under a white canopy with candles around the area and purple flowers placed everywhere. It was just amazing.

  It’s crazy how you can tell the difference between a forced wedding and one that’s out of love. People were just happy and enjoying themselves. I hope I’ll get this one day.

  “Who are you thinking about?” Matt asks, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

  “Us.” I smile, turning to look at him and kiss him.

  “We’re pretty awesome.” He chuckles.

  “We are.”

  “So, what about us?” He wraps his arms around my neck, and we slow dance in the sand. Not the easiest when you have a prosthetic leg. The uneven ground is shifting my balance.

  “I thought that maybe we could get this one day.” I motion at everything around us.

  “What happened to you not wanting a long-term relationship, let alone getting married?”

  “Seeing how happy Haven and Spencer are, I figured why not.”

  “Is that it?” he asks with an inquisitive tone.

  “No.” I chuckle. “I love you, and I want more than just us being together and seeing where things go. I want us to be serious and to have something stable and strong. I want us to be happy and maybe get married someday.”

  “I like the way you’re thinking.” He brings my lips to his and seals them with a heated kiss.

  “What about kids?” he asks tentatively.

  “Do you really want kids?”

  “I’m not sure if I’m honest. We should start with a puppy.” He grins.

  “That’s more like it, but if you really want kids, I’m willing to compromise,” I say truthfully.

  “You would?” he asks stunned.



  “Because it’s you.” I smile fondly,
and we kiss passionately as we dance to the slow music playing.

  Our happiness is short-lived as we all hear a loud shriek and the sound of male voices shouting.

  We all turn to the noise and see Lindsey standing at the edge of the path that’s lit up by candles and guards who were supposed to stop others from coming.

  “Great,” I mumble to myself.

  “She means nothing to you. She can’t hurt you. Until you solve this with your family don’t let her fuck with your mind,” Matt whispers to me, and I nod.

  “I know. I was just happy, and she fucked with my mood.”

  “I’ll give you a happy ending to the day.” He nips my ear, and I can’t help but chuckle.

  “You! Stay the hell away from my fiancé!” Lindsey shouts at Matt.

  “Bitch, please. He’s not your fiancé, never was and never will be,” Haven shouts at her, shocking us all. She marches to her and stands her ground in front of Lindsey. “Today is my day. You are not welcome here. I’ll kindly ask you to leave. If you don’t, I’ll dropkick your ass, and I mean it.”

  “Like I’m scared of a twig like you,” Lindsey scoffs.

  “That’s it!” Haven takes off her earrings, passes them to Matt, and drags Lindsey by her hair into the sand. “Let me get something through your thick skull. Nate doesn’t love you and never will. You have zero chance of breaking these two up. If you as much as try, I swear I’ll fucking kick your ass and ruin your life. Ask Matt, I can be a real pain in the ass.”

  “She can be. I would listen to her if I were you,” Matt says smirking, no doubt proud of his friend. If I weren’t so fucking raging, I’d hug and kiss Haven.

  “You’re all fucking crazy!” Lindsey shouts.

  “Welcome to the madhouse, baby!” Matt shouts and loud music starts playing. I try to forget about the incident, but it’s hard when you’re wondering if she’s going to be a bitch and try to stab you in the back and rat you out to your family. She has enough to probably have my father have me killed. I wouldn’t put it past him to try and do something like that instead of just leaving me be.

  A few glasses later, I finally relax a little and enjoy the rest of the party, but it’s only short-lived when I get a text from my father.

  Robert: I expect to see you when you come back from vacation with your sister. And tell her to come too. She’s not picking up the phone. Tell her that I found someone that’ll suit her perfectly for her to marry.

  Fuck. No! I’m not going to let this happen to Maddie too. He can fuck right off.

  “Still thinking about our perfect wedding?” Matt asks drunkenly.

  “No,” I answer coldly, and he looks at me confused and hurt. I show him the text, and he quickly understands.

  “Do you want to go back to the room?”

  “I have to find Maddie and talk to her because if Robert gets a hold of her it’s going to devastate her.”

  “I know you won’t let it happen. I’ll walk back with you.” He goes to get his jacket, but I stop him.

  “Stay, have fun and enjoy your best friend’s day. I’ll see you in the room when you get back. If I’m not there, I’m with Maddie.” I kiss him.

  “Why don’t you want me to come with you? Are you just going to take off and leave?” he sounds hurt, and I hate that I’m the one doing this.

  “I don’t know. I’m just…I need a moment. I need to put an end to this fucking masquerade with my family. I promise I’m not leaving you or breaking up with you.”

  “You better not. I know where you live.” He narrows his eyes at me.

  “I know you do. I love you, baby.” I kiss him hard, and it does feel like it’s the last I’ll see of him. I hate this.

  “I love you too.” Tears pool in his eyes, and I hate myself for this, but I have to do it.

  I walk away from the party and walk back to the hotel, all the while feeling like I’m leaving my heart back on that beach where Matt is. My heart feels like it’s shattering in pieces the further I get from Matt.

  I hate myself for lying to him.

  I hate them for pulling us apart.

  I hate myself for letting them do it.

  After Nate left, I couldn’t really enjoy myself. I knew something was playing on his mind despite the obvious, and in result, it was playing with my mind.

  As the party died down, we all went back to our rooms. I expected to see Nate or at least a note saying that he left, but I found neither. His stuff was gone. I stood there in the middle of the room speechless, heartbroken, and confused. He said he wasn’t leaving me or breaking up with me, yet he’s gone, and I don’t know where he went or what happened.

  I went to check in with Maddie, and she was a mess. She came to stay with me, and we talked all night. I hoped it would help how I was feeling and to understand things, but she didn’t know more than I did.

  Nate came to talk to her last night and broke the news to her. He arranged that she and her friends would leave at the same time as me and booked the room for two more nights for them, but neither of us knows why. I’m not sure what Nate is going to do, but it’s worrying me. I hope he doesn’t do something reckless.

  Neither of us slept last night until the early hours of the morning, and I was awoken by my phone ringing in my hand a couple of times. I checked it and got a couple of messages from Nate.

  Nate: Hey, baby, while I was on the plane, I started thinking about what my life would be had I never met you. The only answer I have is that I don’t want to imagine living life without you. It’s not worth living. I’m sorry I left you. I never meant for things to be this way. For my family to fuck with us or rather let them fuck with my head that I take the coward way out and leave in the middle of the night. I have to fix things. If not for me, for Maddie. I refuse to let her go through what my siblings and I are going through. I hope you’ll be able to forgive me one day. If you can, I’ll come back to you, and we can be together. If you can’t, just say the word and I’ll leave you alone and move on. I love you, Matt. You’re the only one who’s ever made me feel like I’m worth something and worth the fight. You and I together is the only thing I’ve ever been sure of.

  Needless to say, I was a crying mess after reading it. That was three days ago, and I still don’t know what he has planned to solve the issue they have. But by the sound of it, it can’t be anything good.

  Maddie and I had two more days to spend at the hotel after he left, and we really didn’t have the heart to stay there and celebrate anything. Haven instantly caught up on the fact that I was a moody bastard and insisted on staying with me. I had to threaten her that she wouldn’t get any more donuts from me if she didn’t go and enjoy herself and Spencer. She reluctantly accepted and checked on me every couple of hours. If either of us weren’t replying fast enough, she’s threatening to come and hunt us down. That’s the only thing that was amusing me while I was still there, and I feel guilty for not being my happy self for the rest of the vacation.

  I’ve tried to call him countless times but to no avail. He’s not picking up his phone. Maddie keeps telling me that he’s okay, but I don’t know if I can believe her. From what they’ve both said, their father can be very extreme in his reactions, and I wouldn’t put it past him to hurt Nate.

  I’ve been home for a day, and I still haven’t heard any noise from next door, and his car hasn’t been in the driveway since I got home. I’ve texted him that I still wanted us to be together, and he read my messages but hasn’t replied; that’s what confuses me the most.

  Where could he be? If he told his parents straightaway when he got back, then surely he’d be home by now.

  Did he move out already?

  Did something happen to him?

  I’m driving myself crazy with those stupid questions.

  I’m usually a rather patient guy, but for things like this, when my heart is at stake I’m not patient at all.

  The doorbell rings, and I jump to open the door quicker than I ever have. Much to my disappo
intment, it’s Brody.

  “Don’t look so thrilled to see me,” he scoffs.

  “Sorry, I thought it was someone else.” I sigh and let him in.

  “Still haven’t heard from him?” he asks, worried.

  “No.” I blow out a breath and get him a beer.

  “Thanks. He’ll come around. Surely it can’t be easy for him to stand up to his parents and do whatever it is that he had to do.”

  “I know. I’m just wondering why he’s not answering me at all. He’s reading the messages, but he’s not answering.”

  “You’re getting as bad as John.” He chuckles.

  “Bitch, please, I have reasons to message him and call him. He didn’t.” I frown.

  “I know, I’m just teasing you. I’m sure he’s okay, and he’ll come around. He wouldn’t cut all contact with you if we go by what he said in that text he sent you.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I know I’m right.”

  “If you are then that means something bad happened to him.” Worry laces my voice.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. If you haven’t heard back from him by Monday, we’ll do something. His phone is still on since he’s checking his messages, so at least you know he’s still alive. Unless they have service in the afterlife. How cool would that be!”

  “Trust you to be excited about that.” I roll my eyes at him. “It’ll be a week since he disappeared then; that’s long, don’t you think?”

  “I’ll ask around. Just try to stay calm and positive. I barely recognize my own brother.” He squeezes my shoulder.

  “I love him.” I shrug and hold back the tears that are threatening to fall.

  “I know you do, and he loves you too. He wouldn’t leave you just like that.”


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