Riptide of Romance

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Riptide of Romance Page 16

by Jennifer Jones

  Devin and Kristin paddled past us, and Devin called out, “Front angel? Is that all you got? We do that move blindfolded.”

  I ground my teeth so hard that my jaw hurt. “If I ever meet that man in a dark alley, I swear to God I’m going to tear his head off.”

  “It’s fine,” Lola said. “Let’s go for a harder move.”

  We made our way back to the lineup and sat while I considered. “How about a halo?”

  “I have to grab my feet for that one,” Lola said.

  “You’re flexible.”

  She smacked my leg. “After all the weights you’ve been making me lift I’m tight as a drum.”

  “Are not. Come on, babe. Let’s give it a try.”

  The next wave came through, but Devin and Kristin were in the priority position. Devin paddled effortlessly into the wave. Kristin stood up, and he picked her up by the waist and hoisted her into a perfect halo. Kristin easily grabbed her ankles like she was a goddamn yoga teacher.

  I sucked in my breath. “Damn. They pulled it off.”

  Lola patted my thigh. “We’ll do better. She rubbed her wetsuit-clad legs. “I’m feeling better every second. Especially when I think about that hundred grand.”

  The next wave curled toward us. I drew a breath. “Let’s do it.”

  We paddled like mad, and the wave picked us up. We stood up, and I placed my hands around Lola’s waist. “Up you go.” Her breath strained as she got into position. The halo required her to grab her ankles, only Lola was having a heck of a time reaching. Her hands almost made contact, then slipped.

  “I … I can’t,” Lola said.

  She really did almost have it. Just another inch or so. “Almost got it,” I said as I allowed myself a peek upward. The sun hit my eyes—a kaleidoscope of colors searing my vision—and I lost my balance. “Oh, fuck. Hang on, babe.”

  Everything went cattywampus as the tandem board went one way and Lola and I plunged into the ocean. I held my breath as the seawater gurgled and spat around me. Finally, I broke the surface and heard Lola laughing.

  “Dar com os burros n'água!” She scrambled toward the board. “Let’s try it again.” I didn’t understand half of Lola’s Brazilian expressions, but this seemed like a good thing.

  A look of determination filled her eyes and thank God my sweet Brazilian wife wasn’t mad at me. “Sorry, Lola.”

  She straddled the board, and I clambered behind her. “No biggie,” she said. “We’ll pull it off in the contest.”

  Devin and Kristin paddled close enough to us that I could smell his expensive, coconut-scented sunscreen. “Nice move! If that’s what you’ve got for the contest, may as well pack it in right now.”

  My breathing came fast. “You’re nothing but a …”

  Lola gripped my arm. “Cool it, Justice.”

  I folded my arms tightly across my chest. I gave Devin a smile that would’ve blinded the sun. “Lola and I will not be packing it in. We’ve got a honeymoon to enjoy.”

  “That’s right,” Devin said. “Enjoy your extravagant honeymoon. Get used to the feel of cheap motels ‘cause that’s all you’ll ever have.”

  Kristin’s eyes grew wide. “Devin! Be nice. Can’t you see they’re trying?”

  “Trying to be as good as us. You want to win or not?”

  Kristin stammered out a reply. “Of course.”

  Devin raised his arms in the air. “Only going to be one winner and I am feeling it. Boy, am I feeling it. Come on, Kristin. Let’s catch a few more.” They paddled back out to the lineup.

  I flexed my fingers. “Let’s go for the one arm Kennedy.” I’d balance her over my head with my right arm fully extended; I couldn’t touch her with my left arm once I had her in the lift. She’d have all her weight on her pelvis. Then she’d spread her legs out in a “V”, and stretch her other arm out so she’d look like a three-pointed star above my head. It was no easy feat, but we were getting close to mastering it.

  Lola practically bounced up and down on the board in excitement. “Let’s do it.”

  The next wave broke, and we paddled like crazy until we were in the wave. But what I didn’t notice until too late was that Devin and Kristin had already dropped into the wave. They had the right of way, and we needed to back off. Only there wasn’t enough time.

  Devin let out an earsplitting wolf whistle. “Out of the way!” Their board sped up until it was even with ours. “I said, out of the fucking way!” He gained enough momentum until he was right next to us. In one second, his arm stretched out, and as they hurtled past, he pushed me hard, and Lola and I went tumbling into the watery depths. She came up coughing and sputtering.

  I swam toward Lola and grabbed her arm. “Are you okay?”

  She rubbed seawater out of her eyes. “I’m fine.”

  My nostrils flared, and I slapped the water hard. “Damn him. I’m gonna—”

  She held up a hand. “No! I know that look. Don’t even think it. Leave him alone.”

  Just when I thought Lola and I had a chance to win the contest Devin had to insert himself into my life. He wanted a battle; he’d get it. No way was I going down without a fight.

  How dare he show up here to compete against us? Couldn’t the man give us a chance? Of course he couldn’t. He was an asshole through and through. “I am going to kill that motherfucker.”

  I swam hard for our board, my body energized by the rage that boiled through my blood. I dove underwater and made for Devin’s location. When I broke the surface I saw Lola clambering onto our board. “Be careful!” I called back to her. Devin had messed with me one too many times. Not my fault and not my family’s fault if his dad was a creepy drug dealer. No way was he taking the shop.

  My arms burned with intensity until I finally caught up with Devin and Kristin. “Hey, asshole. Ever hear of surfer’s etiquette? Or did they not teach you that in Stanford fucking charm school?”

  Devin’s eyes were slits. “You want a fight loser boy? I’ll take you on.”

  “Yeah? You and what army? Oh, that’s right. You hire your army and take them everywhere you go.”

  “What’s it to you?”

  Lola shouted from where I’d left her. “Justice, leave it be!”

  I wanted to shove him into the water. “You could’ve hurt my wife. What if the board hit Lola?”

  His eyes raked up and down Lola’s body. “She looks fine to me.”

  Do not look at her that way! “Out of the water, pussy boy. I’ll show you wave etiquette.” I looked over my shoulder as I swam for the shore. “You coming, or not?”

  Lola paddled after me. “Justice, stop!” But I had already made it to shore, the sand on my feet, and she hauled the board onto the beach after me.

  I lowered my wetsuit, ready for a fight. Lola ran to my side, her wet hair swinging around her body. “Are you really—”

  I held up a warning hand. “He’s not getting away with his jerk-off moves anymore.”

  Anger and adrenaline surged through my body as I thought of all the times Devin had tried to intimidate me. Never again.

  Lola hurled her body at me and threw her arms around me. “Stop. You’ll ruin everything. Don’t give him the satisfaction.”

  The feel of her arms around me caused me to falter. But just for a second. I looked into her big brown eyes. “He could’ve hurt you.”

  Her hands ran up and down her body. “Do I look hurt?”

  Devin and Kristin emerged from the ocean. Devin smacked his board down on the sand and took long strides toward us. “You want a fight, Hamilton? I’ll give you a fight.”

  Kristin tagged after Devin, pulling on his arm. “Don’t be a jerk. We can’t afford the bad publicity.”

  He shrugged her away. “I’ve got attorneys for all that. Fists up, Justice.”

  Lola squeezed me hard, and the scent of her shampoo mixed with seawater made me stop. I owed Lola this win. I needed to conduct myself like a gentleman no matter how fired up I felt. I relaxed slightly in h
er grip and let out a long exhale. “Aww, screw it. Come on, Lola. Let’s get out of here. This beach suddenly smells of rotten eggs.”

  We strode to the van to the sounds of Devin yelling. “Go ahead and run away. I’ll catch up to you.” He cupped his hands around his mouth. “Sooner than you think.”

  I shot him the middle finger and cursed under my breath. “Fuck off, loser.”

  * * *

  I slammed the door of the van while Lola settled in the passenger seat. My breath came in long ragged pulls, and I punched the steering wheel. “Damn him.”

  Lola placed a hand on my shoulder. “Justice. Look at me.”

  My head slowly turned until I was looking into her eyes. “We’re going to win. And when we do, he’s going to head back home with his tail between his legs.” She leaned forward. “And then you’ll rebuild your uncle’s business and everything … everything …” She stopped speaking and looked out the window.

  I rubbed Lola’s back. “You’re right. Everything will work out.” I blew out a breath. “We are gonna kick them from here to next year.”

  She gave me a tentative smile and picked up her phone. Her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh! Charlene from Mystic Seaweed called.”

  She hurriedly hit the voicemail icon and played the message on speakerphone. We leaned in.

  “Hey Lola, it’s Charlene.” Her voice affected a shrill girlish tone. “Great news! Are you ready for this? You’ve got yourself a purchase order for ten grand.”

  Lola’s face flushed pink as her eyes grew wide and she gave me a high-five. “Oh, my … ohmygod!”

  I suddenly felt ultra-awake, rejuvenated. The drama with Devin faded in the background as Charlene’s voice continued. “It’s a purchase order for a trial run with no guarantees, but you got yourself a sale for ten grand. Everyone loves your stuff. All of it. They especially love the one with the kitty cat. You. Are. Brilliant. Call me back!”

  Lola clenched her fists, squeezed her eyes shut and squealed. “They love me!” She bounced around in her seat, and her voice sang. “They love me, they love me, they love me!” She pumped her fist twice. “Yes!”

  I let out a whoop. “You’re rich!”

  She laughed. “Not exactly a millionaire yet but it’s a start.” She gave me a quick hug, and I pulled her into me, breathing in her scent. My breath caught, my voice husky with emotion. “Congratulations, babe.”

  She pulled away and grinned. “I’ve got plans for that money.” She held up her phone. “I gotta call Charlene.”

  She hit Charlene’s number and what followed was an excited conversation about the designs and the money.

  I placed my hand on Lola’s thigh as she spoke and marveled at my Brazilian princess.

  I loved Lola.

  Every time I gazed into her eyes I fell into an ocean of mesmerizing lust, passion, and friendship. How had I survived all these years without her? She was creative, playful and sexy.

  During our years apart, Lola had created an entire life for herself. If she’d have me, I wanted to be by her side helping her with her business, making dinner with her, surfing with her, and hauling her into our bed every night so I could sink my hard cock inside her deliciously tight pussy and fill her with my seed.

  When she hung up the phone, I gave her a big hug. “I knew they’d love you, baby.” I winked. “This calls for a celebration. Maybe we can get another Velveeta cheese plate and red wine.” I put out my fist, and we did a celebratory fist bump. “Like I said, tide’s turning. This is the first of many wins. Congrats, sweetheart.”

  She threw her arms around me. “Oh, Justice. I love … I mean I love your …” She sat back and gave me a megawatt smile. “I love your surfing.”

  Had Lola nearly said she loved me?

  We grinned at each other.

  “Come on, babe,” I said. “Let’s go to a different beach.” I checked my watch. “Nice long day ahead of us to train our butts off.” But what I couldn’t wait for was our next motel. I winked at my bride. “After that, I’ve got another threshold to carry you over.”



  After a killer day of tandem surfing, we pulled into our next stop in Salinas.

  Lola took her feet off the dashboard and leaned forward, checking out the adorable bed and breakfast overlooking the sea. It was a special place I’d picked for one of our stops on the trip. “Second Reef Resort. I like it.”

  We both took in the majestic, castle-like resort.

  “Are you sure you can afford this?” Lola said.

  I pointed to myself. “You, my dear, are married to a class act. Yes, I can afford it.” I swung the van into the large parking lot. “Only the best for Mrs. Hamilton.”

  We stepped into the cozy reception area where a crackling fire burned in a rock fireplace. As was the custom in most of these Northern California inns, happy hour was in full swing, complete with a boatload of killer wines from one of the many local vineyards. Lola’s eyes grew wide as she held my hand and dragged me to the buffet. “Whoa. Check out all this cool stuff. Gouda cheese, brie, pumpernickel, rye, strawberries.” She clapped her hands together. “Even chocolate.”

  “Beats the Velveeta cheese I had planned.”

  “I’m getting one of everything,” she said.

  “You do that while I check us in.” I didn’t say it, but my hunger was for A-game hot sex with my bride.

  I glanced over my shoulder with a smile at Lola. She looked like the proverbial kid in a candy store, gathering up platefuls of food and fine wine.

  After I’d checked us in and Lola had gathered her feast, we passed through the parking lot on the way to our room. “You gotta be fucking kidding me,” I said as I caught sight of Devin’s caravan.

  Lola sucked in her breath. “What’re they doing here?”

  At that moment, Kristin stuck her head out the window, and gestured toward Lola with a gentle wave of her hand, mouthing, “Sorry.”

  “Are they seriously planning on camping out here?” I said.

  Lola sighed. “I did see a sign by the front desk about campers being welcome.” She shrugged. “Guess we can’t stop them.”

  “Just as long as he stays on his side of the parking lot.”

  We made our way to the room, and when I opened the door, Lola let out a gasp. Our suite was the ultimate lover’s paradise. A fireplace sat in one corner, and a large window opened to the expanse of the sun setting over the Pacific ocean. “It’s gorgeous!” she said.

  We set down our things, and I patted the feather bed. “Why don’t you come here and let your husband take away all the stress of the day?” I grinned. “Maybe I’ll even let you suck my huge cock.”

  She threw a pillow at me. “Shut up and watch the sunset with me. Then we can talk about what you’re going to do to me.”

  I smiled and nearly pinched myself because I couldn’t believe I was here with Lola.

  Lola and me.


  I don’t think I’d ever felt happier. “Come here, babe.”

  We lay down on the comfy bed, and Lola let out a dreamy sigh. “This is sheer heaven.” She smoothed her hands over the fine linens. “Feel this. Where’d they get these sheets?”

  I placed my arms around her curvy body and took a deep breath as we spooned, my hard-on digging into her soft ass. “You smell so pretty. Just like sunrises and sunsets.” I loved Lola. I wanted to be with her and be her husband for real. But I knew I had no right to force myself into her life. I had left her and never looked back. We both knew the only reason I had returned was because of Uncle Seth’s terrible demise.

  Almost like she was reading my mind, she said, “Where’ve you been living all these years?”

  “A little town outside San Luis Obispo.”

  “What, in a trailer or something?”

  I tugged a strand of her hair. “No. I have a perfectly respectable apartment.”

  “How’d you advertise your business?”

��The motorcycle community’s almost as small as the surfing community. Everybody knows each other.” I thought of my custom Triumph that Uncle Seth and I had worked on together and smiled. He had even helped me install a rack for my surfboard. That’s all I’d needed. My bike, my board, my clients, and a hot babe in my bed every Saturday night.

  That was before.

  Before Lola and I reunited.

  We’d been married less than a week, but already I couldn’t imagine my life without her. It was almost like I’d been in a dream for six years and now I was awake. The dream had been a good one, but now that I was back, it was like waking up in the land of Oz. Everything felt magical, and the world glowed in Technicolor.

  Loving Lola felt right.

  It felt like the stars had lined up again. Like I was floating through the days with an airy step. Like I could surf all day, fix motorcycles all night and make love to my sexy sweet, lovable Brazilian babe in between every menial task I’d planned in a day.

  I wanted to roam my hands all over her body and hear her breathe my name in her sleep. I wanted to wrap myself around her softness in this roomy bed and never let go.

  I wanted us to wake up every morning gazing into each other’s eyes and fall asleep the same way after I’d fucked her brains out and left her limp.

  I wanted to claim Lola as mine.

  Lola was mine.

  From the time we’d met at age twelve, I knew Lola was the love of my life. It was as though all those corny romantic movies my mom always watched where the man grabbed the woman’s head and kissed her hard dipping her into a passionate embrace suddenly made sense.

  But I couldn’t tell her any of those things. Not yet.

  Her voice was small. “Will you go back there after the contest?”

  I stroked her hair. I wanted to ask her to marry me for real right then, but I didn’t want to freak her out. We had too much to concentrate on with the contest. Besides, how would she react? “The shop’s mine now.” I let out a heavy sigh. “All fifty grand worth of debt. And I owe something to Papaw. He hasn’t exactly said as much, but I get the feeling he depended on the income from the shop for his retirement.”


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