THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 2

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THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 2 Page 10

by Charlie Cochet

  “Yes,” Sloane replied grimly. “I trust you to have my back.”

  “Then why can’t you let me have your back outside of work? Do you know how that makes me feel?”

  Dex deflated, his eyes growing glassy. It broke Sloane’s heart.

  “Every day at work, I have to deal with the fact that I’ll never be as strong as my Therian teammates. I have to train harder, push myself as much as I can so I don’t let you or anyone down, but I understand, because that’s the nature of the job. I’m up against Therian perps who can kill me with one swipe of their paw.” He sighed. “What I’m not prepared to deal with is my own boyfriend believing I’m not enough.”

  “Dex, I….”

  Dex shook his head and turned to go upstairs. Sloane quickly caught up to him, taking hold of his arm.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that’s how I was making you feel.”

  Dex nodded, but he didn’t look Sloane in the eye. His voice was quiet when he spoke.

  “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Sloane said.

  “I just need some time alone. Okay?”

  Sloane swallowed hard and released him. “Okay.” He didn’t want to let Dex go, but if it was what his partner needed, so be it. He watched Dex go upstairs. They’d had arguments before, fought, shouted, but they never walked away from each other angry. Sloane didn’t like it. He’d really fucked up this time. What he had believed to be merely a biological fact, Dex had taken as a personal fault.

  While Dex showered, Sloane sat on the couch thinking of all the times he’d stopped Dex from doing something because he was Human. In his mind, he’d been protecting someone he cared about, and then later someone he loved. In Dex’s mind, Sloane had been saying he wasn’t strong enough.

  “Fuck.” Sloane ran a hand through his hair. He had to do better. Dex was the best thing to ever happen to him. He couldn’t fuck this up any more than he had.

  Once Dex finished with the shower, Sloane took his turn. He hated the silence in the house. Dex’s house was never silent. There was music, laughter, joy. It was one of the things Sloane loved about the place. It was always filled with love and happiness. Sloane would be damned if he let that change.

  After he’d showered and changed into a T-shirt and pajama bottoms, he left Dex curled up in bed and went downstairs. He made Star Wars shaped chocolate chip cookies using Dex’s favorite cookie cutters. Then he poured a glass of milk and arranged everything on the Death Star shaped tray. He wrote a small note and folded it up next to the cookies. Upstairs, he left it on the nightstand and came back downstairs. He went to the linen closet, pulled out a pillow and blanket before heading down to the couch. Good thing it was long enough for him.

  Having no luck sleeping, he kept the TV on, grateful for the CSI marathon. Around two in the morning, while Sloane deduced who this episode’s perp was, Dex appeared beside the couch in his black boxer briefs, Classic Nintendo T-shirt, and orange socks. He folded his arms over his chest and fidgeted, but he didn’t say anything.

  Sloane lifted his blanket, and Dex hesitated for a second before joining Sloane on the couch.

  “Did you mean it?” Dex asked, allowing Sloane to pull him in close.

  “Every word.” His note had been brief, but he’d meant it. Dex was the most precious gift he could have received in his life, and he’d never do anything to screw it up on purpose. “I love you, and at times I’m so scared that this is all going to go away that I let my fears take over. I’m sorry I made you feel like you weren’t enough. We are equal, and I’m going to do my best to prove it to you every day.”

  Dex nodded, a small smile coming onto his handsome face. “Thank you for the cookies.”

  “Don’t suppose you left me any?”

  Dex let out a snort. “Are you kidding? They were my bribe. I ate them all.”

  “I wasn’t trying to bribe you,” Sloane began when Dex arched an eyebrow at him. “Okay, maybe a little. I wanted to do something nice for you.”

  “And they were delicious.”

  Sloane eyed him. “All of them. Really?”

  Dex gave his cheek a kiss. “Of course I left you some. They’re on the counter.”

  “Aw, thank you.” Sloane couldn’t help but beam at him.

  “I’m magnanimous that way,” Dex teased.

  “You are. Very magnanimous.” He kissed Dex, reveling in the taste of him, in his warmth and love. “I love you so much.”

  Dex gave him a cheeky grin and donned his best Han Solo impression. “I know.”

  Prompt #37: I’d love to see a team poker night that somehow turns into truth or dare.

  “OKAY, I’M done.” Dex threw his cards on the table, his glare on Hobbs. “I’m tired of losing my money to this cardsharp.” He knew when he was beat. “If I play any longer, I’m going to lose the shirt off my back.”

  “You’re thinking of a different type of poker,” Sloane teased, giving Dex a kiss.

  Commandeering the second floor of Dekatria before it opened for a game of poker with the team seemed like a good idea at the time. Bradley never minded and had started using them as guinea pigs for ideas on new drink concoctions and menu items, neither of which Dex had any complaints about. Dex narrowed his eyes at his innocent-looking friend.

  “You’re despicable.”

  Hobbs let out a mock gasp. He pointed to himself.

  “Yes, you.” Dex leaned toward him. “You took us for a ride.”

  Hobbs smiled broadly before picking up a dollar and tucking it into Dex’s breast pocket. He gave it a little pat before blowing Dex a kiss. The table burst into laughter, and Dex tried his best not to join in, but it was hard. Being mad at Hobbs was like being mad at a puppy. A giant puppy that was actually a tiger.

  “Let’s play something else,” Dex said.

  “Okay. What do you have in mind?”

  Sloane eyed him warily. His boyfriend knew him too well by now.

  Dex grinned wickedly. “Truth or Dare.”

  “Nope.” Ash shook his head as he sat back in the booth and wrapped an arm around Cael’s shoulders. “Not happening.”

  “What’s the matter?” Rosa teased. “Scared?”

  Ash looked unimpressed. “And here I was under the impression we were mature adults and not twelve-year-olds. How wrong I was.”

  “Scaredy-cat,” Dex chimed in.

  “Except for the man-child of course. How could I forget about him?”

  “I’m in,” Cael said with a smile. “I think it’ll be fun.”

  Everyone turned their attention back to Ash.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Did I not enunciate the first time? N. O.”

  “Come on,” Dex whined. “Don’t be such a party pooper poopy pants.”

  Ash frowned at Sloane. “Are you proud of yourself? That’s your boyfriend. You chose to be in a relationship with him.”

  “I am proud, actually.” Sloane pulled Dex up against him and kissed his cheek, ignoring Ash’s noise of disgust.

  “I don’t even know who you are anymore.”

  “Ass hat.” Sloane laughed and chucked a pretzel at him.

  Ash caught it and popped it into his mouth before throwing a retaliatory cheese cube at Sloane. Dex’s talented boyfriend caught it with his mouth, wriggling his brows as he chewed. This was promptly followed by both apex predators tossing bar snacks into each other’s mouths. In a very adultlike fashion, obviously.

  Dex subtly kicked Cael under the table and motioned to Ash. If anyone could convince Ash to play, it was Cael. Then Dex would crush him and take great pride in his victory. Cael smiled up at Ash, his dimple showing. That’s right; lure him in.

  “Aw, come on. It could be fun,” Cael said with a shrug.

  Ash was faltering. Dex could see it in his face. Come on, bro, use the pout. No one could resist the Daley-Maddock pout. Ash opened his mouth, and Cael jutted out his bottom lip. That’s it. Three… two… one.

  “Fine,” A
sh grumbled.

  Yes. Dex winked at Cael before rubbing his hands together gleefully. “Who’s the first victim—I mean player?”

  Ash pointed at Dex. “Since it was your bright idea.”

  “All right. I’ll take one for the team. Who’s asking?”

  Rosa threw her arm up. “I am!”

  “Okay.” Awesome. They were off to a good start.

  Ash leaned into Cael. “I bet your brother wusses out.”

  “I fear nothing!” Dex proclaimed. He slid out of the booth and stood at the end of it. “I pick Dare.”

  Rosa pretended to give it some thought, but Dex was pretty sure she already knew what she was going to ask. He had to admit, he was a teeny bit scared. Rosa wouldn’t do him wrong. Would she?

  “I dare you to kiss Ash. Openmouthed. Tongues touching.”

  Dex’s horrified gasp echoed Ash’s. His hand went to his chest. “How could you do me like this, Rosa? I thought we were compadres?”

  Rosa smiled wickedly before she curled her lip up at Ash. “It’s nothing personal, Dex. Not against you, anyway.”

  She was using him. How evil. And genius. Still, it was going to be a snowy day in the bowels of Lucifer Land before he kissed Ash. He was pretty sure just a peck on the cheek would shrivel up his lightsaber for the foreseeable future.

  Ash threw his hands up. “I forfeit.”

  “There’s no forfeiting,” Calvin said, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Only shame.”

  “Like hell there isn’t. I can forfeit.” He turned desperately to Cael. “Please don’t make me kiss your brother. What if I go into anaphylactic shock? His mouth is poisonous. I break out into hives just listening to him. Imagine what it’ll do if I—” He cut himself off and shook his head. “Fuck this. Nope.”

  Rosa grinned smugly. “Well, look who’s wussing out over a little kiss.” She turned to Letty for a high five. “Told you he’d punk out.”

  Letty went to high-five her when Ash caught her hand. “Hold on.”

  Oh my God, was Ash actually considering it? Up until now Dex had remained quiet, knowing Ash would give in. All he had to do was bide his time. Then Dex could play up Ash’s defeat. He got on his knees beside Sloane and took hold of his hand.

  “Do something.”

  Sloane blinked at him. “Like what? You wanted to play.”

  “Babe. Darling. Light of my loins. You can’t allow this. You’re Team Leader.”

  “There’s no ranks in Truth or Dare,” Rosa said. “So are you two tough guys gonna do this or what? Because if not, stand aside so some real agents can play this game.”

  “Screw you, Rosa.” Ash motioned for Cael to get out of the booth. Everyone gaped at him.

  “You’re going to do it?” Cael asked, stunned.

  “I’m not wussing out on this.” Ash stood and faced Dex. “Now’s your chance to back out, Daley.”

  Hold on. What was this now? Dex stood and turned slightly away from the table as Ash stepped up beside him, talking quietly. “You need to back out of this.”

  “What? So you can gloat over my punking out? No way.”

  “Come on, man.”

  “No way, Keeler. You better pucker up because I’m not backing down.” The nerve of the guy! Like he would give Ash the satisfaction. He knew Ash too well. If Dex backed out, Ash would hold it over his head, and Dex would never hear the end of it. He balled his fists at his sides and faced Ash.

  “Do it.”

  Ash narrowed his eyes. “No, you do it.” He looked at Sloane. “Aren’t you supposed to be defending your boyfriend’s honor or some shit? Getting jealous?”

  “Why?” Sloane asked, looking amused. “You gonna try to steal my boyfriend?”

  “Fuck you.” Ash pointed to Calvin. “And fuck you.” He moved on to Letty. “You too.” Finally he got to Rosa. “And an especially fucktastic fuck you to you.”

  “You’re stalling,” Rosa replied sweetly.

  Ash’s nostrils flared, and he turned back to Dex. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Okay. How are we going to do this?” Dex asked, taking a step closer to Ash. Was he really going to go through with this to save his pride?

  “How the fuck should I know?”

  “You’re the fearless lion Therian, aren’t you? King of the jungle and all that. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and—” Dex’s words were cut off by Ash’s mouth on his. Oh God. He tasted of beer and… and Ash! Dex shut his eyes tight and opened his mouth. The moment he felt Ash’s tongue inside he tried to pull away, but Ash held him there. The kiss seemed to go on for fucking ever before Rosa gave them the okay.

  “Oh God, it burns!”

  Dex snatched up two drinks from the table as Ash swiped up his beer and gargled before spitting into an empty glass. Oh my God, he’d kissed that. Dex downed two full bottles of beer, stopping long enough to burp before grabbing another drink.

  Sloane shook his head at them. “Wow. You two are quite the catch.”

  “Oh yeah?” Dex took a shot of one of Bradley’s foggy “specials,” welcoming the burn down his throat. He wheezed before leaning into Sloane. “Well, when you kiss me, it’ll be like you’re kissing Ash.”

  “That’s not funny,” Sloane said with a frown.

  “No, it’s not. It’s not funny at all. I’m emotionally compromised.” Dex slid into the booth and brought his feet up. He curled up against Sloane. “Hold me.”

  Sloane held him close and petted his head. “There, there.”

  “Tell me you love me.”

  “I love you,” Sloane murmured before planting a kiss on his head.

  “Tell me you’ll never speak of this to anyone.”

  “I’ll never speak of this to anyone,” Sloane promised.

  Ash shifted his glare from one person to the next. “If anyone so much as hints to what’s happened here today, I swear on my fuzzy sacs I will beat the shit out of you until you can’t even remember your own name.” He turned and buried his face against Cael’s shoulder, his words muffled. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” Cael purred, patting Ash’s back. “You were very brave.”

  “Thank you.” He pulled back. “I did it for you, you know.”

  Cael’s eyes lit up, and he all but melted against Ash. “Aw, you put yourself through that terrible ordeal for me?”

  Dex lifted his head and arched an eyebrow at Cael. “Thanks, bro.”

  “Shut up, Daley.” Ash’s scowl turned into a smile for Cael. “I wanted to show you that no matter what horrors I’m facing, I’ll always come through for you.”

  “Seriously? It was just a kiss.” Dex breathed into his hand. “I have very pleasant breath.” Dex turned to Sloane. “I’m a good kisser, right?”

  Sloane kissed the tip of Dex’s nose. “The best.”

  “Ha! In your face, Keeler.”

  Rosa tapped her beer bottle against Letty’s, a big smile on her face. “You were right. Poker was fun.”

  Prompt #38: I haven’t read the previous suggestions, but in case nobody recommended… I SO wish to see Austen spying… :-)))

  HE WAS bored.

  There was nothing worse than hanging around waiting for orders. Austen needed to be kept busy. He needed the thrill of the chase, the excitement of a new mission. Well, there was only one thing to do about it.

  With exceptional care, he removed his gloves and entry kit from his backpack. In seconds he had the back door to the Johnsons’ unlocked. The family was visiting relatives up in Maine, leaving the house empty for the next three weeks. Austen cleaned his sneakers on the mat so no one could say he didn’t have manners and closed the door behind him. He sauntered through the house and stopped in the kitchen. The fridge was nicely stocked. Thanks, Mr. Johnson.

  He grabbed himself a beer and a bag of Cheesy Doodles from the pantry and headed upstairs to the master bedroom. One side of the curtain was drawn, but no one would spot him. They never did. He dragged the armchair over to the wi
ndow and settled down before removing his thermal imaging binoculars from his backpack. With a grin, he popped off the cap to his beer and opened up his bag of doodles. Time to tune in to his favorite show.

  “Let’s see who makes the first move.” Austen popped a Cheesy Doodle into his mouth as he watched Dex clearing up the dishes. He knew how this was going to go. The two were worse than rabbits. The only time they weren’t doing it was when they were eating or sleeping. Both were often interrupted by sexy times. Austen had quickly picked up their pattern, and it was entertaining as hell.

  Sloane liked to catch Dex by surprise when he was in the middle of doing something. In true jaguar Therian form, he’d stalk his partner, wait for the right opportunity, and then pounce—usually from behind. It scared the hell out of Dex each and every time. Sloane would laugh, Dex would pout, and then Sloane would make it all better. Dex was a little less subtle. If Sloane was still for too long, Dex would make his move. He was also an exhibitionist, which Sloane really liked.

  “Never knew you had it in you, Broodie Bear.”

  Dex stood at the sink washing dishes, and Sloane was nowhere to be found.

  “Where are you?”

  Austen scanned the house. Dex was in his own little world, wiggling his butt to what was no doubt some ’80s pop tune, which meant Sloane was somewhere close by. It’s like the guy could sense his partner had his back turned.

  Hm. Not in the basement, laundry room, bedroom, bathroom, or…. “There you are.”

  Austen grinned. Sloane was coming down the stairs. He stopped a moment to observe his partner before sneaking down. The guy was actually sneaking.

  “He has no clue. Look at the poor bastard. Just dancing away, minding his own business, when—wham! There’s the scream.” Austen couldn’t help but laugh. Poor guy jumped like three feet in the air. He spun around with a frying pan in his hand and waved it menacingly at Sloane, who put his hands up in surrender, most likely apologizing. “Yeah, maybe if you stopped laughing your boyfriend might actually believe you mean it, you big dork.”

  Now came the fun part. Sloane took the frying pan from Dex’s hand and put it on the counter behind Dex before drawing him in close. He was murmuring something, and Dex was pouting. Now came the kisses, and just as Austen expected, Dex melted against Sloane.


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